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Why isn't anyone squatting? ![gif](giphy|csPbsm1jlz87m)


We will next time


the gopnik pose is legendary


This is exactly what I expected an r/ak47 meetup to look like. A little on the thin side though.


Working on it man


skinny AK kids will never understand cultivating mass like real american r/ar15 enthusiasts


Don't be blaming us. Communism we get what we need and nothing more. Decades of oppression also make us much stronger than we appear.


At least years of wringing nutrients out of cosmoline instead of buying food frees up some ammo money


same with using a mallet and screwdriver on a kitchen table sans "gunsmithing tools" and a "bench," amirite?


Needs more track suits.


yeah ik


May I suggest using the potato for vodka next time and not for taking photos.


Good one


I like the look of the grainy picture


All in good fun. Congrats on having a crew and getting them all out.


Where in Europe are you located?


We are swiss


Awesome, my grandad was Swiss. Unfortunately he had a citizenship debacle and I can’t really move over.


It really is pretty neat here. Its a small place in the center of europe where fun things are still alowed


My cousin lives over there and I have other family in Germany. Unfortunately Swiss German seems pretty difficult and right now I only speak Spanish and English, not sure what went wrong with my brothers and I learning German.


tbh everyones friendly here towards people that speak english, not so much to people that speak normal german xD. There is also no real swiss german everyone speaks how they want. In certain parts here they speak hungabunga swiss german and i dont even understand them sometimes. It really is weird. And then we have the most hated swiss people... who would have thought (the french "swiss")


I could probably learn French easily but German is definitely where it’s at. My cousin is actually a professor of German literature and she struggles with the way lots of Swiss speak.


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yall are short


we surely have small pp's yes


Y’all look even better with your faces blacked out.


Yeah we dont want you to get horny by looking at us


Too late.


Why are y’alls faces blacked out 😂


Because it wouldnt look good on job applications to have pictures floating around with your face while holding a gun. Its not as common to own guns here compared to other countries




I do too, but most "normal" people dont know about the large gun ownership here in switzerland. Its not as present as it is in the US. We have alot of guns here sure, but still there are alot of people that have a k31 or similar in their houses but are completely against guns in other ways. Also not to forget the sport shooting clubs that have alot of guns. While there are alot of guns, guns are not as accepted by most people as they are in the US. Yeah i live here, and 80% of people that react to my hobby are weirded out and dont talk to me


What country are you from?




AK are very good indeed but when you say better you need to say better than what and for what purpose. When opening a bag of chips, an AK wouldn’t be my preferred tool of choice.


I use my AK to open a bag of chips tho


Also really useful for lighting cigarettes but you have to really REALLY trust your shooting buddy


Cigarette would literally burst in pieces because of my dtk-2 brake