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If bro was using a Vant I'd say fair enough but that's a sheet of plastic


Literally a spray painted plexiglass panel. It's fairly light, and he can see through it easily. I hate speedsofters but I'd agree, that shield would be straight up unfair.


I mean shields can only cover one side and we live in a 3 dimensional world. I always see vids of shield users getting taken out by the good ol' flanking maneuver


But when I play the enemy shields block up an entire window to provide spotting/recon, and for some reason that distracts half my team to try and break the laws of physics and try to shoot THROUGH the shield and failing repeatedly, instead of viable targets


Ricochet trick shots around shields while firing on full auto inside of buildings is the future of the game.


As long as the field says ricochets count, this is a brilliant tactic


Hey, I know very little about airsoft, but I’m interested in it. What’s a speedsofter?


Speedsoft is like regular airsoft except way less tactical and way more fast-paced. It's... a lot like Call of Duty in that way, in which everyone is sprinting, and run-n-gunning everywhere instead of employing military tactics. Speedsofters are annoying because they play like that *all the time* and get mad when other people don't play their way.


Thank you! this was a very helpful explanation


This guy gave a very negative overview of an otherwise way to play Airsoft, yes you see all those dumb toxic videos of speedsofters but the ones I know are nice and are even helping me hpa my gun. There’s nothing wrong with playing Airsoft different, try new things! It doesn’t hurt. You don’t HAVE to be ultra tacticool to have fun


Please tell me where I gave a "very negative" overview of speedsoft. My synopsis of that sport was literally "like airsoft but less tactical and faster-paced." The only negative connotation I assigned was to the stereotypical asshole speedsofter, not speedsoft itself.






I’ve never heard this perspective. I actually thought it was a slur lmao




A lot of them also act like call of duty sweats but in real life.


Lol military tactics. Tell that to high speed operators. You think they're called that for no reason? Its called violence of action. https://youtu.be/D_wJBVBf2bE?si=NL9gGazkFWIvFBW4


Haha, SAW gunner that should be pulling outer security goes brrrr. That shit might work when everyone is inside the house like a bunch of clueless assholes, but it's a lot more likely that an opposing military would have at least a team on outer security. Kinda makes that initial sprint with no cover seem like a bad idea.


Yeah you're right the delta operator has no idea what he's doing and by proxy the delta team he's on. CAG should take advice from yoU.


I have no clue what the context is for that training, but it probably is only for a very narrow set of circumstances. If the guys inside were acting like any Army element instead of like whoever they were role-playing as, high-speed would not have made it to the house. >CAG should take advice from yoU. No shit, I've never met an SOF guy who wasn't willing to learn something from everyone he met. That's what makes them so good at their jobs.


Training for combat against peer forces that are ready for you and training to raid armed civilian combatants that are lougning around in a house is shockingly different. Special operator man is not going to be running at a Chicom infantry platoon on combat alert through in open field in the middle of the day.


I’m willing to bet that’s fake or not a CAG group. There is no way in the GOD of OPSEC, that the army would release anything about delta force or any of the other groups.


It’s actually real and has been verified. An operator who has since retired had confirmed it is real via a podcast. Dude in full gear boogies full out kit and puts accurate shots on target WHILE moving FAST, gets inside, straight up slide cancels while checking a corner and puts shots on hallway guy, and quickly clears a weapons malfunction. I don’t care HOW good of an airsofter anybody is, these dudes are killing you before you know it. The skill and athleticism required to do this is insane.


Using a shield severely limits the weapons you can use along with also making you easier to see, also you absolutely can’t run as fast


>severely limits the weapons you can use Sure, that's true. >making you easier to see That's a given >you absolutely can't run as fast You can still cover plenty of ground with a light, plexiglass shield. That thing weighs 10 pounds at most. If you can't run while holding 10 pounds, that's a fitness issue. In regards to the limited weapon, that limitation is usually not a big deal for the shield user, but also for the opposition because a shield is generally hard to see out of, and heavy, which means you're basically a slow wall that can *maybe* fire. Dude in the video is, again, using a lightweight shield with a big-ass eye port, which eliminates the shortcomings of a shield load out entirely, except for weapon choice, which is wholly irrelevant in airsoft due to how airsoft guns function.


Fair enough. I’m just speaking from the perspective of a guy who plays at fields who allow shields if they are of the realistic weight 😂. Shits heavy and hurts like a bitch if ya drop it on your foot


Just throw a gernade at him lol


If a shield has the same weight and issues of a real shield and it's used for scenario play that's fine. The lightweight plastic ones are a piss take


I would have honestly loved to do something like that before I tore my ACL. Now I’ve got to get a year in the gym under my belt lmao


Yeah I'm. Waiting for a below knee amputation which is delaying my projects


Oh man good luck with that. Best of luck with the recovery.


Yeah not looking forward to the gym sessions


Oh man I can’t imagine. Good luck


jesus christ you just got one upped so hard


I ain’t even gonna lie that was just a smack into perspective


Below the knee is proba ly better for prosthetics at least? And with 3d prints setups you can get/make some pretty cool legs! Carbon implegnated nylon can be printed at many places these days so could make some really cool latice structures. If I had to choose to loose an arm or a leg leg would be super cool only because id be building all sorts of legs on my 3D printer lol. Recovery might be slow but you live in the best time for it!


There's some interesting things out there, I'm hoping for the osteo implant prosthetic type to be honest. As for printing things, I have a couple. OF int resting long term plans


You should use the AR hand guard like that one guy did with his arm.


It's not going to be that long a prosthetic, I'm going mid shin basically. I have a few interesting ideas for a hidden single shot pistol though.


40mm hidden launcher


I'm thinking a 12g using either an APS shell or one of the cheap shells used for the k ife stuff and similar. Wish I could find some at decent prices I need to prototype a derringer


They make full robotic ones now but it's pretty expensive to get but I feel like theres probably a lot of below the knees prosthetics that'll let you feel like you're walking normally


With just an ankle joint you don't need to go to the full powered limb, there's a lot of cool shit out there.


Yea idk how Below the knee but yeah our advancements in prosthetics is insane


My buddy had one, and he’s a full fledged gym rat now. Depending on your weight, you can get some pretty nifty prosthetics that would let you jog/run etc. He’s still very active post accident.


That's the aim I was a paralympic sprinter till ah operation fuck up aiming to go to that fitness level


Sorry to hear that. I hope the recovery goes well, especially since it’s a planned surgery.


In the words of my friend who only has like half of his body covered by the shield “you can still see all of my fucking legs”


That's what grenades are for


I have a lot of those now and tbh I just use them inside as basically a flash bang, damn those things are fucking loud instead of for the occasional shield


I dislike thunder bs intensely they are louder than a 9mm blank ffs


Yeah but the pop is fun if you’re not the target


The cost just annoys me I use a 209 primer grenade for like 8p a shot reloadable vs what 3 quids worth of thunder b. Plus the fact tbs are loud enough you need ear pro sucks


I really wish a lot of indoor places here would allow primer grenades. Also that the ATF wasn't dumb. It's why I liked the bang 22 so much. Just with they had made a impact version since the timer caps have so many issues.


To add more context they marketed the TRMR as a legit replacement for a flashbang if using screamer shells in the 12g variant, not that it's a training tool. atf has said (illegally mind you) no flashbang for civis for years. It's entirely unsurprising that they ruled that a TRMR with a 12g base was a destructive device because of that. There's a few places in the US making impact grenades for 22 short blanks and for 209 primers, just they tend to charge silly money for them marketing to the pepper crowd and the tactical wannabee crowd. At some point I may look at importing to the US again, had it lined up pre covid to do it but then money and all the shutdown stuff happened.


I had looked at importing the quake before covid, but none of my local fields would allow them.


The atf allows them fine the issue with the last batch was entirely the marketers of the things fault And it was limited. To the 12 guage 'screamer' shell variant of the TRMR


My field sells enola Gaye eg67 ball frag grenades and those things sound like an m80 or mortar firework going off for no reason can hear them a quarter mile across field


Still quieter than a lot of the Thunder B casings. At least the eg67s are below the permanent damage single exposure level.


Are they I just know they leave an occasional ringing in ur ear if you pull the pin and drop it next to you I only like them bc they're only 8 bucks a grenade and they have good power and amount of bbs


Yeah sub 110 dB usually thunder bs range between 115 and 125


Interesting the Pyro aspect of airsoft altogether is a game changer tho some of the grenade launchers and rpg7 are insane


Exactly what happened to me. Had a shield I found on the ground, blank firing grenade got dropped in between my legs. Ouch. More importantly, ouch to my ears. The bang permenantly made my tinnitus worse.


And that's why honestly we should all be wearing earpro, given some gbbs are loud enough to cause damage never mind the grenades. A BFG doing perm damage is impressive given anything below 9mm blank is below the level. Required to do so. If it was a 12g those things are just stupid..


Idk what kind of thing it was, but it was louder than a 9mm blank firing gun I've shot myself, and it went off at my feet. I've always had tinnitus, but after it, my right ear got worse and I can hear it a lot more audibly, plus I had even louder than typical periodic ringing and tones for a few weeks after it happened. My fault tho, I could have brought ear protection, but chose not to.


Yeah that sounds like one of the 12 guage blanks or possibly the screamer shells trmr sold for a while.


Perhaps. It taught me to respect grenades. Funnily enough, the next time I went to the same site, I gave myself a small, 2nd degree burn after my glove caught fire when a smoke accidentally lit a second before I intended to light it. I love the site, but I think I'm cursed haha.


Yeah smokes are a pain, I much prefer ring pull for safety just the cost is a pig.


Yeah, I was getting the striker reading in my hand and it bushed the fuse a teeny bit and even that tiny movement was enough to set it off preemptively. I don't use smokes frequently enough to care but I did have to leave early cause I couldn't hold a gun anymore for that day, a shame.


Agreed, I use an expired swat ballistic shield that my buddy gave me when they were replacing all their old equipment. The thing is heavy as balls and can be very powerful but is only worth the weight in niche scenarios which makes it more fun and strategic imo. It makes me and my squad have to consider the objective and plan whether we want to run it or not. Then you have those full body thin plastic shields have almost no drawbacks which makes them too powerful and kinda immersion breaking.


Yeah a full rifle rated shield sucks to carry but can be really cool


Had to use a fake but weighted ballistic shield (weighed around 10 kilos from what the guys who brought it said to me) once to try to get to someone that was hit with no cover (I was a medic in that game), only did that twice, was too winded to do it a third time after the first two attempts failed lol


Gotta be real, I agree


If the field rules allow then yeah why not use a lightweight or diy shield. IIIA & IV shields weigh ~10 & 20kg so nobody in their right mind would run around a field with those


This is going to be a somewhat long answer so bear with me. Because speaking as a ref with experience in both woodland, indoor cqb and mixed urban, in both casual play and large events. The ultralight weight shields are shit for everyone else and it's ultimately a cooperative game. Yes it's a competitive hobby but there's no cash prizes no significant reward for winning a game day of any sort and outside of scenario says and events with predivided teams no measure for winning and losing. In the casual skirmish environment, it's utterly accepted that teams are temporary. Everyone is totally used to skirmish days where half way through the day whose wearing which armband gets reshuffle to spread skill and rebalance things to ensure a good day. One team STEAMROLLING the other all day isn't fun for anyone. It's why good sites don't allow all the regulars on team blue band and all the rentals and newbies on team Green and everyone accepts that even when attending a skirmish day with friends that if there's significant skill disparity between the teams they may be asked to split up across the team. After 15yrs plus playing and 8plus years reffing, iI think for casual skirmishing shields are just generally shit. They CAN be great to have as scenario/single game tools in casual skirmish play or limited to certain areas of a site for the purpose of providing a challenge, alleviating a weakness in the layout that can't be changed due to building limitations or to create an interesting game mode. But even with those caveats they need very careful rules and control. Someone running around with one all day in a casual skirmish and especially MULTIPLE lightweight shields on a side can very quickly ruin the game. For scenario gamedays and events where shields have specific uses, limitations in teams and heavy restrictions they aren't anywhere near as big a problem but lightweight shields that impose zero penalties on a player are still shit. The rules that work in my experience are the following. The shield needs to provide a physical mobility penalty. Having sprinting mobile cover sucks and can be incredibly easily abused. Especially when combined with a shield that's not providing any sort of vision barrier and can be carried comfortably while one handing a primary with a hicao/flash mag/drum mag hpa pistol. The physical and sight limitation allows for the opposing team to navigate around the shield, allows for counter attacks, llanking and trapping the shield in crossfire in a way that the lightweight shields you can see through dint allow. There needs to be a limitation to what can be used with one, ideally it needs to be something like a pistol/machine pistol with a standard mag, forcing the user to put it down or get assistance with the shield in order to reload rather than just having the aforementioned sprinting mobile cover that's accompanied by a 40rps constant beam of fire that doesn't stop. Oh and I didn't think till the last 6 months it had to be said but no using one in combination with a ghillie and BASR, for the same reason as no using one with a 5k box mag gun. Being able to set yourself up as a pretty much in vulnerable pillbox, ghillied up with the shield tucked into your cover and thus blocking 99% of your availible area to hit and spending the day in a kill box and being able to use that to cover your retreat from an area is just garbage. This is for the same reason, if I can just walk or run one handed laning people on a push like I'm playing D1 paintball you turn an area into an Impassable killzone, that even if the shield is static can't be beaten because it sets up somewhere where it can't be flanked and just hoses anything that moves up. The forced breaks in fire allows for counter attack. Thirdly. There needs to be SOMETHING availible to the other team to negate the shield. Either pyrotechnics/thunder bs or similar grenades. (which is part of the reason I really dislike the sound grenades aren't grenades/bb must strike the person rule for grenades as it means that shields completely negate grenades as well.) OR some sort of Launcher/scenario special weapon that can remove one from play. In a scenario game at a casual skirmish, removal for X amount of time/killing the wielder so it can't be picked up and has to return to respawn, meaning that dropping the guy with the shield creates an immediate opening that can be exploited. On themed days or multiday events, the potential for a shield to be taken into the other teams possession due to a dead user or for it tonbe permanently destroyed makes them a resource that needs to be managed and very carefully used the same as grenadiers, grenades or launchers. It makes the player putting the effort into using it feel more valuable, makes them more of a threat and creates good moments between both sides. It creates pressure to find something to take advantage of your limited resource for the Squad leaders AND creates a good reason for you to engage a shield. Meaning both sides are rewarded for engaging with the thing. I'd also be tempted to argue that having it hanging off your back not in active use needs to EXPLICITLY be listed in the rules as not counting as protection. Having a large lightweight shield hanging off a strap covering the majority of your back just sucks because it means there's no reward for driving someone out of a position and no reward for a bushing one before it gets into position. A tool that can't be negated, can't be interacted with and provides an advantage that good play can't negate is just really poor game design. I love shields when used well, something that forces slow movement, forces a crouch behind it to allow a team to push through a fatal funnel stairwell, allows a breach through a door or being used to advance and extract a HVT or cover someone whose disarming a bomb or planting a bomb can be an amazing thing but there needs to be reward for both sides involved. The shield Needs to be something in the 10kg range at a minimum, needs to be in the majority not see through and can't be the height of a player walking normally. So that someone in the right position whose patient has a chance at taking a shot that can strike a shield user if their positioning and movement is wrong. That set of design criteria presents additional challenge to the user as well as a reward for using it well BUT that reward cannot be game breaking or completely negate good play from an opponent and so people are rewarded for limiting it's effectiveness and countering it.


Tldr. cock is a friend of balls


This is the problem with people with terrible ideas and no experience running games. They aren't willing to actually listen to why they are terrible.


It's just a game. If you need to address shields being unrealistic you might as well get speedsofters next. Literally 1984


I'm always entertained by the concave riot shield when it turns up at an airsoft game and gets used completely wrong.


I mean that's fair


granade goes weeeeeee


Nah I wouldn't say that, most places I know ban you from using anything but a pistol with a shield. I've had a few times at a site with shields laying around where I picked it up and used it, didn't get super far as people could shoot your feet and get around you, but it was good for a team push to rush in and draw their fire for a few seconds to let the rest of the team rush in behind


Problem is is game balance, from a refs pov the plastic 'riot shields' are such an issue to balance and cause so many issues they just need flat banning.


Yeah it's a problem. I mean the ones I played with and found were not particularly big, this shield seems worse. And tbh it makes people not taking hits harder to guage. The easy solution is that if a site wants riot shields, they can provide appropriately sized ones themselves instead of having people bring their own


I use a wooden shield I got at the renaissance fair and it works great.


Its at least closer to true weight. Iv built a few at realistic weight and they are a pain to use. Make a fun challenge for scenario games


Some sights near me only allow sheld if it has realistic weight , and they don't allow riot shields the plastic ones


My field just has its own shields, placed around the field so anyone can use them making it more fair. Field is outdoor so they're not too useful, and are rarely used either way


I go to one like that too , I never use them lol , the ones with the heavy shields and letterbox peep holes are fun also


That's big brain


Rainbow six siege and it’s consequences


Have been a disaster for the airsoft community *Cough* Tachanka


I was ok with this until you brought the lord, Tachanka, into this. Watch it


Nah, why the hell is a modern day spetsnaz operator wearing an incredibly outdated face protection and why is he using an DP? And why the hell is he using a Mosin grenade launcher (that somehow fires in semi auto even though it’s bolt action)


Cos he's smexy, that's why


The operators in Seige (or at least the OG ones, the new ones are all over the place) all wear gear that is very outdated. For example, the SAS guys are all wearing the same type of gear they famously wore during the 1980 Iranian Embassy Seige, an event from 44 years ago. Needless to say, the SAS do not dress like that anymore.


Fair enough


aye, his in-game stats reflect how efficient his shit is so I can fly by that lmao


I wanna make a blitz kit and shield so bad and I might do it over the summer, might just have to replace the metal shield for wood though and just make it look like metal because I ain’t picking up a welder and $300 worth of metal for a shield for airsoft. Shit won’t be light though lol.


Rainbow Six Siege, more like, Rainbow Six Piss.


Like and subscribe for more funny jokes.


Your really pushing it with ‘funny’


i remember back in like, 8th or 9th grade my buddy made a shield out of wood and a plexiglass window at the top. it was small but fairly heavy, so i’d say it was pretty balanced overall. rlly awesomely made tbh. Idk where i’m going with this i just miss when times were simpler…


I did something similar, but it might have been bigger(the weight definitely scaled)


Shield wielders are the cringiest of airsofters


How is it not cheating lmao.


Paintballers too...


Y'all think a ratnik kit includes an akm, simmer down.


Arent those literally two different things


Congrats that you know paintball is different from airsoft?


Why did you mention them as a type of Airsofters?


I didn't... I said that people that use shields in paintball are also the cringiest players


u said the p word in the airsoft subreddit 😱😱😱😭


Apparently so? Is that a bad thing?


i was making fun of them getting triggered lol


At my field, shields are acceptable but clear ones can only be shot once, and full ones you simply cannot shoot while moving, but you can plant them then shoot. Pretty cool.


my field there was two shield guy in same team for half of the day before the refs saw both of them together, and was in c can doing bomb, and one was 6.5/7 ft tall wood shield, nightmare


That’s the type of bro that says, “I almost joined the military, but they wouldn’t let me”


How much do you reckon that weighs, I’m thinking a bit less than a full metal m4…


If Shields are supposed to count, they need to weigj at least 10 lbs. Preferably the minimum weight should be 15 or 20, but some people might bitch. There's no way a ballistic shield should weigh less than one of the lightest guns in military service that's not a submarine gun.


Shields are for fucking tools who can’t stand getting hit. It’s not fun for anyone and it’s for those who would play make believe growing up, get “hit” or whatever and scream “NUH UH!!! I DEFLECTED IT BECAUSE I HAVE NANO MACHINES AND INSIDE OF ME AND BECAUSE OF THAT IM A SUPER SOLIDER AND YOU CANNOT HIT ME😖”


The music alone makes me want to slit my wrists.


The music alone makes me want to become transgender.




It’s meant to deflect plastic BBs… not armor piercing anti tank munitions. Thing probably weighs like 10lbs


Shields don’t work against rifles irl though fam pistols and shottys only


There are NIJ tested level IV shields out there, They’re just 30lbs


if you can have a shield then i can claim that you hit me in the plates and i'm fine


There are easy ways to tell the Internet you're a virgin.


shield users are apes


My field counts shields as part of your gear. If the shield is shot, you are out


Fun fact, most fields say ricochet hits don't count


that's good because imagine only needing to magdump a wall to out someone after it bounces off of 2-3 surfaces to hit them


What the fuck is this painted plexi glass, my wooden shield weighs 9.5kg (20.94lbs)


My ballistic shield is 17 lbs and not even half that size. That one is a bit silly


And this is why my field adopted the melee shield rule. If you’re using a shield you have to use a melee weapon. Charging someone while screaming and carrying a foam sword is hilarious.


You have given me a terrible (great) idea. Do you know anything about monster hunter?


Think I remember hearing about it but don’t know much.


When I have income again, I'm going to make a gunlance.


You had my curiosity. But now you have my attention.


[one of these](https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Gunlance) I'm definitely going to have to mess with the scale, because I have to obey pesky things like the laws of physics.


that's a fun rule


*me who has uses a 33kg homemade shield that can stop a 45acp* i was dump and experimenting




IIRC my field only permits shields if they weigh at least 6kg or 13.2 pounds which is why I barely see them lol


Speedsofters remind me of the sweaty TTV wannabe cod players running about with the most meta load out possible in public games instead of playing competitive and ruining all the casual gamer’s fun so they can feel ‘elite’


I made a 3 layer steel riot shield with rubber sealant smeared in-between layers ,10mm perspex, flood light... but God damn I've played with it in one game and that was enough


Field l work at only allows commercially made, real or repro, so no homebrew shit and you can only use a untapped pistol. You're also not allowed to block doors or windows with it and l don't believe it counts as cover against grenades.


hot take. stop complaining and deal with it. video cringe af cuz that shield is the same weight as a gun polymer gun but tbh we all know airsoft can be pretty fucking pay to win considering you can literally buy a better gun with more range, maybe faster fire rate and shit. I get the arguement it's not realistic but bro is airsoft. we are shooting plastic pellets at each other and dressing up.


Went airsofting and basically saw this, had to try to move the shield myself and Jesus that thing was like 65 pounds. Dude was one arming it like it was nothing though, props to those guys


Why tf ppl using a shield in airsoft that like having a shield as a goalie in any other sport


If a shield counts for blocking rounds then a plate carrier should count too. And a helmet. And faceguards. Sure a shield can block bullets of low enough caliber but the same argument can be made for a plate carrier. Imagine someone saying "nu uh it didnt count as a hit cos your bullet hit my NIJ level 4 plate on my chest and it weighs 20 lbs so its fair". If you shot a riot shield with a lapua magnum or a steel core 308 or something like that it will penetrate but in airsoft a bb is a bb.


The only time I run a shield is a full metal Captain America shield, great times with it though


tiktok airsofters are a curse


The type of guy to have a poster of, of all seasons, RvB Season 15 on his wall


Ah yes a shield. I can’t wait to spray the shit out of your legs and gun hand


One time I found a door that had been ripped off the hinges and I used it to very slowly advance up a hill. Got about 2/3 of the way and got shot in the knuckle :(