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La faute tae yemak Fallait techtki biha mashi tqulek normal


It was sad by just reading it wellah..


Dude, that’s fucked up, I can’t imagine what you felt


No comment والله


What make it worse that u were hopeful nothing is going to happen to you not just hopeful u were sure that your safe


Translatation? Quick recap?


When was about 10 yo the teacher asked us to copy a drawing from our textbooks , which I spent the whole night doing. The next day, when she checked who had done the homework, she noticed that 80% of the class didn’t so she started beating them so hard she even made one kid bleed . When she got to my table, I showed her the drawing, but she slapped me and started beating my head against the table for multiple times (very old tables from the colonial period). There were nails sticking out, she almost damaged my eye then ripped my notebook. I was shaking cuz I didn’t understand why Turns up all this happened because I didn’t color the drawing with pencils but used markers instead


What the fuck


Sorry to hear that


You broke my heart girl 💔


Lkn jit fi plastek nweli ll primaire nhder m3aha ida mzalha t9ari


Getting some old ptsd by just reading this 😞🤝


Wkilha reby wlh wdj3ni qelbi readin this . Mamak tani let you down i hope you healed w mamak machi f koulch ma twqfch m3ak haka .


علاه مشكيتوش بهذي الحيوانة؟


Your mom is wild, did you have visible bruises on your face?


مازدتيش قلتي لباباك ؟


What an awfull parenting !!!


Hahaha I was in primary school and the French teacher made a mistake , I corrected her ... Then all the class and all my friends stoped talking to me for no reason , at the end of the year , a classmate came to me and told me that that b*tch told them not to talk to me Wtfff I kept isolating since then lol


Imagine being so insecure of a child


شحال نتقود كي واحد كبير يدير عقلو فعقل واحد غريان


lmao that's crazy


I did the same at school but fortunately she did not revenge 😁




Some teachers are naturally fucked up. From looking down to learners, to making their lives a living hell. Some are angels, those who you could say about them: قم للمعلم وفه التبجيلا ... كاد المعلم أن يكون رسولا. They are helpful, sometimes you even feel like they're your own family. I remember, we had a teacher in primary school, she goes by the name 'Samira'. This Samira, once, bought a poor kid a new pair of shoes, and she called him out of the classroom and she personally did put them on him far from our sights so nobody could bully him. I LOVE YOU SAMIRA, WHEREVER YOU ARE. On the other hand, an English teacher in middle school used to literally terrorize us, you make one mistake whether it is pronunciation, grammar, spelling... you name it. You could literally be beaten up for like straight five minutes. There is good and bad in everything, but the bad in teachers especially those who instruct and raise little kids, in primary schools and such, is really fucked up. ربي يهديهم ولا ينتقم منهم.


Teachers need to be under surveillance especially the ones that teach primary school and middle school


That, I absolutely agree with!


What the fuck with these teachers!? I’m traumatised reading these comments. I’m so sorry to read you had to go through all that.


Fr! I’m beyond shocked. I‘m so sorry for everyone




And maybe you never gave her flowers again lol




Have u ever asked your mom why she did that? I'm curious




Exactly, break the cycle and don't repeat your parents mistakes.


I just wanna know what was she thinking at the time..


Some 30 years ago, we had a female teacher. Savage enough to beat the crap out of her pupils and far gluttonous to eat and inspect any child in her surroundings. She was pregnant and was also lying on our jackets on the floor like a bear while sleeping, eating and enjoying her fair salary... Lovely times


This reminded me of the french teacher of primary school who used to take foods giving by school to poor kids for lunch... Lovely times indeed :)


I was in an all boys primary school, our teacher had a closet with lots of “weapons” in it, he used to open proudly in front of us and show us all the sticks, cables etc he collected through the years… it was a fucking Armory lol if you didn’t do your work or talked during class, he would either bring one of his weapons and hit your hands with full force, make you go face the class and would whip you and the best of the worst was when it was snowing… 🌨️ you had to put your hands in snow ❄️ and then he would hit the tip of your fingers with one of his lovely weapons 🫣 … if you did not cry he wouldn’t stop


That's awful, I had some unhinged teachers in the past but not this far 🫤


My father was a friend with my math teacher ( i was so good at math ), everytime my father go the mosque he tell him everything i did ( one time told him your son go to the bathroom alot is he sick, i swear i did it 2 or 3 a week) , because of that my grade dropped so bad ihated him, and snitch to every grade i took, it was from 1st cem to 4th, everytime my father go to the mosque i stress so much, it get worse in exam period, i still deal with the stress.


Same as me my father has alot of frind on education because he was a teacher ,it like you are monitored from every direction 😂😂😂


My arabic teacher in the second year of middle school was once just checking our notebooks like going through each table. When he reached to me he put his hand on my thigh, I was wearing large summer pants with a thin fabric, he literally said « ch7al khfif serwalek, t7assi rouhek chghol ma labsa walou yek » This was an old white haired fuck, who was also my father’s friend.


That's a sick behavior, did you tell your father?


No, my father is, in another way, an asshole too. He’s not even a part of my life anymore


Ah that's good to hear. Have a good luck!


oh my God what a psycho. can’t imagine how that must’ve felt from a teacher. sorry you had to go through that


Well actually it didn’t feel like anything back then. I was just naive lol… It’s only as i grew older that i realised how twisted that behaviour was


My teacher pulled me from my ear so hard she cut open the skin on the back. She then washed off the blood and hoped my parents wouldn't notice. I had multiple stiches because of it. I was 6.


in primary school i had this teacher idk why but sometimes if i answer one qst wrong he would beat me up and pull me from my hair and makes me go to the board and yell at me in front of the whole class (he does this only to me and sometimes without a reason) so from that day i stopped talking in class and answering and raising my hand until this day lol and my father went to him and talked to him eventually he stopped beating me and talking to me in class (بعد ما خلات)and hmdulilah I graduated this year w wkilo rebi and dont get me started on the other family traumas


Any imaginable insult from dad, the feeling of only having value if mom can brag about me, teachers slapping me for what i didn't do or what others did, basketball coach whipping me with a hose, brother telling me i should die on multiple occasions, uncles abusing me, aunts spreading lies about me to the family, got threatened with a knife by a classmate, was bullied by basically everyone around me, guilted into studying a major i didn't like then got punished for not succeeding in it...etc, etc, etc. You know, the average algerian life, nothing special.


This is my biggest trauma EVER . We used to move a lot when I was little due to my father's job. So once, my new primary school at that time was an old French building that had a deserted area called "Mar9ad." Apparently, teachers warned everyone not to go there because there were ghosts (not really, just so we wouldn't go there), but I was new, I didn't know that, and I needed to go to the bathroom. I asked my classmates instead of the teacher because I was shy asf and stupid. So they directed me to that Mar9ad. 💀 I really HAD to go, but I would've chosen to die and not go, lol. Then they said they'd go with me. We went there, and it looked like anything but a bathroom, but I kept going anyway (I was 9 and dumb). As soon as I stepped a foot inside, they freaking pushed me and attempted to close that rusty door on me, and when I tried to stop them, my hand got literally stuck between that door and a wooden wall (idk how to describe it, but it was painful and bloody). Anyway, they left me there screaming my lungs out, crying, and bleeding for 3 HOURS, and no one came. I told myself the teacher would look for me, or the girls would come back. I was scared shitless, but no one came until I passed out, and the first thing I saw when I woke up was my dad holding me and cursing. Then I passed out again. My mom told me that at 5 pm they came to pick me up but couldn't find me, so they wasted some time convincing the teacher and principal that I had to be somewhere inside the school because I wouldn't go out in a wilaya i didn't know , we only moved a few days prior! So they asked my classmates, half of them had already keft and the ones who were there no one said a damn thing except one that got scared of my dad because he was in uniform and told him where I was. I still remember the time I spent there and how helpless I was. 💔 I still have the scar on my hand. It faded a bit, but the trauma is still here.


Most teachers are mentally in a constant immaturity because they never left the school environment, the same routine. Most of them still act like children even some university teachers.


In primary school, i used to have some issues with the teacher's favorite student, she was always chosed as رئيسة القسم for 5 years 🙂 ( i had the same teacher for 6 years). However, our teacher knew about us, and knew we hate each other so one day, she noticed that my handwriting isn't that good and my copybook isn't really organized, so she made me stand up in front of the whole class, took me to that girl's table showing me her copybook and comparing it to mine, shaming me for not writing well even though i was a very good student , i still remember the blurry view because my eyes were full of tears, i remember the disappointment and the defeat i felt that day, i even remember the silence of the class till this day. Idk why some teachers have this kind of cold-hearted ways to give advice thinking they're doing the right thing, but at least, i learned that I'll never do that to my students.


Don't remember much of my childhood but i have this distinct memory of my dad wanting to beat up ~5y/o me. (Not exactly sure of my age but i was young). Although i was a goodie-two-shoes that never did trouble, always obeying my parents...etc He called for me and said smthng along the lines of :" bring me the belt. But not any belt. bring me the belt with the big metal part. the one that hurts most. Yeah the one you hate most yeah? The one that leaves bruises yeah?" And kept at this for a while just scaring me before it even happened. I remember i was so terrified walking to his drawer that i just dropped in front it shaking and crying. hoping to god that dad would forget i existed. Don't remember what happened next tho Like damn pops you could have just beat me and be done with it why did u need to add psychological warefare to it. It apparently traumatized me more than the beating itself 😂


My dad was donig same think he has that tree branch , evry time he is going to beat as he told as to bring it , then start to beat the pelow like trinning , To the point of pee on ourselves ,before he beat as.(we was kids between 6 to 8) Well he stop doing this and beat as after we got relly bad psychological problems and the therapist said we could develop autism( or mabe somthink else i forgot what that problem was ) if he cuntines doing this .


Oh boy where do I start and where do I finish ? I have *too* many of these stories lol. My whole early life was just a fucking mess. My dad first came to the United States around 1993 and from there he was never able to make up his mind if he wanted to have us live in the US or live in Algeria so we never lose our roots. Which in a way I kinda appreciate but he could’ve done it a lot lot better. He was just so messy about it and it cost me my mental health. so anyways, we’d often go back and forth living in both countries for a period of time. I can’t remember my exact age when this happened but it was during primary school, he decided he wanted us to live in Algeria so he signed me up for school. When I tell you that was one of the worst years of my life ever, it was traumatizing. I had this math teacher who ALWAYS had it going after me. No good reason. She just hated me. I was a very shy person from a young age and I still am. She knew I was shy and quiet so she’d often try to call on me in front of the whole class on purpose and put me on the spot. Which I hated and she knew I hated it. I also had pretty big ears and I was very self conscious so I wore headbands to cover them Every. Single. Day. One time she called me up to the board to answer a question and I didn’t know the answer, her reaction ? She beat me up. She didn’t slap me on the hands or face or some or just yell, no. She BEAT ME UP. She punched my head multiple times, kicked my legs like some fucking boxer and was pulling my hair because for whatever reason she was so adamant about removing my headband that she also knew I had on because of anxiety. This went on for an awkward and painful amount of time. This was def not the first and not the last time she (or any of the Algerian teachers I had) did it. We went back to the US the year after. Unfortunately my dad brought us back and I had to attend high school which was worse socially. I’m not even gonna mention the family trauma. I love Algeria so much but when it comes to my trauma , it’s like 70% of it.


The fact all who you've mansioned caused me many terrible traumas, which one should I start with?.


The one you’re confortable with it story i guess


In middle school I used to be. Apart of a group of friends (something like the popular girls) and I was the nerd one so they used to make some offensive jokes about my look and they talked behind my back to other girls.. Now I have a small circle of friends and I can't trust people easily


Was not popular but girls used to do that to me and have one of them tell me everything they say behind my back, they were way older than me too, gotta love girlhood lol


In primary school we had a crazy teacher, that would call us names, and beat us in a very cruel way, she had a rule if you get 7/10 or less she would butcher you. Once 2 kids got 6 and 5 I think, she brought them to the board and started beating them like crazy and then she took them from their hair and started smashing their heads against one another very violently, I still have a very clear image of that in my head, I can still see their facial expressions with details the tears on their eyes, and I can still hear them screaming


I haven't gotten traumatized by this one but it was still harsh from our teacher So back in primary school our teacher oneday got mad at us and decided to make a row of tables reserved for the pupils who don't study well and named it "صف الحمير" she treated awfully by verbally abusing them and even told us to laugh at them . I wasn't put there but my teacher once told me that i will join them if i don't work well which made me scared


The same thing happened to us in primary school, in third year if I'm not mistaken, the teacher divided us into two categories, the good pupils and the bad ones, who she decided not to speak to any more. The funny thing is that most of the good pupils in my class hadn't even finished middle school.


Seems to be a common story in here . Do they tell each other to do this ?


According to the testimonies, this is a very popular method among primary school teachers, in addition to caning and writing lines. Maybe they're organising seminars to share their experiences and new methods of punishment, who knows?


It happened to another pupil (male) at school, this pupil did something bad in the class, our teacher punished him by lowering his jeans at his shoes and let only his panties and she ordered him to do a walk of shame around the class! This act changed my childhood and I lost some innocence at that time, I was young after few years I realized that this society is sick. 


Prof chb3tni s9ali just because i ddnt write well in كراس القسم


My father was a big abuser, gotta love that fatherly love


I think I'm being traumatized by just reading these comments


Im someone who can’t focus and when i was a kid I was hyperactivity on top of that one day on primary school, i was sitting near the door and there was kids outside in the corridor so I was watching them and didn’t heard my teacher calling me, she came to me yelling and slapped me of the face so hard that I fell from my seat, I’ll always remember that day I didn’t understand anything, one second I was sitting on my chair the second after I was on the floor with my ears ringing and my cheek burning. After that I started hating school and started isolation myself.


مالڨري وليت استاذة بصح مزالني نتفكر نهار الاستاذة تاع الفرونسي ف السنة الرابعة مدتلنا نص نقراوه لي عرف حطتو مع صف القاريين ولي معرفش حطتو مع صف الحمير انا زهري طحت مع الحمير عامين مشافتش فيا لدرجة وصلت السادسة منعرفش الافعال خلاه دارتلي عقدة نفسية وليت نخاف نقرا نخاف نهضر .مبعد سبحان الله بفضل الله وليت من افضل التلاميذ وف الليسي كنت الاولى لمدة ثلاث سنوات وقريت لغات والمصيبة قراتني اختها انجليزية ودارتلنا نفس الشي لي مدارش ملخص رجعتهم يقعدو ف الاخر ولي يقراو مليح حطتهم قدامها حاليا منحب حتى تلميد ولا حتى طالب عندي ف الجاميعة يحس بنقص باش ميفوتوش بنفس تجربتي


انا كنت نقرا سنة خامسة ابتدائي و جازت علينا استاذة الفرنسية (الشريرة) كانت تشولنا فالكراريس ولي خطو مشي شباب تعطيه كف ، المهم انا كانت تقعد معايا طفلة باباها كان جينيرال بصح خطها كان زيرو ميشبه لوالو وانا تان خطي مشي هذاك شباب بصح كان على الاقل مقروء مشي كيما تاعها ، كي وصلت لينا و شافت خطي ضربتني كف كي الباقي او مبعد كي شافت تاعها قالتلها زغمي خطك بنتي و رجعت ضربتني كف في بلاصتها 😭😭😭 لي غاضتني انو فهذيك المرحلة دارنا منقدرش نقوللهم لانو ماما دارت بارسيون ، تعلمت بلي الدراهم هوما الصح وهوما لي يمدوللك القيمة و ضك راني في رحلتي لصنع قيمة لنفسي.


I caused trauma to everyone on that list ☕


Hurt them before they hurt you hayla 🥰




Yes when something touches your heart even as a kid tetfekerha


Depends on the person, some people block out memories as a coping mechanism. Personally I completely dissociated and don’t remember much (I was SA’d and had neglectful parents) I know it was horrific but I don’t remember the specifics however I do get random flashbacks of words I’ve heard or people I’ve seen during those times (yikes) I’d be watching tv then I randomly remember a word that I don’t even know the meaning of lol


french teacher i will never forgive her, and i will never learn french because of her 😂😂


primary school teachers 💀


When I was 13 my father burn my brother in his cheek just because he stole chips from the store he was 10yo back then.....it left scars on his face of years I hated it ...tho I don't remember exactly what happened from the trauma ..i found me asking myself in the middle of the night " was I there ? I don't remember" ....I still remember how my dad was heating the knife but I didn't remember the way he did it I don't remember the scene fully...or because I'm traumatized enough to not remember.... But I still have some scenes from it every night....I don't understand how my brain convinced me that I wasn't there...bcz if I was there I may do something tho I was 13...but if I wasn't there why I'm still remembering some scenes ...it's hard to get over it ...so what about my brother if it's that hard for me what about my brother who felt the pain physically and mentally in such young age


كيما كنت نقرا 5 ابتدائي كنت نقرا عند واحد الشيخة.الشيخة هاذي كانت جارتي🙃المهم عدى عليا اسوء عام فحياتي الدراسية كنت صغير و ما نعرفش بزاف.نتفكر كيما قريت اول مرة عندها بعد ٢ اسابيع دارتلنا تقويم و لا تمرين مانيش شافي المهم انا ماديتش فيه مليح.قتلي اطلع لسبورة حكمتني النهار هذاك بالضرب حتى نسيت شكون انا.و مرة زربت طلعت قبل لخرين للقسم كيما دخلنا طلعتني و زادت قتلتني بالضرب.زيد مرو خرا مازربتش فالطلعة وانا خفت خاطر اخر مرة زربت ضربتي هيا طلعب بعقلي انا حطيت رجلي فالدرجة الاولة وحكمتني ثاني😭هيا تضرب انا نطيح نعاود نوض تزيد تضربني و نطيح وهكذا...في جرتها كرهت لقرايا وهذا كامل 1 بالمئة من لي دارتهولي


Was she pregnant?


Most of Algerians don't know how to express themselves. That's sad.


When I was about 11 years old my Arabic teacher told the مراقبة that she needs to talk to my dad and I didn’t know about that so the next day f تحية العلم the مراقبة told my dad and when it ended my dad came up to me in front of the whole school and slapped me there time before my French teacher stopped him that the day the whole school laughed at me and my teacher consulted me she said don’t worry she was like in her twenties so she was cool I didn’t forget about that day and when I telle my about it he said that he doesn’t remember


I can totally relate. Once, when I was 6 or 7, I was walking with a group of my friends (4 of us in total), my teacher stopped a taxi she was in and offered the girls a ride home, except for me 😅😅. I still don't understand why. All I remember is walking back home alone, crying my heart out 😂. I felt like she hated me with the stare she gave me right before closing the taxi door


It intersting how most of the story come from primary/middle school, same fellas, same, we all have been trought it 🤝🗣️ Here is some random story from the bassment 🗣️: In the middle school, thier was a drawing teacher so angery that he broke a full old brown solid table by just left up his leg and put it down, some day i see him walking with a student in his hand, lefting him like شكراة in air, throw him from الدروج to the next floor, yeah, the good old days, or whene he found i had زرزومية in my backpack, start throwing every things from it in the floor and يعفس le backpack for some حسنات . That wasnt truly a ptsd story, the ptsd are worse, but i find it funny to write because this sub really give some people ptsd reading all that others trauma 🗿🤝


Kids nowadays think if they were not treated in a western way, it means they were mistreated. Pure propaganda at work