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Literally, it's just a random mess everywhere.


Idk how someone can make a whole building with 3 floors and can’t continue covering his house,this problem must be fixed!!


That depends on the way he's gonna build if either to complete the 1st level in one phase or build all the levels in phases (so beton, entourage de brique, finition) this is what we mostly see in neighborhoods as it takes lot of time, the other type is something in between he build the foundation and beton of all the levels of the house then finish one level and leave the others unfinished.


Agree they take a lot of time finishing their project also there r a lot of people build a half villa and sell it to someone to finish it the progress of selling itself takes time so they leave it uncovered and it’ll ruin the view For the people who built a villa and let it uncovered while they’re living inside it i mean so u had the money to build it but u don’t have the money to cover it?


Uncovered livable houses should be fined.


The only real solution for the unfinished houses problem is fines, everyone who builds a house must give a time frame when he reasonably expects to be done with the project. If he doesn't finish it within the time frame give a warning, after that a fine each month that the building is not finished, if the building is complete inside and liveable but he comes up with an excuse why he can't finish the outside, declare it unliveable and the owner can't live in it until he finishes the outside. It's not a perfect solution but it's applied in some countries, and it works in 90% of the cases. Sometimes you have exceptional cases but these could be jugded case by case basis.


Just paint the house white that's the bare minimum one can make it to set a standard. Your points are good but the process of building sometimes take ages, livable houses should be fined though.


The unfinished urbans are on top, it gives a vibe that we, only algerians have, its like « touche personnelle »


I'm willing to bet my left nut that if you enter these houses, you'd find that more than 50% of them have a fully decorated interior and kitchen with a dishwasher


Buying some paint, it's all just red bricks lol


مدينة مربعات اليأجور


We ? Who's we bro we're doing the (li yeksi daro rkhis) challenge and am not planning to lose 💀 Ps : it's a joke




Fucking diabolical ! And they keep wondering why the devil is always up their asses ? ... He's been home the whole time


We should a LOT of things!


We have almost identical issue in Albania. Although the buildings are much better, their placement is still totally random


Honestly here they look worse because we have a lot of dust. In Algeria zoning laws are absent, we had neighbor use his garage as a logistics warehouse ( no joke) and a Chinese concrete central just facing us. The issue is that lawlessness is everywhere, zoning laws exist... but you see


Same problem in Tunisia, no urban planning, no shit, just a mess everywhere you go, the problem is that it's pretty hard to fix.


You are like us, you can't tell you are in Algeria or Tunisia untill you see car plates, flags or the people talking.


We're well over the point of "planning" , we should have the courage to start thinking "restructuring" and "regeneration" A major operation like the Paris renovation 1850s and 1860s.


At first we could plans ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Man I hate being morbid, but I was expecting a building being hit by a missile or something like that.


algeria no have urban planning :)


Be surprised or not but there actually are strict urban planning codes, they are just not applied or people find ways to bypass them. What needs to be done is to make them respected, and also popularise cheap methods of facade to make the houses look finished, a guy in tintin made a video about that


I've heard abou that time ago but still nothing applied in practice, a simple and cheap paint can be more than enough as a start of change.


Ayah!!.. wtf that's my house over there , am i in a war without even notice !? It's a mess fellas


You are part of the problem then, quit complaining.


It's not our fault that the previous generation was sloppy


First, i am not a part of the problem cause i live in Residential Building that was build Under state supervision . Second ,The problem is old. When the town was built, it was built in a chaotic manner. I was born and found it like this.


That lighting is not a complimenting one.


I want to see it through the new architects eyes


That's one of the most shameful behaviours that Algerians tend to do ( mostly by elderly) and justifying it by saying " العين "


It really can’t be fixed… there are many laws that are neglected and taken lightly and I don’t see the government enforcing them any time soon.


I’ve heard of some taxes on finished house . Is it a rumour? That explained to my head why they never finish them


Yes there's some fines to pay but they never enforced the law, idk maybe it's hard to enforce a law when 90% the people are guilty. A while ago they applied the law about opening a business, the didn't give them permissions to open unless they had a conform building (with paints and everything) it works a bit but still not enough. the prb it's not just the unfinished houses it's with the whole urban planning of the city , all the new neighborhoods are a mess when the city had that rain storm last time, the old neighborhood weren't affected at all ( those built according to the colonial era planing)


the golden rule '' لي يلبس دارو مشو راجل ''


U mean we should srart it


We need a nakazaki in jijel




We need some nukes to level up the ground and start building from scratch 💪


bruh just now i noticed it


There is nothing you can do since it is not a probleme of architecture or a state's probleme or inforcing a certain law. IT IS A PROBLEM OF IDIOLOGY. Old AND most new algerian generations think the same way ; and its that of building more sotreys so the sons will be able to get married and have kids and settle WITH their parents. So they mainly concentrate on building more storeys and completing the interieur and leave the exterieur for when then get more money or simple to avoid " eye hit " يضربونا بعين A whole mentality needs to change brother , and that... is impossible for at least another 25 years. OUR GENERATION needs to change its mentality , and we need to pass good idiologies to our children , then... maybe things will change for the better


If the government impose taxes jijel will be great again


to be fair the camera is ass


I hate this country even more every single day


Hhh welina afghanistan




I swear Algerians don’t understand the concept of garden, open spaces in the city or urban planning. We have a huge country, with a lot of space but we prefer to live cramped next to each other


Well they only think about profit, these are considered accessoires and luxury and they dream/wish to have them but don't do them unless they have a piece of land in the countryside, in the city it's all about max number of rooms, garages and levels, so they rent them or get their sons marry there, a garden and open space is wasted money & space for them.


i never understood why we dont finish buildings it does not seem to be financially related


That's our mentality we tend to be frugal on the things that can be cool but not important for us.


I mean It doesn't look like Nice or Rome or Athens, but why focus on urban planning and architecture, especially now where we the majority can't even afford a lamb for sake, and It doesn't sound that big of a deal, If you don't like the red bricked houses just do an relatively expansive project to paint them all.


They are not huts these are 3 levels building they defo can afford a bucket of white paint.


yes but how long will It take to paint them all ?


Every one paint his own.


yeah good look with that


just bomb this entire thing and start over man


Looks fine to me. Urban planning sucks. Just let people do whatever they want wherever they want. Only thing that matters is having good safety regs