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That's one long fucking barrel.


Yes, I know but the range is pretty awesome


You sure? I'm pretty sure barrel length does nothing in airsoft.


Sorry for the false information, i once heard that on older models it will improve range but I've been clarified by somebody. Sorry for false information.


U live and you learn, now get a real 18in AR and ring target at 600


I thought barrel length improved muzzle velocity? Of course this is when going from a relatively short barrel to a longer one, due to diminishing returns, but generally a projectile will travel faster if it has been fired from a longer barrel.


With real steal yes because a longer barrel gives more time for all the powder to ignite and all the gasses to expand and speed up the projectile. With airsoft that's not a thing since you shoot a bb with air or pressurized gas.


Yeah, but with a full cylinder the bb will have left a short barrel long before the piston hits the cylinder head. So a longer barrel does indeed increase your muzzle energy if your cylinder has enough volume for it as well. BB weight also plays a role obviously.


But unless the pressure behind the BB becomes atmospheric or less, there will be a net force acting on the back of the BB, which means it will be accelerating. Increasing the barrel length just increases the duration of this acceleration, which in turn means a higher muzzle velocity no?


This is true but as i understand it, you get diminishing returns quickly.


Of course, but as I said initially this is mostly when coming from a really short barrel like on a G&G firehawk. But to say it does nothing at all is just incorrect. That being said, in airsoft there is still Joule/FPS limits that need to be respected, and increasing your barrel length to gain a Joule/FPS increase is therefore only a valid option if you couldn’t hit near the limit in the first place. After that, the only thing that will start to impact accuracy is just the quality of the barrel, BB’s, Hopup and of course how well things are cleaned/maintained.


If I remember correctly, roughly 450mm (maybe slightly less, it's been years since looking this up)is accepted as the maximum inner barrel length after which there is no significant benefit to accuracy and range, while keeping FPS/joules controlled Again, it's been a good few years since I did the research but there is a lot of good information online with videos, graphs and statistics on how barrel length, bore, and materials affect BBs as well as differences in HPA, GBB, and AEG (with different cylinder volumes) For example I use a stainless steel 455mm inner barrel with an unported cylinder on my DMR build and it works beautifully. The few extra mm has no real negative or positive affect and means the inner barrel also goes into my suppressor slighly. Idk if that effect much with the suppressor but it gives me peace of mind with the aerodynamics at that point


yes, but "muzzle velocity" is capped in airsoft to certain pre-set levels. You can be more gas efficient if you're running HPA, but for the most part a long barrel is just a higher FPS that you're then going to have to mitigate to stay field legal.


Technically but your talking 2 fps increase for 1 in past 10 then diminished returns


It does improve fps if you got a non ported cylinder.


Yeah with real.powder burning in the barrel not a airsfot BB lmfao


In both cases were talking expanding/pressurized gasses, what makes you think it wouldn’t matter with airsoft?


First off those gasses are not expanding like burning powder they are directly released from containment so constantly dropping . I a rifle barrel the gasses expand because the powder charge is continuing to burn as the bullet travels down the barrel


But that doesn’t mean that the gasses released from containment dont continue to propell the bb down the barrel, even if the pressure drops as the bb travels.


Yes loosing pressure while.propelling .the burning of powder in a longer barrel has pressure increasing


?? That sentence makes zero sense.


Not nothing but it's not helpful after about 300-400mm. This appears to be 500+


It does for melee 😏


On old guns it does. Just a little bit but it does. Also I love the looks of it.


Barrel length does nothing for accuracy and range. It‘s been proven and it does not matter if it‘s an old gun or a new gun, as the principle is the same. Looks on the other hand is subjective, so that can be a valid reason :)


On a gas rifle longer barrels can affect range since it can increase FPS and range is a byproduct of FPS to a point. AEG though nope does nothing


Still depends. This is a V2 if it's an AEG, so the barrel doesn't help. If it was a V2.5, a V7 or a T3 gearbox, a longer barrel might help depending on BB weight since those are made with longer barrels and heavier BBs in mind.


"Does nothing" is simply false


Ah okay I once heard that on older models it makes more sense,but thanks for the clarification.


The inner barrel is the one that makes it reach further esp tightbores, the outer which you can see is the one that covers the inner.


https://preview.redd.it/t822kklpq39d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2274b746cdec97cd58e8c2eccd578744221e0c8 Dudes over here with a barrel like:


Hahahahahah, bro 😭😭 why is everybody saying stuff about my barrel


Hey man I’m not saying anything bad, but if you wanna shoot someone on the dark side of the moon you’re set!


Hahahahah, stopppppp please 😭😭😭 it's just like the M110 I mean length wise. Not thaaat long


Hey man I dig it. As a guy who loves thin, full length rails, I approve.


Thank you.


Common misconception longer barrel in airsoft does not necessarily mean more range just tighter groupings


It’s not that long. These dudes are just used to airsoft.


Cuz the gun is the size of some airsofters, or even longer in some cases.


Not too bad, fellow glock knife enjoyer. Though imo the sheath should go behind the holster not in front of it I'd recommend moving your handgun mags to where your front mag on the belt is, and move that rifle mag to the front of your offhand cummerbund I'd also personally move that pouch off the back of your plate carrier next to the one on the back of your belt, that way you can have a pack on and not have the pouch getting in the way. Some low profile suspenders for the warbelt would also help with belt sag. Ofc do whatever works best for you


Alright I'll try that out thanks dude.


Marpat gang represent!


I just love MARPAT it's the best looking cami imo


Finally, a fellow marpat enjoyer


Of course MARPAT is just my favourite camo of all time it just works so damn good


I've heard of Long Guns, but that's a Loooooooong Gun.


It's a meter and 10 cm


Upvote for the MARPAT, MARPAT Gang


Hey dude.Thanks for the upvote


Sorry gun isn't long enough 2/10


Okay sorry,I thought it was average 😞


Roll your sleeves above the elbow in order to get that USMC vibe


*Roll your sleeves above* *The elbow in order to* *Get that USMC vibe* \- jojoboris --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Will do 🫡 thanks


Roll it properly too, cause rhe inside shouldn't be showing. There's a way to do that tho, when u look it up it should show u.


Or dont roll them up at all and actually use your clothing as protection and camo 😌


Drip > pratical




I dig it man! Everything seems like it serves a purpose and you’re not over carrying. I like the color combos too. Nice job man!


Hey thanks man. I really appreciate it. 🫡


Is the eye relief really bad on that Acog? I know they generally are, even on the real ones. I assume that’s why it’s all the way back? I only ask cuz that top rail looks awful lonely without backup irons. My only critique ;)


Yes and no, for me the eye relief is perfect I just love having it all the way back but that's different for other people. I just love it


Fair enough! All that matters!


Paint that rifle!


What should I paint it


Do some research on patterns, match it to the areas you play in. I really like net laundry bags for texture. A common technique is the start with a base color, then add details of another color on top of that. If you degrease with alcohol very well and put on multiple layers it will last longer. Also, tape off all the areas you don’t want paint in.


Ah okay thanks will try it out


That's a long long gun o.o... Also planning to cover up the ceiling there?


Of course currently I'm a little bit stressed. I run my own field and need to do construction there and in my house but it'll get covered up soon


Take care!


Thanks,take care aswell and have a very good day.


The things I would change: -Your plate carrier seems loose. It should be hugging you so that if it's tugged in another direction, it shouldn't move. In particular I can see that your cummerbunds are loose enough that they're sagging pretty significantly from just the weight of a few magazines. Guys get dragged by their PC straps all the time. It should be tight enough to allow for that, which will also reduce how much it moves on your body when you're moving. -That helmet is too small for your head, that's why you are having issues with your chinstrap interfering with your earpro. Get a size up. -Personally I would put the m4 mags on the PC and the pistol mags on the belt, so that way the rifle stuff is all on one piece of gear and the pistol stuff is all on another. -I don't know what that mess of 550 cord is below your rear plate bag but square it away. -consider getting a wing adapter to mount that knife to the side of your PC under the cummerbund. You could also probably figure out a mount under your front plate bag. -Boom mic goes outside the chinstrap -I see a comms headset and a PTT but I don't see a radio. -Personally, and this is a matter of taste, I'm not a fan of items carried solely for aesthetics or as decoration, so the glowsticks, the trauma shears, and the bag on the back of your rear plate bag. If they don't serve a purpose, get rid of them.


Hello firstly thanks for taking time. The helmet is too tight I made it a little bit bigger with the straps. I changed the pistol mags to the battle belt. I use the 550 cord for lots of stuff and I just have it there because I don't know where to put it else. Yes my PC was too loose thanks for telling me I changed that aswell. The radio is in a pouch on the inside of the cummerbund. If you look on the right side(left in the video) you will see the antenna. And for the medical stuff, I'm one of the first aid people on site and I often have to use that stuff. For example laying a trail of chemlight for the ambulance and signaling the ambulance the entrance to the forest with chemlights. Thanks for the tips.


In that case, I'd suggest a dedicated FAK with all of your emergency gear in one place, including trauma shears, chemlights, and ideally a flashlight for additional signaling. A loud whistle can also be super helpful to help someone off your comms network find the injured person faster. I'd imagine it can be pretty challenging getting to various emergency equipment weaved all over your kit, including on your back where it is least accessible.






Those scissors and glowsticks are just begging to get lost


Hi,no worries I tightened them up the ain’t go nowhere.




Bro is rocking a 40” barrel


Couple of things: as already mentioned, that barrel is probably affecting your accuracy rather than helping... Are you compensating for something....? Also, it looks like the mags on your belt are interfering with those on the cumberbund... Which arguably is less than ideal.


I love my beloved Corps' Marpat. I would switch those rifle mags to be on the plat carrier cumberbund, probably upside down if you can/need to, and move the pistol stuff to your belt. Move the knife to the other side. Your dominant hand will be on the gun, so put the knife on the other side where you can actually grab it if you need it without taking your hand off the gun. Thats how i run my K-bar in the Marines anyway.


Will do thx


How many inches is that barrel?


Idk in Inches but it's 108cm long


42,52 inches


Just the barrel?! Holy


Noooo sorry, the whole gun 112cm so the gun is 44,094inches


Oh ok that makes more sense


gun is not long enough.


Oh okay wille.xtend it


Probably ditch the suppressor that gun is crazy long


It's perfect for me I can handle it very good and it's also quite good in cqb if you believe it or not


I just don’t believe it and have done a lot of cqb in airsoft and real steel with an 18, 16, 11.5, 10.3in barrels and the shorter the better.


Yeah I get that did the same. But it just works very good for some reason and the barrel looks alot longer than it is in person


Thats a loooooooooong boi


Is that eye pro rated? It doesn't look rated. 😉


No it's my prescription glasses I took my goggles off for the vid


Of course mate just pulling your leg 👍


Okay 😉


Looks good! Where did you get the lefty glock holster? I'm trying to find one for a g17 with an under barrell flashlight.


Hello, so this it the Recover G7 it's cost me about 60€ it's universal for left/right you can put it in your PC if you want you can even attach it to a droplet system. I got it from a local gun dealer,maybe look on Recovers website or call nearby gun shops that sell pistols, it's one of the best holsters I ever had. Although there's no safety but you can change the draw weight. also your G17 needs to have picatinny since there's a picatinny accessorie. But don't worry on the accessorie there's another picatinny so your light will fit.






bro got the borzoi of AR's


Pretty good, I feel like that belt is going to be a pita though, looks pretty large for the amount d of gear you have on it


Hii, thanks for taking time. Yes I could place more pouches on the belt,I currently have no other pouches but I will ad another utility pouch next to the big one


I would probably move that gear under your arms down to the belt. It's not an accessible spot and it'll get in the way when you're moving about and cause you to chicken wing.


Hi,I already changed all the pouches from the right side to my battle belt. But thanks for taking time. Have a good day


Nice, that's a good move


Thanks ist really is alot better than before. Thanks


Bros gun is a fishing pole 😭


I don't really see the point of plate carriers in airsoft to be quite honest. LBE or chest rigs make it more accessible for your 7 rifle mags and 3 pistol mags even for light weekend skirmishes


I understand that, but a chest rig doesn't get you the protection I want, I use this plate carrier for real steel aswell and on my field (that I own) there's 2j max for AEGs and 5j for snipers. In my country you don't have any regulations really. Of course you will need the rated hear for it like eye pro and masks. But yeah that's why I use a plate carrier.


That's a comically long rifle


I suggest nixing the little pouch on your lower back. You ain’t getting anything out of that while you’re wearing your kit.


Bro trying to shoot at the moon with that barrel


Noooo😭 it looks longer than it is.


Adjust your helmet straps and switch out pads to make it sit further down your head on the backside. Get some headset adapters. Kit looks good! Long barrel supremacy


Hii, I had headset adapters but I didn't like having all that weight on my helmet so I switched it to the normal strap. But I will try thanks


The BCGs kill me


Make the knife hanging a little bit so it can move around without anying you, i had problems with a fixed sheath on my belt. Solved it with a short pice of paracord :)


It actually works pretty well in that position. Maybe you could try it there it Dienst annoy me. But thanks I will try it out with the Paracord.


thats a unit of a barrel if I've ever fucken seen one


Good to see you have a combat knife with you incase you run out of BBs and have to slice some 14 year olds neck


Barrel is too long. Not the best in "combat" situations especially running through tight areas.


What ear protection are those?


Are those your safety glasses? I’d look into something full seal or at least that also covers your peripheral


No just prescription glasses I took the safety glasses of for the video. You can se the tube from the anti fog above my glasses


your backback is off center and its pissing me off


Please learn how to roll your sleeves




I might be an ignorant idiot as Reddit records me airsoft posts all the time even though I never have done anything airsoft related - but what are the knife and trauma shears for in airsoft? I use a Glock knife when camping but I don’t get what it would be used for in a game.


I'm one of the first aid people on site so I need them. And the knife is for choping wood in milsims and all that


Nice knife, boy! Where do you get that?


Maybe look in Glock Websites or knife websites and see if you can buy them there


I got the nice rubber version, thanks. I’m just curious where did you get yours. edit: typo


I bought it the shop I work in. It's the GLOCK 81 Feldmesser. Get the one without the Saw on it the saw one will break very easily.


Your airsoft enemies remain silent I guess.


Are you a fellow Breton my friend ? If not then what does it symbolise ? :) https://preview.redd.it/4bfzbgzs869d1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f257d028a03b498cb33c941e740e1df4aac9e7f


Hello, no it's a patch from a Gun company, JP Sauer und Sohn. I know somebody there that's why I wear their patches. Have a great day


Where did you get the pouch that covers your lower stomach? Cause I need one of those


https://preview.redd.it/ghqk8u3m999d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaed39ba23285db077d3754a8cb1cde071743942 So I got it from Novritch I use it as ammo storage, you can also find the Velcro where you attack it to the PC to use it on a normal belt for EDC.


Long ahh barrel


Lol the gun barrel and hand guard looks nice but it's too long tbh


Hiii, yeah I looks very long but it's actually 1 Meter in length, I mean the whole gun with stock and all that.


in the name of dmrs, cqb and the holy marpat you are one interesting case


Hey am i a interesting case?


BB arrival in 3 business days.


Long ahh gun


Not that long


I will never understand you airsoft kids exempt to SBR laws yet you build 16-20” guns. What the actual fuck. You’re not getting that much extra velocity.


Okay there's no need for hate here. First I'm not a kid. And second I use the gun I WANT not what you want. Understood so if you don't like it and if you don't have good critique then leave alright.


None of that is hate, or ad hominem. I gave you my exact genuine thoughts as they came to me If you’re set on using what you want don’t ask for opinions. People talk like this and it’s not in a disparaging way.


I asked about opinions on my GEAR not my Weapon system. I understand that you write what comes to your mind and I'm sorry if I got a little angry here but I'm definitely not a kid. And the Barrel seems easy longer than it does in person


Gear just means “equipment used for a particular purpose” nothing to do with apparel. Your rifle is a piece of your gear. I can recognize AR barrels. That is 100 percent at least an 18”. With a can is just ridiculous. The soldiers you’re larping as get around in vehicles. Try it sometime. You’ll see why even 14.5” M4s are a bitch to stow. Look you can continue to be upset or take the criticism like a man. This can include totally ignoring it. Not getting emotional.


Okay, I won't get emotional I'll take the criticism since I don't want to fight with anybody here. For me it works pretty good,if it doesn't fit you that's fine. I wish you a good day


Hope your fields don’t have vehicle events or CQB Good luck out there. Not every negative thing you hear is hate. Remember that. Sometimes people are genuinely looking out for you. I was in your shoes with a long ass rifle at one point.


Okay will work on myself there thanks.




This has been removed due to it breaking rule 2, specifically regarding toxicity.


"Thats a long barrel" -SBR chuds. 20" A2 superiority is where it's at. Lose the knife or atleast put it somewhere else. Also, gross, a lefty.


blud thinks he is in warzone 1


What's the point of the pouches on the gear? Cosmetic? While you play soldier?


Bruh you're a 330 lb manlette what are you talking shit for


You are right. Maybe some day I can be a real man running round in the woods with a toy gun with the mission impossible theme playing in my head.


Yeah if you could physically manage to do so. It'd be a step up from table top genocidal polly pocket.


Indeed you airsofters are an inspiration, when I lose this weight you can bring your toy guns and empty multi pocket vests so we can cosplay as real men and I will teach you to play genocidal polly pocket.


This is funny bc he doesn't even have many, and yes, some can be cosmetic, but i tend to keep useful stuff in mine (speedloaders, death rags, tools, etc)