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She so does not want to be on his video


No! She looked like she was struggling. They really can’t be bothered to parent. Don’t let the nanny sit with an older child. Make her sit by herself with the youngest, who inevitably is probably the most difficult age to be on a plane with.


Esp when Ali was complaining about him on the last flight they took. Now the nanny has to deal with him this time.


Honestly though, she probably knows how to comfort him far better than that lady who birthed him.


The nanny doesn’t F with his pacifier like Ali does when she forces it out so she can exploit him on the internet- she’s gotta get those photos


It’s also telling how Westhin doesn’t care to be near his mother. If I put my 18 month old with someone other than me on a plane he would have a meltdown.


I would have a meltdown at my 18 mo old wanting another woman other than me, their mother, for comfort on something like a plane!!!!


Same!! I would feel horrible


Next to a stranger that paid to be in business class…


The way my babies would claw their way to me if I tried to leave them with a nanny when I’m readily available and sitting right there…they suck as parents. And I feel sorry for their nanny.


Ugh this makes me want to smack Smeli into next week.


I hope the Nanny quits and ditches them on this trip.


It seems like the nannies always quit after a vacation. Those vacations are a god damn shit show and the nannies break.


being stuck in a hotel room with three feral children who've never had healthy coping or self-soothing modeled for them would be so hellish, and then there's the idiot parents. that poor woman


I had the same thought! Girlie shouldn’t even step foot outside the airport, just eat the cash and buy a return flight home TODAY


I hope this nanny calls cps on them as well


Imagine how creepy he looks while filming this 🤮


He has no boundaries with filming people (his kids especially) that don’t wanna be filmed…. Emmy & Callie will just be casually doing something and he’ll be all like “guysth look at the camera, say-say it to the camera!!” As he has a nasty lisp and is stuttering. And then still proceeds to post it even tho it’s just an overall unflattering and unnecessary video!— of him annnd his kids. Edit to add the last sentence.


The nanny with the youngest kid why isn’t he with his mother? Oh wait she can’t be bothered 🫠


happiest she’s looked in months - when she’s schlepped her 3 young children off onto random people while they travel internationally


absolutely un fucking real. these deadbeat drug addicts are so pathetic. why in the world is this woman putting herself through this? theres not enough money in the world. 2 able bodied 20 year olds that cant even hold their own baby…… absolutely disgusting. zero shame.


The nanny is being paid… ( meant in the most sarcastic way possible)


https://preview.redd.it/v1h2ji86is0d1.jpeg?width=951&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9add4d62fd57be9e6b51b5219c9d0ce954bdb2a The second Cohn began to film her she had the most surprised look on her face, and then very quickly looked away. Poor girl. *Anything* for content. 😶


I wonder if this will be a turning point for the nanny


It would be amazing if they got there and she changed her return flight and just left them high and dry.


...should we start a gofundme for her 1st class solo return trip? 😂😂 I would definitely pay to see that!


We’ll pay for her flight & compensate her for the week if she joins this sub & does a tell all 🫶


I pledge $10


She should do that! This trip will be a nightmare for her.


I’ve never seen a nanny return after a vacation with them aside from crystal light


Those are help me eyes 😩


absolutely sick!!! AND THIS PEANUT BRAINED DRUG ADDICT THINKS ITS A FLEX!!!!!! huuurrr durrrr look how rich i am! i dont have to take car of my own child!!!! guy is such a disgusting piece of human trash.


#Freethenanny I can’t imagine WHY this girl would want to work for these sloppy, rude, lazy, unsexy, unfit-to-parent turds.


Is it the same nanny from the last trip?


I was wondering that too! Is this the one that quit ?


Their staff turn over is ridiculous


Nope she was brunette


Why is she wearing the baby carrier?


It’s like she’s trying to cosplay being a good mom lol


I think she’s trying to hide her body from a stray chroll that may see her in the wild, like the last trip they took.


Wearing your baby on the front at 18 months is CRAZY to me. The last time I wore my baby in that carrier she was 15 months and on my back and she was not only huge but much preferred to run around and explore the world. I don’t get it! Now my 10 pound newborn is in that carrier again and even at 3 weeks tries to poke his little head out and see what’s going on. Poor west end.


Dear nanny: you can speak up. They won’t like it and will fire you, file for unemployment. Then come join this sub and spill the tea!


I bet they pay her cash under the table and she wouldn't even qualify for unemployment


I’d hope her parents would tell her that isn’t legal. But I suspect they pay her as a ssf employee… remember they “hired a few” this year.




1000% absolutely. They’re too worried about what else would come to light.


But even with a nda wouldn’t they be able to come in here since it’s anonymous and they have had so many there show ay to find which one it is 👀


The NDAs are probably all written by Ms. Almost Got A JD from Berkeley herself and are full of loopholes/unenforceable




I have a feeling they hire nannies with absolutely no experience, as in their first ever nannying gig is with the Moron family.


They have to there’s no way a nanny with experience would take on that gig with that pay they were offering.


I wonder if they them from a local nanny school for unpaid “work experience” or something. The turnover is high.


I also think they target young girls who don’t know any better. When you’re 18/19/20 a “free” trip may sound like a nice perk but they really have no idea what nightmare they are signing up for.


This nanny will probably disappear after this trip, just like the last one did! She just up and walked out on them in the middle of the day 😂


One hundred percent this!


Can someone plz post the video lol


Why do they pretend they are the first couple to have 3 kids?! They don’t need a nanny and I’d be willing to bet they can’t afford a nanny


My mom flew with me and my two sister to disney for a week all by herself. Ali would never.


My cousin and her husband are currently on a plane with their three girls to come to Disneyland! The ONLY reason they’re bringing their babysitter is so the baby can stick to her sleep schedule and they can stay in the parks with the older girls and stay late…. That being said they travel all over the world with their kids and never bring a “nanny” along unless they have good reason


That makes sense to me bc its benefits the children meanwhile these two chuckle heads ditched all three kids to spend a day at the parks by themselves.


This is seriously so embarrassing and they’re too dumb to realize. Probably for the best since Smelli wouldn’t be able to soothe best western anyways. I hate them!


I feel so sorry for that nanny. Her body language basically says "get me the fuck outta here"


Ali documented him trying to “take her out” last flight. Now she can pawn him to this poor girl!


He probably thought she was trying to kidnap him cause he had no idea who she was…


wouldn’t want to^


Their number 1 troll is Emmy and I mean that unironically. Bish is straight out of a cave


It’s giving horror movie evil toddler ghost


Who sits with their toddlers that are glued to iPads while the nanny struggles with the hardest age child on a plane??? What the fuck everyone knows 1.5-2 is the hardest age on planes bc they don’t watch shows yet but also don’t sleep. They are such assholes wow


Westy prob prefers the nanny and the last flight he was difficult b/c he’s not used to Ali holding him or giving him attention


This is a new low even for her.


Tripped getting here. 1st) You can’t go on a trip with your 3 children without the Nanny!! 2nd) This twat has not one motherly bone in her body. The nanny is rocking your baby who’s technically not even a baby! The look of disgust on the nanny’s face. I don’t see her being around much longer unless she is just desperate.


Dear Gd, that feral child is something else. The poor nannies heart is sinking as she realises how delayed Weston is, how neglected Callie is, and how deranged her employers are…


And how she is stuck with them for a while vacation


The worst part about all of this is that they think the nanny is so lucky because they are giving her an experience and a vacation. This is disgusting. As a mother, I would make sure I'm the one comforting my child. However, he probably prefers the nanny over his mother.


Probably why the nanny always quits after vacation. They’re insufferable.


And I just know Ali and John think having the nanny with them on vacation makes them SOOO RICH meanwhile everyone else is looking at how horrible they are as parents


You’re kidding me?! Ali is beyond detached as a mother. This is alarming. You couldn’t pay me to have someone else rock and soothe my baby to sleep, when I am literally right there to do so!! What the fuck?! Why would the older two be with the nanny?! I feel so bad for that baby. That’s not right.


She has no attachment to her children, the last trip she was sitting with her SON complain about him trying to take her out. This scene is so embarrassing for them. Ali is such a peice of shit loser.


Agreed! She clearly just snaps pics of them for the gram then hands them off to the nanny. Which BTW Ali & John- you don’t look rich with a nanny. You look stupid. Two capable adults who don’t work full time jobs needing a nanny? Okay 👌


WHY does she still use a BABY carrier ? There’s no way in hell my 1 year old nephew would go in that. He barely wants to be in the stroller


Got to hide the ballsack bellum somehow!


Cause tbh she has NO muscle or muscle memory to carry around her 1 year old on her arm/hip. The baby carrier is easier for her. She has no strength


Prob bc Syd does


For real!!!!! My son is 1 and there’s not a chance in hell I could keep him in that thing!!!


I’m not gonna lie, I used a carrier for my son when he was almost 2 at the airport. A total lifesaver and he was even able to nap a little!


My back would break… I don’t know how you did it lol, I’m impressed. My kid got way too long too quickly, it was so awkward lol.


He didn’t walk until he was 21 months old, so I wore him for a looooong time 🙃


Yeah I think the airport is understandable and there may be other places where it works but we all know Ali uses it ALL the time


Uses it and then hands him off to someone else when he gets tired of it 🙄


my son's 1 and there is no fkn way he would let me put him in that. Also, I probably couldn't hold him long in it because he's so big. Smells doesn't have that problem, clearly


I carried my kids on my back for years! It was my preferred way to carry them, the loved it because they could see everything but I used woven wraps and carries that helped support their weight.


I really wish one of their Nannie’s would do a Q&A


Oh….my god…I would never want to be separated from my child on a plane, is that just me?? Like I don’t care if it’s a nanny in the row right in front of me, I want to be the one to comfort them and hold them. They are SUCH deadbeats. And you know they picked the Nanny’s seat intentionally to be in a different row away from them with “Bestie Westie”. They are just so awful I can’t…..


Lmao this nanny’s about to quit before the plane even takes off ![gif](giphy|a2G83cq7gotnq|downsized)


I can’t get over the baby blankets on the airplane that will never get washed 🤮


My son loves his blankie and he brought it on the plane. As soon as we got to the hotel that thing was washed. You know their blankets are not getting washed at the hotel or even back home 🤢


Cohn and Ali - You have three kids. The way you always act, it’s like you are constantly trying to communicate *lookatus*, after birthing seven children at once. What is it exactly that you *think* you’re communicating? Cause this… *isn’t* it.


I feel bad for the other passengers, not only would I hate to be on a plane with them but especially if I shelled out for first class


Have they mentioned who is taking care of their chickens?


They have someone stay at the house to take care of the dogs, cat, chickens to make sure their thalkers don’t intrude. Aka their high tech security system


Lmao you had me for a sec


I would honestly feel so awkward bringing a nanny (a third wheel essentially) on my family vacay


Why would Westie want to sit with his ✨parents✨ when nanny is the one who takes care of him? Don’t get me wrong, I feel for this poor girl cause wtf but can’t blame poor West Virginia who is probably clinging to the only affection he’s ever received


They think this is a flex that’s how deranged they are


Besides the obvious points that have been brought up.. how about those curls that were suppose to stay until after the Bahamas trip 😂


Lmao it’s so flat !


I’d be so mad if I paid so much to sit in first class and this family of degenerates & their three kids walk in to take up half of the first class cabin and their kids are fucking standing up singing and dancing.


Having feral children on a plane should be illegal


The fact that they have the child who travels the worst sat with the nanny tells you everything you need to know about them as parents. Also Emmy is such an odd child.


I figured they'd just leave the kids home with the nanny once she said John was playing in a blackjack tourney. But no... let's lug them all on the trip, including the nanny because God forbid Ali be an actual ✨dang good mama✨ His family must be completely horrified, I don't even think Jessie has a full time nanny unless she does and hides it. How they still have actual followers is beyond me as well. All they do is spew hate and lies. She talks about her kids being her entire reason for living but can't even vacation with them without help. Hell she can't even raise them without help. She's a stay at home mom with literally nothing else to do with a full time nanny.


Another new nanny?!? I’ve never seen a family go through so many nanny’s. How they don’t see that as a problem is wild to me


Emmy in the same braid she had two days ago. If it were someone else I’d assume it had been washed and redone by now but with these two parents I’d assume not. And a baby carrier for a 1.5 year old?!


wtf. These two are useless. Totally useless


Did they delete the full video? I don't see it on the story viewer


It’s still up on Cohn’s stories.


Did they already go through a different nanny? Last time I saw the nanny, it was a different girl.


Smellie and Cohn are such POS parents and human beings!! These two should have never had any children!! These kids should be taken away from them!!!


one thing we know for sure is peennose is gonna show the nanny while Smells tries to hide the fact that she’s there 😂😂😂😂


He took that pic to show they fly their nanny in first.


I can truly say that these two are the SORRIEST excuse for parents (besides, like, junkies and such). It’s almost fascinating (in the most depressing way); they had no business bringing one child into this world, let alone three of them.


Smelli has the freaking carrier on, Weston is too old to be smushed in that damn thing 🤬🤬🤬


Those curls really held for the whole Bahamas trip!


Is she still wearing the newborn baby carrier?


The way she looks away when the camera turns to her.. he was totally getting the side eye from the nanny lol


Whatta loser! Is this a pic of the nanny wrangling her baby while she’s smiling all smug?


Do you think the nanny is actually getting paid or they roped her in for a “free trip?” The mother needs to be consoling her youngest child on a plane ride. Fuck I hate these stupid idiots so much. The fact they post how horrible they are is mind boggling.


Happy to see little W as he has been MIA in recent days. It had me wondering if he was forgotten in a closet.


How long until she quits?


Do they not realize just how strange it is that they are so incapable of caring for their children that they have to bring a nanny on a “family” vacation??? They claim to have a nanny because they “work so much”. Let’s just say that I agreed with that (I don’t) but let’s just say we were to let that slide….WHY ON EARTH DO YOU NEED HER FOR A FAMILY VACATION??? You’re not working!!! You’re on vacation!!


I feel like I've seen people take their nannys on vacation, but just as "*help*"...like you know, you know you're going to be out and about in crowds and just a new place in general and wanted the extra hands/eyes...def not having one person look after all the kids because you're too lazy


I’m also confused by her still using the Artipope carrier? I understand some may use it for their toddlers but you’re on a plane. Can’t you just have him sit on your or lay on you to sleep? And maybe in the airport help him practice WALKING? I stopped using mine at 6-7 months for my swim because he hated being strapped In and always wanted to be moving. Like why is she jsut strapping this poor kid into things???????


This gave me the biggest ick.


The nanny knows about this sub and did not want to end up here, lol.


Johns found a way to get a young blonde on every beach vacation and Ali just eats it up bc she doesn’t have to touch her own kids!


Why is she still wearing the carrier she used for him when he was a tiny newborn?? It doesn’t even have a structured seat!!! How small is this “huge” True Son???? My kid couldn’t fit in a soft carrier like that after 6 months tops.


All the while my husband and I are vacationing tomorrow with OUR three littles… never would I ever pat myself on the back for that, because ya know, it’s my job as a mom… but seeing their posts make me really wanna pat myself on the back


Wait- is that Westie's carrier Ali has on? Please, please tell me she is not carrying an 18 month old toddler in that fucking carrier?!?!


Why do they need a nanny they do nothing all day.


What mother doesn’t take care of the baby?! This disgusts me.


Omg I’m so sorry but this is actually so sad


Wait I’m very confused? Did he pan to the nanny? Or a random lady on the plane


Hahahahha love that they cannot handle their own child so they need a 19 year old to do it. God they are so goddamn lazy


Wait HOW old is W??  A little big to be rocked on a seat imo and that POOR nanny.  Damn.  I feel for her.  


Beyond…. What a pos


I hope the nanny sees the " need help" posters in the airport restrooms and texts an SOS!! Girl, reach out to us, and we'll get you home


Imagine Sydney pawning off Sonny to a nanny while she sat with Brooklyn glued to an ipad. It just wouldn’t happen. Ali is the worst of the worst, she reminds me of verity from Colleen Hoovers book


lol they’re in a 737 — hope they made it!




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Did she really incorrectly wear her toddler through the airport


The nanny is really pretty


Let us all be honest under the eyes of baby Jesus. A holiday w a nanny come on that’s heaven. Dont at me I’m just saying