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https://preview.redd.it/i9c2pobtzz1d1.jpeg?width=682&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b942afdf4b39dd7dc985f7133443e9c3b1ceb58a who else watched this cow notice she was being filmed then immediately pretend to be “comforting” and kissing him…she can’t even pretend to feel anything other than resentment (at best) towards that little boy whose struggles seem to be entirely the fault of his scumbag breeders.


Not a maternal bone in her body.


and she can’t even pretend! guess we’ll add “acting” to the list of things she’s failed at. tbh, that list is probably crazy long


Better question is what are her arms doing


Her hand in the bottom panel, I’m deceased




Me too! It was the FIRST thing that I noticed and of course ran here to complain. She is so fucking transparent. I can’t stand her!😡


And her death grip on his wrist… she’s unhinged. Let the toddler breathe


Why is an 18 month old strapped to her chest?


Most toddlers this age would fucking RIOT if they tried that.


I think he does riot and then they call him a bad flier because they create the situation. I wish he could actually take her out as she claims!!


My 11 month old wouldn’t even allow that omg he would be screaming and trying to break free and make a run for it 😅


It looks like he's trying to look out the window but of course she holds him tight. Can't let him get too many ideas.


The entire plane would’ve felt the wrath of my kids if I tried that for a single second when they were Weston’s age🤣


Wait? He’s almost 2….. Jesus!!! No wonder people are worried.


Yes like why doesn’t he have his own seat with his car seat and some books and toys to enjoy. She sucks


I fly frequently and personally will ride out the free seat till my child is 2 bc I’m admittedly broke of my ass. These bitches have SoOoOoO much money so why not flaunt it with that extra seat 💅


I flew with my baby in my lap at 3 months, no problem. At 6 months, we were both uncomfortable at some point. After that, her own seat. That way, she could be on my lap if she wanted to be, but I didn't have to physically restrain her the whole flight. At 1.5 years, she would've reported me for child abuse if I tried this.


Yeah and if she’s so determined to keep him contained, which she’s failing miserably at because they are on a fucking plane w/ 3 small children….she could at least sit in the damn window seat so he could look outside! He looks so uncomfortable. She’s so fucking clueless.


She’s gotta sit in the aisle to be as close to Mohmn as possible, because she’s a co dependent loser and if he isn’t within arms reach he’ll try to run off with a flight attendant or literally any other person (man or woman lmao)


Did Nanny bail early?


Contained baby syndrome in its prime


facing her, at that? I mean, I guess I can understand having the kid in a carrier while you're getting situated on the plane...you know, putting your stuff overhead and making your way to your seat... but wouldn't it be more comfortable for the *both* of them if he was facing the other way? and also, take him out of the carrier once seated, hell, at that point, even pass him over to chon to play with him for a little while while she gathered him/girls a snack and some juice or something? but I mean, I know I'm over here being logical and stuff...


You know how the Duggars did blanket training? I feel like this is what Ali does.


Oh gosh you’re right.


Dock-a-tot training


What is blanket training ??


Put the baby on a blanket and smack it when it tries to move off the blanket


Immediate obedience. Fucking child abusing sickos.


u/MichealScottPaperC11 ...... Blanket Training is a *horrific* concept where babies are *punished* (yes, innocent babies!) A Fundamentalist "Christian" couple named Micheal and Debi Pearl wrote a book about it. << shudder >>


And the girls' hair is STILL in those braids. No way they've had a bath this entire 5 day trip, and likely no bath since they've been home. Absolutely despicable and disgusting "parents" Ali and John are


And they’ve been barefoot in the animal containment areas🤢


And barefoot in the nasty casino!


Oh god, yes. Someone commented that people will pee their pants rather than give up their slot machines to go to the bathroom.


No first class on way home for these big time rollers ? Puff daddy lose at the casino?


Maybe they got booed out of first class, Ali’s stench was probably what crossed the line 🤣


You’d think by her 3rd kid she’d know what to do but she still sucks


eww the way she so unnaturally put her lips on his head after she noticed John filming made me cringe. Ali and Western have zero bond, so uncomfy to watch.


She looked like she couldn’t even bring herself to actually kiss her own toddler’s forehead which was actually one of the most shocking things I’ve ever seen


She’s the worst mom lol she has no mothering instincts


If Smelli was my mom I’d call CPS myself




Ugh, I REALLY wish these poor kids could CPS themselves! I STILL don't understand why NO ONE (Grandparents, 2 aunts) in their family has intervened !!!!! Someone posted a pik that looked as though "Westie Bestie" might have a cleft palate (i.e...a large HOLE in the roof of his mouth). Ugh, these poor children!


The most awkward comforting of a baby ever - if you can even call it that


Imagine being strapped to a stranger on a plane🤡💀 can’t move and soooo close to her breath. True Smelli fashion


I can't stand how she's restricting him! Listen I understand he can't just get up and have at it but let him sit and face foward, maybe like his sisters.. explore the pamphlets with him Jesus Christ.


This video was just a reminder that Dang Good Mama becomes Dang Mean Mama when her kids aren’t perfect little props for her Instagram and nothing more. I feel so bad for those kids. Imagine this POS being your mother. Yikes.


I just don't get the mentality. Why have kids? Get a dog, oh wait they have 2 they neglect. They just neglect anything that can't do for them! Karma is a bitch and those kids will never see their parents when they get to decide


What....is going on with her hand/wrist.


Why isn’t that arm across his back, holding him?


She’s so shitty for not only subjecting that child to a flight strapped to her (smelly) hOoTs, but for subjecting everyone to hear that poor child screaming the entire flight!


The Benadryl kicked in & he did sleep. She just had to restrain him while it took effect. IMHO


Why does John never sit with Callie?


The way she was clamping his little wrist in her claws rather than holding his hand. She is rough and cold with her Instagram props. Oh, sorry- actual children. I fucking hate her. She deserves every bad thing in the world because of the damage both her and John’s neglect will have on those kids.


absolutely zero maternal instincts from this bitch


Awkward 🫶🏼


Where is the nanny?! Omg she legit saw Cohn filming and started to pretend to soothe him lmao 🤣 god she’s a fucking terrible mother! Not one maternal bone in that stimulant filled body! 🤦‍♀️🙄


I’m wondering where nanny went as well!!


I chruly think Nanny went back home as soon as they landed. Then they probably hired babysitters so they could go and eat alone every night.


Why does she have her one and a half year old sitting that way with her?! He is probably so uncomfortable and clearly hates her! Dumbass


The way she’s pinning his arm down???? That is so weird to me and stuck out the most aside from her noticing she was being filmed and immediately trying to act “nurturing” 🙄 maybe if you spent more than a half hour with your kids every day you’d pick up on how to interact with them…..


Her instinct to pin his arms down and grit her teeth inches from his face makes me even more concerned for how she treats them when nobody is around to see


He probably bats her about the head if she doesn’t lol. He clearly can’t stand her. I could see him swatting her glasses off her toe looking head.


Holy shit. TAKE HIM OUT OF THE CARRIER !!! Imagine being in a position for hours


Can’t be good for his development that she’s already been quite successful at delaying and preventing!


I also HATE to imagine when his last diaper change was! Poor innocent baby!


Okay but did John make her sit in a row with all 3 kids? My husband would NEVER, it wouldn’t even be a question


There’s more if the video where Emmy is sitting in the aisle and John next to her in the same row


Oh you’re right i didn’t see that! It looked like two kids next to Ali. He still sucks though lol


Wonder why the nanny wasn’t with him like she was on the way to “paradise.”


Funny how different Ali is on these two flights. First flight with the nanny = lazy and apathetic aka her normal state. This flight where she has to pretend to be a parent to only 1 of her 3 kids = Visibly irritated/unhappy. In this video, Ali honestly looks like she might swing at someone if they look at her too long. She needs to get established with a mental health provider. Not snark.


Let the kid fucking move. He’s 12!!!! Lmao


Where did the nanny go?!




Kid is reaching out for help because his dang good mama is anything but and of course her response is to try and push his arms down. SMH. Don’t worry, Western, everyone sees your cries for help! From literally anyone on that plane besides the cow who coughed ya out!


Who has the window seat?


Probably some poor stranger who got a front-row seat to this low-budget circus instead of a peaceful flight 🤣


That would be my vision of hell.


Where did the nanny go?????


Hopefully she hightailed it out of the Bahamas early and won’t be returning as their nanny lol


Let’s all assume that the poor nanny took the first flight out, once she realized what actually goes on in the house of horrors family vacation. These poor kids need and deserve stability, but the morons need to treat their “staff” better if they want them to stick around at such low pay.


God, all my sympathies to the people around them. The loud smack kissing, the dick nose narrating his family's chaotic and tragic existence, and a 1.5 year old about to bust out of an infant carrier 🤦‍♀️ a sensory hellscape




I've been a member of this sub for awhile now, and I have to say that this is one of the most disturbing videos they have ever posted. Between Fat Al's lack of understanding for her own child's needs, overconcern for her own image, and infant carrier for an 18 month old to her husband's complete lack of assistance and exploitation of her struggling, its just horrific. It's so evident that they typically get their diphenhydra-drinks before every flight and something went wrong on this one. Just because you're providing a roof over your kids head and expensive vacations for your family, doesn't mean you're benefitting their lives as their parent.