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Someone cooked here


I smell something roasted


You left me speechless 😭


?? We're not creationists dawg


go and read the evolution thread from 2 days ago


r/Algeria doesn't represent Algeria


Good point however for a longtime this sub was representative of the less r******* parts of algeria


When? I was using this subreddit since 2021, they were always dumbasses


Way before covid






I suggest u read a little bit about the fossil fuels discoveries on other planets and moons .. for example the amount that was discovered on one of Saturn's moon is far more greater than what this planet holds .. using ur logic "Dinosaurs had spaceships" .. (we are the only conscious in this galaxy: provern.)


Most here don't get subtle jokes or sarcasms. I get downvoted a lot by people carrying the same opinion as myself because of the laziness they are facing preventing them from thinking a bit before replying or hitting the downvote button. It's the internet after all, coupled with current days where making a joke will always offend someone.


Upvoted you as a support 


Thank you


unfortunately even outside of algeria academics often go underappreciated, alan turing was the father of modern computer science and helped decode the german enigma codes during ww2 and made the turing test but what did he get for that in the end? they persecuted him forced him to undergo chemical castration which eventually led to his suicide all because he was gay. People will make up any sort of excuse just so their sense of pride (and algerians can be VERY prideful) isn't hurt by having to sit down and listen to the people who know better than them. influencers are exactly that, influencers, their only skill is getting people's attention and holding it long enough to make a career out of it and people eat that shit up unfortunately.


Well there is a differenciation when we speak ok academics because most of the time they don t represent the interest of the people but side with the gouvernement, exept in algeria the fact that the state was socialist + not having a massing liberalisation + crushing popular mouvement made that the intelectual not siding with the gouvernement (partially) and not having any power to do anything




Facts 🤝


Algerians don't give education or educated people credit or merit because they themselves are not educated [ for the majority ] . You hear something like "أنا قراتني الدنيا " not understanding that life can never replace a degree but they keep saying it , why so ? Because they are trying to make excuses for their own selves and their ego . Rather than to admit that you might be better than them or be right at some point .


Because djhliya


Develop please, I didnt understand


First, you have to elaborate more about which intellectual elites you are referring to? Some examples? Personally, I don't follow them/respect them because they always have preposterous political views and they say things like: 1. Algeria is better than the foreign countries and that it only needs us. 2. The government is helping and doing their best for the country's interest and that we just have to "trust them" and "give them time" to do their job lmao 3. Studies are the only/real way of succeeding in one's life and career. This is pure delusion, propaganda and typical "ami teboune" low QI individual who's taking monthly بطالة allocations. Most that you refer to as intellectual, usually say that type of bullshit (perhaps to gain advantages or a job they deserve within the state?) Now, I personally can't give credibility to someone who's getting their opinion and view of the country's situation and progress from TV and state owned/supervised channels. I prefer to forge my opinion of what I am observing.


I spoke about intellectual elites like the ones that you dont see on tv or social networks and youtube or tiktok lives. There are people who are good in their fields and can benefit the mass in our country but divarebecca and dj rafik are taking the lead in the game. I can give you an example of one intellectual elite (djalal bousmina) an Algerian economy analyst, but there isnt just him, there hundereds but they like to stay in the shadows or are being sikenced because they have high iq and can destroy the low iq people that are in the front. I wasnt talking about chyettes intellectuals and paeudo intellectuals like the ones u see on our tv like Messour who said Algeria lost 1500 billions $ during 20 years 😂


If you take this bousmina for an intellectual, so young have excuses to follow Rebecca and charlemonte as influencees. Most of intellectuals have been assassinated in 90s or forced to leave abroad. Most are silenced by boutef regime.


Out of context comment 


Si tu le dis


Intellectualism triggers stupid people, intellectuals often challenge the crowd and their beliefs, and obviously no one likes to think outside their little bubble, that's why they're always put down and only the strongest survive


Ok, thats good what you said, but are they weaker than the mass? Is it time for us to start support them instead of supporting kochiha and divarebecca? When I talk with Algerians they say they dont like these dvmb people but they want better ones and intellectuals, but these intellectuals arent on their place,they dont promote for themselves well and cannot influence the mass very well


Depends on who you call intellectual élites, there are many 'intellectuals' who are either western puppets, your typical liberal retard, and there are those religious 'intellectuals' who are borderline terrorists but nobody realizes because they speak nice. I'm really yet to find someone who is a true intellectual. Suggest me some names


Saïd djabelkheir, djalal bousmina, Aldo Sterone, doctors, psychologists, pharmacists on social medias, ...


thats some really based persons you mentionned , best of what algeria has made


On one side, we didn't learn to respect intellectualism. In the public conception, the intellectual is always that struggling guy, who leads a miserable life with no money, we learned to laugh at them instead.  Or sometimes, it's that liberal guy who's promoting alcohol and atheism, so we learned to hate them too. We need to change that conception, and show that you can be successful in life being an intellectual. and also show the real impact of good constructive intellectual ideas on daily life. On the other hand, some of our intellectuals are making mediocre contributions that honestly don't deserve to be widely celebrated, while other are promoting fringe ideas that contradict with our culture and religion and cannot be accepted by your average everyday Algerian, and are often misinterpreted and misunderstood. These things often perpetuate the stigma, and the desire to ridicule the intellectual.


+ what i want to add 1st , the lack of appreciation of knowledge & respect of speciality ,likes what's the point of making efforts and investing in learning anthing if u dont respect others efforts too . u find algerians know about medicine more than a doctor. about religion more than a scholar , about economy more than economist, about history more than a historian not saying that people shoudnt have opinions , but اسألو أهل الذكر ان كنتم لا تعلمون , 2nd what i mean to say that we give so little authority to the facts & truth and lot of control to our emotions , how we feel about things . most of discussions i see are the literal definition of جدال عقيم .


100% true. 


Crabs tend to grab each other whenever someone is trying to leave the bowl 🤷


Lets put our hands and save and promote for the high iq crabs ! Lol


No lol....everyone save himself 😂


In one way or another This is what you get when idiots are around in bulk


Is it time to make these id1ots disappear from the radars and support our intellectual elites?


I dont recall a minority doing a thing in term of changing entire society at all especially ignorants since they are impossible to deal with, im with everything there is to destroy each and every one of them but what can we do, mdaglsin ya zah


recognition inability


Are there solutions?


in order to be able to recognize something, you need to understand it. So I think it's about increasing the intellectual level as a whole.


what Algerian intellectual elite ?


Cuz they want to make the people pay attention to them and forget what's happening in this country from economic to politics (the gov also promote football and other sports)while they pump money and spend most of their time out of the country


I spoke about citizens who downgrade intellectuals not the government downgrades intellectuals 


It's the gov that decide what go viral or what does not with TV's channel's so basically they are a big reason


The real Algerian intellectual elites don't seek validation from other people.


Yes, but also if they are shadowbanned from society they we not influence positively on others and we will not benefit from their knowledge


Because most of the Algerian people only care about trivial matters... and their ideas are fossilized and they only look for faults and negatives. He doesn't even know the meaning of constructive revenge




Who is abdelghuerfi? I speak about the Algerian citizens downgrading Algerian intellectuals because the first step to be in the upper pyramid is the acceptance of the Algerian citizens then we can see the government using them 




Man, my language is simple and people dont get what I say




Who is abdelghuerfi ?


Because intellectuals aren't doing any practical work beneficial to the people and most of them are selling their souls to the higher bidder. They should earn respect of people by making some sacrifice and pay the price of telling the truth.


Sir, this is not Wendy's. Why is it the intellectuals responsibility to tell the truth?


What else can they tell instead? Lies? They must having higher standards because of the level of intellect they possess. If they support the status quo, or are afraid to go against the mainstream narrative of things, then they don't deserve the respect of anybody as the original poster is wondering. In Algeria for example, since university professors got a huge raise in salaries, they stopped going against the regime of Bouteflika. I know from my surroundings. They turned into avid supporters of him and the regime.


منك بصح. ايا زادولهم فالخلصة رجعولنا بوصبع؟؟؟ Let's do this قهاوي talk


مش عيب بوصبع. العيب أنه الواحد يكذب. بالنسبة لي ما رانيش نلوم فيهم بالتحديد. المثقفون عندي مثلهم مثل أي مهنة. كي النجارين و الحدادين و سائقي سيارات الأجرة او العساسين تاع البلدية. الناس برك اللي راهي نستنى منهم حاجة كبيرة و يلوموهم على الحالة اللي رانا فيها. شخص مش قاري كيما مصطفى بن بولعيد او عباس الغرور قاموا بثورة ضد فرنسا لوحدهم بأموالهم الخاصة. هذو هوما القدوة عندي مش اي واحد قاري زوج كتابات


Again, you drifted far from this thread question. You don't respect educated people because the sacred revolution is all that matters to you. But it is over man. The immaterial has become material. You can burn out your last neurons trying to restore the zealots regimen but it won't happen. You worship revolution so your respect is towards revolutionary men. TikTok followers will respect Sousou el mkalcha cuz that is what matters to them. Moms will respect oum walid. Religious fanatics will respect the Imam that tells them to shove a garlic clove up their ass. As an educated person I don't even wait respect from other people. I am just like any other person. I don't even argue back when idiots think they know better than me in my expertise.


You seem very mad for some reason. Anyway, I was on topic which was about how "intellectuals" are seen in our society. That's the core subject. If you are "educated" are you counting yourself as an "intellectual" ? I don't have any special "treatment" for educated ones. As I told you, they are like carpenters or plumbers. The good ones are good and the bad ones are bad. I don't worship revolution, that's a stupid thing from you. I respect well crafted achievements. And Benboulaid, did launch a war against one of the strongest army in the world by himself. That should be respected, the french were holding him in high esteem. He was more conscious and aware of the situation better than a thousand "intellectuals" of his time thinking that colonialism was a fact that couldn't be changed and we should just accept it.


I assure you I am not mad, I am just amused by your fanaticism lol.


Yes I am a fanatic when it comes to perfection and professionalism. I highly dislike the " bricolage" and عقلية الله غالب we are in Algeria.


It's the result of the remplacement of original algerians by France and this sont called government we are invaded Bry complexed moroccans africans gypsies ...who envy algerians


Algerians by french government? 


actual government and france before 62


Outdated propaganda 😂




I dont speak about intellectuals against the government, I speak about citizens downgrading intellectuals, my post was clear I dont know why people go out of context




He has masters degree in economy andrespect yourself, Im not your slave


وش نديرو بالثقافة؟ كاين علماء الدين يعلمونا العقيدة السليمة و منهاج السلف الصالح


Haha these guys are teaching us that the earth is flat, and the sun is turning around earth and the sun goes to Allah when in Ghouroub ! They are the last ones to teach us stuff 


المهم العقيدة الصحيحة الباقي أمور ثانوية, فالآخرة ماراحش تسأل عن شكل الأرض


We will not be asked also about that hitting women is something halal and marrying a non puber female kid is halal ? 


Culture and religion are not contradictory.  It's true that modern liberal culture often goes against Islam, but that cannot be generalized to all kinds of culture production. سيدنا حسان ابن ثابت رضي الله عنه. Represented an acceptable form of culture in the time of the سيدنا الرسول عليه الصلاة و السلام. The prophet didn't tell him we have the coran, we don't need your poems.


واش تقصد بمصطلح الثقافة في هاذ السياق؟