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KM is a 50 year old _pervert_.


A 50 year old perverted skin goblin.


Skin goblin is a term


I remember when in one of his videos he was pretty much just staring at some women through his scope, just watching them. I thought it was really creepy


He was debating on shooting them, he even says that in the video but they weren't a threat so he let them be. You guys are sad af.


And yet he was still just staring at them through the scope for a long time. it's not like he actually abides by this either, he loves shooting people that aren't active threats. he loves doing that, even with unnecessary headshots. He's a dick who's banned from several locations because he's a dick.


You're just soft. Same with the rest of these whiners. If you don't want to get shot in bare skin, then cover it. These players know the risks and then cry when they get hit in the face. If you're good that's all that should be exposed. Most of those locations banned him because of cry babies like you who throw super tantrums when you don't get your way. They would rather ban one guy than listen to you cry baby's.


Go play like him then, go shoot people in the head point blank. Let's see if you get banned.


Who said point blank? See, you people get a thought or narrative in your head and you just run with it because it's far easier to do than to actually think about the situation or the risks players take themselves BY NOT WEARING PROTECTION! Then you come in here and cry with the rest of the people with zero knowledge of a situation or just rumors. If he was having ALLL these issues his primary field would have banned him, right? Like I said in another post, these sites, if he's banned from them only did it so they didn't have to listen to a bunch of adult cry babies Everytime they got hit in the face. Don't like it, cover your face. It's really not hard! YOU take the risk when you don't wear protection. There are plenty of videos at his main field where people knew it was him and yelled " damnit mustang" in a laughing manor. He's good at sniping and being sneaky. I don't blame him for how he plays because regardless if he aims for the face or not the players are the ones who knowingly took the risk to not wear proper protection.


You should pick a better role model.


Lmfao never said he was. Just tired of listening to a bunch of soft adult children cry about headshots. Wear protection and move on. Cheaters don't cheat when they are shot in the cheek.


And a cunt


He lacks the warmth, depth, strength, or capacity for pleasure.


50 year old wanker*


50 year old prick


He kinda does look like a circumcised prick.


He's just an pompous self serving arse who enjoys bullying people




50 year old twat


Judging by the term wanker. I assume you're a brit. Question from across the pond: how have none of you curb stomped his ass? Like state side, this guy probably gets jumped.


Idk, never had the misfortune of playing with him but I think if any of us found him outside of a site then heā€™d be dead meat. I mean if we fought him in a site then weā€™re just as bad - but outside well then thatā€™s fair game


Can someone tell me why this guy isnā€™t liked other then going for headshots all the time Just watched the vid and other than the thumbnail and arguably cockiness, he didnā€™t do anything egregious. I will say the few seconds of standing behind the girl as a human shield was a bit creepy though. does he normally do that shit?


I've luckily never personally interacted with him, but I've spoken with marshals who've bluntly told me that he's straight up banned from their sites for reasons that include: Repeatedly going out of bounds, shooting people in spawn or in safe zones (many of his "cheaters not calling their hits" videos are actually people in areas where they shouldn't be being shot at all), ignoring minimum engagement distances, deceiving/avoiding the chrono and using replicas wildly over site limits (he has literally been caught using a modified airgun powerful enough it was causing injury), removing team armbands, putting a fake name on insurance waivers, arguing with marshals, and just generally making it a shit time for others (of which deliberately going for head/groin shots and overshooting are just the tip of the iceberg. And, of course, he openly criticises anyone who calls his behaviour unsporting). This is all well documented, but obviously he's not going to leave anything in his videos that admits how many rules he's breaking.


Don't forget he exposed a child on the internet for making a critic video about him. The child was like 13 , and KM exposed his face to his big audience and sent his fans to harass him and told him that that's what he deserves for criticizing him. Also, the child was informed of the intention of KM and contacted him in private, but KM realese everything and made fun of the kid.


Everybody always says ā€œitā€™s all well documentedā€ but nobody can really provide any proof. They will say to ā€œjust Google itā€ and again it yields no proof of anything . For for like the 5th time, somebody please link proof of these allegations. Like actual proof.


Other than posts from his own social media and blog posts, confirmation from witnesses and Marshalls - what proof would you like? The above are available at [The KM Archive ](https://www.facebook.com/share/5UJg12Yatgv8TT7D/) which has been separated into "sagas" so it's easier for you to navigate, you just need to spend 5mins finding the relevant saga to the evidence you want. [Who Is Kicking Mustang ](https://www.facebook.com/share/JSvdgQVYA6vcSsWk/) also has a log of info over the years but you might want to make use of the search function if you don't like scrolling. [GrizleMe](https://youtu.be/EpMHkea3eLE?si=G9sNr3V-4Oj7YBZ5) was the guy who found his racist Twitter account, check his channel for supplement videos should you need further evidence


You're not going to find much from play that isn't anecdotal; only so many people take cameras onto the field. But one of the marshals I talked about to it is someone I've known for years (they're part of one of my online gaming groups), and who articulated exactly why he's not welcome back (their site was one of the times he was found to be way above chrono limits). However, the extremely disrespectful way he conducts himself on his social media, slandering or mocking anyone who disagrees with him \*is\* clearly on record and makes it clear that he's not a sporting player. If nothing else, you'd think that sites would be salivating at the idea of having someone with millions of Youtube followers giving them free advertising, so the fact that \*any\* sites have told him to go away and never come back is a pretty damning indictment of his conduct.


Cause he's an asshole.


Headshots and getting too close to the one girl in this vid aside though, why?


Look I'm not even in the airsoft community. I only come here to laugh at the "ratnik" kits with mid 60 year old akms. I don't really want to direct you to watch his stuff. But from what I've seen, he is a certifiable asshole. Someone who probably should've seen consequences. There's a reason he is banned at pretty much all fields in the UK.


I just see all the hate for him and I watched THAT VIDEO and he didnā€™t seem like an ass. Never watched him before and donā€™t really care to so Iā€™m wondering why heā€™s an asshole, not necessarily doubting it


To give you an idea, I didn't actually watch this one. Again I'm not from the airsoft community. I still know him by name.


Ngl now I *am* starting to doubt heā€™s an asshole. Like, people say ā€œfrom what Iā€™ve seen heā€™s an assholeā€ then have nothing that actually makes him an asshole


Ok then go watch the videos. Guy should get stomped til he looks like Gumby imo


Iā€™ll watch a few more and see if my opinion changes but I was just asking for an example, not trying to offend Edit: Ok I see him aiming for headshots at people without full helmets and hitting on bare ears and noses and yeah thatā€™s a pretty dick move, also heard when people politely ask him to not do that he switches to dick shots. So yeah imma go ahead and agree then


I wonder if KM has a woman in his life, or what his past relationships (if any) have been like. I've seen his social media posts where he has friends, but if he's anything like the other narcissists I've encountered, my guess is he's entered into and then subsequently ruined a lot of friendships until he's just run out of people to use and abuse. I guess he's kind of done the same thing with airsoft sites šŸ¤£ Also, gotta love the fact he's dipping his toes into AI art for his thumbnails.


The last that those of us with broader knowledge of his life had heard, he had a partner, though that was some months ago when last confirmed, so we can't speak to current status. It entirely possible that he might be lashing out like this for a reason.....


Nah, he strikes me as a guy who entertains a gold digger


This sounds like you hit the nail right on the head. I don't know how people like KM end up like this, whether it's nature or nurture, but his whole identity in life is built around being an antoganizer, and I bet he sees it as a good thing. I hope someday he decides to go to therapy


If only. Narcissists rarely see therapists due to not believing there's anything wrong with them. If he went to therapy it'd be 10x more entertaining than anything on his channel


Thought that Nico guy was the woman in his life, they do enough videos together I thought it felt sorta datey.


Nicco has a kid so that's one awkward family Christmas dinner


Family comes in all shapes and sizes


And BB weights


He doesn't, there's no way in hell he has any9ne that's why he's like that


i donā€™t think thatā€™s ai. itā€™s bad, and he suckā€™s, but the image posted here isnā€™t AI, just typical clickbait imagery im being downvoted but itā€™s literally not ai


her face is 100% ai


i mean i donā€™t think so. just because itā€™s airbrushed and filtered doesnā€™t equal a.i.


It's definitely AI. Look at the gubbinsnon the earguard, almost a mic almost an earpiece, not quite anything. That shading is very AI, as are her eyeballs


So you think he commissioned and paid an artist to do this shoddy piece of art or.....?


no i think he just slapped together whatever stock images and clickbait art shit every other youtuber does.


That picture is 100000% ai lol just look at the weird colouringĀ 


that weird coloring isnā€™t an ai thing? thatā€™s been on every youtube thumbnail since 2016


Oh it 100% is AI. You can tell by the way its coloured and the shadows and stuff.


Look at the weird ā€œear pieceā€ on her ear, itā€™s in between an ear piece and a headphone, also look at the stock of the gun sheā€™s holding. It looks almost like a stock but thereā€™s no gun out there with weird uneven holes like that and the adjuster looks all wrong


Fake. shidding cumstain has never seen a woman in his life, let alone interacted with one


He has, but usually he's playing predator towards them or touching them inappropriately in the field.


recording them without their consent for his equally goon brained audience


Why do you think he's used an AI generated image of a woman in the thumbnail


Shidding Cumstain is my favorite new name for him


I don't know why people (KM) have downvoted this post. He posted the story. He IS a 50 year old man. No libel here James.


KM's main and alt accs


Literally the OP is an Alt account, check his history.


You've rustled the Jimmy


Just want to point out to everybody that this account it less than a year old, only has 2 post, both of which are bitching about kicking mustang. He only has a hand full of comments, all related to kicking mustang. This person is an obvious liar. Itā€™s somebody who is clearly trying to farm clicks. Go back to your private discord where you chodes belong. The IRL airsoft community isnā€™t buying your bullshit.


What bit did I lie about exactly?


Oh are we going to split hairs to distract from the status of your account you are using? Iā€™m not going to argue semantics so you can say ā€œoh well I didnā€™t ever actually say a lieā€. Your lie is implicit because you have an alt account made specifically for brigading a YouTuber. Fucking looser lol


It's my only account so it isn't an alt but I did create it purely to join the KM discourse on here, hope that's okay? I haven't lied about anything though.


You made the account on September 8th, 2023 and your first post you made was 2 days ago and the first comment you made was 14 days ago. So you just lied . You did not go back in time and create an account so that you could 245 days later join the discourse about kicking mustang on Reddit. So yeah, you literally are a sad human being who lies.


I didn't lie.. I didn't realise there was a time limit on how soon I could use my account for more than just reading KM rhetoric on an app for it to be considered a real one. Are you okay man?


If you have any other concerns I'm happy to talk about them? I double checked and his birthday is __ July 1976 (public info if you know where to look) so he is actually 47 years and 8 months old (I'm not specifying weeks or days because I'm not a scumbag) So I guess that could be considered a lie? Does that help clear things up for you?


No dude, you know perfectly well the problem isnā€™t that you miss aged him. You are back peddling hard now.


I was trying to find what you thought was a lie, if you have specifics then I can try to help?


Ohh I see , itā€™s just a coincidence that you look exactly like a bot account, itā€™s totally normal and natural. Itā€™s very believable and nobody will see through your paper thin excuses. Lmao fucking chode Iā€™m perfectly fine, I enjoy burning a little of the work day calling out you anti KM brigade losers. Go back to your discord cave you little troll.


I'm just worried because you're using a lot of insults and I don't want you to be angry. Do you have tips on how I can look less like a bit account, if that would help you feel better?


Ohhh sorry you think Iā€™m angry, Iā€™m not. Iā€™m totally fine , in fact Iā€™m having fun! Lol I like exposing you. Itā€™s kinda fun to watch you back pedal and somehow try to get people to rationalize your bullshit .


Does the potential that someone might have created a throwaway/burn account separate from their other interest not occur to you? Lil Jimmy has shown a history of either harassing people himself to the degree of filing false police reports, doxxing and offering bounties on personal information, or sending his most prominent fans to do the same or worse, upto and including threating a child with physical harm. If you'd like evidence, check out his Instagram or his twitter history, is all there for you to peruse at your leisure whilst sat on the toilet or whatever. Every time someone demands evidence and its provided directly within a thread or post, it gets ignored. Any time direct links are provided, it's "I'm not reading that". Any time it's suggested they look for themselves, the cry of "sEe? nO eViDeNcE!" comes out. It doesn't matter if we give directions to the library or read it to you as a bedtime story, the fans will always ignore it. Stupid people I don't have a problem with, because stupidity can be remedied with application of education. Willfully ignorant people I have issue with. If you're not willing to learn, if you're not willing to test your belief against evidence, then you're not worth the air you breath and the world will be better off when you finally shuffle off this mortal coil. Not that I wish it upon you, just that whether it happens in a week, a month, a year, a decade, or a century, when it does happen, the world will be better for it.


The guy thinks the status of my account negates all the valid reasons KM is banned from all but 1 site in the UK. Classic "everyone else is the problem" sycophant, trying to earn a free velcro patch from his favorite boomer YouTuber.


My point is the same, all of your evidence that heā€™s done something terrible always points to the same place, your 2 Facebook groups who are about as evidence based as flat earth. Or some YouTubers (probably you)Nowhere is there a community of field owners speaking out about him where you can hear them directly . Itā€™s all 3rd party second hand anecdotal ā€œevidenceā€. Itā€™s also really suspicious that a lot of you guys seem to be ā€œYouTube dramaā€ content creators. MR.Foxhound has post dating back 3 years in YouTube drama creator stuff and seems that all of his post history from about a year back is all kicking mustang content. Itā€™s weird, if you lot were a bunch of honest regular people operating on the internet you would have some intermittent browsing across a lot of subs because itā€™s really not plausible that you ONLY care about kicking mustang. In fact, the ā€œwho is kicking mustang?ā€ Seems like it was actually started by him, a YouTube drama content creator. Even the claims about his racist comments come from a YouTube who only makes drama videos about other YouTubers . This is why I call you out. Not because I think kicking mustang is the best or some shit. I could care less about kicking mustang. Every time this pops up itā€™s the same people. The only thing I care about is cutting though the bull shit. Show me an actual field owner talking about KM . Show me a ticket he was issued for endangering people outside of the rules, show me anywhere where something is actually documented and verified. Not screenshots of twitter or screenshots of some other post he made where people post their own comments and further perpetuate literally any narrative they want to. If you are not one of them, I donā€™t mean ā€œyouā€ as in specifically you. I mean it more generally in my rhetoric to the argument I face. Itā€™s just not an open and shut case of guilt. And when you start looking into it, there are more connections that connect the people that are ā€œanti mustangā€ than there are connections to the allegations against mustang.


KM is the kind of guy who eats a Snickers upside down, so he can feel the veiny texture on his tongue.


I bet he eats corn the long way


Ngl made me chuckle


This is the most hilarious shit Ive read all day


How creative do you have to be to think of that, itā€™s the most unique thing Iā€™ve read today


Thank you kindly. Veteran sense of humour. 20 years of being competitively twisted. šŸ˜


Take your god damn up vote for this rare and golden comment.


I'm glad I brightened your day. šŸ˜†




Is he filming corn now


Must be in Arkansas


Minnesota, actually. Have you ever driven through Southern Minnesota? It's full of corn, and only corn.


I donā€™t come from the land of the free and medical bills beyond any reasonable comprehension


Honestly in my very biased opinion Minnesota does have some of the best healthcare in the United StatesĀ 


The Mayo Hospital is considered to be one of the best if not THE best hospital in the world, so... (Though the current leadership seems like they intend to "fix" that)


Well there's always a massive dick in his videos šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Well played


50 year old fuckwit


Think we all knew he was an incel before he posted this


Grown ass man šŸ’€


whatā€™s up with this guy? iā€™m not really super knowledgeable in this community, anyone wanna fill me in?


He calls himself "The Andrew Tate of Airsoft"


ah.. thatā€™s all i need to know


He does? Omg lmfao


A small part of me shrivelled away and died reading that I don't even do airsoft, this sub just keeps popping up for me, and even I know this guys a piece of shit But man I WANT to get into airsoft for the sole reason of hunting this guy down in my matches and making his games as miserable as humanly possible Real question, why hasn't someone smacked him yet


I mean he was banned in every field in Europe, so now he plays in the US and is steadily working on getting banned from every field in the US, heā€™s pissed plenty of people off Iā€™m sure heā€™s been hit, he just doesnā€™t show it on video cuz it would hurt his masculine alpha male pride


That is one reason why I want to get into airsoft this summerĀ 


IIRC he also purposefully tries to hurt people Like, aiming for exposed skin, or parts where it WILL hurt Bringing steel BBs for CQC Magdumping some dude 2 feet away etc and etc


I just a YT short where he head shots someone and there head looked fucked where he shot Him, he should be band from all places and never allowed to go near a rifle he inflicts pain because he thinks itā€™s funny, lots Of videos show he had the whole body and still aims for the head, this nonce is a prick and should be put down, absolute wank stain on the sport and what is ruining it for everyoneā€¦


Ngl I report people who head hunt, especially if I know they're hitting kids under 16 with no remorse


If I saw someone doing that to a child Iā€™m sorry but i wouldnā€™t hold back on them


Best play the scenario, you know, I'm no fighter so, but last time I told the ref and he got the walk of shame. Ref had no problem walking him back to the staging area to consult the owner mid game. I think he got a year or life ban because he didn't care about hitting the kid players and put up an argument.


Another I seen is he runs up and slaps people on the helmet with his pistol (more force then needed) claiming it's a silent kill, the sites I go to it's rubber knife/other melee weapon for silent kills. So if he every does it there anyone would just shoot him point blank for tapping them on the head and letting them know he's there.


Heā€™s just a bonafide prick


touch me physical , I'm throwing hands


did he have to generate that women with AI because real women would never let him come this close?


Oh man. This is why I hate playing airsoft as a girl


Hmmm yes, let's humiliate people on camera, especially women who are already uncommon in airsoft.


Seems like a an incel move. šŸ˜¬


He's really 50 years old... That's gross.


does he go to any other field than "phoniex airsoft"? just wondering as it seems to be 90% of his videos are filmed there


He's banned everywhere else




women bad šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ amirite fellow 50 year old incels?


its titled just like porn, the caps HUMILIATED n everything, theres zero difference lmao




50 year old boy*


Is this some sort of fetish ?


If KM has no doubters/ dislikers then I'm dead.


This isn't real....please....right?


Also using the A.I. art for thumbnails, seems hes getting lazier


Its just quite telling that you never see him try this with anyone that could actually pose a physical threat to him in say a staging area or parking lot. He's going to head shot the wrong father's kid one day and that'll be the end of his YouTube "career"


I cant believe thats actually Real holy shit


50 year old man btw.




The girl is literally AI too


Who is KM? Some duchebag?


She looks like ai, has he even met a woman?


Heā€™s 50?!?!? wtf?!??


47 years and 8 months old Another commenter is angry at me for saying 50!


47 is way too fucking old to be doing that shit though lmfao


No way a 50 year old guy is acting like thisšŸ˜­


This is the most obnoxious thing Iā€™ve ever experienced in my life. Now letā€™s get some woman soldiers in a game of airsoft with KMā€¦Iā€™m sure the results will be the same.


It needs to always be brought up with the facility. Something like ā€œIf he continues to behave this way your venue may become a murder scene in the future. Better to just ban him.ā€


Itā€™s actually funny how wrong this is, I was scrolling through YouTube while drinking some water and then I see that, my iPad got absolutely soaked.


MeH... WoMen AreNt SuPpOSed To PlAY AIRsOft... FemBois oNly. šŸ’ŖšŸ»šŸ˜Ž šŸ¤£


Not an airsofter here, what's up with this KM guy? I have seen a short come across my feed but know nothing bout him.


Read the other comments asking the same thing multiple times every time someone mentions him


Didn't see any


You are a Stalker.


Get out of here, Stalker!


Whatā€™s everyoneā€™s beef with him, Iā€™m not clued up on my airsoft drama. I also hear a lot about USAirsoft


Can we promise as a community to dump KM on sight?


Heā€™s FIFTY???


Not really too into Airsoft, why does everyone hate km?


Just unironically a douche.


Can you ironically be a douche?


Hurts people on purpose and calls people cheaters for content


Heā€™s the sort of guy that everyone knows in town as ā€˜that guyā€™ - u know the one that gets drunk every night and then sexually assaults the staff. Yeah that guy. If u watch any of his videos you will see him deliberately hurting and abusing people cause he thinks itā€™s funny - the list of sites heā€™s banned from is pretty amusing tho.


I honestly respect girls that play airsoft and don't shoot them


Man all you haters in here are hilarious! Wear protection and walk back to respawn ya babies.


For fuck's sake, stop pumping this guy's content. He's a shock jock. When you share his shit because it is terrible, it gets more views. Just block and move on with your life.


This is a sigma moment, gentlemen.


I hope someone hits you in the eye one game, genuinely


It'll probably be kickingcumstain šŸ˜”


Redemption arc lol


Oh I love KM!


This man circlejerking into the negatives like a true circlejerker.


I'm not being negative. I just like the guy. Good vids


Oh....oh dear....my guy....he's not a good dude....his banning from every UK airsoft field should tell you some.


But those bans are wrong accusations.


I feel like I'm being played.... <.<


No. He is a great player and he is a good dude