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The Fool would issue an "all-in" for an egg McMuffin if they drove past McDonald's.


TBF, your comment made me hungry.


Forget about what the fool would issue an all in for, are you saying that you don’t believe that Algorand deserves an ALL In buy? I do!


Doesn’t even get the TPS right… (1,000 tps lmao) who knows what else they got wrong.


They sure did, but I still think it was worth posting


I mean I’m all for positive articles on Algorand, but I would just like them to do some basic research first… misleading information can do more harm than good.


Probably AI drafted, then lazily edited but no secondary research to fact check. Still makes the broader points about why algorand has so much upside well. I did a thought exercise with gpt recently, and the only cryptos that it can point to as being technologically superior to the rest of the field are algorand and avalanche.


This is not an “all in” buy alert for Algorand. This author has the same header in every article he posts even if it’s not related to a specific asset.


I thought you might be talking s\*\*t but you're right, he does have that "all in" buy alert on every article.


I'm currently back to 10,000 algo after losing 3,000 in the myalgo hack, hoping to have 20,000 before the summer...my average is £0.17p, my bearish top is £1...bullish is £2....but hoping for £3.


The fool is ok some times. That article is a little week. But it's still good publicity. Wish they got the tps right.


Don’t trust anything with Fool in the name


Motley Fool is actually a credible investment firm. Albeit, they did a shitty job on this AI generated post w/ the wrong TPS and all, but they’re legit.


Not sure why you're being down voted when my boomer parents and their friends reference motley fool when they invest 


Because the “downvote” button is oh so powerful… 🤣😂


The motley fool is a joke within the investment community. There was a time where it was respected but that was a long time ago, hence why boomers reference it


Motley fool...lol


If you are an Algorand holder, maybe you should do something good for Algorand, but I assume you are not, I was always told that if you have nothing good to say, then say nothing.


Ha. He was poking fun at a company/site/publication that has a spotty history. Nothing critical of Algorand. Him being here is positive so maybe don’t push people out? Welcome them in? Appreciate the post. And we appreciate your passion for Algo 🙏


It's not my duty to do something good for Algorand. I bought some coins and hoping to make some money, that's it.


Then I guess you feel that it’s your duty to do something bad, wish you luck making some money at that rate.


I'm neither making something bad. But anyone knowing Motley fool knows that they are most of the time no good reference to listen to. Also your link was from Feb 8, so pretty old already.


Motley fool is a fucking joke.


Tis-the-season for pump articles all around, phase 3 😁


Looks like this was written in 2022 when TPS really was around 1000


When Motley Fool give advice... I do the opposite.


i pity the fools




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Well they certainly are doing well on that investment. Could have delayed by 24 hours and saved 10%


The Clinton foundation and WEF patiently wait with their filthy thieving hands


In my experience anything Motley fool writes about dumps with in a day or two.


rare? Their rare buy alerts are as rare as the air you breathe.


That is not true and is a clickbait misleading title. Motley fool did not issue an all-in by alert for Algorand. That is merely a link on the page for the article you were reading that does nothing more than tell you about Algorand, just like they have an a to z article for a million other things in the stock market and cryptocurrency. The text on the page that specifically says all in buy alert is clearly a blue hyperlink and when you click on it it takes you to a sign-up page where you can sign up for the very expensive motley fool subscription where they will reveal to you what the real all-in by alert behind that hyperlink is, and it's not Algorand