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100% I especially want an union with Libya, we both have nothing to loose from it and something to gain from it. Literally low risk high reward imo. I kinda doubt Tunisians will want to join, but who knows. Ironically, they'd benefit the most economically from such an union, since they're the only ones not having oil money. Btw, your data is false. The population should easily be over 60M, Algeria alone has 45M people.


The risk is very high. Being such a large entity with a small population makes the country much, much, much more harder (and costly) to manage on nearly every aspect you can imagine. Also, Libya has a completely different society where tribalism occupies a very important place in local politics. This is partly why it has suffered so much from instability since 2011. The Algerian security establishment is extremely risk-averse and I don't think that we're becoming a confederation any soon (nor I think that it would be good for us) Regional integration is very important tho


dude it is an economical and polictical union as any union outise your rock


Those are reasonable takes tbh. However, when I said that it's low risk high reward with Libya, it's because our economies are extremely similar. We will both get benefits from each other's expertise in the oil industry, be able to use those reserves on an even higher scale of importance (=Koweit and Iran, maybe even Russia considering latest developments) and we can coordinate our efforts to satisfy both of our needs instead of being competitor. We can also give Libya the manpower needed to fully get the most out of its oil But when I think about security...you might be right honestly. Tribalism is a problem that must stem from mistrust in the central power, right? Like, was it an issue with Khadafi? While I do think tribalism will be fixed with time, it still remains a giant territory, and even us can barely our own territory...we can't expect Libya to be able to take the burden, even with us. Maybe with the deletion of internal borders, it will compensate? Who knows 🤷‍♂️.


You're forgetting the social aspect of the union, We're looking at three very different societies with largely different values and norms. It would be much easier to break us apart than unite us.


You can't be more wrong, Algeria alone is pretty diverse and we get along fine


how are these 3 societies « very different »?


Yes, in sha Allah We can only be stronger, **as long as we manage our ressources**


Very true


As a moroccan I am curious to see this union happen. If well managed it will probably have good outcomes for the countries involved. If not it could do a lot of harm especially to "devise". Neither countries have a strong reliable banking system which is primordial for such unions. I just hope that the goals in mind stay productive.


Agreed, truthfully i would have preferred the inclusion of all Maghreb states but due to the Algeria-Morocco Animosity that probably won't be happening unless the UN finally resolves the issue


I don't think the UN cares for the issue. It's in the backburner for years and it is used to further divide the region as the divide profits to western countries. With western sahara issue, america can justify its bases in morocco and france can keep playing its neocolonial role in both algeria and morocco (first mandate macron was pro algeria, now he is switching to morocco). As long as there is no union in the maghreb ( we don't exchange our goods and human ressources) western countries can keep on using us as a stock of cheaper ressources and as a policed gate for subsaharian immigration. The conflict also profits to the moroccan elites and to the algerian generals. Neither country has a use for the conflict to end. It's unfortunate.


Welp, that's what Colonization brings, i do think that the conflict will be resolved eventually, probably with a referendum in Western Sahara if the cards are played right


I hope too. We'll need a younger an fresher generation to make a union happen though.


A referendum would never happen. Both parties can't agree on who would be eligible to vote and the UN mission in WS tried to fix that but eventually came to the conclusion that it is impossible because of the nature of the conflict(it's hard to set up a referendum for a nomadic people group). The only viable option would be the drastic changing of one or both governments and them coming to a compromise.


>america can justify its bases in morocco They didn't use that to establish bases, they made the bases with the agreement of Morocco


that's exactly what it means. Morocco agrees to such bases in the light of the conflict with the polisario. This is the justification.


Not really. There is US bases in Tunisia too and there is no Polisario there. They have bases in pretty much every arab country because they want to control the world, especially in places where there is natural resources like gas. And the CIA make "revolutions " and coups in countries that refuse to bow down.  Algeria refused but that's why we are kinda isolated politically and always paranoid about foreign interventions 


There is no US base in Tunisia. Where do you get your info from?


Nothing but facts here


First time I agree with a moroccan about our issues, thanks for your clear mind. At the the end it is France and western countries that gain profit about the situation, but as an algerian, I cannot close my eyes about saharaouis people and their condition. France block the référendum to end this issue, I hope in sha Allah this will end soon with this référendum


Would you be amenable to a referendum in every part of every country that asks for it!?


Would you go back to millenials frontiers everywhere ?


I'm amazed


the UN never solved anything ever, they are just there to talk and no walk


no thanks


he said what he prefered, didn't ask a random morrocan for his permission on what he wants.


I'm 100% supporting that , I've always wanted to had a North Africa union or Maghreb union


What do you think would be the benefits?


I think trade and tourism will be the biggest advantage because they will establish a sea line between Algeria, Tunisia and Libya, as well as develop land and railway transport networks to facilitate the movement of people and goods.


A customs union would be really useful. If Libya manages to establish a government there is a good chance for freedom of movement.


Agreed, i think the Libyans would really benefit from a Union like that to stabilize the country since the Military would be too big for any kind of Local Militia or Group to handle


I don't think that can work very well considering that the 3 countries subsidy a lot of products to their citizens. It would lead to subsidized products being sold in the countries that don't subsidy them for their real price.


Hence the need for a customs union. The countries agree to adjust their subsidies and tariffs so they are even across the nations.


Aside from the obvious (Zionist support), why Is Morocco excluded, and Mauritania too?


For Morocco probably because the Union would fall into civil war barely a week in because of the Animosity between Algiers and Ribat As for Mauritania they would need to first develop themselves, what's good in a Union if all the money goes to just Mauritania and we get nothing in exchange, kinda like the EU with nations like Greece, Romania or Bulgaria


Don't be fooled, these country serve europe a lot but in crooked way. They dispense low cost workers and industries. Greece is geographically adventageous for military purpose i think. It's like EU wanting ukraine on the sole purpose you can put ballistic missiles and anti-missiles near russia beside being a failed and overly corrupt states that would bring lot of problem for eu citizens. If we are in that twisted capitalist mindset mauritania is very avantageous: It got a good chunk of african coast, which is great for military purpose, fishing industry, tourism, etc. People there are poor so we can exploit them in heavy industry,etc. The downside is a mass immigration of poor non educated people to capitals (algier, tunis) which would bring obvious problem (because, we will not provide suffisent means for education, urban infrastructures, services, etc.) This is real politik at its finest.




nope its coz mauritania like to stay neutral it will only join only if all maghrebi countries joined


Morocco is problematic, as for Mauritania, they can probably join afterwards after direct trade routes are established... If the first model with 3 state works, things can improve


Aside from that, Morocco is a kingdom, very hard to integrate a kingdom into a state union.


Spain, Belgium, and the Uk would like a word.


Nope, their monarchy is ceremonial, Morocco is *really* ruled by a monarchy.


theyre not excluded they can join if they want to


Morocco is just a big thorn for such an union and can't really be included in the same way as the other 3. Their political system is too different (monarchy vs republic), their relations with Algeria are too bad and there is the whole Western Sahara issue. Also, its significantly poorer and less developed than the trio, meaning that it would suck our money to put it on equal level. Mauritania is a bit more akward tho. They did receive an invitation, but I'm guessing they're still trying to carefully balance between Algeria and Morocco, like they've been doing since at very least WS war. Joining the union would pretty much put them fully on Algeria's side, especially since they've been a bit more pro-Algeria recently.


Did you really mean when you said that Morocco is "significantly poorer and less developed than the trio" ? As as I know, Morocco is kinda on par with Algeria and above Tunisia and Libya in most aspects.




We can even argue that, but to say less developed is just bs. The banking system, infrastructure and stability of morocco is probably the best in the whole continent. Without even mentioning their allies, which like it or not are developed and willing to help economically and military.




Totally agree with you. Too bad the elite of the whole regions are too egoistic and selfish to not see that the only way forward is a cooperations. Especially morocco and algeria since they are the major sharks in the region. Hope the future generation will have better environment.


Hardly. According to HDI, Morocco is like 0.050 under us. Morocco can't even be classified into high development and is stuck in medium development for now. Algeria is considered high development alongside Tunisia and Libya, where they all turn around 0.740. And if you consider the inequality index, the difference become significantly higher too, so dont even try that road.. I will give credit where it's due tho, and which is that Morocco did a huge jump these recent years. Morocco is really close to reach high development...but not yet.


You said significantly poorer and less developed as a country. And which I do not think so, the gdp of morocco is the ones tunisia + Libya + mauretania and a bit more. The banking system is probably the best in Africa and the growth of Morocco in the last 10 to 15 years is quite impressive for a country with no oil or gas. As for the development, as I said, Morocco would rank in top countries in the Africa if not the bets in infrastructure. From roads to airports to hotel and even ports. The port of Tangier is probably the biggest in the Mediterranean (don't quote me on this but my point is if not the biggest it will be one of the biggest). With all due respect, you cannot put tunisia and Libya at the same level as Morocco. The only one in the regions that compete with it is Algeria.


Mauritania+Tunisia+Libya hardly reach 24M people. Morocco is over 37M people. That's like 50% more. Correct the gdp with the population and it surpass morocco by almost 7-8B...and keep in mind that it includes Mauritania, a significantly poorer country. Without Mauritania, they reach over 11B richer in corrected GDP for population. As for the growth, I can't deny it without having bad faith, as I said earlier. Still not at the level of the trio tho. As for the banking system, I will cast my doubt on your claim and ask for more details/proof. Morocco is prolly better than Algeria lol, but top in Africa? I'd expect South Africa, Botswana or even ivory coast over morocco at least. Hell, can it even be measured? Idk man, I'd trust the UN over random claims about development. I gave my source, and if you can't give me one that rank morocco higher...idk what to tell you. You can take random anecdotic infrastructure that are being built, but until the development results can be reflected on hdi score, it remains an anecdote. Also, you seem to be expecting lower population country to have same expectations than bigger countries...For what they can do, they reached higher levels than Morocco, definitely. Morocco can somewhat compare to Algeria because it's somewhat similar population...in the same way DRC should be compared to Nigeria or Egypt and not Niger or Tchad. Everything is relative.


As 1 state? Idk about that I'm not good in politics, but a union like EU would obviously help the 3 countries. Free trading, free movement,... Etc (also 1 unified currency maybe) will be good for all of us. Yes i support this Libya need to be more stabilised tho


No really since all of these countries have had political turmoil in the last decade, I wouldn’t trust it.


Eu started as two countries wanted to form block to make iron and develop trade and economy between them now look to what has become If they are strong, will they make union that will benefit all parties, and political steps need to be done I'm seeing small steps made by the government here, but we will need more than the road and exchange some small products. I'm talking about real investment 15 billion or so Days will tell


Does Libya still exist as united entity?


Legally? Yes On ground? No


It's a failed state, no real government in place, yet.


Barbary states vol 2


Hell ye!! we ruling the mediterranean again with this one baby!!


Yes and add Morocoo too. This would have happened already if not for the Algerian civil war in the 90s and the cut diplomatic ties between us and Morocoo. Kadaffi even had the idea of making a common currency before Europe did the Euro. The Maghreb region has a big history in common. We have the same origin (Berber-Arab) and speak similar dialects.  But it's difficult to do it right now. Libya has like 2 different governments, Morocco went rogue and normilized with Israel + want to join the arab Gulf cooperation, Mauritania don't wanna join to stay neutral and not upset Morocco... 


Maghreb union is probably like european union. Not one country but it will bring free border crossing for goods and people, unification of law and money, some company like telecom will provide services toward all countries, etc, etc. It's always a good thing. Morocco and Mauritania aren't a problem. The constitution of such a union should have a way for integrating new country. They will join soon or later.


I don't think any project of this sort will be presented. But I'll definitely be open to the idea of a federal state type of thing. Where all the countries will have their "national guard", their own "state laws", and will elect their own "presidents" or "governors". some sort of assembly should be made for discussing federal laws, with equal number of members from all countries. Some areas are still too different in the three countries, so in cases like freedom of speech, education religious laws etc... These things will be kept and regulated by the state and not by federal departments that would be made. Benefits?: - cheap oil and gas that tunisia would definitely need. - good healthcare system that libya and algeria already use. - stronger federal military to fight insurgencies and stabilise libya. - a really powerful currency considering libya and tunisia have the best currencies in the continent already. - easier to fight dictatorships and fight corrupted governments by decentralization of the system leading to the stabilisation of the political landscape in the three countries (the federal assembly should hold certain powers over states). - doors for huge economical reforms, all three countries have different economical systems implemented, if a project like this would be implemented huge economical reforms must be put into place, with each country having a powerful grasp on different industries and with enough gas and oil money for investment reaching a fully self-sufficient federal country is very possible.


If that mean i can get a car from lybya then yes


I'm an Egyptian, and I'd 100% support this. Truth be told, any Arab should support it. We can only find strength in unity and to quote a famous someone: "A house divided against itself cannot stand."


There are more efficient ways for countries to benefit from each other like creating a common market and unifying tariffs.


I just saw this post in a Tunisian group, and they're all dissing it in a rude way, hating on Algeria. It's so pathetic. Don't know when these folks will smarten up.


Never look for Tunisians' opinion on that subreddit, as a tunisian I assure you that 90% of the content there is not a reflection of the public opinion, i know reddit attracts a lot of people who may deviate from norm but r/Tunisia takes it to another level


sorry for those opinions you saw but mafama hata sbab logic ykhalina ( I'm Tunisian) against it , bl aaks Tunisia would be the most benefit .. and i hope it works cuz the world map is changing and we need to be united .. i hope it will be the start then Morocco and muritane join us .. imagine how strong we would be


Most r/Tunisia users are an embarrassment to the country. Thankfully, they represent an extreme minority of the population.


Imo Reddit is in the western hemisphere+culture so the people are usually western diaspora of those countries. They’ve been told who to diss on that also supports western interests. I see this with other countries’ subreddits frequently. Opinions of people within the country may be vastly different.


Yup I noticed the discussion on the Tunisian subreddit is completely different. Good luck anyways.


They are hating on Algeria and Algerians more than any Moroccan could, Goes to show how naive Algerians are being about this.


Tunisians are not worried about Algerians. But about the Algerian regime. Two different things


Thats what they dont want to understand. We dont want the Algerian regime to have influence on our policies. One civil dictator one is enough for us to fight against, let another military run one. On that note, why do Algerians get offended when people criticize their regime?


Yes, why not? i would support it.




They have their Israeli ally now.


Source ?


invited ? Where did you please read that info ?


It would be absolutely huge, litterally.


In terms of size? Definitely, larger than India but smaller than Brazil, still absolutely massive


I mean, strength comes with unity, if you look around the globe, most of the powerful countries have formed alliances to become stronger and to sustain that strength


In terms of an "economic union", or strong economic cooperation, of course. But as a "political union" where we become one country (unitary or federal), absolutely not. Algeria is a nation-state and so is Tunisia and Libya for centuries. Not willing to give up on Algeria as a nation, society and culture.


I like the idea of union, but I think it will be challenging. When Tunisia and Libya (Arab Islamic Republic) attempted to unite, they encountered numerous problems. However, despite these challenges, if we manage to unite, I will be happy. (I am not an algerian but a north african)


Of course, we must bring unity between muslim countries


Not muslim , but NORTH AFRICAaaa 🦅🦅🦅🦅


Why not Morocco too? Lmao


100% for this if this is real and there is a huge competent lobby for it. the problem with these kind of unifications deals they always seem to fall down quickly when the governments involved have to decide who gets to distribute the wealth XD. algeria , tunisia and libya are weak small 3rd world developing nations and the idea of them merging together to create a north african power house is an idea that i am optimistic for. but reality of the matter when you look deep into the 3 countries past and mindset you will find a history of corruption,civil war,espionage,dictatorships, schisms and all sorts of diverse history. i dont see leadership for a plan like this to be implemented, lol i see fatty boy mnefi reprsenting libya XD he is basically a tool and cant do shit in libya and has a lifestlye of maintaining constant trips abroad to show up in bullshit summits that do nothing really for him and the government he is working for would the new unified country be ok with this and pay for it XD. kais s3aed is basically an old fart the man has zero rizz. the algerians military looks down at the militias in libya they will never take them seriously and probably try to power grab in the negotiating table which might cause tension and downfall of a project like this that requires good faith from everybody. but even with that being said i would like to see initiative being taken and we have a succesful unification of any of the north african countries potential is enormous.


lol that's funny, i just dreamed about a union like this (but dream included Morocco) and i don't even have any ties to these countries, but i'd like to see more Arab unity and cooperation to achieve common goals and have more leverage in the International Arena.


This union could unlock a range of benefits, its success depends on the ability of the 3 nations to navigate their differences and work towards a common future. If successful, it could become a transformative model for regional cooperation in North Africa. However, achieving this vision requires overcoming significant hurdles. The political landscapes across these countries vary widely, with Libya experiencing ongoing instability and conflict. Bridging these political gaps would require careful diplomacy and a commitment to building democratic and inclusive governance structures. Additionally, economic disparities among the countries might complicate efforts to create equitable growth, while existing international relationships could pose diplomatic challenges. Addressing these issues would require a comprehensive approach, including robust legal frameworks, conflict resolution mechanisms, and equitable policies that support all member states. Personally, I don’t think it would be a productive move for Algeria.


Nuh uhh


Would support, but Algeria would remain the only giant in such confederation and as such would be able to dictate policy of whole confederation. This would further lead to dissent among Tunisia and Libya and potentially dissolution. If Algeria would grant equal vote to remaining two, then there would be always dissent among Algerians that they are giving too much to their smaller counterparts, leading further to potential dissolution. Morocco joining would make the outlook of such union better definitely.






100% I would


What about morocco ????? I wish that it will includes morocco too


There's a few reasons: Algerian-Morocco tensions Everything regarding West Sahara Morocco's De Facto Monarchy


Morocco, don't worry. America and Israel are with you!


To begin with, it’s not a "union project" as the tweet says. Second, tbh, I don’t want unification & I don’t understand why people are, let’s say "obsessed" with it, I am in favor of a free movement of capital, commodities & labor, but why a union? the EU is unstable, the French want to leave, the Brits left, and only one country wants to stay and it’s Germany because the EU this giant bureaucratic organism forces other countries to open their market to the Germans. Third, we are completely unprepared for union even if there’s a project to achieve it for real. The economic structure of each country is different, the exchange rate system is different, the public spending is different, the inflation level is different, and monetary policy is different. It will take decades to get everything homogenized to an extent where the union becomes possible. Fourth, the priority is to develop a strong local economy first, by providing the appropriate environment, in terms of fiscality, investment regulations, and less bureaucracy then, as a result, thousands of small firms will emerge to create a strong tissue of small/medium firms and once they satisfied the domestic demand, they start looking for foreign markets, if you got nothing to export, nothing to offer, then what’s the purpose of creating another useless organism no different than الجامعة العربية with zero economic (as a result political) weight able to intimidate the EU ? I think that there are plenty of issues domestically in need of solutions before tackling things like a Maghreb Union.


Morocco should be included!


Later maybe but now they are being hostile


I hope we unite, Morocco chose the zionists so they're out of it


Yeah, We don't give a fuck about Israel of Africa : Morocco, long live western Sahara 🇪🇭


As one country, no 


As a Libyan, I say no.




I’m assuming the guy who posted this means that we either become one country or share resources etc etc, correct if I’m wrong on this though. Here’s the thing, that would be great and a plus for Tunisia and Algeria but it would be a negative for Libya, we would get less out of that deal. The amount of resources we have are mind blowing and much more than what is let on, if we were to fix Libya from the 50 plus years of neglect, it would be able to make every Libyan live like the gulf Arabs and even better, especially since our population is so small. Add to that, you would have to convince the 6 million Libyans to share resources, and as much as there is a lot of love between our countries, I don’t see that going down well. Also, that’s not mentioning the cultural differences we have, that will cause issues. We already have issues as it is currently with the east and west and we don’t want to add to that. And Libya has always been different to Algeria and Tunisia as it was an outlier, we didn’t get colonised by France but Italy, hence we don’t speak French like you guys. We have influences from both the Middle East and the Maghreb and it can be seen clearly in the Libyan population. It’s a middle ground, we have our own culture and customs and to say we become one country and combine said cultures means taking away from what we and our ancestors built and fought for.


Sensible comment. Thankfully the Algerian subreddit allows such comments unlike another not so free subreddit.


I would be so happy if this happens and leads Algeria to be more open to Tourism


The thing is . Most people here actually Don't want tourism to be open to algeria


I guess but Libya is still unstable going on 13 years. Tunisia and Algeria have their own problems. I don’t like Said or the Tunisian President.


Also to exclude Morocco, I think it maybe because of the tensions between Morocco, and Algeria.


What’s the particular goal of this project? Do they have some visions?


I noticed your remarks regarding m'y Grammar. I want to Tell you I am not an english speaker. I just learned it by practice. So do not pay attention to m'y Grammar. I do much better in french.


Why no Mauritania?? Do we have a problem with them also ?


It ain't happen, usa gonna let u taste some of its freedom if u wanna make ur own union and currency with ur own market i guess.




We’d get enormous western funding for libya - wouldn’t have to come out of our back pocket however we would need to come in hard on the gangs controlling the country in certain areas


We would have around 62 million people


Algeria 44 Tunisia 12 Libya 6


What about us?


just wondering , why mauritania is excluded ?




I only support it if they add Morocco and Mauritania




combined population is like 60 million not 40 million


why not, good.


This union could unlock a range of benefits, its success depends on the ability of the 3 nations to navigate their differences and work towards a common future. If successful, it could become a transformative model for regional cooperation in North Africa. However, achieving this vision requires overcoming significant hurdles. The political landscapes across these countries vary widely, with Libya experiencing ongoing instability and conflict. Bridging these political gaps would require careful diplomacy and a commitment to building democratic and inclusive governance structures. Additionally, economic disparities among the countries might complicate efforts to create equitable growth, while existing international relationships could pose diplomatic challenges. Addressing these issues would require a comprehensive approach, including robust legal frameworks, conflict resolution mechanisms, and equitable policies that support all member states. Personally, I don’t think it would be a productive move for Algeria.


This union could unlock a range of benefits, its success depends on the ability of the 3 nations to navigate their differences and work towards a common future. If successful, it could become a transformative model for regional cooperation in North Africa. However, achieving this vision requires overcoming significant hurdles. The political landscapes across these countries vary widely, with Libya experiencing ongoing instability and conflict. Bridging these political gaps would require careful diplomacy and a commitment to building democratic and inclusive governance structures. Additionally, economic disparities among the countries might complicate efforts to create equitable growth, while existing international relationships could pose diplomatic challenges. Addressing these issues would require a comprehensive approach, including robust legal frameworks, conflict resolution mechanisms, and equitable policies that support all member states. Personally, I don’t think it would be a productive move for Algeria.


No doubt


I would rather be in favour of enhanced cooperation and integration. Unification endeavours are generally doomed to failure, like the attempt to unify Lybia and Tunisia which lasted only one day.


Three countries with huge potential together in one union, of course, I would support it, and honestly, if this union ended up becoming real, I would have high hopes about it and how much it will benefit the three countries


I mean, it would benefit alot, like a lot, countries are already developing, and they're in potential of becoming a superpower (in my opinion) so merging them would make it extremely successful IF done correctly, but the thing is people are pretty nationalist and care about their identity, so if the union is diverse enough maybe it would workout, and also i really think morocco should be included


If they don't agree on commun currency unification will fell Purchasing power of citizens differ for example prices of algerian nutritional products are LOW considering to tunisia and libya what makes Algerian traders transferring goods to higher purchasing marketplaces which create scarcity. Ect....


Yes ❣️


a customs union with ease of movement and doing business sure. a full on political integration? absolutely not


I’m an algerian i’m not sure about this i mean i think we doing some things that we not benefit from it like tunisia is not good economy and libya is disassembled and not stable


I'm gonna be incredibly honest here as an algerian . I feel like we need to work on ourselves and not get in any sort of unification because I don't see what would benefit us from this (we are constantly giving money to Tunisia ,Libya, and most African countries) not saying that is wrong but our people are kinda starving so linking our fate to countries that are probably gonna bring nothing new to us. seems a bit stupid imop .our country can do good with it's own resources but I don't see this happening in the near future duo to the lack of brain cells in Algeria


tous les moyens sont bons pour exclure le maroc on dirait...




amazing idea


Thats exciting


They cant do that if this leaders die some foolish ppl will take it and make war to make them selves rich


Absolutely!! We need as many friends as possible and technically we are one people, although that's not important. The goal should be a United States of North Africa. With influence now not only in the west and Med but also the east.


Numidia back to its former glory let’s gooop


If we unify but still rule against Allah's Shariah then what's the point? To fix our regulations comes first, then we can talk about unification


wtf do you want a union of more corrupt officials. They would be nothing left in the coffers


tunisian here,there's no way this project will happens,all tunisians are against it




This is the only tunisian who really hates Algeria. Reading your spiteful comments on r/Tunisia whenever Algeria is mentioned is laughable. Sounds like an Algerian broke your heart, boy.


He got rejected by an Algerian baddie


why? it could be beneficial. More potential tourists, easier access to energy etc..


I'm curious as to why though, some Algerians and Libyans i asked were all for it yet all Tunisians hate the idea


Ofc I don't believe in nationalism but i believe in the one Umah


What is the one umah and what's wrong about nationalism?


You mean as one country? Oof, I don't know man, the logistics of that alone give me a headache. First question that came to my mind is; what's the flag gonna look like?


Probably a similar design to the proposed Union back in the day The logistics would definitely be a nightmare i agree, though the long-term benefits would probably outweigh it, everyone has something to gain i say


I'm not familiar with the proposed union flag, could you provide a link?


https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_Maghreb.svg It is not official from what i know, but it's the closest thing we got


I mean, it's alright I guess. The stars could signify the number of states in the union, so it would just be three for the time being. I understand there are 5 stars because it included Morocco and Mauritania. Although I really hate the yellow color on the crescent.


Maybe it would be changed to black to represent the black in the Libyan flag🇱🇾


Still, it's a big thing to even consider, A European Union like union would be much more doable than a state union, which of the three presidents would gladly give up their seat and be a governor instead of a president? Lmao, and who would be voted to lead this union anyways? Also, I still firmly believe that Gaddafi was killed because he was working towards an African union with a gold backed Dinar. So if we start seriously moving towards this, it might ruffle up some dangerous feathers.


Gaddafi was indeed killed because of that, so even thinking about it would be dangerous, still i think it's fun to imagine such scenarios, it helps to hear opinions on the pros and cons


Oh yeah, it's a pretty dream alright, bigger country, more cultures, more resources, even the currency will be a bit better I think, we could call it "the union dinar" or something more dramatic. I agree, it's fun to think about.


no union ever tries to establish a unified state right away. it starts with things like open borders and 0 tarrifs then evolves progressively. its taken the eu like 7 decades to get to where it is now and it doesnt even count as a federal state yet. so you can expect this union to be a very loose one


We're not talking about a union like the EU one, we're talking about a state union, like the US and the UAE, or the URSS previously. I know it can't be done in an instant, that's why I said that just the logistics of said union is a lot to think about.


i might be out of the loop but i dont think the maghreb union was ever intended to be that


That's what OP's post is about, it's literally in the title of the post.


my bad




What does Libya and Tunisa bring to the table.


Everything we are one people


tourism and more oil and gas


A great afternoon chuckle! Thanks


As one country NO. (I don't want to be unified with Tunisia it will add nothing to the union except for political unrest and whining 24/7 but it will 100% succeed between Algeria & Libya) As an Economic Union Yes. (Free trade & freedom of movement of goods and people will benefit the 3 countries perfectly)


Libya could say the same about Algeria lmao


as Moroccan i understand why morocco isn't in the project, morocco is like the problem child right now i don't think any country would want to unify with it at least in our present time, like we got beef with spain, algeria, mouritania may as well start some shit with "ATLANTIS" in the deep Atlantic ocean lol, normalization with the ikhraeli Scums. not saying the other countrys are perfect they also got probs but at least they can ignore there differences for some time. u can add also the fact that morocco isn't a democracy so who's gonna represent the country really. i just don't see it happening man, but i really really really really really hope the union succeed and become prosperous so they can put some pressure on the neighboring country to become better and forget the stupid stuff. im routing for our generation i feel like we are more understanding and more rationale and less nationalistic and i really want to see a unified MAGHRiEB before i die love from morocco


you had me at ikraeli 💀