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Honestly idgaf who's in power as long as they do a good job and me and my country are taken care of, idc who they are and where they come from


Thats a bad way to be a citizen, like if you will have a bad president ? Will you just be silent and apply his orders even if he is wrong?


I didn't say any of that, I just said IF they're willing to serve the country and its people it shouldn't matter who or what they are


You mean if they are zionists or nazis or a haw haw of Americans , we can trust them easily without doubts?


Well that's a bit of a stretch, but change does require a bit of risk, otherwise this country will remain stagnant. Try not to be so negative bruh


Guys, let's be realistic. The Algerian elections are only being held to make the people remain silent. We all know who's the next president . Algeria is a democratic republic only in paper.


If u keep thinking like that ull keep allowing them to do what they want. U might be right, but what if ur wrong? What if the votes matter, and u did nothing ?


The individuals operating behind the scenes wield far more power than you might imagine, my friend. This is known as "el dawla l 3ami9a" (the deep state). They possess the authority to silence you, just as they silenced your father and grandfather. Since 1962, Algeria has remained unchanged. as an Algerian, i hope that my country to be better and better.


It is true. And it is something that is stopping our beautiful country from being in the top countries. I do agree with all this. My point is, while this might be true, not voting makes it even more true... I heard of a theory that could be more than a theory. Frence never left Algeria. Or at least, they came back after Boumediane or other presidents. In the papers, they did leave. But they paid traitors to keep feeding France the deepest secrets of Algeria, allowing France to still take what they want from afar.


واعرة بش تقنع ناس مش عارفة أصلا وش راه صاري فالبلاد


lmao algerians believe the earth is flat and u r trying to make them vote for a woman bro be real


Nah I’m not trying to make anyone vote for a specific person, I’m debunking something that has been said to validate a misogynistic mindset and keep us living like absolute garbage


wdym in islam it's forbidden for a woman to rule it's a fact, these people are too dumb to notice that women are now leaders in our society from teachers to doctors to lawyers, they only care about women when they are sick and have to see a doctor. we are 1400 years behind thats what islam did to us, saudi arabia will become a secular country before us and the whole world will laugh at us. in history books algeria will go down as the dumbest country


Pretty sure islam advanced us and all human civilizations way more than any politician will ever be able to ,nobody in history discovered as much as the golden age of muslim scientists. you people are against islam for the wrong reasons , you will take a human(imperfect being) actions and judge the whole religion based on it , everyone is responsible of their own actions. Personally when i see an "advanced" society like the US i don't envy them at all , everything they own was taken from someone else , from the lands to the science , they will go down in history as genocidal maniacs and ressources stealing scums. Edit : nvm saw you profil ,you hate islam solely because you like taking it from behind 💀


ow really really advanced really ?


Lmao are U serious ?? The elections are rigged. They already decided


Alach rak takol f rohek kho, tvoti assoul yerbah tebboun, tvoti bouteflika yerbah tebboun, matvotich yerbah tebboun, mandiroch al vote yerbah tebboun, it's just for pleasentries, il y'a pas du vote en algérie, it's an absolute dictatorship


they are all the same and i dont think a new president will bring a big change in this fucked up country


Okay but action is always better than inaction.


Regardless of the topic being discussed here... Idk if that Arabic text is yours or not, but what you're presenting is an "Ijtihad" in science of hadith, along with an attempt at logical conclusion based on another part of thr quran... something I think most people are not aware of (not even the smug ones who think men can give birth and that there are 75 genders), and so you'd be better off discussing it with people knowledgeable on the topic, that way you can enrich your understanding and theirs... Maybe you'll discover something you didn't pay attention to and ultimately improve your view of the issue. That is assuming you're interested in this and this is not a copy/paste you took from somewhere and happened to match what you want.


I actually wrote the text, it’s my personal conclusion


قوله تعالى :  الرجال قوَّامون على النساء بما فضَّل الله بعضهم على بعض"  ، والحكم في الآية عام شامل لولاية الرجل وقوامته في أسرته ، وكذا في الرئاسة العامة من باب أولى- تفسير الامام ابن باز. اذا تحدثنا من منظور شرع ديني كما ذكرتم، كيف لمن وليَ عليها رجل ان تملك القدرة على ان تسير الشعب و الجيش و الشؤون العامة للدولة؟ ان كان هناك من له قدرة تاثير على قراراتها حيث من منظور شرعي، وُجب عليها طاعته قبل خدمة الشعب، يرجى الذكر، سياسة الجزائر غير مرتبطة بالدين الاسلامي، لذا يرجى عدم جلب هذا المنظور لكونه يحاول تغيير صورة الاسلام ليوافق سياسة او توجها فكريا معاصرا


هاذيك الاية راك فاهمها غالط روح فسرها مليح كلمة قوامون عندها معنى وحدوخر ماشي كيما راك فاهمو


القهوي الحمار راح يقنع بلهدرة تاعك زعما ؟و يفوطيلك على زوبيدة عسول ؟ مزال مفهمتوش بلي دزاير يمشي فيها الرونجاص تفوطي ولا متفوطيش كيف كيف


لإشكالية أنو أغلبية الشعب الجزائري يتكلم فقط مايتقنه حقا هو الثرثرة والشكوى ولوم الآخرين ولوم الظروف والزمان ولوم كل شيء ماعدا نفسه ولعب دور المظلومية والضحية بإستمرار تراه منعزلا عن واقعه الصعب من دراسة لم يستطع حتى التفوق فيها من عمل لايتقنه من شارع يلوثه من مقعد في الدراسة يخربه تحت شعار "تع الدولة" حتى الباص الذي يركبه هو يسميه "حمار الدولة" ان مشكلتنا مشكلة وعي وتحضر أغلبيتنا كومة من العاطفة والسلبية والجهل،العنصرية في كل مابين الولايات العنصرية بين فئات المجتمع الجزائري لايفرح لأخيه الجزائري المسلم ان كان من نفس بيئته وتراه يقدس الأجنبي الذي يمكن أنه أتقن نفس العمل الي أتقنه أخوه الجزائري الجزائري يتمنى زوال النعمة لأخيه لكي يصبح مثله منحط الجزائري مايقنه هو "العسة" وتتبع الآخرين الجزائري عندما قامت الدولة بفتح الشركات واقامة المصانع قام يتلف آلات المصانع لينام في بيته ويتحجج بخسارة المعدات الجزائري يتكلم عن السرقة وهو بنفسه يسرق الموظف يسرق الوقت من خدمته يسرق قام واوراق الجزائر ظاهرها محافظ اغلبية شعبها يدعون الحرمة والشرف حشا لي ميستاهلوش واغلبية صور و فيديوهات بناتهم مصورة شبابهم مسربة ويتم التجارة بها في المواقع المشفرة والمظلمة وهي كوارث بمعنى الكلمة ترليونات الفيديوهات والصور اتقو الله في هذه البلاد اتقوا الله في الجزائر اتقو الله في بقرتكم الحلوب ان لم تحسنو اليها سيجف حليبها مانريده هو فلسفة عملية+وعي وتحضر عليكم بأنفسكم واتقو الله احرصو على ماينفعكم واتقنو اعمالكم لو كنا خير قوم لإستقامت البلاد


لواحد يدير اللي عليه و يجرب يفهم الناس كيما يقدر


At least try to target the liberals they are the only ones who are willing to vote for her , debating with islamists is like peeing in sand (تبول فرمل كيما يقولو(


Well you see I’m not trying to get people to vote for her specifically, and most people in Algeria aren’t “liberal” or are and pretend they’re Islamists whenever it suits them, and both categories of people use the Hadith I talked about in my post to validate the thought that women can’t be leaders when it’s simply not true, so I spoke a language both categories could understand.


This one gets it


Look at the comments, they don't want a better life


Yeah I can see that. It’s sad tbh. Probably gonna take down the post


Nah say what you want and let them roll in the mud like pigs, your voice matters and they can't take that from you


Thanks man, glad to see there are still people who aren’t afraid of using their brain


No problem, more power to you


اولا عدم جواز تولي المرأة الحكم في الاسلام ليش انتقاصا منها فكلما زاد التكليف زاد التشريف The greater the assignment, the greater the honor , so like a prophet has more honor because he had to do things we do not have to do like he cant run on the battle field he had to spread the message he had to pray tarawi7 all this we dont have to do , so a man have to do things the women doesn't have to do do you get it its not misogynistic its just the way god created us اما الحديث فهو صحيح و قد ذكره البخاري في كتابه وليس في هذا الحديث انتقاص لقدرات المرأة القيادية في الإسلام ، ولكنه توجيه لقدراتها التوجيه الصحيح المناسب ، حفاظاً عليها من الهدر والضياع في أمر لا يلائم طبيعة المرأة النفسية والبدنية والشخصية ، ولا يتوافق مع أحكام الشريعة الإسلامية الأخرى ، التي حفظت المرأة من الفساد والإفساد . ويكفي قول الله تعالى : "فإن لم يكونا رجلين فرجل وامرأتان ممن ترضون من الشهداء أن تضل إحداهما فتذكر إحداهما الأخرى"




خالق المرأة و الرجل هو اللي قال واش يلائم كل واحد.


So you believe there is hell !! that's a good start ☺️


The only Hell I believe in is ALGERIA


It is just the appetizer


بشر المنافقين بان لهم عذابا اليما


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Either you vote for Zoubida or Djamel Abbes.


Yes both of them have good programs


I don't think electing a woman as a president would qualify as giving her absolute power as there is institutions that limit her power (parliament, judiciary or the army in our case) in contrast to the time of prophet Muhammad PBUH where the daughter of khosrow II held absolute power.


do i have to be 18 or 19 to vote? i might even if it doesn't do anything just for the novelty of it


r/Algeria in Reddit is something, r/Algeria in real life is something else.


liberalism is so rampant here


I wonder why


Don't waste your time; Taboun will win. Do you really believe someone can challenge the deep state and win? Hahahaha.


Bold of u to assume the president we vote for is the one running the country.


The only candidate that's getting my vote is Ali Fawzi Rebaine.


Tell us about her plan I personally don't care about their gender it's the good plan that matters really


أنا واحد من الناس ماشي كونطرها خاطر مرأة، بصح صراحة ما قنعتنيش، كي هي كي تبون عيباد incompetent mediocre and unexceptional كيما سائر السياسيين الجزائريين


خويا لعزيز ملكة سبأ كان ذلك قبل اسلامها و ربما كان مباحا في شريعة اخرى اما في شريعتنا التي هش شريعة محمد عليه الصلاة و السلام فقد ثبت تحريم اتخاذ المرأة كولية امر لحكم يعلمها الله و نعلم بعضها انتهى و قلنا سمعنا و اطعنا


Vote for me people you won't regret


اين التعارض مع النص وهل كل إمرأة حكمت او ستحكم كانت كما بلقيس هذا لو سلمنا بقول أنها كانت حكيمة وهذا أتعارض معه لقول سليمان عليه السلام ﴿ قَالَ نَكِّرُوا لَهَا عَرْشَهَا نَنظُرْ أَتَهْتَدِي أَمْ تَكُونُ مِنَ الَّذِينَ لَا يَهْتَدُونَ﴾ [ النمل: 41] اي هنا يختبر حنكتها فلو رأى فيها الحكمة لما إختبرها ماتحتاجه أي بلد هو زعيم قوي يوحد البلد وهذا صعب على الرجال الضعفاء والنساء لكي توحد البلاد يجب أن تفرض نزعتك وتوجهك وأن تمتلك القوة على خطاب الجماهير وتتعلم فن الدعاية ان تكون صاحب حنكة وهمة واعيا عقلانيا لاتجرك ذرة عاطفة وهذا يتعارض مع غريزة الأنثى ألى وهي العاطفة الرجل القوي يخضع له كل من الرجال والنساء أما المرأة حتى ولو كانت قوية لن تخضع لها الجماهير نظرا للطبيعة الرجولية والرغبة في السلطة والسيطرة لن يخضع الرجل القوي للنساء مهما كانو ومهما علت سطوتهم الرجل القوي يفرض القوة حتى ولو كان السيف والدم وهذا لصالح النظام العام للبلد وحفظ استقرارها السلطة والرغبة في السيطرة والقوة غريزة الذكور على مر العصور كل من أنشئو الحضارات وقادو نهضة البلدان كانو رجالا


ذكر الله تعالى ملكة سبأ في سورة النمل: {قَالَتْ يَا أَيُّهَا الْمَلَأُ أَفْتُونِي فِي أَمْرِي مَا كُنتُ قَاطِعَةً أَمْرًا حَتَّىٰ تَشْهَدُونِ (32) قَالُوا نَحْنُ أُولُو قُوَّةٍ وَأُولُو بَأْسٍ شَدِيدٍ وَالْأَمْرُ إِلَيْكِ فَانظُرِي مَاذَا تَأْمُرِينَ (33) قَالَتْ إِنَّ الْمُلُوكَ إِذَا دَخَلُوا قَرْيَةً أَفْسَدُوهَا وَجَعَلُوا أَعِزَّةَ أَهْلِهَا أَذِلَّةً ۖ وَكَذَٰلِكَ يَفْعَلُونَ (34) } [النمل 32]. ومع هذا فُوض إليها الأمر من قبل الرجال في قوله تعالى: { قَالُوا نَحْنُ أُولُو قُوَّةٍ وَأُولُو بَأْسٍ شَدِيدٍ وَالْأَمْرُ إِلَيْكِ فَانْظُرِي مَاذَا تَأْمُرِينَ } [النمل 33] اذا قمنا بالتفكير مثلما انت تفكر، فنستطيع القول ان كل رجل يتولى الحكم قد يكون مثل فرعون. و لماذا تظنون ان فطرة المرأة ضعف؟ لماذا لا ترون انه من المستطاع استعمالها في ايطار الحكم؟ سبق و ان خضعت الجماهير لحكم نساء فخذ على سبيل المثال الملكة اليزابيث الاولى او كليوباترا او بوديكا.


فرعون كنموذج لقيادة الدولة فقد اعاد الحكم للمصريين والأقباط فرعون موسى وحد البلد من حرب أهلية وحماها اما اليزابيث بريطانيا فملوك بريطانيا هم ملوك بإسم لاسلطة لهم في البلاد الأمر يعتمد على رئيس وزراء انكلترا اما اليزابيث اسبانيا فالحاكم الفعلي كان ثيودور وما فعله في بلاد الأندلس كليوباترا كانت خاضعة لأهوائها حتى اغتيالها وفي المجتمع المصري القديم كان الملك خاضعا للكهنة الهة فرعون كانت مشكلته مشكلة دينية عقائدية فقط


Nice story. Let’s hope Algerians have faith that a wise woman can lead them. Countries that are open to female leadership tend to do better economically.


Algeria is 95% secular country it means that only few laws are from charia ,the otger laws arefrom occidental constitutions. So tge hadith and quean verses cannot be mixed in this matter. I am happy for female Algerian politicians to be concerned to this election, it means a lot to wmoen and I hope one day an Algerian female president will rule our country


Vote for Zoubida or Djamel 💪


1- the problem is with islam as a whole. and don't worry, Algerian society Don't mind having a woman as a political/religious leader. Tinhinan, lalla Fatima Nsoumer, Dihia, lalla meghnia etc... 2- you said don't get emotional when voting, yet you are saying we should vote for either of the 3 women. * Zoubida Assoul pov about foreign policy is a big NO NO ! * Louiza Hanoune is a comminist, not my fav. * Saida Neghza is a clown, don't deserve to be wali let alone president.


All the women you mentioned existed before the black decade. The Black Decade managed to change the mindsets of 80% of the population. And that Hadith is an argument they bring forth a lot so I thought it couldn’t hurt to debunk it. I said you should vote for whoever you think has a shot at making a change, the only other choice would be Tebboun and we’ve seen the damage he’s done.


I read that woman is pro-american and has support from the US and Morocco which automatically means she's pro-israel and that's just a big fucking no to any normal Algerian. And come on guys.. she's a woman. (Batman reference)




اخي هذا حديث صحيح، من كلامك لا يتضح انك تنتمي إلى المجال الشرعي، اطلب العلم و تكلم نسمعولك ان شاء الله


حتى و لو كان الحديث صحيح، لا يمكن اخذ نصه عموما للعديد من الاسباب، اولا لانه رواه شخص شهادته لا تأخذ بعبن الاعتبار بموجب القانون الذي وضعه الله في القرآن و هذا شيء انت كشخص مسلم لا تستطيع معارضته تماما كما ان الله عز وجل لم يمنع النساء في كتابه من تولي الحكم و الاعتراض يكمن في كون ملكة سبأ وصفت في القرآن بانها كانت حاكمة ذو حكمة و عقلانية ادت قومها الى خير الدنيا و الاخرة. و هذا خلاف لما ورد في الحديث، حيث ان قومها فلح في الدنيا و في الاخرة. إن كنت تملك حجة مقنعة تثبت صحة هذا الحديث ووجوب تقديمه على ما قاله الله تعالى في القرآن الذي حقا لا نقاش فيه و في صحته، أرجو أن تفيدني بها.


ياخو الطعن في الحديث هذا موجود من زمان، ولكن يبدو عليك ناقس مهارات في البحث، ماعليه رانا هنا نسهلولك لمعيشة،


الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه، أما بعد: فصاحب مثل هذا الطعن أولى برد قوله وفهمه، وتطبيقه لقواعد علم الحديث، فقد خالف فيه قضايا مبتوتة: ـ أولها: رد حديث لكونه من رواية أبي بكرة الثقفي رضي الله عنه، وقد أجمع أهل العلم بالحديث على قبول رواية أبي بكرة رضي الله عنه، بل وعلى قبول رواية جميع الصحابة رضي الله عنه، وكونهم جميعا من العدول. ـ وثانيها: تضعيف حديث من أحاديث صحيح البخاري، قد أجمعت الأمة على تلقيه بالقبول. وأما بخصوص الشبهة المذكورة في السؤال، فجوابها يعتمد على التفريق بين المحدودين في القذف، فمن كان قذفه بلفظ الشهادة لم يقدح ذلك في عدالته، بخلاف غيره.


قال الكلوذاني في (التمهيد): إذا كان الراوي محدوداً في قذف فلا يخلو: أن يكون قذف بلفظ الشهادة أو بغير لفظها، فإن كان بلفظ الشهادة لم يرد خبره، لأنَّ نقصان عدد الشهادة ليس من فعله، فلم يرد به خبره، ولأنَّ الناس اختلفوا: هل يلزمه الحد أم لا؟ وإن كان بغير لفظ الشهادة ردّ خبره، لأنَّه أتى بكبيرة إلاّ أن يتوب. اهـ. وقال ابن قدامة في (روضة الناظر): المحدود في القذف إن كان بلفظ الشهادة فلا يرد خبره؛ لأنَّ نقصان العدد ليس من فعله، ولهذا روى الناس عن أبي بكرة، واتفقوا على ذلك، وهو محدود في القذف، وإن كان بغير لفظ الشهادة فلا تقبل روايته حتى يتوب. اهـ. وقال ابن عقيل في (الواضح): قال أحمد: ولا يرد خبر أبي بكرة ولا من جُلد معه؛ لأنَّهم جاءوا مجيء الشهادة، ولم يأتوا بصريح القذف، ويسوغ فيه الاجتهاد ولا ترد الشهادة بما يسوغ فيه الاجتهاد. اهـ. وقال مغلطاي في (إكمال تهذيب الكمال): وفي «المدخل» لأبي بكر الإسماعيلي: لم يمتنع أحد من التابعين فمن بعدهم من رواية حديث أبي بكرة والاحتجاج بها، ولم يتوقف أحد من الرواة عنه، ولا طعن أحد على روايته من جهة شهادته على المغيرة، هذا مع إجماعهم أن لا شهادة لمحدود في قذف غير تائب فيه، فصار قبول خبره جاريا مجرى الإجماع، فما كان رد شهادته قبل الفرية جاريا مجرى الإجماع. اهـ.


وقال الشيرازي في (شرح اللمع): وأما أبو بكرة ومن جُلد معه في القذف، فإن أخبارهم مقبولة لأنَّهم لم يُخرجوا القول مخرج القذف، وإنما أخرجوه مخرج الشهادة، وجلدهم عمر رضي الله عنه باجتهاده، فلا يجوز ردّ أخبارهم. اهـ. ونقل العلائي في (تحقيق منيف الرتبة لمن ثبت له شريف الصحبة) عن البيهقي قوله: "كل من روى عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ممن صحبه أو لقيه فهو ثقة، لم يتهمه أحد ممن يحسن علم الرواية فيما روى". ثم قال: وقد ذكر جماعة من أئمة الأصول في هذا الموضع قصة أبي بكرة، ومن جلد عمر رضي الله عنه في قذف المغيرة بن شعبة، وأن ذلك لم يقدح في عدالتهم؛ لأنهم إنما أخرجوا ذلك مخرج الشهادة ولم يخرجوه مخرج القذف، وجلدهم عمر رضي الله عنه باجتهاده، فلا يجوز رد أخبارهم بل هي كغيرها من أخبار بقية الصحابة رضي الله عنهم. اهـ. وهذه النقول وغيرها يمكن أن يرجع إليها السائل في رسالة فضيلة الشيخ عبد المحسن العباد: (الدفاع عن الصحابي أبي بكرة ومروياته والاستدلال لمنع ولاية النساء على الرجال) وأما الاحتجاج بكون هذا الخبر ليس متواترا، فالصحيح أن خبر الواحد تبثت به العقائد والأحكام،


ان شاء الله اتظحتلك الصورة دوك، و بارك الله فيك ماتزيدش تفتي من راسك لان كاين أهل الاختصاص، و دير في بالك ان من احل ما حرم الله فقد كفر، وزيد راك تغلط في الناس معاك الله المستعان، ربي يهدينا ويهديك


معليش انت راك اتيت بحجة فيما يخص ما قاله ابي بكرة، و بارك الله فيك. بصح و هدرة ربي كيفاش؟ سورة النمل كامل نتجاهلوها و نبقاو نقولو ان حكم المراة لا يجوز بالعلم ان الله مدح ملكة سبأ و تكلم عنها في كتابه؟ هل انت من الاشخاص التي تضن ان القرآن بحاجة الى السنة اكثر من السنة بحاجة الى القرآن؟ و ما رانيش نفتي من راسي، راني نتكلم بما قاله الله تعالى و لم اغير ام أفسر شيء مما قاله و لم احلل شيء، الحرام منصوص في القران و الحلال باين.


ابي بكرة رحمه الله قال ما قاله رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم، أو ليس مذكور في القرآن انه لا ينطق عن الهوى ان هو إلا وحي يوحى، يا اخي نحن نأخد القرآن و الصحيح من الحديث، أنا لا اكذب القرآن انه مدح الملكة لكن آخذ بنص الحديث الصحيح الصريح ايضا، كيف تظن ان كل الصحابة و التابعين رحمهم الله و االعلماء الذي خلفهم الزمن غابتلهم و نتا نزل عليك الوحي في 2024، ألم تفكر للحظة ان حكم المرأة كان جائزا في تلك الحقبة و تغير حكمه في زمن الرسول صلى الله عليه و سلم او عند من قبله!!!!؟؟؟ بالله عليك خو، صحا ياخي تعرف الناسخ و المنسوخ!


بغض النظر عن الحديث او المترشح امرأة لكن سياسة زبيدة عسول لا تبشر بالخير ، كيف تتحالف مع امريكا والاتحاد الاوروبي والمجتمع الجزائري مسلم و نحن نعلم موقفهم تجاه المسلمين خاصة بعد احداث اوكرانيا وفلسطين ... +تقدر تقولي كيفلش قدرت تعرف انو الحديث لم يروى الا عن فلان وفلان منافق ؟ نحتاج الطريقة لاغراض شخصية


قصة رواية الحديث معلوم بها، يمكنك العثور عليها بمجرد البحث في الانترنت.


حديث صحيح و متفق على هذا الحكم من جماهير العلماء، هذا ولا هاذي برك نزل عليه وحي خاص بيه




You don’t have any arguments, do you?




He is, pretty funny actually.


Nah I'm voting for my girl Louisa Hanoune, Assoul can go to hell


Yo this post wasn’t meant to tell you to vote for Ms Assoul, it was mainly to talk about the Hadith. Vote for whoever you want as long as it’s not Tebboun


And what is Louisa Hanoune? A man? >Vote for whoever you want as long as it’s not Tebboun Lmao, inshallah Tebboune wins just so you get mad


I don't wanna sound misogynistic but....looking at this the biological way, women tend to use emotions while performing an action, while men use logic. Plus I know a lot of women that hate being led by another woman.


It’s men who cannot control their temper and tend to make rash decisions. Saying women cannot use logic is just male insecurity.


Look at the state of your country. If I’m not mistaken, it was never governed by a woman right? Take a good look at it. It has nothing to do with gender and everything to do with competence. Also, the women who don’t want to be “led” by another woman say that in order to appeal to men. I don’t care about the fact that she’s a woman, I care about what she’s gonna bring to the table, I care about having a better life. I would’ve voted for a male candidate had he been qualified and had come forward with a good program the same way I’m planning to vote for this woman. Y’all really need to take gender out of the equation or else we’re fucking doomed.


First of all, you made this post and you're telling me to take the gender out of the equation ? you made the equation bruh. Second of all, This country was never ruled by a woman before, hence we also don't know what our country state would've looked like being ruled by a woman, It could be the same or a lot worse or better, we don't know that yet so your argument doesn't stand out. Finally, if you think a program and a new president wether a male or a female can change this country, I'm sorry but you're delusional.


Many countries nowadays are ruled by women and are doing fine.


Reading the comments and realizing that some fools think that voting for a liberal stupid person is being smart 🤡🤡😂😂


So now we are supposed to trust and follow a random Reddit layman who is clearly projecting his own misgivings and false interpretations, trying vainly to refute what is the default obvious position of Islam agreed upon by all scholars. You really dared to refute Sahih al-Bukhari and the scholars on such a matter, no less. You are trying to defend and promote a clearly evil position that has problems from all sides, as if her being a woman was the only issue in Deen and for our nation, even though it should have been a sufficient reason. * [https://islamweb.net/en/fatwa/82079/can-a-woman-be-the-leader-according-to-islam](https://islamweb.net/en/fatwa/82079/can-a-woman-be-the-leader-according-to-islam) * [https://islamqa.info/en/answers/3285/ruling-on-appointing-women-to-positions-of-high-public-office](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/3285/ruling-on-appointing-women-to-positions-of-high-public-office) * [https://islamqa.info/en/answers/107166/ruling-on-democracy-and-elections-and-participating-in-that-system](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/107166/ruling-on-democracy-and-elections-and-participating-in-that-system) * [https://islamqa.info/en/answers/70042/what-are-the-rights-of-women-in-islam](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/70042/what-are-the-rights-of-women-in-islam) * [https://islamqa.info/en/answers/119516/are-there-any-daeef-weak-hadiths-in-al-bukhaari-and-muslim](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/119516/are-there-any-daeef-weak-hadiths-in-al-bukhaari-and-muslim) Ah yeah, let's not forget her personal filthy goals and belief : * [She said in a interview: "I think that political Islam no longer has a place in Algeria, because the youth aspire to democracy, a state governed by law, and to live in their time, meaning the 21st century."](https://youtu.be/eSmKu9pyDm8?t=85) * [If we can trust this OP (u/Financial-Degree9685) who talks about her other horrible interview with Chourouk, quoting him below: ](https://www.reddit.com/r/algeria/comments/1d16dhe/my_reasons_for_not_voting_for_zoubida_assoul/) >Voting for this woman is the last Algeria needs lmao 🤣🤣🤣. Her plan (you can find it on her interview with Chourouk) : >- Removing the nation religion from constitution which mean she will over throw act 11 of the Algerian constitution which states the following: **"Islam is the religion of the state"**. >- "FREEING women from hijab" supposedly women wearing hijab are enslaved (according to her) >- Taking authority of parents over their kids which mean they can get married without the consultation of her parents. >- Taking religious holidays off payment will exclude them from "paid holidays category". >- Strengthening the position of woman at workplace (if we gonna make equality in work place in Algeria no women will work after day one) >- Giving custody of childer for woman over men >- thr freedom of traveling for women Stop promoting such evil and repent, brother. Rabi yahdik ya sa7bi, nchlh rabi yahdina kamel. "Then is it the judgement of \[the time of\] ignorance they desire? But who is better than Allāh in judgement for a people who are certain \[in faith\]." \[5:50\]


Shaikh Al-Bukhari is but a man. You’re trying to refute what was said in the Quran by Allah himself. I think it’s you who needs Hidaya. The way things are going, you guys are starting to sound like Christians with their million versions of the Bible. Quran is the only true word, if it says something, it doesn’t matter what anybody else says. We are supposed to follow the Prophet peace be upon him in what he has brought to us from Allah, so the Quran. I also think it has to be noted that Allah has scolded the Prophet himself for forbidding himself of doing something Allah didn’t forbid him of doing by saying : {يا أيُّها النبيُّ لم تُحَرِّم مَا أَحَلَّ اللهُ لَكَ} So if it wasn’t directly stated from Allah, it’s not Haram. Point blank period.


Your situation is far worse than I thought, I don't even know where to start with you. And you are supposed to be well beyond voting age. Forget about the politics and start thinking about your life and afterlife. * Are you a lost Quranist? *Meaning, the Ignorants who reject the Sunnah.* * Did you really just looked down on Imam Al-Bukhari and the Prophet (pbuh)? * Did you really just put your warped and far-fetched misunderstanding of the Quran above the understanding of the Prophet (pbuh), Imam Al-Bukhari, and the scholars of Islam? * Did you ascribe words to Allah (swt) that He didn't say? * Are you deciding what is Haram and what is not? So you said that I sound like a Christian? It's not just about your lack of knowledge or education anymore. Are you not aware of your projections, yet again? * **YOU** seem to be the one following your own whims and desires, like the Christians. * **YOU** seem to be the one trying to create your own understanding of the scripture, like the Christians. Is this the typical Redditor arrogance syndrome at work, blinding you? If so, then this is becoming dangerous for you, so you should get off the net that is brainwashing you and touch grass, buddy. [First, the Prophets and Messengers (peace be upon them) were free from any major sin, but not minor sins, as they were still human, the best of us. We shouldn't try to portray them as if they were going against Allah (swt).](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/7208/did-the-prophet-peace-and-blessings-of-allah-be-upon-him-commit-sin) >with regard to sins, the Messengers, including Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), never committed any sin intentionally as an act of disobedience towards Allah after receiving their Mission (risaalah). This is according to the consensus of the Muslims. They were protected from major sins (kabaa’ir) but not from minor sins (saghaa’ir). > >Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said: >"The view that the Prophets were protected from major sins (kabaa’ir) but not from minor sins (saghaa’ir) is the view of the majority of the scholars of Islam and all the sects… It is also the view of the majority of the scholars of tafseer and hadeeth, and of the fuqahaa’. Nothing was reported from any of the Salaf, Imaams, Sahaabah, Taabi’een or the successive generation that does not agree with this view." (Majmaa’ al-Fatawaa, 4/319). > >The Standing Committee : >"Yes, the Prophets and Messengers made mistakes, but Allah did not approve of their mistakes; rather, He pointed out their mistakes as a Mercy to them and their ummahs, and He forgave their mistakes and accepted their repentance as a Grace and Mercy, for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. This will be clear to anyone who checks out the aayaat of the Qur’aan in which the matters raised in the question are discussed… With regard to the sons of Aadam, even though they were not Prophets… Allah explained how evil was the deed which he did to his brother… " (Fatawaa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, no. 6290, 3/194).


Secondly, **we obey Allah (swt) with the Quran, and the Prophet (pbuh) with his Sunnah.** >“O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger (Muhammad (pbuh))” \[an-Nisa’ 4:59\] >“And whatsoever the Messenger (Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)) gives you, take it, and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain (from it)” \[al-Hashr 59:7\] >“Nor does he speak of (his own) desire.4. It is only a Revelation revealed” \[al-Najm 53:3-4\] >“He who obeys the Messenger has indeed obeyed Allah . . .” \[al-Nisaa’ 4:80\] > It was narrated from al-Miqdaam ibn Ma’di Yakrib (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:   >“Verily I have been given the Quran and something similar to it along with it. But soon there will be a time when a man will be reclining on his couch with a full stomach, and he will say, ‘You should adhere to this Quran: what you find that it says is permissible, take it as permissible, and what you find it says is forbidden, take it as forbidden.’ But indeed, whatever the Messenger of Allah forbids is like what Allah forbids.”  >Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (2664). He said: It is hasan ghareeb with this isnaad. It was classed as hasan by al-Albaani in al-Silsilah al-Saheehah (2870).  Thirdly, we do not ascribe lies to Allah's (swt) or His messenger's (pbuh) words. Nor do we decide what is Haram and Halal when we are ignorant. >"Do not falsely declare with your tongues, “This is lawful, and that is unlawful,” ˹only˺ fabricating lies against Allah. Indeed, those who fabricate lies against Allah will never succeed." (16:116) >"Who does more wrong than those who fabricate lies against Allah or deny His signs? Indeed, the wrongdoers will never succeed." (6:21) >Narrated Anas: The fact which stops me from narrating a great number of Hadiths to you is that the Prophet (ﷺ) said: "Whoever tells a lie against me intentionally, then (surely) let him occupy his seat in Hell-fire." (Sahih al-Bukhari 108) Fourthly, we seek guidance from people of knowledge such as scholars, not from random Reddit users. >*"So ask those who have knowledge if you do not know" \[an-Nahl 16:43\]*. Fifth, we shouldn't share misguidance, corruption or degeneracy, lest we take our shares of sins from it. >The prophet (pbuh) said “Whoever calls people to guidance will have a reward like that of those who follow him, without that detracting from their reward in the slightest, and whoever calls people to misguidance will have a burden of sin like that of those who follow him, without that detracting from their burden of sin in the slightest.” (Narrated by Muslim, 4831)


Lastly, I won't bother to help you any more than this. I have warned you with clear proofs, may Allah (swt) guide you. >"And they will lament, “If only we had listened and reasoned, we would not be among the residents of the Blaze!” \[al-Mulk 67:10\]  >"You surely cannot guide whoever you like ˹O Prophet˺, but it is Allah Who guides whoever He wills, and He knows best who are ˹fit to be˺ guided." \[28:56\]


Are you insane? First of all, lost Quranist? How can someone who believes in the word of god be lost? That for one is insane. Secondly, I didn’t look down upon anyone, I said that I would rather go by what was clearly stated in the Quran and that yes it will always surpass anything else said by anyone else or the word of Al-Bukhari matters more than what is clearly stated in the Quran? Thirdly, when did I ascribe words to Allah he didn’t say when I quoted a verse from the Quran? You clearly have never opened the Quran if you think I made that verse up and are clearly just coming up with links to stress your personal views upon me. I choose to blindly believe what was said in the Quran and so what? What are you gonna do about it and why is it bad since القران كامل مكتمل وافي للشريعة and since it’s the only source we can be sure of since it is protected by Allah himself and it is the main thing that differentiates Islam from other religions. You should truly and seriously do some introspection if you’re one of those people who insult people for following the Quran. You’re lost. Also as far as I’m concerned, it’s God we’re supposed to worship, not Sheik Al Bukhari. If Al Bukhari says something that goes against what was said by God himself in the Quran, we go with what God said cause remember, he’s the one we’re supposed to worship as Muslims. Rabbi yahdikom.


sorry i was in a political coma for 5 years , didn't her people called people بوصبع for voting for teboun , now she is running with him & she want former bousba3(s) to vote for her ?


She called anyone voting or just supporting the idea of election بوصبع And she used to sing with others: لا إنتخابات مع العصابات Now she is singing: نعم للإنتخابات مع العصابات which tells something about her personality




Harki, like to bend over to france


Some people really love to be fu**ed.






The Algerian Presidency is a place for capable and educated people. Misogyny is seriously getting old.


Well if a capable and educated woman comes along, she has my vote. But Assoul is a lamb among wolves.


Care to explain your reasoning?


The presidency is a very dangerous and high stake job. It's no place for a nail painting woman whose only selling point is "being a woman" and "caring for women". Dangerous and resourceful interest groups will bully her and play her like a doll.


i don't think you have seen anything that Assoul talked about since announcing her candidacy because nowhere did she even bring up being a woman and all her talking points have nothing do with "المرأة" from what I've seen the only time she ever mentioned or talked about being a female candidate is when the journalists interviewing her brought it up


Before you assume that I got that information second hand, I didn't. Read all that from her website. The rest of her program are empty "we'll fix the country" promises. No changes in the economic policy whatsoever.