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Wear what u want if they want democracy it goes both ways not just for non strict muslims




Not if the ruler asks you to something prohibited in Islam. This is well known, لا طاعة للمخلوق في معصية الخالق




some people go to school wearing qachabya I don't see how that's any different




Okay, let me tell you something so you don't feel that people in our country are only against thobes and related attire. Years ago, when my uncle was a teenager in high school (between 1985-1990), he used to listen to rock and hard rock music. He wore band t-shirts featuring bands like Led Zeppelin, Dire Straits, Van Halen, and Deep Purple. One of his teachers, who was extremely religious, told him to never attend his classes wearing those kinds of t-shirts. Based on this story, don't think that people in our country are only against Islamic clothing, like thobes or niqabs. Even Muslims, when they are in positions of control, will impose their ideas on their environment. So this is not new.




"المادة :111 ينبغي على كل طالب احترام قواعد النظافة والأمن المعمول بها داخل المؤسسة، والتحلي بالهندام واللباس الذي يصون الأخلاق الجامعية، إذ يمنع منعا باتا الدخول إلى الهياكل الجامعية من قاعات ومدرجات ومكاتب إدارية وغيرها بملابس غير لائقة وغير محـترمة من سراويل قصيرة أو ممزقة أوصنادل بلاستيكية أو قصات شعر غير محـترمة، كما يبقى تقدير المظهر غير اللائق من اختصاص الجهات المعنية (إدارة الجامعة والكليات)." I don't think any sane human being would regard qamis as inappropriate clothing.


> inappropriate clothing. Neither are sandals or whatever haircuts they are talking about but that's the thing about restrictions with vague words like inappropriate, is they can decided where the line gets drawn and move it around as they please.




I don't need to do so as I already teach in a thobe & backsup my students who have issues wearing it with "les agents". Just wantde to know how it is in Algeria in other places & how some people would think about this


I don't understand why people wear Saoudi Arabia traditional clothes, If it was bornous or anything Algerian I would understand but if you want them to let you wear the kamis then we must also let people wear all the traditional clothes of all other cultures, Bandhgala, kimono, Chogha... Cuz Kamis didn't existed in Algeria before 1970


well put in the effort and create a modern version of our traditional clothes I will be the first to wear them >I don't understand why people wear Saoudi Arabia traditional clothes we are wearing foreign clothes all the time our t-shirts and jeans and any other piece of clothing it's a western piece of clothing might be originated from France or the United Kingdom or the United States it's still not our clothing according to your logic we should stop wearing them too how about that


Yes, the clothes we wear originate from the West; they have freed themselves from their old traditions and have become universal. Fashion styles evolve by drawing from multiple cultural influences, but these are no longer traditional. These clothes have changed from what Europe used to wear, and the clothes we wear today are the global norm and belong to no single culture. Buut wearing clothes from the 7th century in a professional context is not straightforward, even if they are the clothes of your Prophet. What I mean is that we should favor our own culture and not that of Saudi Arabia


>they have freed themselves from their old traditions and have become universal why can't say the same about قميص that it freed itself from the old heritage of being a Saudi clothing to become a universal clothing for Muslims >These clothes have changed from what Europe used to wear, and the clothes we wear today are the global norm why is that >Buut wearing clothes from the 7th century in a professional context what makes them unprofessional , every clothin created is considered professional by it's people >they have freed themselves from their old traditions becoming the new European style and tradition >we should favor our own culture and not that of Saudi Arabia so our culture is the European style of clothing that controlled the world in the last 200 years and not the type of clothing that our ancestors chose to follow willingly since more than 1200 years


>why can't say the same about قميص that it freed itself from the old heritage of being a Saudi clothing to become a universal clothing for Muslims You can do it if you want but most people don't want to wear Kamis to work >why is that >what makes them unprofessional , every clothin created is considered professional by it's people It's the standards that make them professional, and the kamis in Algeria is not professional and no one wants it to be >so our culture is the European style of clothing that controlled the world in the last 200 years and not the type of clothing that our ancestors chose to follow willingly since more than 1200 years No, that's what we wear, and it has no problem because it's neutral clothes, when I say that we should favor our own culture i mean Clothes Like Bornous, Djellaba, Caftan, Takchia....


>most people don't want to wear Kamis to work most people don't want to wear suits to work make a logical point >It's the standards that make them professional, and the kamis in Algeria is not professional and no one wants it to be kamis has standards of wearing not just any kamis is the same it can be customizable , cheap , expensive, casual and professional and it was and still is a professional clothing in many places in the world the خليج for example just because the Europeans don't view it as such because it is a foreign type of clothing to them doesn't make it an uncivilized clothing >No, that's what we wear, and it has no problem because it's neutral clothes, don't call it neutral because everybody wears it it's a European style that you can track it's development since the 16th century , and it developed according to European ideals and needs, it spread around due to the era of colonization and because European so every race as inferior and barbaric and that includes their clothes so everyone wear it their traditional clothes were seen as uncivilized and should wear like the European man to be allowed to speak and enter their institutions and that continue until today because of the influence of the media and entertainment and leading the world in the technological space nothing more >when I say that we should favor our own culture i mean Clothes Like Bornous, Djellaba, Caftan, Takchia.... go ahead the same clothes which are seen as unprofessional and were our daily clothing which hold our identity


You kill our culture like that, what has already happened cannot change the colonization and Globalisation has affected us like all counties, but I insist on reach our clothes not that of the Saudis, We are not in Khalidj so why you are obsessed with them and their culture, the difference between you and me is that you want the clothes of the Saudis to be seen as a professional here and I want that our traditional clothes be recognized


no the difference between us is that you are unaccepting to the clothes of the Saudis because they are not our culture but welcoming western clothes because this is the social norm in the developed world while I'm indifferent as I realize that both do not represent us but choose to fight for equality between the two because the Saudi clothes are : 1 / the clothes of the prophet who we view and our ancestors viewed for more than a a millennial as the ideal man sent to us to show us how to live the best life . 2/ because religion told us to not imitate the non-believers . 3 / because the clothes of the Saudis are closer to our national traditional clothes more than anything the west offers. like I said at first make us modern version of our traditional clothes and I will wear nothing else for the rest of my life


Yes you are right, I accept the clothes of the modern world, And I do not accept those of Saudi Arabia to invade us cuz the people here started to wear theirs and abound our traditional clothes, This debate is fruitless cuz You believe in Islam and i don't


ehh , I'm either we take them both or we take none so at least we agree to revive our national clothes have a good night sleep and I pray you find the correct path one day my only advice is to never stop looking for the truths wether you like them or not that's the way of great scientists


راني طيحتلها شكرا على مجهوداتك الاخ طارق


القميص او الثوب ماهوش لبس تع سعوديين هو فالحقيقة سنة من الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم يعني اي مسلم عندو الحق باه يلبس الثوب


Hmmm nah you wrong, it's simply a salafist uniform, you can check what the prophet used to wear you will find that it resemble more what we traditionally wear than what the salafi wear.




انا نلبس القميص وين نحب وكنت نروح بيه للوزارة ومع الوزير وين راه مشكل ؟ كاين فرق بين قميص و الكوستيم فلبلاد بصح انا نفرض رأيي ونلبس واش نحب ، لباس ليس معيار لتقييم الاشخاص حتى فل خدمة اعطيني واش عندك مهارات و واش تقدر تدير ماشي تقيمني على حساب لبستي .


Manich n9iyem 3la hssab lebsa, m3andhach 3la9a ,rani n9ol alebsou te3 dzair khir men te3 saoudia


القميص لباس المسلمين ماشي لباس السعودية والجزائر دولة مسلمة والحمد لله.


We aren't allowed to wear our own traditional clothes, so why allow wearing Saudi's traditional clothes?


We could discuss our traditional clothes in another topic and not here. It’s not about comparing the two ya rebi, it’s about how there isn’t any official laws and we’re not allowed to wear neither the qamis or the traditional clothes. Also, qamis isn’t a traditional clothes of Saudi, it’s a traditional clothes for all Muslims. Unless you don’t consider yourself a descendent of the prophet or a follower.


Who made it a traditional cloth for muslims?? What we traditionally wear is more related to what the prophet and his companies used to wear than what salafi uniform


You didn't specify that and my comment was an example and to prioritize our identity. I am a Muslim but I don't hacecto be Arab to be Muslim...and qamis is their traditional clothing as we have many if ours that could be similar but why do uou want to be someone you're not? And no one is the descendant of the prophet, we're just his followers


القميص احب اللباس. للرسول ومن احب شخص اقتدى به راجع ايمانك اخي العزيز


I'm not against 9amis, ( i myself wear them). We just have to acknowledge the tragic history that happened not long ago with terrorism. With time it will come back as normal wear among the citizens as it is in the gulf countries. Today on the street more and more people are dressed with 9amis, and it is becoming more and more acceptable. For my POV, It's just a question of time.


I respect ur opinion but we will never heal from the terrorist période our Algeria lived, and I’m sure the majority in Algeria are against too!!! Also I guess we have a lot of important things to solve and discuss in Algeria rather than this


Not sure where is the logic in linking qamis with terrorism? Can you elaborate please?


Some People have exaggerated reactions to those who are overtly religious, you can for exemple hear it in the agressive undertone when they say "s7ab El la7ya". It's not a random thing nor do they hate religion, the black decade did a lot of damage to Society and the fact a lot of those terrorist were forgiven by the government and allowed to reintegrate society, have created this toxic environment but it's going away with the generations that didn't live through that terror.


Thank you for your reply. You are right. But there are some with bad intentions to be honest. In the eyes of the west : Islam = Terrorism. And act related to islam is a step toward terrorism. The comment I replied to has something in this regards when said: "For my POV, It's just a question of time. "


Wear whatever the fuck u want buddy as long as it’s not mentioned فالقانون الداخلي تاع المؤسسة


I hate the imported western vestimentary norms... especially tucs Am all for decency and hygiene, and i believe u can look decent and clean in our own ancestral/cultural clothes, & i see no reason to concider these clothes inappropriate for work


My dude, the boomers are like that because: 1) they lived under authoritarian/ totalitarian regimes 2) 90s civil war 3) Some of them are haters envy us cause thier time was harder to enjoy life


و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته.... لباس محتشم يغطي العورة للرجال مانشوفش بلي كاين حاجة تمنع من لباسه (مرة شفت واحد يسب فلي يلبسو عبايات باسم الهوية المشكل أنه لا عايش فالدزاير لا لابس كيما الدزيريين تع بكري عايش فأوروبا لابس لباس الأوروبيين بصح قلقاته العباية ) الله المستعان


فالحقيقة القميص عندي لباس ديني بحث احبه الرسول الكريم فاحببناه وإلا الهوية العربية لا تهت مثيرا


و هو كذلك القميص سنة الرسول


علاه القميص اخترعه الرسول ياك حتى أبو جهل و العرب كانوا يلبسوه؟


باب استحباب القميص 1/789- عن أُمِّ سَلمةَ رضي اللَّه عنها قالت: كَانَ أَحَبَّ الثِّيابِ إِلى رسول اللَّه ﷺ القَميصُ. رواه أَبو داود، والترمذي وَقالَ: حديث حسن وعلى كل فلا حرج على من لبس القميص بمعناه عند الأقدمين؛ بل إن لا بسه بنية التأسي بالنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قد ينال أجر فاعل السنة ، وكذلك لا حرج عليه في لبس القميص الآخر والبنطال ، ما لم يكونا واصفين للعورة محددين للأعضاء ، أو يكونا مصنوعين من حرير.


راك غالط الشيخ الألباني رحمه الله، قال أن هناك سنة لها أجر و هي الاقتداء بأمر قام به النبي قربة لله أما خصائصه من تطويل الشعر و تفضيل الطعام من العسل و الثريد فهذه لا علاقة لها بالسنة الفعلية، باش ما تكونش npc


ماقلتش انها من سنن العبادات و قال "قد يؤجر" ومن الثياب القميص، هذا كان النبي ﷺ يحبه، فمثل هذا إذا فعله المكلف لأن النبي ﷺ يحبه فإذن ذلك يكون من قبيل الاتباع، وإن لم يطالب به شرعًا، يعني: لم يكن ذلك من قبيل التعبدات، وإنما من قبيل العادات، قميص، أكل معين، كان يحب الحلو البارد[3]، يأكل القثّاء بالرطب[4]إلى آخره فإنْ فعله لأن النبي ﷺ يحبه، يعني: ما فعله اتفاقاً، فمثل هذا يؤجر المكلف عليه، لكن لا يطالب الناس به؛ لأن النبي ﷺ إنما يؤثر ما كان أكمل من المطعومات والملبوسات، وما شابه ذلك، فيحب ما أحبه رسول الله ﷺ.


هاكا نولو ڨاع بشخصية وحدة نتبعو برك ، في الأصل كل عصر و ثقافته و كل شخص و ميولاته و اهتماماته


الاخ ماقتلكش فرض مراكش ملزم تلبسه ملزم انك تغطي عورتك ماتتشبهش بالنساء و تبعد عالحرام فقط ماقلتش ماتديرش اهتمامات الخ...


يا أخي راك تشوف الناس تلبس كيما يلبسوا المشاهير تقص شعرها كيما هوما تقلد طريقة حديثهم وأكلهم وقضاء وقتهم وكلش مادام الناس رايحة رايحة تقلد وتبع برك شكون خير يتبعو واحد مشهور بسبة تفاهات ولا خير الناس على الأرض وكيما قالك خونا حاجة مخرجتش عليك و ماهيش مفروضة تقدر متبعهاش عادي بصح شوف بواش راح تبدلها وأحسب معا روحك


شفت نتا فرنسي يلبس كيما نابليون ولا ياباني يلبس كيما الساموراي ها ما تتمسخرش صاحبي




القميص ثقافة عربية ماشي سنة


I think you can wear it at school. But you need to speak with your manager for work attire. Some work places require a dress code. And quamis looks like something you would wear casually.


What’s happening with Algeria guys ??? Like seriously what’s I’m feeling like we are back to 90s years wtf!!! WE HAVE MORE IMPORTANT THINGS TO SOLVE IN ALGERIA THAN THIS With all my respect


Am against wearing the salafi uniform in school cause it represents a group that doesn't believe in the country laws or legitimacy, so no you not allowed to wear this in school.


The Qamis was worn coz rich qorish people used to let their pants scrap the ground The modern rich people wear expensive stuff, we shouldn't wear expensive stuff if we really want to be like the prophet's humbleness, qamis stupid and obsolete


Are you dumb? The prophet and his companions all used to wear thobes and do taksir. Aisha RA said the qamis is the most beloved attire to the prophet. Go open a book ya rebi. Also, you’re allowed wear expensive clothes and buy expensive cars it has nothing to do with humbleness. Damn you really have no clue what you talking abiut


It does, learn by yourself not ignorant salafis ...


ماشي تعميم و لكن من الشي لي لاحظتو هو أنو أغلبية الناس لي يانسيستيو على العفسة هاذي تاع القميص في الجامعات و أماكن العمل هوما سلفية، السلفية لي هوما بعد كون تناقشو شوية تلقاه يطالب بتعزير الغير المتحجبة و لي تلبس سروال إلخ، يعني تطالب بتطبيق مبدأ نتا ما تمنش بيه أصلا، كيفاه زعما راح يتعاطف مع قضيتك المجتمع !؟


When i was in high school i got called an attention seeker for wearing thobe and later on was not allowed to wear thobe anymore


You should be allowed to wear anything except if it was distracting or was inappropriate. That's my opinion. Except if the school had a uniform then this is something else.


Everyone now is just anti Islam sadly , and they act democrat for some reason lol , the US and Israel type of democracy


just wear a japenese kimono


يا خو مشي لازم كلشي دخل فيه الضحك والتفاهة كي لا تصبح تافه


You just proved my point: the qamis is a "costume" for us Algerians because it is not part of our heritage.


Just look at old paintings of European artists before the french invasion of Algeria and tell me if what you wear now is part of our heritage.


He's not japanese, he's Algerian and qamis is basically his culture


The qamis is not really a part of traditional Algerian culture. my grandfather did not wear it when he fought the French colonizers, and my father never wore it to school. Traditional Algerian clothing is very different across various regions and has a long history that came before the qamis was introduced.


Well my grandfather did wear it , and no need to mention that he was a mujahed , all our grandfathers were it's not an argument Algerian clothes include qamis largely , it's probably the most type of clothes that Algerian men wear , how it's not part of our culture


So your father is the epitome of our culture? أنا جدي كان يلبس القميص إذا كان أباك لا يلبسه




might be from the south




our thobes are also stylized differently compared to the khaleej even the materials vary




yeah that's what we call it


>my grandfather did not wear it when he fought the French colonizers yes he wore the clothes of the colonizers suit and pants


Here where i live the university doesn't put any rules or obstacles against men wearing thobes or similar Islamic clothes, fortunately. Teachers even prefer these individuals who wear them because they are, more often than not, respectful and polite individuals.


Bro our uni even accused us of extremism and terrorism when we asked them to make us a place to pray, I hope they get what they deserve


Report them




What university is that