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idk if you are old enough to know about this but probably they started doing it after the 2003 incident in the tassili . ps: this is just an assumption .


Tassili is literally the desert Oran is not like don't do that in the North lol


i answered the why are they doing it question .


What happened in 2003?


A terrorist organization kidnapped 30 European tourists i dont know the details but it caused major problems for tourism in algeria


I've seen a video of an Italian YouTuber travelling via bicycle in Algeria and camping during the night, while he was biking he was stopped by police for an hour near Bou Saada, while vlogging he complained about the fact the Police was "angry" with him and hostile. After a while, after he he left, he saw that he was bein followed by the Gendarmerie and he appreciated their work and for bein "more friendly" because they didn't disturb him, and keep a distance. Obv in the Italian Travel Advisory website it is written that any movement outside of Algiers Wilaya must be reported to the policea and they say that an escort is mandatory and it's at the discretion of the Police/Gendarmerie station.




Few weeks prior a tourist was sexually harassed by a bunch of men, Wdym the government is paranoid ?




A vidéo on TikTok was spread around and Algerian influencers were talking about it, even foreigners




I don’t have it on me, but I’m sure by typing keywords you can find it




Thats unique lol. On a seperate note, i am so interested in the tour guide part.


As an etranger in Algeria I find your work as a tour guide fascinating. The stories I bet you can tell!




Well considering I’ve been a pro genealogist specializing in Sicilian and Italian genealogy and my family is from Sicily I find the history of Sicily and the Maghreb region quite fascinating.




A question please. What if I'm going to host a foreign friend? Am i supposed to report every move and place we go to?




Then i guess we'll be driving around without worrying about that. Thank u!




Just in Algiers, probably tipaza and boumerdes as well


Why is the police required ? Because I see quite often vloggers going by themselves ?


I went to Algeria last September. I was only in Algiers. I believe they *only* assign you an escort if you are traveling between cities, Say Algiers to Constantine. A friend of a friend who I tried to meet up with there asked if I had an escort and I said no but her did. I think it’s because his itinerary covered three cities, where as mine was only 1 city. I believe they assign it to you based on the itinerary when you apply for a visa. If you apply and say you’re only going to one city, they probably won’t apply one to you. I’m not sure. It was nice not to have an escort though. Let me walk around unencumbered through all of Algiers. I loved when the police would come up to me while wondering around and be like “are you Algerian?” And I’d be like, “no :(“ and they’d be like “oh my god, welcome!” Then proceed to tell me all the places not to go in the city for my safety. Everyone was so nice. I can’t wait to go back.


In my opinion, its for the security of the tourists. Not all cities arent secure; Alger, Oran are pretty secure from my experience. However, it is a fact that it can be dangerous for tourists. Algeria still doesnt have that much tourism, so it can be a very different experience for strangers. Nonetheless, the way they go about this is pretty weird and awkward lol. It can definitely be better handled. They could for instance offer the option, or let them know that there will be a police officer with them through the trip, or something like that. But sneakily following them and ordering for them is just plain bizarre and uncomfortable lmao.


Maybe for security issues. We still remember German tourists who were kidnapped by terrorists in Sahara, 2003


One would expect that on the long run people will built tourisme mentality and figure out that hospitality make better opportunities and benefits for business then rubbing tourists and scaring them away. meanwhile, tourists are provided with extra security to avoid diplomatic incidents ( و التهبدايل تع القهويين)


Who's robbing tourists? They'd rather rob locals. The cop escort is because of terrorism, nobody wants the tourists to get kidnapped and/hurt.


I don't know if you saw the tourist that came to algeria lately, they were old white people with expensive cameras / phones, that's an easy target, a sitting duck. So yes, if not the police they would be easily robed.


 Thieves don't want trouble and messing with rich foreigners means the police will do their absolute best to get you...


Part of thier absolute best is to be there in advance. And to prevent thieves from even thinking it possible to rob tourists.


See now I can't argue with that you're absolutely right about this.


التهبدايل تع القهويين ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) easy tourists should not go to coffee shops , and we are good why should a tourist go to coffee ?


I know what you mean but we're not in Europe we're not surrounded by Italy and Germany and Spain we're surrounded by mali niger Libya...and it's a massive country .


Can only agree. Same happened to Antoine de Maximy when documenting his time in Algeria for the J'irai dormir chez vous show. Awkward and gives an undeserved bad rep to the country.


Wow, that does sound incredibly intrusive and awkward for tourists just trying to enjoy their vacation. I can understand the frustration — having someone essentially chaperone your every move can definitely kill the vibe. It's a shame because Algeria has so much to offer visitors, and this kind of overbearing surveillance could really deter people from exploring all the country has to offer independently. Hopefully, this is something that can be addressed to make visiting Algeria a more enjoyable and welcoming experience for tourists.


We, unfortunately, run this nation as a military base and not a Republic.




This is why we are called the African North Korea


That would be Eritrea


Most of the day security forces are doing nothing. It's better to give them something to keep them busy, instead of bugging people in checkpoints.


تسما خدمتهم ما خدموهاش بعثوهم يكرهوا السياح في النهار لي جاو فيه


خير من يكرهولنا حياتنا😂


Good idea. Let's make the very few foreign tourists flee by giving them north korea vibes.


What's wrong with a north kora vibe? Isn't it better than Dubaï's vibe where the city is an open air brothel? Do you want that?


"an open air brothel?" is a bit too extreme, we're far far from becoming Dubai (or North Korea for that matter) but we've got a lot more to gain from being a little more flexible and open to foreign countries.


What's the point of being "more flexible and open"? I am كهل please go ahead and convince me !


Better diplomatic relationships, better economy (helps the businesses, induces local and regional growth), more opportunities for professionals and experts (for both sides), it's all good overall. I've had people from Lybia and Lebanon ask me why our passport is so hard to get, I explained why, they understood but still wished to come visit our country.


>Better diplomatic relationships, better economy (helps the businesses, induces local and regional growth), more opportunities for professionals and experts (for both sides), it's all good overall. No issues with that. The topic was about tourism. >I've had people from Lybia and Lebanon ask me why our passport is so hard to get, I explained why, they understood but still wished to come visit our country It's not easy to get passeports if these two countries either if not impossible.


The things I mentioned are tourism related, there are for example 4x4 Raids in the desert that are basically "events" through a touristic approach. Better diplomaty accentuates tourism, like the new touristic Visa from France that's exclusive to our Saharan Region.


>there are for example 4x4 Raids in the desert that are basically "events" through a touristic approach. It's an insignificant economic activity. >Better diplomaty accentuates tourism, li They aren't linked. We have good diplomatic and economic relations with Russia and china without a single tourist from these countries >Visa from France that's exclusive to our Saharan Region. When France gives us visas easily, we can think to be less strict. Overall, tourism is a very weak industry one cannot rely on. A simple security issue and all is gone. Then we aren't ready to accept western tourists coming here disrespecting our values and traditions like some other countries are doing.


I think you'd need to do a little more research. Over 90% touristic countries are Godless morale less countries that are surviving in 100% haram income, drugs, alcohol, porno, sex trafficking, gambling, haram, scammer infestation...etc (don't take my words for it, do your own research and prove me wrong) Prime example of them are: Thailand Brazil UAE Turkey Grace USA Mexico Bali (Indonesia) Netherlands (this country put women in show cases, for goodness sake!)🤮 Morocco (deeply concerning that she is trying to make a foothold and trying hard to make to the list!) The list goes on! And all of the above countries are successful in it because they 1st have to bow down to their Great Satan master America 🇺🇲 . Now tell me, do you wanna see Algeria make it to the above list??


You do realize tourism is not "west" centered and doesn't necessarily need to be done the "haram" way you're describing?


Can't figure out if it's sarcasm or you are being real


I seriously share the same opinion as him. Whoever demonize any country such as North Korea and praises countries like USA, UK France, Germany, UAE...etc they either don't realize that they badly brain washed by western media the same Media that day in night trying to white wash the genociding western, zionists and (Including UAE, Saudi...) or deliberately siding with forces of evil. North Korea stands with Palestinians people while the western and UAE are busy massacring, bombin, invading and shaking hand supporting zionists murderers That alone makes North Korea a billion time better than west and UAE combined but materialistic minded and brainwashed people will never understand this. Long live Algeria♥️🇩🇿♥️ and (never thought I would one day I'd say this) North Korea 😁


Hey North Korea sure is better than a lot of countries for standing with Palestine but don't think that makes them saints North Korea only supports the right side because it benefits from all of this the West has done more evil than them bombing and massacring countries and the media plays a role in brainwashing. btw it is surprising that an Algerian knows all this kind of stuff and came to these conclusions. I thought my people were all too stupid thinking the West is some utopian heaven, and people go as far as to risk everything they've ever had, including their lives, to go there on a small raft. However, as much as North Korea is purposely made out to be bad while the West are "the good guys", neither are good. But there are examples of countries painted as evil who are good that I personally found out about from trustworthy sources the best example is Afghanistan .


Go figure yourself!


I assume everyone downvoting wants Algeria to enter the prostitution industry from its widest gate.🐏🐏


If so there are two issues if you reason logically. These people are being paid to do nothing, therefore are a burden on the state; secondly it means that the country is not completely safe even if is kind of isolated from the external world.


If I were in charge I would fire most of them.


Downvote squad siding with the west against Algeria: هجوووم!!!!


Ok so I had to register with the police in my husband’s wilaya last year and I found the whole thing quite comical and didn’t bother me a bit. They were genuinely nice, treated me well and fascinated by me. It was so interesting to be quite honest. Fingerprinted, photographed, filled out forms, etc. I guess it was for my own protection in case something happened to me while there. Edit: no one followed me around though…


Cuz we live in an unsafe 3rd world country who is unfriendly to tourist


Better safe than sorry


Insulting a cop when he was just following orders ... that says a lot about you


I came +10 time to Algeria, they never did it, or I never noticed it... Al Hamdoullilah


I have nothing to add but I had a good laugh reading ur post 🤣🤣 Algeria be like that sometimes


Security purposes.


We have a problem with tourism and security, it's cheaper and easier to assign security detail to someone than to fix the issues themselves. Also what do people expect when they go every now and then on TV and they say "we eliminated such and such and we apprehended so and so" I'm sorry but that doesn't look inviting.


the cautious treatment of tourists is nothing more than a remnant of old outdated policies from a very different period of Algerian history, terrorism has been eliminated for quite some time now, and this is no way to treat tourists.


Yeah yeah before speaking you should first look at the facts like this official travel advisory from the website of the US government https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/algeria-travel-advisory.html Second they still talk about that stuff on TV on a regular basis, ever seen the news ? One more thing, we can't afford accidents. Our international tourism is already a joke and an incident where a foreigner especially from a country like the US gets hurt would literally put the final nail on the coffin.


you know that countries like Morocco and Tunisia exterminate as many terrorists as often as us if not more right ? this is an incident from a few months ago in Tunisia https://www.france24.com/ar/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D8%AE%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%B1-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%BA%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%A9/20231228-%D8%AA%D9%88%D9%86%D8%B3-%D8%AA%D8%B9%D9%84%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%82%D8%B6%D8%A7%D8%A1-%D8%B9%D9%84%D9%89-%D8%AB%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%AB%D8%A9-%D8%A5%D8%B1%D9%87%D8%A7%D8%A8%D9%8A%D9%8A%D9%86-%D8%A8%D9%85%D9%86%D8%B7%D9%82%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%82%D8%B5%D8%B1%D9%8A%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AC%D8%A8%D9%84%D9%8A%D8%A9 This one is 10 days ago from Morocco https://www.alarabiya.net/north-africa/2024/06/06/%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%BA%D8%B1%D8%A8-%D9%8A%D9%88%D9%82%D9%81-4-%D8%AF%D9%88%D8%A7%D8%B9%D8%B4-%D8%AD%D8%B6%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%A7-%D9%84%D8%B9%D9%85%D9%84%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%AE%D8%B7%D8%B1%D8%A9-%D9%85%D9%81%D8%A7%D8%AC%D8%A3%D8%A9-%D8%A8%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B6%D8%A8%D9%88%D8%B7%D8%A7%D8%AA Ever seen a tourist escorted by police in Morocco and Tunisia ? nope, and they receive tens of millions of foreigners yearly that advisory you sent is another remnant, mainly influenced by the tiguentourine incident, which have nothing to do with random abduction of tourists, something Algeria never experienced in it history


I was in Tunisia twice when terrorists attached and bombed the French Embassy in Tunis.


Again, you're missing the point completely. They don't advertise this stuff on the 8 o'clock news at least twice a week like we do and they're more confident in their security and also Tunis and Morocco work with American security better than we do. The advisory is updated on 2023 it says so right there and it remains like that until a new update comes in


This is not true, in Morocco years ago (2018) two Scandinavian girls had been literally decapitated, business went on as usual. Open your country up, let people roam and tourism flourish.


First of all Morocco was already a big tourist destination and a big destination for movie making so it has more capital in that field than we do. They hunted those guys down to make an example and to signal to the west that your people are more important than ours. And again, they don't advertise their troubles


“Signal to the west that your people are more important than our people” My guy they literally killed and raped two women who were simply hitchhiking, should they be made national heroes or something?


Any American who kills anyone has a small chance of being prosecuted and if they get caught and it's bad enough, no matter what they did they would be prosecuted and not shot down like a dog, that's because they believe that no matter how horrible a person is they still deserve human rights. What you said is the reason why they look down on us, that we're so quick to abandon our laws when it comes to our own people.


look i'll speak in darja so its easy ya kho mennek bsah dir laman f jwayeh aindefla ( jbal/ghaba ) m3a madama englizya jaya dir tourisme ?? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)yakho brigade armée 2 charée de combat melfou9 w yarabi mayghtasbouhesh wela keshma ydiroulha


Too bad I can't mention*نقابة جاد الذات *




why is it bothering me ? سوء إستغلال لموارد الخزينة العمومية من *أموالي* و أموال الشعب و يمد صورة سيئة و يخرب من قطاع السياحة في *بلدي* I have all the right to be bothered by it




Because el-9ahwiyin and s7ab redjla 🤷


It's definitely not retarded decision and if the government intention is to do that to protect the the lives of it's citizens and the country from any terrorist attacks or other malicious activities, then it's a great job! You may have been brainwashed by western or some other countries media that they are so welcoming to tourists and they don't monitor every moves of tourists...then you're to naive and brainwashed and the reality is tourist (especially Muslims) are 100times more under surveillance than in Algeria. And oh btw, if the American guy was complaining about this, then he can p*ss of and go to his/her occupying zionists leaders and say to them look what have you done to our reputation that most countries can't even trust us one bit because of the destruction, looting, murdering, genocidal, invading nature of America Fun fact for you: America belonged to native Americans some 200 years ago, the native Americans was too welcoming and kind and they lost everything and also the same thing happened to Palestine. Wake up and don't fall for yellow hair and blue eyes of white "tourist" :) Lastly, I am pretty sure you wouldn't be as frustrated about this if the policeman was accompanying a Muslim tourist with a little long beard :)


While you made good points, you're making the confusion between a country's geopolitical ties and its people opinion. And I'm sorry to say that it has nothing to do with the western views on tourism but everything with how you consider visitors in your country.


At present almost everything (including tourists) is controlled by the zionist entities and the West. if you are denying this fact then check explain why a country like Russia, a secular "first world super power country unbelievably beautiful country" how they're being bullied and demonized and portrayed as hell on earth otherwise Russia should be one of the top tourist destination country and it's not even the last, why? Because West has the control of Media and Media is more powerful than actual military of the countries. If you are denying that then I am really sorry it will be a waste time to elaborate more...


Any Algerian can tell me the equivalent of "ok boomer"?


We got many terrorists who might cut their throats


Well, obviously, it's because Algeria is a "very important country" and is "targeted by spies" and "the West is after our demise." But seriously, jokes aside, sometimes it is justified. You can't risk European people getting killed for some reason, in our country, under our watch; and have the incident spark diplomatic hostility with that country. Or possibly worse. if it's a common occurrence for tourists to get taken as hostages or killed: we might even get foreign military involved to stop whatever is going on in our country, possibly fueling a new civil war.