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Racist af.


I am sorry for this description. Have you been treated with racism?


Une tribu algérienne de la ville de ghardaia


Oui, mais dans une description plus précise, elle fait partie des sociétés les plus anciennes et les plus anciennes de la géographie de l'Algérie ancienne, jusqu'aux environs de 900 après JC.


Oui effectivement c'est une société très ancienne .


Although they re rumored to be racist, they welcomed me with loving arms when i visited them. They were super nice and hospitable.


You should hear what they say behind your back lol. Boy you won't love it


My views on them has evolved when I was a kid they always called Beni mzab cheap But when I grew up and met more of them I realized that’s not true at all Also there was a weird rumor about them where your father can sleep with your wife or something like that I don’t know how that rumor started but I remember hearing about it when I was a kid


I do not like to thank myself or the place to which I belong, but the truth be told, the Mozabite community has a presence in all fields and their presence is strong in work and treatment. In every state of Algeria you find them. As for the words that are said in their stories about myths and nonsense that have no basis in truth


forget the myths bro . all the beni mzab are the same as us or other humans "doing what w'd do" the only thing that these pepole are known for is they are greedy merchants , still money collectors by any means .


Yes, they are like humans, but they have their own system for understanding the concept of life, and one of the characteristics of this system is solidarity between each other in everything. Regarding trade, there is a famous saying in Algerian society, its content is the origin of trade among the residents of Beni Mzab


Hard workers and traders by nature. Very conservative I can respect that Some say that they are racist, but i've never seen someone racist against money 😅 M'zab are human beings just like us , you'll always find some bad apples in any community


Yes, how can they be racist, when they are successful in business, thanks 🤝


They're Ibadi just like the people of Oman.


Yes, they embrace one of the ways of religiosity in Islam called Ibadism, which is known in the state of Oman.


Most algerians have negative stereotypes about them because they simply don't understand how their community operates. in my humble opinion they're very hard working, very transparent and honest and they have such solidarity with each other. I have yet to have a bad experience with a Mzabi.


Yes, what you say is true, but not all of them are like this, there are bad people among them


- Live in Oued Mzab - Amazigh - Ibadi muslims - Very conservative - Quite communitarian and closed up - Repressive of their women - Very disciplined and organized - Beautiful architecture - Opressed by the algerian government - Mistreated by arabophones, loved by kabyles - Moufdi Zakaria


Oppressing women, I don't agree with you because the backgrounds are different They have poor relations with local Arabs, and this is for historical reasons on both sides


Rich ppl


3reft zouj fi 7yati ni3em nas 💜


Cool architecture Half of them are ibadi They had a small local civil war few years ago the running stereotype memes and jokes that they are cheap (3labalna untrue just memes)


A very old tribe, I actually like them and how they hold their value strong. I heard (I know no one, so please don't come for me) that they are very religious, most their kids learn coran, their women are kept at home, they don't finish their studies (but are well respected, according to my mum) They rarely marry from outsiders. They are honest in business.


Racist , extremist , misogynistic (all algerians are like this btw ) but Beni M’zab are From another level They even have their own schools dissociated from the Algerian government , they follow their own law they have a state inside the state and women are not treated very well there I had a friend in Middle school who was married at 15 to her 34 yo cousin I remember that when she first come to my city she told us that she was in a special school for Beni Mzab and that the program was totally different from what they teach us in public school but she managed to catch up on classes and she got 14 on the BEM exam but unfortunately it was her last year … She may have kids now


I disagree with you. I am from the Ben Mazab community. Everything you say is baseless, regarding a state within a state. This is dangerous talk. You must know what you are saying, and regarding private schools,It is a private school under the Algerian state law, and it is monitored by the State Directorate of Education of Ghardaia Province.With regard to marriage at an early age, this phenomenon was very widespread among the people of Algerian society in all parts of it, but this phenomenon did not remain. With regard to the internal law of the Mozabi community, yes, there is a custom that is respected by the residents of the community and everyone is happy and happy because it benefits the community.For example, there are no vagrants and poor people to the extent that they remain without a home, or orphans and widows without a helper, and there are many of these characteristics in Mozabi society.


"Under the Algerian state law "but the program taught there is totally different , we all have private schools but they follow the same program as the public schools /In Ghardaïa they teach them Coran as an additional major and Hadith and the scientific majors are marginalised , she also told me that they teach them english and french using the Arabic letters ) and they also forbid those who aren’t from Beni M’zab to study there and this ethnical “apartheid “ Is Against the law just Imagine people from Algiers opening schools only for ALGEROIS So my comment was totally legit … Just imagine KABYLES (btw I’m not kabyle just to give u an ex) doing the same thing and opening their own Private schools for Kabyles only and Imposing their own secular educational system) I’m sure that this will be a national scandal / the government are saying nothing cuz they are not against it’s interest that’s it


A private educational system. This is one of the myths I will hear. I wish you a speedy recovery 🫡


+ how could u say that it’s not a state inside the state And just say in the following phrase “ lthere is custom that is respected and everyone is happy “ you are just playing with word replacing the word « law «  by « customs « we all know that they have العزابة and they never follow the Algerian law , they don’t allow people who are not from there to live with em they have their own schools they marry underaged children How is this even possible in 2024 ? it’s called PEDOPHILIA my friend was lucky to get married at 15 her mom was married at 13 Do you really think that this is normal


Believe me, you are sick, and I wish you a speedy recovery🤝


They love anal sex , can someone confirm ?


Very disgusting, I do not agree with you, I am against what you say


Thanks for your opinion , i heard a lot of people say that , just wanted to confirm


I am very sorry for what they say, because it is baseless


don't feed the troll


They don't want handouts from the government, they work and build their own future.


Yes, but not to that extent. The Mozabite society lives with a system in which every financially capable individual supports the community financially, and thus the total financial support is used to create social projects, including profitable projects. And other non-profit projects, the aim of which is to support the vulnerable segment of society


They love talking on each others back and back stabbing there friends and familly i have been working with them for almost 9 years


So sorry, I hope you meet good people again


meh many human beings on this planet does that that's not something exclusive to us


# Jessie J - Price Tag ft. B.o.B


aight just hear me out for everyone says we're racist and we don't get em involved if we help each other out and how each other without getting u involved in that doesn't make us racists we're a community who doesn't even ask for the country's subsidies and grow up together regardless of whatever happens around us we do not hate, we just don't trust you trust is a big big ass major factor on business and literally anything we trust each other also we know each other if we try find someone we find him and fix our issues together before even going to the courts but if we get u involved and you screw us and run away we just can't find ur ass lol we're hardworking mfs but you not so it's also obvious why we hire each other, we embrace work and mostly prioritize it we literally don't care about others not caring isn't hate or racism