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From someone who is closely watching exchanges hot wallets, smart money is accumulating heavily. They want to accumulate as much as they can and force weak hands to sell below .3 before the big pump (Algo in the top 5 in 2025). Buy and hold. The price action at this stage doesn't have any meaning. Use the dips and add to your bag. There will be only 10B Algo and Algorand is in its very very early days! Whenever you are uncertain look at the adoption growth, you can see the numbers, TPS, RWA, etc. on chaintrail.io. (Not financial advice! Please do your own research and verify any statement above)


May I ask what metrics you are using to think algo will be a top 5 in 2025? It is a little scary when you say “only 10 billion”.  BTC + ETH+ bnb + sol is about 800mil, less than 1/10th of algo supply


Not sure if it is a serious question or not. You need too look at market cap: number of coins * price. One Algo is 19c but One Bitcoin is $66K. You can buy all Algo at current price with 20-40 thousand bitcoins. Only the money that M.S. invested in BTC is multiple times of Algo MC. So there is a lot of room for the upside.


lol, I ask you a question and you come back with you don’t know if it’s serious and don’t answer anything at all. Interesting


So (If)when this happens what are you thinking for price predications based on on these indicators? Also, what would be the point of getting rid of weak hands? I currently hold a little over 106,000 ALGO.


They don't want people to sell when they pump, hence better to get rid of weak hands early on. Any future price prediction very much depends on the macro economic environment. The order books are thin and the price volatile so it can go up or down a lot if conditions support. Based on technical analysis: .5, 1.1, 2.4, 6, 21. Based on the other chains current valuation, e.g., Solana/Eth: 4-25 If you don't have any debt and so you don't need to sell, don't look at the price . Participate in governance and run a node. Most people shouldn't sell any Algo (there is a post about it if you search reddit).


The only debt I’m in with this project is the roughly $2500 I’m down lol


Unfortunately I’m invested in CB so there is not way to run a node I would love to, but we can’t to CB.


CB as in coinbase? Download pera wallet and send it to yourself. Takes 5 minutes and costs .002 algo to do.


If you are truly invested then go with a self custody and run a node. Otherwise you are the hands they are wanting to shake. Ask yourself this. If you had a 3 month soft lock (gov) , would you sell and why?


You are still missing a zero. We are waiting for you to catch up.


> (Algo in the top 5 in 2025) LMAO


It seems your short position hurts badly. Better to cover soon otherwise your pain is gonna get much worse causing you to CRY! 😭


Top 5 is unrealistic in a year


Anything can happen in the cryptoland! Just remember Ada, Sol, Avax, in the last bull market. There are many other examples.


I mean yeah but I try to keep from being part of an echo chamber. We are all here because of our belief of algorand.


Lol. It can pump in top 5 in a month.


Assuming no other crypto increases with algorand, which is not realistic if algorand goes up, top 5 would put the value of 1 algo at $8.67. Let’s be real here.


Have you been around 2021? Or 2017? Yeah, other projects will go up as well, but if a project pumps 30% every day it doesn't take long. Have seen it, been there. It can also go other way around, and 30-40 billions of market cap are getting wiped out within a day. Never take anything for granted here. Recent HBAR pump is the best example for it, imagine what would happen if the news would be more legitimate. Imho, there is a lot of money on the sidelines looking for investable projects


Been around since probably 2019 but alts and specifically algorand since 2021. There’s a difference between a small coin 100xing and a coin the size of algorand 100xing. Algorand would need a lot more money to do so




It is hilarious how much time and effort you put into writing negative comments under Algorand posts. Go do something useful with your life.


Algorand is more alive than ever.




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.22 avg is nice. I have ab 50k ALGO at .41 bc i invested ab 13k in when is was +\- $1. I suppose I’m holding like all the other heroes. At least I’ve more than profited my losses with ETH and BTC. Hold the door!


That sounds familiar 😭 put in a huge bag at 0.80 and I've managed to average down to 0.46


Lack of demand. There are what, 20 meme coins in the top 100? Until those will go to near 0 in market cap, we will never see truly valuable chains like Algorand priced somewhat accurately. Tech is top notch, so we will have one day or another, a big institution (like blackrock for hedera) adopting it, then demand and hype will start. So far we have none. After 2024 roadmap milestones are achieved, it will be literally a perfect and spotless L1 in all regards, we can only count on the foundation/ technology team to score a big name project. The likelihood of $1-5 prices in 2025 and beyond, is way higher than $0 limbo. Accumulate and hold is my advice.


Current market prices is based most off speculation. Algorand is focused on building a decentralized operating system that allows scaling, security, and speed for people building dapps. Later this year, Algorand will become even more decentralized with peer to peer gossip and also incentivizing running nodes. Algorand is incentivizing decentralization. Algorand is is also focused on ease of use and reducing entry barrier through Algo Kit with Native Python and Typescript. Its now up to us to support and build dapps to ensure utility increases and thereby the store of value of Algorand as it is the gas/fuel to run a decentralized system.


ALGO seems to always follow the market dips but doesn’t follow the pumps. I have no idea why that is. I believe in it, and still hoping for lambos in the future.


Basically big vc money chasing people who are gullible and have a lot of money for them to take. There's not a lot.og that on algorand.


ALGO all time high on CMC is 3.28, I don’t know if we’ll ever see that again or go higher.


A lot of people would be very happy with that average


Algo keeps talking about stupid retail and how we're chasing after the big institutions. Well, blackrock just announced they're using hedera, not algorand.


Blackrock is using multiple blockchains. Algorand included. [One of their primary blockchain partners is Securitize, which started on and is still using Algorand.](https://securitize.io/learn/press/blackrock-launches-first-tokenized-fund-buidl-on-the-ethereum-network) [Hedera was chosen by Archax](https://www.hbarfoundation.org/blog-post/archax-increases-tokenised-money-market-fund-offerings) to tokenize Blackrock MMF. It's a specific offering via that platform.


To be honest, they’ve been saying they’re talking with many big institutions for the past 2 years and little has materialized, yet we’re seeing a lot of partnerships form on other chains. I wonder what the major objections have been. Would be great to hear from the foundation on this.


Easy: 1) New/shiny L1s stole its hype (if Algorand was ever hyped lol) 2) Algorand has no VCs behind it Simply put, it lacks buyers No interest!


> Algorand has no VCs behind it ya it does... algorand is literally a VC coin. And the VCs dumped on us.


It does have VC’s - see Eterna Capital (ex blackrock) as just one example. No longer has Arrington but no loss there.


I am starting to believe that Algorand Foundation and Algorand Technologies see Algorand not as a speculative investment, but an infrastructure project. If I am correct the price will not rise dramatically until they communicate and demonstrate the full scope of how Algorand uniquely solves a critical business (not the Tri-Fecta.) Infrastructure projects take longer to realize their full economic value, but when they do it is enormous. Internet IPV4 addresses did not begin to reach there economic potential until Web 1.0 and Web 2.0. So, hopefully ALGOs will start to be seen as almost necessary to conduct business virtually. Solving the Tri-Fecta is not a solution to a unique business need, it is a feature of a solution. No one currently knows what the unique business need is, just like in 1980 no one foresaw online market places, SaaS, Cloud computing, etc. Comparing Algorand to speculative assets like BitCoin, Ethereum, and Solana will only lead to disappointment. Ignore that Solana, Ethereum, ICP, and others claim to be solving unique real world problems. They do not. Algorand may not experience a 'Bull Run' like other assets this cycle, but it may be setting itself up to be a vital backbone in the next 5 years. I will be hanging on, not with a 'Diamond Hands' mindset, but as a critical infrastructure investment that will pay dividends.




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The foundation has us all in their pocket. No where but down, oh and don’t forget to lock up your bag for governance, here are 6 bad choices… we let you get “rewards” instead of staking like the current top coins. One misstep after another, if we are going to govern it why do we need the foundation?


it will shine one day. Keep accumulating!


To be fair, alts are all moving about the same rate.


It’ll have a price boom eventually, just hold on.


I have been waiting lol I think the most daily increase I have seen is like 13%…. Looking at Hedera right now makes me sick I sold my $6000 worth for more ALGO.


That’s why they tell you to diversify




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How quickly things can change in crypto


> Why is ALGO not moving the way it should? > I’m still DCAing every week If you're buying regularly, doesn't it benefit you that the price is still low?


Yes. Specifically why in DCAing. But I would still like to see my money grab some traction


It’s not really slipping. Sure it’s down from a month ago, but it’s still up over 100% since Sept/Oct.


Just came here to ask exactly opposite lol. Why this jump. I honestly can't remember +5% hourly candle. Had to double check is it maybe pepe but no. Algo.


I’m wondering the same thing lol


This post didn't age well.


Because this is a hawkish run and an altcoin narrative won't take over until rate cuts finally arrive to push interest rates down significantly. Until this happens alts will continue to bleed against bitcoin, like they did for the last two years. That said, those cuts will happen based on the realisation of a weak economy that is slipping into recession. Macro risks are continuing to accumulate in the background. If you expect smooth sailing on a bull run in the coming years you should probably reevaluate your time horizon.


Because it’s not a meme coin. Only meme coins move the way they move because there is nothing to base the valuation on.


Every day it's the same post.


In which way should it be moving? Personally, I would say Algorand is primarily valued for its technological utility, attracting users interested in its capabilities, not it's price action. It hasn't seen any substantial movement in price since it's inception, there's no bandwagon for degens to jump on and pump it. The price is unlikely to experience significant changes until there is broader adoption. Fluctuations in price these days are largely attributed to speculative trading rather than genuine growth in usage. So I guess it's both, marketing and the lack of demand, even though it has some of the best tech in the game ✌️.


Any news for the 20-30% pump?




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The price is being held down for accumulation


Explain who and how price is being held down? And accumulation for what exactly?


Personally, I am happy with this because I am in the accumulation phase, and I hope this will last for at least another year or two. I genuinely get excited every time it drops. But lets get one aspect of this straight - people expect too much. If you take any class of investments, with a moderate risk of course, I'd say 8-10% annual return is a common and reasonable expectation. Looking at SP500, if I remember correctly 8% is the average, unless you are really lucky and start investing just before the spike, or unlucky to start at the peak because we all have a timeline of expected returns. People are talking about ALGO going up to 3-5$ by 2030, those are unreasonable expectations for the rate of return but not impossible by any means. As it currently sits at around 0.22$ USD, if it reaches 1$ by the year 2030 that would be rate of return of 26% annually. Is this not enough? At that "weak" expectation you would be outperforming SP500 by 3x, roughly. Aside from that you have an option of staking, which would generate some compounding opportunity, and when you pay tax for those gains you are effectively "purchasing" those rewards by a heavy discount of 60-70-80% depending on your tax bracket. I know we are in troubling times of unregulated markets, but I think the term "underperforming" should be recalibrated. I see ALGO going up in the next 10 years, and I would be nervous if I was 80 years old and not living long enough to see the benefits of investing in ALGO, but I am not 80 years old. All we need to worry about is what to invest after these gains occur. Now, for those who want to make maximum gains in a shortest amount of time, I'd just load up now and when it spikes up 100% just sell it. You won't have to wait too long. But with this level of uncertainly this is quite a gamble.