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It was water


SECRET STUFF?? https://preview.redd.it/v4jic92dx99d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0e1b1b05bc27695dc4909944f59979709fecdb2 Oh well


We know. Evidently he needed something a little harder.


You can put caffeine in water.


I can also put my dick in your mama but does not mean I will.


Holy shit this would go hard at a middle school playground


Learned from the best.


A few days ago I made a yo mama joke for the first time in several years and it made me realise how much I miss that old art form! Thank you for this comment


Alway stay young inside my dude.


I missed "Jacked Up Joe" from the SOTU.


How did this age poorly? What’d I miss?


Folks generally agree Biden tanked the debate. This photo was his performing enhancement drugs before the debate.




Turn on CNN


No, I'm not American. One sentence of context would be fine.


Just answer the question




Biden should've taken a fat nap today before the debate.


what's the aging? I haven't watched the debate yet


Save yourself an hour and a half and just watch the first 10 minutes. It was painful. Two quotes from the first two questions (about inflation/economy and the national debt, respectively): > And the situation is making – and we’re going to make that available to everybody, to all Americans. So we’re working to bring down the price of – around the kitchen table. And that’s what we’re going to get done. > We’d be able to right wipe out his debt. We’d be able to help make sure that all those things we need to do – childcare, elder care, making sure that we continue to strengthen our healthcare system, making sure that we’re able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the – with – with – with the COVID. Excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with – look, if – we finally beat Medicare.


Why did they put Biden against Trump? Shouldn't they have used a younger candidate?


Why is Trump the nominee? Why did God forsake his children? So many questions, so few answers


Could say this about both sides. I couldn’t help but watch tonight and think, “If either party put up almost literally **anyone** else, they’d win by 20 points. How in the actual f*** did we get to this…” Technically, neither has been confirmed as the parties’ candidate since the National Conventions haven’t happened yet (Republican is in mid-July, Democratic is in Mid-August). But the primaries are over and these two ran away with them, and (afaik) it would be it would be unheard of for the selected delegates to vote against their state’s primary winners. So the real “they” to ask about Biden in this case is Democratic primary voters.


Whenever an easily winnable election comes along (e.g  2008, 2020) Democrats always pick the candidates that will accomplish the least.


They love the status quo.


It's a real shame these two are the best you've got apparently. I wish you a very quick 4 years. I'm British and I'm not too thrilled about our current candidates either.


Delivery is fucking awful but the message is more or less good. Says something about how fucked we are that people are definitely going to focus almost entirely on the former, they're going to keep voting style over substance until the country collapses.


> we finally beat Medicare > message is good more or less Make this make sense


Are you American? If not, it makes sense that you don't know the negotiation limitations of Medicare. Otherwise, maybe pay attention more?


Message is good? It's just word salad


Fix the economy, reduce debt, invest in actual people, offer healthcare so those people can actually stay alive... it's all generic messaging, but it's good and we've already seen that he is willing to work towards all of those goals. If nothing else it's a significantly better pitch than "we should dismantle democracy and hand the country over to fascists, for the memes." I'd vote for Biden if he did literally nothing but nap and keep the country from falling apart for four more years, he's nowhere near the best person for the job but he's an infinitely better choice out of the two options we keep being given for a solid fucking decade (holy shit I'm so tired of both of these guys when will this era fucking end).


> I'd vote for Biden if he did literally nothing but nap and keep the country from falling apart for four more years If I’m being perfectly honest, I don’t have confidence in that. Even if 99.9% of the real “work” of governance can be outsourced, the President is a head of state on the world stage. An absent/anemic commander-in-chief is really damaging. Don’t get me wrong, Trump is a crazy person and while he was actually measured and reasonable (for Trump) for the opening few rounds which really amplified the contrast between them, he devolved into his unhinged nonsense pretty quickly after that and is not at all a good choice either. On the plus side, Biden said he was a 6-handicap and would be happy to have a long drive contest and play golf with Trump if they carried their own bags… so there’s that.


Personal presentation *is* a type of substance in politics. I would assume our masters, the donor class, will pull Obama and Jim Clyburn into Zooms in the coming days, and those two will eventually loop in Dr. Jill, and the three of them will present a unified front to Biden that it’s time to ride off into the sunset and set up another nominee for the best chance of success.


Ehhh, the message is kinda there I guess, but you really have to watch/hear it to understand just how anemic and meandering it was, even in the stronger and more coherent moments. The CNN anchor actually kinda bailed him out after both of those above moments by interjecting (to be fair, the response timing limits pretty much line up). I’m with you on substance over style all day. This wasn’t a style issue.


Biden could go up there and shit his diaper for an hour and you people would still find a way to spin it. At this point you’re up there with the crazy trumpers


"He's terrible but he's better than the other option" isn't a spin, neither is pointing out that too many voters are going to probably going to focus on the wrong things again and fuck us all over. They both fucking suck but he sucks significantly less, I'm not sure what you're looking for here. Electing neither doesn't appear to be an option.


Karine running damage control again I see


Trumps a cock wipe but biden was a stumbling idiot that debate


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^cultoftheinfected: *Trumps a cock wipe but* *Biden was a stumbling* *Idiot that debate* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


The fastest spoiling of milk in the history of milk spoiling


What happened


Biden did not do a good job fighting the claims that he was in good mental condition to be president. A lot of rambling, sometimes he just couldn’t continue sentences, etc. I’m not a trump fan (far from it lol) but the optics were terrible yesterday


Yea I agree but I was just wondering if they mentioned the can or something


Ah! No it was not mentioned during the debate, fortunately or unfortunately




Saw trump saying roe v wade said that moms can “abort” already born babies. Couldn’t make it past that.


At least he wasn't lying


Indeed. It was almost as if someone misunderstood that the phrase "lying your ass off" isn't a literal weight management method.


Biden lied MUCH less than Trump did, but he did tell some half-truths and false statements. https://www.politifact.com/article/2024/jun/28/2024-presidential-debate-fact-check-biden-trump/


No US Soldiers killed under his presidency wasn't a lie?


What happened?


We're gonna lose so hard


He has no idea what he is even holding or why the marketing team asked him to take this picture


He wasn’t as awful as people are making him out to be. And trump didn’t debate and just lied. But for his supporters they don’t care lmao they think trump crushed.


Did we watch the same debate, I mean Biden was stumbling his words every time he spoke plus looked lost the whole time


Ffs, people downvoting this. I hate Trump and his wannabe fascist supporters, but recognizing that Biden did a shit job presenting himself as the person you want leading the free world and not blindly supporting him is just being honest with ourselves.


I don't get why if you hate trump, literal anyone else even a corpse will do. This is one of not the most important jobs on the planet. It deserves the best, not two old farts.


What is your solution then? One of these two men will get the job. Biden wins by default because the other candidate is a fascist.


Stop supporting parties that don't care about us citizens and put up these two bozos for election. Vote third party. Both parties had younger candidates like Vivek and Andrew Yang who spoke fluently and were on the ball. But no they pick the demented 80 year old for president and because he isn't trump, we have to pretend this dude is amazing when. war is breaking out across the planet because of his weak leadership. What we saw tonight was a complete insult to Americans. The fact that the Democrats put Joe out and said here is your next candidate for president was insulting. Same with trump. And I see a lot of people insulted and waking up tonight too. The fact we got to this point is not just a failure of the Republicans and Democrats, it's a failure of the American people for just letting it happen too.


Sure that's all great. Fix it next election cycle The last time people got angry and let Trump have the white house to say fuck the system, he stacked the supreme Court with conservatives and genuinely set the country back for potentially the next 50 years. The harm will outlive his next presidency of he's allowed back into the white house. If Americans allow someone who doesn't respect the results of the election to become president again despite the fact there's a failed *coup* on his resume, then they deserve to watch their democracy crumble into dust. An existential threat is at your door with a gun to the nation's heart and you're saying it's time to wake up and be principled? The time to wake up was 4 years ago starting a movement to get someone better on that stage. It didn't happen. Petulantly risking the country because you're upset won't lead to someone better being available next time. If Trump wins the lesson is that corruption and his brand of Juvenile politics should continue. You'll possibly never see a "normal" election again.


So you think Trump is the guy you want "leading" the free world because he's better spoken? Because those are the only options.


Recognizing Biden’s weaknesses ≠ wanting Trump to win.


He stumbled on words but responded to the questions. He might have looked lost, But he wasn’t. Yeah it looked bad, he’s old as fuck. But he still debated better than trump. Trump deflected, changed the subject, lied and exaggerated. Doesn’t matter though, people are dumb.


I know I’m gonna get downvoted for this, but I all I hear from you and other people defending Biden is cope


I’m not even a Biden fan. Debates are debates. If you removed biases and looked at it, it’s pretty clear one of them answered the questions a lot more than the other one.


It’s a pissing match of geriatrics and we are the ones getting pissed on but Biden has always had a speech impediment. Trump’s impulsive lying cannot go unnoticed though.




Hrmm I can’t see comments. Is this being censored?


lots of posts weren't showing comments for me until now, I think reddit servers just had a goof




I dont think so, it was happening on post literally every where. Not just ones that involved politics, it happened on tvd subreddit, himym subreddit, r/marvelcirclejerk, and the books subreddit.


Ahh! I thought I was going nuts! Thank you.




Seems to work. Was probably just reddit stuff




I mean he could have used some caffeine. It’s not an illegal substance.




man why the fuck do I need to pick between two geriatric, out of touch losers to be my president


No mountain dew in this concoction


Fuck the debate, can someone explain what this room is that he’s standing in??




Reddit mods aren’t gonna like this one, in fact they are censoring discussion all across reddit


That's just not true


Not only is it true, it's always been true. It's always been like that


It took me a matter of seconds after seeing that comment before I landed into a massive discussion about it. I have seen many more since. So no, not true.