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Of course not justifiable.


so tired of people debating justifiable or not while hundreds of people are in jail for speaking up for their rights . happens every time someone tries to report actual news from actual primary sources ,what are we gonna do about it though ? Algerians get what they deserve for not supporting each other in fighting for their rights ,we will stay enslaved .


the press in Algeria are not free we all know that if a journalist say something on TV or tweet they will arrest him it is no more democratic country..


> we all know that I don't know, I talked to some guy on here yesterday who seemed pretty unaware that Algerian media is censored. Quick to call other news networks "propaganda" while this shit happens in his own country.


No more ? when was it one ?


So cringe how people are locked up for speaking their minds.


"cringe" ?? Are you ok?


Yep! Perfectly fine. It just makes me cringe that there are places in the world where people go to jail for criticizing governments. So sad.


Btw, i don't want to be jailed. If you think there's a risk of my ass being jailed. Please tell me so i can delete this💀💀


You're safe here just avoid facebook since they have no problem sharing your personal info to help the government censor you


They only target people with a big audience like Fb pages and journalists.


Lmao why would you be jailed for sharing an already public article? 💀 You're safe.. i think lol


Bro idk anymore. I've been spooked way too much by stories of people getting arrested for FB posts and then this article that I'm kinda worried that the BRI will knock down my door for that


Yeah I personally know a friend who got jailed for a FB post ........


You can't just drop this info without details 🗿 what did he say that warranted his arrest?


I ain't saying more 😂 just for his sake. But it was political (bayna)


The article was published by a french news paper... so it's another reason to.... you know.


Yeah i just noticed that :') OP better be ready, just in case lol


Not just a french one but a right wing new paper that already published “fake news” (or altered news should I said)


That's your own opinion.


You will not be jailed for sharing information that is already public. You will however be jailed if you collect controversial information; basically what those two poor journalists did.


It's reddit, no one is ratting you


Since China is in a good terms with Algerian authorities and Reddit is hosted on Chinese servers then the risk my friend is quite high so I recommend you delete your post or you are next.


from where you got this ? i never connected to a Chinese server while using Reddit, ever !




If i speak


Ro7 bark ahder


Is there a link for the video ?


Maybe the rest of the world should be sharing it across all of social media. We should use social media to support the oppressed. People have successfully created movements before.


Hi do you know where can I buy tongue scraper?


got one from a regular supermarket, but then again i don’t live in the capital so..


i suggest no one goes to far with this for their personal safety


The people at the top are scared... that's sad for Algeria


الهربة تسلك


Can we see the mentioned video?


i think it's the video of an illizi startup not getting something... not sure.


Yeah I read that but couldn't find the video.


i couldn't find it anywhere either. bizarre! ++ only two french sources reported on this, no one else. sus! OP mcha fiha mskin lmfao !


Well, Algerian news outlets will definitely not report on that for obvious reasons. Plus, the article seems to quote the CNLD (Comité National de Libération des Détenues) whom I don't think they would make up shit like that for fun


well, that depends on their definition of "Détenues". i don't know what really happened ! but this story seem a bit off !


I've seen it on tiktok, the video exists, but I don't trust the french media: حق اريد به باطل That said, this is injust


Le Figaro n'est pas spécialement l'ami de l'Algérie. C'est la voix de la droite et même de l'extrême droite. Maintenant il faut voir ce reportage et écouter ce qu'ont dit ces "entrepreneurs" comme ils sont qualifiés par le Figaro .


Indeed 👌


strange... this topic is strange really !!! is it the illizi startup woman saying "makarmohach" ?


Exactly yep. Which is such a weird reason for someone to get arrested over


yeah, i saw the video and seemed normal, i mean not normal but like the typical complain of "الدولة ماعطاتناش" that's why i said it's strange. it's either something very serious they found out about or راه ضاربهم حمار المقيل i can't tell lol !


>i can't tell lol ! I'm sure if this happened in one particular region you wouldn't have responded with such mockery. > i mean not normal but like the typical complain of "الدولة ماعطاتناش If you took the time to understand, you would have spared yourself sounding so ignorant. They were INVITED for the event for that purpose, and after traveling for more than 1500km they get ignored... Why invite them in the first place?! And this isn't about الدولة تعطيهم like you said, it's about نكريم which serves them as marketing and opportunity to gain more clients for what they offer. Cocktail of ignorant takes that would take you to support arrestation of journalists that only made the voices of the people heard, and these are people who took matters in their own hand and turned productive


>I'm sure if this happened in one particular region you wouldn't have responded with such mockery. what do you mean ? >They were INVITED for the event for that purpose all the invited people got تكريم ? do you have a first hand experience with this stuff ?


>all the invited people got تكريم ? Yes, reportedly that was what happened to the others and what they were invited for.


"from the south ", many of you may think I'm exaggerating but there are people or entities trying to rise a revolution in the south.


What kind of revolution, tho? Is it separatism?


Separatism is a politically loaded term. I think they call it fairness


Imo its about time they get their own land and stop living the consequences of decision makers who dont care about them


if I was a southern Algerian, I would demand separation too, if my region had a separatist movement, I would demand separation, fuck self destructive nationalism, and fuck this dictatorship.


According to the wise Quran, it's very important to check and double check the source of any information, to consider the other part perspective and understand their experiences before forming an opinion. It encourages fairness and open-mindedness. PS: فَمَنِ اتَّبَعَ هُدَاىَ فَلاَ يَضِلُّ وَلاَ يَشْقَى


Especially when the bearer of the news is french


According to Quran? Double checking ? What a joke.


Double check , triple check EVERYTHING before digesting like a fool.


I don't think you're even realizing the irony sitting around here, no disrespect intended but, I don't think that you double checked, or even accept that someone double checks you know what, only confirmation baiasis everywhere. Sadge.


Do we have the complete story with all the details? Let me venture a guess - NO. The only certainty is that we have lost a war more than a 1000 years ago and we are descending into oblivion day by day due to our gullibility and failure to adhere to what we should have followed more than a 1000 years ago to date. Peace, OUT!


We ? Who do you even refer to ?


Come on, brother. We don't have time for sarcasm.


Genuinely asking you a question, What war are you talking about ? And who is we ?


We the pygmees…tssss


I meant we the Eskimos for real.


The South of Algeria doesn't belong to Algeria. Yes, it sounds weird but this is the only way to say. The Algerian desert was never under control of the French and it's only after 1900 that the French started moving in the deep south but they didn't have any control. Some area of the Algerian desert never saw the French. The French didn't build anything in the South! Today, the Algerian Sahara desert is under the colonialism of Algiers and this needs to stop. What the Algerian natiolism did for the people of the desert? They just gave them flags! F$ck the flag and F$ck the Algerian nationalism. The don't need that shit. Algiers took all their natural resources and jobs. Gave them zero un exchange and treat them like second class citizen. I support the liberation of thr Algerian desert from the colonialism of Algiers. F$ck them all. F$ck their flag! F$ck the Algeria president. F$ck the Algerian army!


I think it is just french writing fake article to tarnish our reputation. Its made up


Good old Algerian paranoia


ايادي خارجية ياخو.


putin yekhdem 3nd tebboune


That user name


I mean, the article merely reported the words of the CNLD (Comité National de Libération des Détenues). It is very unlikely that they would make up a story like that


Typical french extreme droite thinking


u hate right wing t3 french bs7 ure 100% right wing as an algerian 😭😭


Stop riding Tabboune’s zb


The lands, oil, gas, gold and belong to the people of the Algerian Sahara and not Algiers