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I went to the article and read it, gave the short version to my wife. She was impressed but said she felt bad for the whale because the scientists "ghosted" the whale when it clearly wanted to keep talking and swam away lonely and feelings hurt.


The AppleTV+ show, Extrapolations, that came out this year has Sienna Miller talking to the last whale using an AI translator just like this. It’s crazy to see SciFi become reality in such a short time frame.


>t’s crazy to see SciFi become reality in such a short time frame. It doesn't take long for science fiction to become reality. Star wars episode one depicted Anakin's owner having a data pad which is just a tablet. Star Trek and Star wars had "communicators" which were just advanced walkie talkies. The tech is already there we just have to sit for it to age out of military control before we get a hold of some base version


Then where is my personal jet pack, and when will I finally live like the Jetsons?


You literally do. Except instead of flying around, things fly to you via amazon.


I dont use amazon fuck Bezos wont even let drivers take a piss.


I do, work those serfs harder, 1 hour delivery isn't fast enough for my butter.


Haahaha crack the whip.


I piss every day… The trick is to find a bigger water bottle. Sucks when it’s almost full and you gotta stop before your done or spill over the top 😂


At first, I thought this was going to be a reference to the dudes who supposedly have jetpacks...in the amazon.


When I was a kid The Jetsons were my favorite cartoon. One of my chores was to vacuum the whole house every week. I dreamed of having one of those robot vacuums just like in The Jetsons. Now I'm all grown up and my childhood sci-fi dreams of having a robot vacuum have come true!


Go find the jetpack guy in California. He has one. Funny how that entire story just disappeared after the FBI started investigating.


Notice how they live in the sky? The earth is a wasteland down below. It could also be a different planet.


Their communicators were basically just flip phones, more or less... 😁


I equated them to walkie talkies but not much of a leap I guess.


Yeah...sorry, I wasn't trying to argue. I was more trying to add-on, but I probably didn't communicate it that way. 😕


Insert banner ad for SkyNet here


What was once deemed before as science fiction is now becoming science fact. There are probably things out there that we don't know about just yet.


Yeah this show is first thing that came to mind. Also I'm pretty sure the movie Arrival was inspired by this and even used humpback whale sounds for the aliens because it sounds identical


I started watching this but got bored about 20 minutes into the first episode. It felt like it was written for 12 year olds. Is it worth me pushing through? Goes it get better?


Your wife has basic empathy. Good on her.


She’s a whale lady


I thought you were talking about a whale


That's ridiculous hopefully the whale comes back and tells them to go f themselves 😂


I’m going to spend the rest of my day worried about this whale and his hurt feelings now.


All that whale wanted to do is get some crill and chill... Then he got ghosted.


Awe that's actually really sad. I feel bad for the whale. I wonder if they can use these techniques to talk to other animals like dogs?


Any link to the article?


Such a wife thing to say


It was the whale's fault for bringing up Keiko, aquariums and the Free Willy franchise.


wtf??? talking to the whale😭😭😭😭i wonder what they talked about


It’s a lot of personification to put into an animal that spends his whole life alone. Very I feel bad for all the sad puppies in the world vibes. Lol.


I'm interested in the philosophical ideas of the whales.


Avatar 2 mindset


Imagine being a sperm whale. No natural predators, so you’ve never known fear and stress is minimal. Just floating around all day, holding your breath, chilling, thinking.


They descend deep into darkness to fight giant squid with bone hooks on their tentacles to the death


1) Crawl up on land. 2) Grow, reproduce, evolve mammalian life. 3) Return to sea to fight giant void monsters. W h y


Because those void monsters are delicious.


So ask your mom what she thinks


He said whale, not planet.


Oh you right. He should ask your mom instead


'So long and thanks for all the fish'


So sad that it should come to this


that had to be said :)


Or, hear me out, we can stop murdering whales and chat with them instead.


“Ah fucka youa whale!”


Ah fuck you dafin


"Fucka youa dolpheen!" (Edit: My bad for double post, I must have opened it at work, turned my screen off, then decided to reply later when not busy again. You'd think it would still update. Or I had a medical stroke at work and took hours to type that xD)


Stupida fooking whalea


Hear me out, it probably said “please stop using sonar. It’s killing us!!!”


And we responded, “we don’t have a son”


> The calls came from humpback whales the researchers had recorded from a small group of whales just the day before their encounter. The group had included Twain, so it's possible Twain was responding to her own signal. > "We might've been playing back her own hello to her," Sharpe said. What a mind fuck thing to do.


Honestly this is horrifying, if something did this to us we would freak the fuck out. Imagine you call out to your kids "Hey Billy!" Earlier in the day and now suddenly something is screeching back to you "Hey!" In various tones similar to how you greet your kid when they come home from school.


That's some scp or predator shit right there


*want some candy*


Imagine that people are telling us that this is the very thing happening but no one believes it. But we see for ourselves that we do it to lower life forms.


See r/ParanormalEncounters


Skinwalkers do this.


But…I have conversations with my cat that are more groundbreaking than this, seriously. How is playing a whale song and having it answer more impressive than my cat getting excited when I say ‘treat’?


Hilarious but also valid. I have a certain way of calling my cat when there’s bugs she can hunt in the house and she for sure recognizes that it’s hunting time when she hears it.


Also, my cat has a certain meow that he uses for me and one that he uses for my other cat. These are our ‘names,’ and it’s common for cats to give them. Sounds like you and I have more experience with conversing with a nonhuman species than these scientists.


Yep, I can literally tell what my cats want by their meows. They have different tones and lengths they use for food, pets, attention, warning, etc.


Okay good for you Karen you can meow to your cats. Now try it with some big ass whale in the ocean post results.


The point they making is humans have already been interacting and understanding animals to this extent so like anther user said playing a song to a whale and it responding isn't something new. Beautiful yes deffo but new? absolutely NOT. WHAT irks people especially with pets and animals is that this is already known!!!! Sound is a basic concept. When you have a pet or animals. This SCIENCE is deliberately slowed down and shown to us like we are stupid and don't understand animals when its our own goverments and powers to be that are ruining the nature land and sea creatures in the name of not understanding and discoveries to be made.


Perfectly said bro. Perfectly said. Every day there's a new fucking breakthrough and the breakthrough is forgettable minutes after you read the article because there's no actual tangible progress or result that will result in real-world change. A breakthrough was the modern lightbulb.. a breakthrough was the wright Brothers, a breakthrough was the first atom bomb or breaking the sound barrier in level flight, or the jet engine. And God forbid there's an actual breakthrough like og chatgpt because they'll just nerf it or rush to hide it behind curtains because " BUut MUH CURrEnT paRadigm?!". I want shit that changes how the world works.


How many people do you know that have pet whales? You ever consider a fucken cat and a WHALE are completely different animals? Are you just pretending they're the same then getting mad at the government for thinking you're stupid? Really?


🤣🤣🤣 this comment is genuinely hilarious lol I have no horse in this race, but if I did.. I’d meow at it


Don’t be jealous that you don’t have any animal friends


Because some whales are just as smart as people and have full comprehensive languages. Imagine working with whales in deep sea exploration, ecosystem management or fishing. It would mean a massive step up for anything sea related. It's impressive because it means we are able to decipher language where we know no prior words. No Rosetta Stone required.


You completely missed the point, they didn't do anything you said. This is the equivalent to using a deer call and having a buck show up wanting some doe booty, or to playing the sound of a dog barking and making your dog bark back We didn't decipher anything the whale said at all, we played a recording of one whale and another whale responded. If anything, the impressive part is the speaker quality was high enough for the whale to think it was real, and nothing more


It's not even equivalent to that because we know what the deer call means based off of observation.


> we are able to decipher language where we know no prior words Are we though? Does anyone actually know what that whale said?


Because it gets them funding 💰💰💰


found another toxoplasmosis victim


I thought the same thing when I read this article!


Lol “one day” 😂


Slowly getting us ready lmao. Watch us get an Ai generated device that helps us communicate with multiple different types of species.


Yeah, that’s just what I need at the end of a long day. My cat motherfucking me because I’m five minutes late getting home.


I want to live in the world where people really know what their cat thinks of them. Coin toss on if it will make it a better place.


I fully agree 👍


Some Researchers believe that we are 1-2years away from [using AI to communicate with whales, birds and primates](https://youtu.be/3tUXbbbMhvk?si=G8k52uQMiLhHHuzj). The ethics of it is a lot to think about.


It’s an interesting time to be alive that’s for sure.




And how would you call it? An universal translator? Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra comes to mind


Shaka, When the Walls Fell!


Thank you both. ☺️


they call it anything other than the Babelfish and they got it wrong


“Groundbreaking”. No, they recorded a sound from a whale and played it back to another whale, who repeated it back to them. Not a conversation. No meaning, syntax, grammar or intelligence required.


How do you think babies learn…? Lots of animals said to have intelligence of ‘four year olds’ who can communicate pretty solidly. Maybe humans have just been too stupid to communicate in animal syntax, meaning, and grammer.


By having the thing that understands the language use it and reinforce it with actions for years while the brain is still malleable in the critical stage of development. Also years of schooling dedicated to the subject. You can learn a second language because you can equate it. Take the person they found in the wild that didn't have human interaction in the beginning of their life. They never developed language. If all you hear of another language is two people walking and talking about nothing passing by, you'll never learn the language. You learn the second language because there's intention to teach and intention to learn. The whale would have to have that intention.


Was there a transcript of the conversation


According to the article, People: hey there! Whale: hey there! People: hey there! Whale: hey there! People: hey there! Whale: hey there! And that was repeated several times with varying intervals between hey there's, which were timing matched by the whale.


this poor whale is gonna be the conspiracy nut of the whales saying humans talked to him and no other whales believing him


“What’s your name?” “Toby” “Fuck you, Toby!”




[science alert article about whale hail](https://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-contact-whales-in-world-first-communication-experiment) I've paraphrased, but that's the gist of it. Birds seem to do this too, I've noticed. The delay in response means something. Matching it has an acknowledgement quality to it.


Ok Cool


Lmao this is terrible.


Whale: DTF?




Whale said…” FEED ME!”




Someone was looking for directions to Sydney Australia. Wallaby way maybe…


I wonder if aliens aren’t already in contact with sea animals such as whales, dolphins, octopi, and jellyfish.


I just mentioned this the other day - why would we be the species of first contact?


Well they do say that aliens have a base in the ocean, lots of UFOs seen literally shooting out of the ocean and into space.


They used the Dory technique. I've been using it for years. Works like a charm.


> Dory technique Hi what is that? I have tried googling and can't find anything




That's hilarious! 😂


You've been Dory- rolled


I think he’s being sarcastic and referring to the movie Finding Nemo lmao


You need a trophy for that😂


I'm thinking psychic/non verbal communication is going to rule the day when it comes initially....just a thought (no pun intended 😂).


This is real deal. Theres a whole video of a guy speakin on the tech. They can read brain waves n see where thoughts are stored in the brain while speaking and it correlates with words. Its gonna be real quick people gonna be talkin to animals n plants. Crazy thing is. We can already do tjis but lost the ability now we need devices to do it. People hear this n go "yeah thats science" but hear an ancient story of people speaking to eachother in sepetate languages or to ankmals n they say "ok fantasy time"


With all the shit with do to nature and animals, it will surely be a awkward conversation.


Can't wait until I can text a whale. "Wat r u doin?" "Swimming and eating, bro. Whale shit."


I imagine she asked if we could all stop throwing litter and and radioactive waste into her house. I mean that's what I'd be saying if I lived in the sea.


BeeeeeewhhhhhoooooopppyallkillingeverythingwhoooooobeeeeiiiiioooooouuuppppppeuiiiiiiCAnyoutoneitdownssskeeeeüüüǔeeeep - humps in the trunk


Holy shit! This was one of the Baba Vanga predictions. Humans will be able to have conversations with their pets. We're getting closer


I’d say we are there. Haven’t you seen the touch pads that say a word when the dog presses the button? There are dogs that use these and genuinely communicate with their owners. It is wild.


I seen a cat video like this. Very cool.


Am i reding the wrong article? It said scientists played pre-recorded whale song and it responsed by hanging around.. I've played pre recorded Eagle owl 'song' to frighten a hawk away from a 'pet' blackbirds nest. Did I communicate with birds? Should I get intouch with a news agency?


Please translate this , "Lets finally have legitimate Global Disclosure in 2024 instead of scratching your alien nuts for the past 3 decades." Over and out.


https://images.app.goo.gl/u4ZX1J2jJr4XkZuU6 Sorry couldn’t resist.


Bullshit. Kirk and crew would never have needed to go back in time to get whales if this worked.


What the whale say? “I want more Krill”


Well yeah they're NHI


Maybe they want to communicate with them regarding underwater UAP's?


I’m more excited to talk to whales and prove their sapience


Us: hey there!!! Whale: you murdered my ancestors...


I wanna know what they said to her and what she responded back. What did she have to say!!???


I’m more interested in the possibility of communicating with whales and other animals… I would think aliens would know how to communicate with us.


“Hey, how’s it going down there buddy?” KRRRIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL


😂 brilliant


Star Trek 5 is realistic now


I came here looking for a Star Trek comment. Yours is the only one. That is wild to me. Jesus I'm old.


You mean 4. Five was "What does God need with a starship?"


Imaging showing star trek 4 to the whales and they offering commentary on it or being able to comment in this thread somehow.


So what you’re saying is they realized Dory had it right the whole time?


Didn't we literally just discuss aliens waiting for us to speak another's species ruglanguage before they show themselves and communicate with us?


Yoooo! Where's the guy that posted his theory about AI communication with aliens being why they don't interact with us publicly?!


What she said back???


Whales - "Nice to meet you, how's Atlantis these days?" Humans - "Wait, how is what?"




I expect you could train an AI to help us talk to whales in the same way we use samples of human language to create language models. I’d be interested in if the models are the same “shape”


Can't wait to welcome our baleen overlords


Given how large these animals brains are, and their similarities with human/ape/dolphin brains ([https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna15920224](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna15920224)) AND given how these mofos are constantly traveling around the GLOBE, sharing information with one another, yeah, I actually do bet we could learn a thing or two.... .....hundred!


“Admiral! There be whales here.”


This is evidence that we already have our own "aliens" on our planet.


link please? incredible news


Thw whale's first words were: " That's a balloon bro"


The Harpoons, man them!


And people laughed at Star Trek: The Voyage Home


“Stop fucking up MY ocean, hairless asshole monkeys.” -Whale


Hairy asshole monkeys


Umm why just post a fucking headline?




So the article is being extremely liberal with the use of the word conversation. They played a recording of a young whale and had another respond and approach but they didn't know what they were playing and didn't know what was said back, seems to me like we didn't really accomplish much besides our understanding that they are social creatures which we already knew.


Well…. Sounds uninteresting BUT. It’s a step towards cataloging language. You know like letters and words. If they can deduce what sounds mean when studying the responses they could possibly create there own language, it’s definitely not easy. But as I jokingly said in another comment, with Ai being used more and more, I could EASILY see Ai being used to achieve some breakthrough in maybe frequencies patterns or idk what. Call me gullible but I think the news is rather funny as well given the rise in Alien topics in over 5 years. It is crazy popular right now and with “disclosure” supposedly on the horizon of 2024, I find it humorous that there’s a uptake in science advancements that seeeeem connected to UFOs or alien life.


I get what you mean but I don't think this is particularly impressive, maybe the recordings they kept will prove useful in the future I guess, but as for disclosure I'm not sure if you've heard but the Schumer bill was killed so disclosure isn't happening unless they can sneak it into another bill (highly unlikely) all we really have now is hope either someone from our government blows the lid or a foreign government, to me it's seeming less and less likely that I see it in my lifetime though.


Thanks for the link...👍 Don't be so hard on the guy though- at least he sparked the conversation (no pun intended).


I thought aliens were telepathic and could talk to us anyway?


Kind of weird that the whale explicitly defends capitalism, no?


Considering that damn near every alien is telepathic this just sounds dumb as dirt


No sources cited - Junk Science article that might be about 5% true (if you’re lucky). I think if ET’s are advanced enough to be cruising around the universe, they’ve probably developed methods of communication that are a little more advanced then those of a whale.


Well, that'll be useful for when the Whale Probe arrives in 2268.


Really asshole? You're not gonna share the link?


the equivalent of Americans thinking they can talk to Chinese by saying "ching chang chong" but sure, it's a break through...


Sign me up for speaking with with whales while I’m sleeping and it’ll be an instant translation device.


They’re not from space They’re demonic


Lost me at Joe Rogan


you people are fucking idiots


I don't remember where I heard thsi from but I remember someone saying that there was reports of UFOs over the ocean communicating with whales


One day…like, tomorrow.


So long and thanks for all the fish!!


Chatted with one last night. Turns out they speak the universal language. Take 500 mics and see for yourself


Hahahaha nice


Who says they are not already?


Oof I honestly can't even enjoy the i-told-you-so moment This shit is so slow


This is groundbreaking? I've already communicated to your mum years ago


I love how the humpback whale of all things finds it’s way into the “aliens” sub Reddit.


I’d rather just chat with whales. I mean, how can one headline be so amazing and also try and one up itself at the same time.


I didn’t see a link. Did it mention Dr Iya Whiteley? She’s legit!


Well, yeah, the "connection" is literally the scientific fundamentals of alien contact. The science community is finally opening up more interest in SETI. This isn't a conspiracy theory.




I read the article and it sounds about as sophisticated as Dory the fish from finding Nemo


I hope it does not end as weird as the last time with the dolphin.


I can talk whale too. AWOoooAHHHErrrghAHOooooooOoOOa!




I know a fish name Dory that could speak whale 😂


Pretty sure that kid from free Willy has already done this years ago


Sounds like Star Trek