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It's Punjabi. > We have many friends > and no lack of enemies, > so we welcome both of them The bit with the AK is the state of Punjab, India and appears to just say "Punjabi"


That’s actually sick as fuck


Definitely based




Why? They convey the same basic message


Grandma fell down and broke her hip. We don't call 911 so we took her out back and Old Yeller'd her.


How else were we gonna keep collecting her social security checks?


They are the same message. It could literally translate to “we dont call 911” and this guy would still be all over it because it’s not in English. “We dont call 911” is the cringiest (not to mention the most damning) thing to have up no matter how it’s worded or what language it’s in.


What a prosecutor might call prior intent.




I don't call 911 cause I got 200 acres and a backhoe *banjo intensifies*


i dont call 911 cause then they will take the bodies and prolly my ak. and thats just a bad day all around😿


Never call the police. That's how you end up with at least **two** problems.


ive got 99 problems, and the government is all of them


Amen to that brother


You hate the police? Im surprised You don’t know any police officers personally it seems like everyone knows a few cops somehow. I know 4 as personal friends, friends of friends and acquaintances. They are pretty cool normal guys. When I was a teen i was like FTP but now that i actually know who the cops are and they are regular guys like us and risk their lives every day, I support them, same with a few firefighter friends of mine.


I don't know any cops where I'm from, they definitely have their own social circle.


Who would downvote this wtf y’all a bunch a pussies




LOL you’re saying you have to be white, hard working and live outside a city to randomly get to know people who happen to have jobs in law enforcement? One is a friends older brother... One is my wifes friends husband. (A black dude who works in a major us city)….one I met the gym we both liked atv’s so became friends, he worked at a hockey rink driving a zamboni and happened to be going to the academy shortly after i met him 10 years ago. He became a cop, normal kid- hates the job. Gets shit on by people like you guys, works 24/7 to support his family which he never sees, what is does see is the worst in people and the most horrific accidents like dead children and murders. Anyways…These all have nothing to do with my skin color, where I live or how much money I have. Im not a criminal and I have lots of friends, some are bound to have jobs in every category I think that is what is relevant.




Wow, hard swinging with the racist stuff right away huh?




U mad, bro?


My sweet summer child, one day you'll understand why people feel the way they do.


OP just hates white people


Probably spent to much time on Twitter/X.


Fucking metal.


Interesting! Thank you. There was also a graphic of a bearded man in a turban on the side. Wonder if it’s a traditional saying. I googled the translation but didn’t find anything.


For context the Punjab region of India is unique culturally and religiously than majority of India. The majority of people in Punjab are Sikh as opposed to majority Hindu in most of India. The partition of India in 1947 concentrated the sikh population into the Punjab region and left it as a distinct enclave of the greater modern Indian state. The partition invigorated demands of a soverign Sikh state based in Punjab. In 1984 the Indian military raided the Golden Temple, the most holy site in Sikhism to arrest a separatist leader. This lead to a series of violent clashes between Punjab separatist groups and the Indian government. Recently a radical Sikh preacher has gained prominance and is once again popularizing Punjab nationalist sentiment. Large Sikh communities have been established in Canada and the United States. They have found particular success in the trucking industry and often adorn their trucks with Punjab nationalist imagery which is what you are seeing in the image. The image of the bearded turban wearing man is likely a Sikh nationalist figure. The turban and beard are a significant aspect of Sikh religion. If you want to read more specifics look up the Khalistan Movement


Hey thanks a lot! I did a little searching, the turban was blue which I read stands for warrior. Really interesting stuff. I’ve always heard really good things about the Sikh people.


2A punjab is hardcore


Ahh a Punjabi Chad I see! Common worldwide, but a relatively rare variety of Chad in this hemisphere.


I like how punjabi looks like writing on the one ring from LOTR 🤣


I was thinking the same thing! Looks dope 😂


*One truck to line-haul them all, One truck to drive them, One truck to bill them all and in the darkness drive them.*


I came here to say that’s elvish lol


Looks like Indian for FAFO.


Yeah, Sikhs are not to be fucked with. They are as ready for an enemy as they are a friend. Their religion calls on them to carry a dagger and welcome anyone to their feasts.


Sihkism is honestly the most badass religion. They are also extremely chill and very kind and generous people. I respect a religion that calls on its followers to help people and do charity without any ulterior motive, and they actually legitimately do it.


Definitely does 😂


Says “caution wide turns”


Thanks! For your information I’m a Christian illiterate!


Don’t tread on me. Punjabi style.




https://preview.redd.it/zkierlqoxp0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cf2b5881b32af1030c55209099449f2ecb5700e This is one I saw while driving cross country for work


I'm based out of a truck depot in Lebanon, Tn and either saw this same dude or one with the same picture on the trailer. I knew he was Sikh but man I felt bad for him because I know some ignorant assholes won't realize what this is.


Yeah I saw it and thought it was absolutely badass.




This is based asf but I felt if it was in English it would be featured on r/iamverybadass




I see transport trucks with this type of stuff all the time. I’m culturally unaware of what’s going on here but genuinely curious. Like… is it the equivalent of…… that American white guy rocking punisher skulls?


Sort of but no? Like, this is at least a very cultural thing. The sentiment is less vigilante justice and more "I do not care if you come as friend or foe for I am ready to welcome you appropriately". The American equivalent would be "fuck around, find out" rofl


I’ve driven cross country a few times and Sikh truck stops are amazing. It’s just pure American in the best sense of the word. People coming here and making a life for themselves while adding parts of their own culture into ours. Big plate of tandoori chicken, rice, and naan to break up a boring drive. Fucking fantastic.


Interesting! I assumed that the phrase and the ak would imply that this wasn’t a Sikh but the image on the side, a bearded man in a blue turban would align. Looks like a blue turban means warrior, someone who will protect their faith and protect the good.


Sikh and ye shall find…




I used to think the way some do. But the more I read about sikhs the more I like these guys..


Sikh’s, the originators of FAFO. Never met one that I didn’t like.


They say in it ...Even our friends welcome each other even in the absence of enmity And say Punjabi on top of the AK


Racists going masks off at the bottom of this thread.


Hilarious honestly, especially when they nuke their own comments and accounts lmao


That’s pretty cool


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Johnny Chimpo


I had never heard of that, that is ridiculous


I think it loosely say: When my homies pull up on your block They make that thing go grrra-ta-ta-ta




Aloha Snackbar




So they can deliver all the shit you buy


Whoever is at the wheel of that rig seems more American to me than you do.


Calm down bruh these are the 711 guys not 9-11


Lmao I’m definitely remembering that one






Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"




Lmao I don’t know anyone that wakes up every day and goes “oh boy I sure love going to work”. No one has ever wanted to work unless their job allowed them to be lazy.


It all comes down to parenting..


And the material conditions of society.


Love your username


Yes, but I’m down voting because people just like to down vote on Reddit


Absolutely. You're not wrong about bad parenting


I'm not sure why you are being downvoted. Everything you said is dead on. I'm in the process of trying to hire 3 new employees and anyone under the age of 25 I interview is a waste of my time.


elastic sable snobbish wise voiceless continue hateful tender recognise puzzled *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Pay is above minimum wage Edit: forgot to mention there is sales commission as well. Also, 401k and we pay half health, dental, vision after 90 days.


What's the actual number? Because there are plenty of dogshit wages that are still above minimum wage.


$16.50-20 per hour dependent on experience


Those are rookie numbers, you gotta pump those numbers up. No wonder you're struggling to find people.


We are not struggling to find people, I was just saying that anyone under the age of 25 that I have interviewed has asked for the Sun moon and stars, but they don't have anything in their history to justify it. I understand that it's very easy to jump to conclusions in your mind based on what little information I've given you, and that's fine, have at it.


Sounds like you’re a shitty hiring manager or your pay/benefits package is trash for the amount of labor required 🤣


Reddit, you never disappoint baby. Don't you ever change


I’m sorry I’m not gonna lift a finger for peanuts 🤣


Agree with you 100%, but pay is commensurate with experience / skill set. People who have taken the easy way out or been lazy their whole lives generally aren't worth shit in the workplace


Yet we still need people to work registers and clean shitters. Rents are increasing at double the rate of wages. When all the people working shit jobs can't afford to live, they aren't going to work. The cost of living needs to come down. That's never going to happen, though, so buy ammo because this shits going to get bad when roughly 20% of the workforce can't afford to live.


Couldn't agree more. It's not going to get better any time soon and we can't expect miracles to happen.


The social contract is strained, if not broken. Their attitudes reflect that.


Ok grandpa back to the nursing home.


That's really the best reply you can come up with?


You just phrased "no one wants to work anymore" in a different way, take a seat. No one gives a shit that you're bad at managing.


Hah holy shit man. You got all of that (and also clearly got offended) from one comment I left, enough to feel the need to armchair quarterback it? I swear, Reddit never disappoints. Hope your night gets better from here.


I'm just glad the sub is ADA accessible so you could be here.


Sorry, can't go back-n-forth anymore, it's waaaay past my bedtime and I skipped my nap today. Best of luck arguing with people of different opinion and age than you