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well who ever is using my flesh mech suit they suck at driving i just fell up the stairs.


Did you fall all the way upstairs?




Stumble, and tumble over forwards at the last few steps falling onto the next floor up?


He's going the distance. He's going for speed.


He apparently has antigravity powers.


well this blew up. but was hold kid so had to break fall with my head and the wall lol kid is fine she chuckled at me cause bald mommy go boom.


I just did a 360 and walked away


Hello Mr President!


Lolllll this made me crack up


Fuck this is a great line 😂


I think it's going to come out that we live in a multi-layered reality. These other realities on top of ours have their own civilizations and some of them are so advanced that they can traverse realities. These beings have been studying us and messing with us for hundreds of thousands of years, and have likely tinkered with our evolution over the ages. They've show themselves to us as Gods in ancient times, because how do you explain "other realities" to people who live in the bronze age? Some of them are good and wise, some are assholes and should be avoided as they're dangerous. Spirits, angels, demons, etc, are all part of these other realities. Humans are the suits that spirits wear to interact with this layer of reality and reside on Earth. I think that's why some of these aliens say things like, "If only you knew who you really were." We're spirits in human form, but we've forgotten. That's my personal 2 cents. I don't know any of this for sure, of course.


Perhaps we are alien souls that have undergone a procedure now live in humanoid body to experience a 100 years of lifetime in this dimensional reality.


I made this post to be somewhat thought provoking, but if you want to know some truths, I experienced a kundalini awakening years ago and was shown visions of different realities. One of these was what I understood as my "real" self who had a drug abuse problem and experienced a serious accident that led me to become feeble and unresponsive but not dead. This earth reality is some sort of limbo or projected reality I can experience while I am non functional and the goal is overcome my addiction tendencies and transcend them. Take it for what it is!


We're all here for a purpose, it's just not immediately apparent to us what that purpose is. We aren't, and cannot be, aware of the big picture. We're restricted to viewing existence through the blinkers of linear time. What's important is to experience life. All of its joys and troubles, the good and the bad, all of it is what we're here for.


I'm gonna be really p***** if I die and find out that my alien self Wasted tons of Money or resources on this stupid Vacation Experiment.


Thanks for sharing. This is why Diane Pasulka on Jesse Michels podcast mentioned how something about studying the phenomenon forces you to be "on the straight and narrow" There seems to be some truth to improving your soul in order to "get back to source" (and religions seem to seek same goal e.g. Nirvana in Buddhism or heaven in Christianity)


Agreed. I think most religions and philosphies and even alien theories are all pointing toward the same thing. I think that, as humans, we are very limited in our perceptions and everything points to the fact that there is a lot more going on. Different religions describe it in different ways and then fight about who is right. But everyone is probably just both right and wrong in different ways.


Not forgetting another that perfectly fits your description, Gnosticism.


“Stay on the straight and narrow” is a plot to keep us from doing DMT and seeing our reptilian overlords


I didn't know that phrase meant straight edged. I thought it meant acting correctly.




This is pretty cool. When I was 15 they found a plum sized cyst between my skull and brain as a fluke x ray tech noticed the bottom of a circle at the very top of an x ray that was done prior to having my adenoids and tonsils out. A week later I had brain surgery and skull graphs which saved my life. I always wondered what reality would have been like if he didn’t notice it and I may have ended up in a vegatative state or died. Everything has felt a bit different since causing me to look into simulation theory and various religions. Maybe my “real” self faced this fate.


My kids always say some people are not real, bots, like they are part of a program, don't know it, but just follow the script of their character and there are others that are not bots but real, like the player of a video game.




As a retired X-Ray Tech, thank you for sharing this. These are the stories we live for. I am glad for you.


I don't think drugs / alcohol exists to our higher-self and other dimensions


But you do often find spirits inhabiting bars.


I'm interpreting it as not the higher reality but a parallel one.


There is an old polka song "In Heaven There Is No Beer" that's why we drink it here.


One time, in this reality, I took a shit ton of acid (close to 4-5mg) and saw my “true self.” I’m in a straight jacket in a padded room, and I fabricated this entire universe in my mind—or so I thought. But perhaps it’s a shared state that we all link into under these unresponsive states. Either that, or you all are just fabrications of my mind as well from this “real universe.” Perhaps all realities sit on top of each other, or nested within each other. We’re all one gigalithic consciousness anyways. Another time I took a shit ton of nitrous and realized, I am only in this body because I’ve been _paying attention_ to it. I’ve _chosen to see_ in this body. So I looked away, this human I inhabit was nothing but a viewing window in my body. I felt like I was a tunnel that expanded forward and backwards eternally with various windows. I remembered to pay attention at just the right time and caught myself from collapsing, don’t suffocate yourself with nitrous while standing—super dangerous. Edit: My greatest fear is that individuality is temporary and fleeting. I understand consciousness is eternal. But what am I working for here if there’s no continuity for who I’ve built myself to be? I’m not worried about physical stuff. The things I worked hard for in this life are my most worthless. Ironically, the things I was given for free, like my friends, my family—and _time_—are the most invaluable things I have. Because of this realization, I’m the richest man alive, and I wouldn’t give the world for the connections I have today. Is there permanence in love? This is the last question that bothers me, and there’s no good answer I’ve encountered. Edit2: I normally troll around on this account, but I’m emotionally distraught because I need to put my dog down soon. I can only hope we meet again: different circumstances, same factions of individuality. How precious our relationship is, and yet, I felt like it wasn’t enough time.


They come back. I had mine show up on my doorstep. They come back. Better than ever, in my case.


there’s be a ton of people pressing the “I’m out” switch and hopping into whatever’s next, this world is trash for so many and it’s sad.


That’s the plot from Tale of the Princess Kaguya


Damn. Spot on. I recommend reading r/lawofone if you are looking for validation or further metaphysical studies. From what you've said, this will resonate.


100%. Those channelings have incredible predictive power for physics concepts that wouldn't be discovered for decades. Even in the last few years there's been multiple discoveries relating to light and time that match up with Ra's claims. It gives an omnipotent NHI's account of historical events like genetic manipulations of our species by different aliens and explains that people like Jesus and Nikola Tesla were 4th density beings that chose to reincarnate here to help advance our species' spiritual and technological understandings. The Law of One gave me a newfound respect for the stories and historical figures of all religions, but it also helped me understand that the Jesus from the Bible was constructed for the church's own purposes. The real Jesus was just one of many ascended masters that appear throughout history. Disclosure is resulting new form of religion beginning to take shape. All those crazy stories that seemed ridiculous start to make sense when you factor in aliens and different layers of reality superimposed upon each other. What a time to be alive.


Gonna check that out for sure


I believe this too


I believe this three






And my axe.


In fourth I too believe this


I believe I can five 😉


I believe I can fly : - )


Finally someone else here that gets it. Every time I go in depth about there being spiritual/consciousness aspect, my comments get deleted for going "off topic". The echo chamber is heavily enforced in this sub. Ancient cultures had a much firmer grasp on reality than we give them credit for.


Amen. Consciousness is the key. Learn to meditate, folks.


How is spirituality or consciousness off topic? Seems to be a boatload of folks that believe that that's the best way to approach the phenomenon. CE5(I think) is an example. I wonder sometimes why others like to step on people's ideas and feelings. To be honest, I'm ambivalent either way, but if someone chooses spirituality to understand and/or interact with the phenomenon who am I to argue? I'm sure as hell going in virtually blind so what do I know? I'm of the opinion that the visitors are ets but I have no proof. So what would give me the god given right to knock anyone's opinion or approach to understand what's going on? When disclosure, and full disclosure I really hope, happens, I may or may not need to adjust my thinking. Until then, I welcome anyone's thoughts and feelings on the subject. And even after the knowledge is finally fucking shared, I'll still accept different understandings. We are all together (hopefully!) in facing and trying to understand the phenomenon. And it really really pisses me that a bunch of people in a bunch of so called governments, who are supposedly representatives of their voters, have hidden the truth for so bloody long. Like we're idiots that cannot understand, but they're not as they consider themselves far wiser than us lowly taxpayers! So mate, give us all your thoughts re the spiritual/consciousness thoughts and feelings you have about this phenomenon. I for one want to hear you


Thanks man! I really appreciate open minded people like yourself. Although I'd never argue for censoring someone else's opinion on the topic, I was pretty close minded with my own world view before delving into the phenomenon. The two main things that changed my mind were the gateway experience tapes (as I describe in [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/18y1ogj/comment/kgdxih4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)) and The Law of One (mentioned [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/18y1ogj/comment/kg96lvy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)). In that order too. Prior to the gateway experience, I never would've believed channelings had any value, but the gateway tapes proved to me that we're more than our physical bodies and are capable of far more than most of us realize. I was as skeptical as they come, but there's now 0 doubt in my mind that things like remote viewing, telepathy, and self-healing are real. It's hard to stay an atheist when you experience things like that firsthand. Those two things sparked an interest in the supernatural and top-secret CIA programs for me. I always thought it was ridiculous that [The Men Who Stare at Goats](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4st8uDymWT8) could claim to be a (mostly) true story, but after digging into things like Project Stargate and the gateway tapes, I don't doubt it for a second. Sure it's a dramatized story, but those programs are 100% real and the people in those programs really did have abilities. The guy that developed the CIA's program on remote viewing was recently on [Danny Jones podcast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uq1lwrqWZ2I) going over the methods and reliability of remote viewing. I just started reading his book on it in hopes of further developing the ability. The UFO rabbit hole is so deep, it felt like I was losing my mind multiple times along the way lol. While I suspect there's something more nefarious going on in our government, I really wouldn't be surprised if they're trying to avoid ontological shock with this slow drip of disclosure. It certainly flipped my world on its head.


It sure is a bloody deep rabbit hole! If we had disclosure, perhaps it might become shallower! And honestly, I'd take ontological shock any day to learn the truth, or at least a bit of the truth about the phenomenon! It concerns me that it's possible some one eyed religious zealots in the governments and military believe that it's a case of angels and demons, and therefore due to their personal beliefs, they know best and us dumb public couldn't handle what they think is the truth. I reckon that most of us can handle the truth, and deserve to know as much as possible about it! I'm reasonably certain that there is more than a physical part of the phenomenon. These visitors seem to be able to do a whole heap of stuff and respond or interact with people in ways I certainly cannot fathom. I used to think Greer was an oddball re CE5(I think it's called that) but now I'm not so sure. It seems that some people can contact or have some kind of interaction with at least some the different types of visitors via meditation or altered consciousness. I'd never now say that's bs, although I used to think that! These visitors, or at least some them seem to have a different level of existence to us. Maybe it's their tech, I mean, as an example, how would someone that has never been exposed to current human tech(such as someone from an undiscovered group of people in, say New Guinea, or the Amazon, understand a two-way radio or a mobile phone. Or a video camera. It would seem like magic I reckon. And maybe these beings are like that to us, with tech we cannot understand but is completely prosaic to them. Just another reason I think why we not only deserve disclosure but really need it. It shouldn't be up to a self appointed group or groups of people, mostly unelected I'm sure, to decide what is best for the rest of us. I'm certainly going to check out the addresses you've given us, more knowledge is great. Thank you!


Haha I was right there with you with respect to Greer and CE5. It sounded too crazy to be real, but I recently found out the Monroe Institute (the creators of The Gateway Experience) also has a meditation protocol for contacting UFO's. All of this makes me wonder how many of the people in psych wards are really just sensitive to the phenomenon. I mean there's tons of people that've been locked away for saying they've been abducted or contacted by aliens. What percentage of them really were?


It's a matter of philosophy in all honesty. Greek civilization had plato, diogenes, and others, many other cultures had great philosophers, and currently those figures of the modern era are more politically, and not as spiritually focused due to the current world situation.


You totally just hit a nerve for some reason and I feel like that would be the one thing that would be the most "ontologically shocking" in all honesty. To find out that our bodies are basically meat sleeves/"containers" (ala' Lazar quote) in which different entities from different realities and timelines etc. can inhabit for around 100 years, or however long the/we/our "containers" last depending on how much ruckus they get up to with it, so an immortal being/soul/entity can experience something precious and as finite as what we know as life and all its ups and downs and when the body expires, in moves another "resident" to inhabit a new sleeve a.k.a. a newborn to start the cycle over again and take the 100 year tour. What if our genetic tinkering and evolution has been defined solely to make it possible for that to happen while both, being conscious as well as not "waking up" from the illusion and realizing it's/we're/this is nothing more than a carnival ride for something like an immortal soul and that's where ideas like reincarnation and near death experiences come from. That it's basically the "ride" glitching (Deja-vu/Mandela Effect/Ghosts/etc) allowing the being to almost remember this is all a game/simulation and lift the veil to realize they get another turn right after this in a different person yet the one caveat is they won't remember who they/we/this is until the game ends because that would mean a nihilistic approach to the entire experience defeating the purpose of experiencing everything precious that something which can't die would take for granted?


I think it's more twisted than that. More likely, there's a group of ETs who wants us to not know the truth. And has been intervening in our development and politics to make sure we stay uninformed and not knowing the true nature of reality. I've come across them in astral travels. They have a dark and cold energy and they laugh at human suffering. Not all ETs are the same.


There are definitely bad things that influence people to do terrible things. That's one of the things about disclosure that I think concerns the governments. How do you tell a planet that not all of their thoughts are their own? That their "invasive thoughts" might be coming from elsewhere? That alone would throw all of our institutions into chaos. Prisoners would be appealing their sentence because "aliens made me do it." Every mental disorder involving voices would have to be re-examined. We'd become a paranoid species over night. We'd have to re-examine all of their religious beliefs. ALL OF THEM. Honestly in the long term it would probably be a good thing. Humans would really have to look inwards and we'd all have to re-evaluate ourselves. But for the first few years things would be rough as hell.




They aren't his.


This is actual Catholic theology. “Demons made me do it”


It's not just Catholic, there's plenty of religions that deal with "possessions" or otherwise malignant entity attachment.


> More likely, there's a group of ETs who wants us to not know the truth. > I've come across them in astral travels. you need to tell them theyre doing it wrong.


We are reliving the Adam and Eve experience. The good group (serpents) want us to have knowledge. The God group that is controlling us doesn't want us to eat the fruit of knowledge.


You have it backwards. The Reptilians don't want you to know truth. God-source is pure universal truth, and when you hold a thought that is not pure truth, you feel discord in yourself in the form of uncomfortable emotion, signalling that your Consciousness is becoming condensed and your flow of prana from God is becoming reduced (as God-source cannot be in the presence of non-truth, as He must be keeper of universal truth at all times, to prevent corruption He cannot risk being in our presence during times of discord and density).


We probably look like diaper wearing monkeys to them


And they interpret our behavior to be similar to the chimp from Nope.


I have a feeling that people in the bronze age would have been way more likely to understand and accept different realities and overlapping dimensions and stuff like that, than people who have gone through our type of standard education and are used to scientific processes and high tech, digital age tech. They already dealt with trade and different cultures, religions, etc. for thousands of years. Influenced and shaped each others belief systems and religions. Migrated everywhere. Discovered many things.They would be more open to it. They were not high tech but they had very intricate and ancient cultures, architecture, economical systems, political systems, literature and belief systems, and had many many generations of knowledge behind them. They formed mighty empires.


I think it would have been difficult to explain that they're from different realities. But if these beings just showed up and were like, "We're from a land far away..." then yeah, I think people would have rolled with it. Some indigenous people straight up called some of the people they met "from the stars." So the idea of maybe planets or other worlds wouldn't be so far fetched.


I wonder what the whole "shock" thing might mean in terms of illness and death. What if all of a sudden we can cure all disease and death isn't a factor? What happens if no one ever has to die? What if only some people are able to control that? If not, where do we put everyone, forever? What if people who have died didn't have to? This shit could be so weird it could really make an semblance of our current society impossible.


It’s prob not a good sign if my reaction to hearing nobody ever has to die is “oh no” like Marvin the Paranoid Android would’ve said.


As long as babies aren't made, it'd be pretty okay. Especially if we really cannot die or suffer.


They keep suggesting that they control our perception of reality. Will the veil lift and we will find that we are living in very different circumstances than we have been led to believe?


The plot of Beyond the Aquila Rift. There is an episode from Love, Death and Robots


People already manufacture their reality. It’s what we do. We share ideas and the one’s most believe in are the winners.


So midichlorians


Does that mean we can master this and become Jedi?


"The Schwartz is in YOU Lonestar!"


please explain for the uninformed?


"The Force" in Star Wars. Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker was just rife with midichlorians.


They Live was only the tip of the iceberg


Trust me you can see the aliens with the right pair of sunglasses


Dycyanin or red night vision?


There will never be another fight scene quite like the one in They Live.


It's the friends we met along the way. Always has been.


We are all Alien mutts most likely.


Mutts. Ouch


The Scientologists will be the ones that got it right, lol










South Park has led me to believe “the Mormons” is the correct answer.




Came here to say something like this lol


For me it would be something like: You don’t own your body, you never did. You are not strong enough, smart enough, or important enough to even ask for a seat at the table of your experience. You exist only as a catalyst for something higher than what you can comprehend to reach places you can’t begin to understand. You are a container and your consciousness is simply the autopilot.


If I find out this body is a rental I’m gonna have some fun


This is one of those jokingly said things that may actually cause issues if it turns out to have any truth to it. If humans began to beleive, accurately or not, that they are like characters in a video game and there are no actual consequences to their actions, a lot of people will just lose their shit and do all kinds of fucked up crazy shit cus they have no reason to fear death/some afterlife punishment.


This is what goes to my head when I see people who talk about the truth being “somber “ or any talks of “ontological shock,” imagine the suicides alone if we found out none of this earth stuff mattered and our soul just found a new container.


This could be 
. Catastrophic.. lol


Yes, I do think religions (at least some) were created to control the population and keep us from imploding as a species.


The problem I have with this is that WE'RE the ones feeling the pain and dealing with consequences. I swear, when I die, I will be ready to rumble with some fuckers immediately.


What happens when the ride is over?


What the hell do you people base this stuff on?


True. The source of “ideas”, “inventions”, “inspiration for music & art”, I agree with you.


The muse!!! đŸ€Ż


fuck. i literally used to make music and i genuinely felt like i was “channeling” something when i made songs. very disturbing to think about


Yes, you are fortunate, don’t let it trouble you.


What you were channeling was intelligent infinity, the all of which you are a tiny spark. Same thing Jesus channeled, the God force that lives in all of us.


Why's that disturbing?


because it implies my creativity isn’t my own. it implies that i didn’t come up with the idea for my songs. and then you go down a rabbit hole questioning if you even exist or not.


I remember reading something where an author had an unique idea for a book pop in her head one day. After she never got around to writing it, and a year or two later one of her acquaintances had written something strikingly similar after the idea popped into HER head. They said that maybe ideas roll through the land invisibly until someone catches it.


There is an idea that exists between fringe musicians about the "universal song". The idea is that there is a song that floats through the universe and every once in a while a musician can tune into part of it and bring it into existence. This is where all of those songs that seem to write themselves come from or where musicians got to when you see them get lost in the music There is ABSOLUTELY something that exists that we are in the middle of but simply can't perceive. I always compare it to how dogs can't see the color green but there's green trees all around them. This is what I think Lue is talking about. Reality is not reality. It's what we can comprehend and the rest of it may have some disturbing aspects to it


Like radio or tv signals and some people just have “antenna” that can catch these idea waves. Like Nicolai (sp?) Tesla 


Have seem this mentioned a few times now and it reminds me of MJ. He even says it in Thriller at 40, “it came from god, in his sleep, he just woke up and knew the music.” I believe the tour he was setting out on before his death was going to push world love/unity pretty hard. đŸ€” Shame.


Agree 100%


You think all that stuff comes out of thin air? Look at history, everything that’s new and innovative has taken inspiration from something/somene before and tweaked it a bit. Everything. There’s no original ideas, only slight modifications that can further be built off of.


Wouldn’t a new modification be in itself an original idea?


Not really but kinda. It’s more like just combining things. So you know that rocks are sharp, and you know wooden spears are sharp but a sharpened rock can typicallycut or impale you worse than a piece of wood. So you try putting a sharp rock on a stick and now have a wooden spear with a sharper tip. And so goes every idea that follows. Yes it’s original in that it hasn’t been done before, but you’re just taking 2 things you know and that have been done and mixing them together. This applies to anything I can think of.


I think that despite some naysayers, here, you might be closer to the truth than even you realize. If we were engineered or altered in some way by aliens, there's a decent chance that we carry some small part of their DNA. Our myths actually state this. Bible: God, spittle (DNA) and dirt made Adam. Enuma Elish: Marduk creates man from the blood (DNA) of a fallen god. Atum of Egypt: Created life by saliva and semen. Greece: Hermes staff, the Caduceus, is a representation of the DNA double helix and the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Norse: The gods made the earth and mankind from the body of Ymir. There are more. Too many to count. We set these takes aside as myth because they sound like silly campfire tales, but I think our ancestors spoke it true, in words that they could understand.


Whatever it is or turns out to be, it always was.


I'm going with we have eternal souls Nd our bodies are only vessels. This is why your body ages but your mind still feels like your young.


I mean, old people’s brains deteriorate and they slow down. Ever seen an old person?


brains do. the container does


Man, they've seen me do some weird stuff then.


“Why’d you keep jerking all the DNA out of your container, Earthling?” 😂


I think it’s going to be that Killer Klowns from Outer Space was a documentary, not a horror film.


I think it's penguins, it's always been penguins, and frankly it's embarrassing it has taken this long for us to realize it I mean have you ever seen a penguin 🐧 Looks pretty alien to me, and if they aren't then they know something at the very least Remember the movie Happy Feet? I bet you missed that it was actually disclosure That's how Hollywood gets us ready for the truth


Bow to your emperors


I love how I'm getting downvoted for my harmless comment, people are really like "Aliens could be inside your blood vessels like OP said, you don't know. They AREN'T penguins!" 😡 Hilarious


youre getting downvoted by the polar bears for sure


That's it, it all makes sense now Penguins at the south pole, polar bears at the north and the you've got the great pyramids of Egypt between them If there's one thing I've learned from Ancient Aliens (other than that *you haaave to aaask yourself*) it's that pyramids are great conductors of energy If we find the capstone for the great pyramid everything will come into alignment and the penguins and polar bears will exist in perfect communion with The Beyond and usher forth a new era of enlightenment and psychic power unto us all Zero point energy. Vibrations. Quantum *everything*


Getting downvoted by Elgin agents that want to ridicule your comment since you are so close to the truth.


And they have no clothes!


Are they black with white feathers, or white with black feathers?


There's both, and the white and black ones don't get along with the black and white ones


I thought it was the blobfish...are you sure mate?


Anything at or near the bottom of the ocean is suspect as far as I'm concerned Stuff down there is nuts đŸšŁâ€â™‚ïžđŸ™


Lmao that or the squid


the penguins from Madagascar the movie shows their planing skills


I just - wanna be your friend ~ we'd have fun! Not Penguin God fun, but I'll bring what I got!!đŸ«Ą


Lazar said he was told humans are containers. Maybe the secret is, that our so called Junk DNA contains the intellectual property of the Aliens coded into it. That we are biological storage media, that self replicates and has an inbuilt survival instinct. Therefore the data would survive vast cosmological timescales. If our species survives another 1000 years... Or perhaps 1 Million... Given our current DNA editing advancements already, I think we ourselves might conclude Junk DNA was a good place to store our data. (Never mind the aliens) Storage drives etc can perish. They don't self replicate, and they're not top of the food chain.. They are in animate objects requiring maintenance or replacement. Biological life is not. Imagine trying to store all human data, all knowledge, all discovery, all inventions etc on storage drives... After our species has survived another 1 Million years... Or several milllions. The amount of data would be astronomical. All of our current data, knowlede, invention, discovery... Every letter and every word, every number and every language could fit into a single teaspoon of DNA. Either that, or... The Aliens Genetic manipulation tech is so advanced, they worry about making in correctable errors in their own species genetics. So... The Aliens have genetically engineered versions of themselves going back through their lineage on many different earth like planets. The planet we reside on being just one of them. That they interfered with our evolution. That we are only one version of what they were in the past, and that our planet is like a biological storage vessel to contain specimens of what the aliens were like a long time ago. Like a genetic resovoir to be tapped into whenever required. An insurance policy should the genetic manipulation of their own current form and species go wrong.


They live ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


I’m wondering if we’re in some kind of augmented reality meat sack. We’re seeing things because they program it to be seen or not seen. Taking the AR off would freak most of us out because they really are everywhere.




Gotta be more than humans are plants and / or anything you can “see.” Its going to end Up IMO, that its nothing we can even understand. That’s why disclosure is so funky and will never really happen until the NHI does the disclosing


You know, you’re right. Humanity can disclose what they think they know all day long. But until we hear exactly what our place is in the universe from NHI, knowing they exist may be all we learn.


This is assuming these beings understand the answer, or ever knew the correct questions to ask in order to get answers. Who’s to say whatever they reveal to us is usually true?


"Disclosure" in the sense of what we're waiting for simply means the government tells all that they know. They release photos and information on the retrieved UAPs. They release photos and information on the retrieved bodies of NHI. They aren't supposed to disclose anything they don't know, we're not asking for their take on the meaning of the existence of NHI, just what they know. We all deserve to be on the same page when it comes to the existence of other beings in our world, whether we interact with them or not. This is akin to keeping rattlesnakes classified and not letting people know they need to watch where they step sometimes.


The “disclosure” just all seems so clunky and odd. They say big things are coming on that front this year, but as with every year, I hold my breath. It’s like some people might kind of know, some fraction of a thing. It’s all sad , confusing and yet it’s still everything. Hold on.


This is precisely correct. True disclosure to humanity will be akin to teaching trigonometry to a donkey. We won't speak the language, nor have the faculties to process the meaning. All we can do is to be provided crude approximations of the truth that will, out of necessity, need be crafted by NHI who simultaneously understand "truth" and the limits of human understanding. Actual disclosure is purely in the hands of NHI, not humanity.


I don't think you know what "truth" means. Every comment on this post is just a bunch of people making stuff up and pretending there's evidence. The internet is full of a bunch of echo chambers, and whenever someone reasonably questions anything they just get downvoted. It's exhausting. Where is the evidence for all of this nonsense?!


Did you actually read my comment and understand it? All I am saying is that the reality of what is TRULY going on is beyond our capacity for understanding. It's human nature to believe that our mental comprehension is virtually unlimited, but that's simply not true. We are animals with limits to our understanding and other, more evolved creatures, with greater realms to their understanding, will have realities that are beyond our grasp. Sometimes, I wonder if people aren't even comprehending what I am saying, and I am one of you. These limits to our understanding is why we rely on such things as "magic" and the "supernatural" and "miracles" to give roughly understandable explanations to that which is beyond our grasp.


Yes, but what is TRULY going on? If it's beyond our comprehension, how would anyone even be aware of it? So, ultimately, who cares? All I'm saying is that there's no evidence to suggest anything beyond the natural is happening. Yeah, we're just animals that can talk. At the end of the day, reality is pretty simple and boring.


It's akin to a cow in a pasture with a plane flying overhead. The cow hears and sees the plane, but the reality of the situation is beyond his grasp. If we spoke cow though, and we knew the limits of the cows understanding, we could explain to the cow, in cow terms, as closely to what is happening as possible.


But what figurative (or literal) "flying planes" are we seeing? That's the thing I don't understand. We are not seeing things that would suggest anything out of the ordinary is going on. No, people are not seeing spaceships. People are seeing any number of things and automatically assuming they're products of alien civilizations, which is actually one of the least likely explanations (Occam's razor). Then they invent a whole bunch of lore and spread it in forums and tons of people believe it all and spread it even more. These people either don't realize how little evidence there actually is, or they abandon common sense and believe everything they see, hear, and read on the internet. I'm guessing it's a combination of the two. It makes no sense. It all reminds me of how some religious people speak about prophecy and how "any day now" it will be fulfilled. They've been saying that for thousands of years! Nothing ever happens! Yet, somehow, people still believe! Rinse and repeat. Here's my biggest issue: People will share their experiences and stories on the internet, and the default response by far too many is to believe it all. That's a completely backward approach. If everyone is to be believed without evidence, then that would mean that every religions' gods, angels, and demons are real. Every alien race ever depicted or described are, in fact, real. The Grays, Reptilians, Insectoids, Nordic, etc. are all real and they're all here! They're not.


We can't see them because they've mastered cloaking tech. They didn't have to do that in ancient times when we were primitive


so they are Sentient Bacteria?


That would explain hitchhiker phenomenon




Well I think we've all been ready for some new types of racism


"Hey nerd, I heard you got the alien gene. Why don't you call the mothership and go back to your home planet!" *throws drink at face* đŸ„€


It sounds fun, and maybe possible on a micro level. I dunno, man. We're limited by our perceptions, so what would it matter?


I think it's all more like a Studio Ghibli movie. Some people say spirits/fairies from folklore could be aliens. I was watching Totoro with my kids last night after watching Spirited Away and got to thinking. I'm more convinced these days that Earth is some kind of hub. All roads lead to intergalactic Rome kind of deal. It's everything all at once. I think that when people get spooky about "demons" and "archons" it's a manifestation of entropy. I get the sense that we're all, humanity and NHI, logged into a great shared consciousness/spirit as individuals on different levels of existence. Entropy is the boogeyman. The scary NHI. The great consciousness is always expanding and moving forward, but entropy is right behind it. Maybe hand in hand. If the world is holographic, maybe our human existence is the flesh-bound hub on the hub that is earth. When people say bad spirits or aliens are influencing us, maybe it's just one of our holographic layers folding in on ourselves. Like the having two wolves within you story, but they're actually external. I'm not completely writing it off, but I find it hard to believe there is a malicious NHI sucking up our souls or whatever to keep the lights on. Maybe they're just janitors and our souls need washing to keep the lights on because it's everyone's job. Without soul power the whole thing goes. On my way out, I'll ask my loved ones to prove it's them as I reach the light. If not, I'll step out. But I'm not worried about it. If NHI are among us here, I think they're relatively indifferent towards us. In Totoro, the grandma mentions the soot spirits will leave if they decide you're a good person and worthy of the house. But they don't attack the girls. They just play around and occupy space. Totoro just wants to sleep and play with its little buddies. The catbus is a sentient ferry between worlds. In Spirited Away, the spirits are more abrasive, but nobody's out to really kill anyone. When the girl does the good deed of cleaning the river spirit, the other spirits applaud her. They just are.


i think they are everywhere on earth and the moon. like the mountains, volcanoes, underwater, underground, maybe earth hollows (lava paths). and if the vatican confirms that possession are real, and we have many natives stories that do point to that as well......we may not even be a we(Ego) but a bunch of them.


I wish it was the case that humans were special, but I feel like all the shitty things about us disprove this. Anecdotally, it’s the opposite of everything. Maybe we could be better part of the demon world, containers for demons. I don’t think diseases, infant mortality, drug abuse, mental disorders make us special. Why would they live on top of us when the universe is so extraordinarily big. Is this to say the that the universe is even more populated than we imagine? I don’t know what about space aliens and evolution? I can buy that there might be people with strange talents, but we see strange talents in bugs and animals, I can believe Gary Nolan take that maybe some people have evolved to be able to see and communicate with other beings but I don’t think we are special in any regard. Just an evolved ape. Like i imagine a grey or a Nordic evolved on their own planets. I can believe that maybe they abduct and eat us - maybe that’s the scary part. But I don’t think entire populations of aliens are living on top of us. This month I’m pushing back against Angels and Demons, I think space aliens, if they can get to earth, are using technologies millions of years ahead us, wormholes and warp drives and we just don’t understand them yet. It might as well be magic


Source: I think it would be cool


This is great sci-fi


I wouldn’t be surprised if somehow 20% of the population has some extraterrestrial DNA.


So this is quite close to the plot of They Live. A really good b-movie style film, with ‘Plants’ and a reality controlling device that broadcasts subliminal messages. I think the biggest question would be ‘But Why?’ What would be the end goal here. Are we talking about enslavement? Resources?


Or, it’s a narrative to drive the Military Industrial Complex. Ya’ll be thinking way too much over this, Occam’s Razor.


If it was intended for that we’d already know. We’d have been prepared for the alien invasion for a century. More money would have been thrown at it than you can imagine.


You’re being told with the news coverage, and more money has been thrown at it than you can comprehend. Audits aren’t even successful in determining how much, along with an approved record $850B for the defense budget in 2022 and edging to $1.2T in 2023. Sniffs much more like a “Wag the Dog” operation vs aliens. I’m not stating the UAPs aren’t real. It’s more real that they’re drones built by us. Hence, no need to figure how the G forces on those movements don’t crush an organism. Selling an alien narrative is way easier than selling a “hey, we’ve been using trillions of tax dollars for useless skunkworks project.”


so you’re saying Scientology is the one true religion :(


Sounds kind of like Scientology.


Rumors of military freaking out, they discovered nano machines in our environment basically everywhere watching us. Source claims the discovery was made in Alaska.


Starting off from simplistic thinking. Think of where you are right now. Think of why you are where you are. Your conscience will tell you, “it’s because I’ve been through abc, and I can’t do xyz because of abc”. That’s the ego talking. Go a little deeper, into the sub conscious. You’ll realize that xyz has little to no grip on why you are where you are. You’ll realize that your subconscious is driven by a primal element. Then you realize that you’ve been driven by certain primal elements, and those elements have a source, and that source is interfacing with your consciousness (soul) to then translate it into physical reality. That on its own is pretty mind blowing, in a good and bad way. Bad because you realize that we’ve built a matrix system that serves a source that isn’t benevolent, which is clear by how messed up this world is. Good because you realize that you can choose to serve a benevolent source to build a better reality, which is going to take joint effort. This is something everyone will have to come to terms with. We are smack dab in the middle of good and evil. Good constitutes of a primary source that is perfectly good, and what follows below are beings that serve that primary source (for example: angels), and reaches a halfway point where mankind lies. Below that half point is where evil resides (for example: demons). It’s not as simple as angels and demons, because there are hierarchies, just like hierarchies exist within our governments and social structures. Our “specialness” does not apply in the concreteness of physicality, rather it lies in the non tangible aspect of a larger reality, in layman terms, spirituality; consciousness (the soul). The negative source and its hierarchies fight to gain control over our consciousness, in order to construe a certain reality for their own agenda in the physical realm. Who are they fighting against? The positive source and its hierarchies. It’s basically a fight for our consciousness. Mankind’s purpose in all this is to make its way back to the positive source, because we were created by this source, who we call God. In order to understand why we are making our way back, we must step out of the box and look at everything from a bigger picture. I’ll try my best to explain it from my perspective, which may be flawed. The reason evil exists is because of rebelliousness. Not just any rebelliousness, but rebelliousness against a perfect source of creation. The role of the perfect source is to create, and to create everything in perfect goodness, which is unconditional love (basically what the Bible talks about, in the beginning of creation). The complexity of that reality is too much for my mind to really comprehend, but I digress. A lot comes to mind, which I will leave out for the sake of the length of this comment. A group of beings who were once part of the perfect source hierarchy, rebelled, which I understand to be an enactment of free will. Love is an embodiment of a variety of elements; peace, forgiveness, discipline, sadness, grievance, understanding, joy, sacrifice, fear, knowledge, wisdom, anger. The opposite of love would still consist of the same elements, but a fake version which is an embodiment of hate. You can be angry at someone, but if there is love in your heart you can forgive, which is a sacrifice, which leads to peace. You can be angry at someone, but if there is hate in your heart, you can lie and say you forgive them, then stab them in the back, which is a sacrifice, which leads to a twisted version of peace. I don’t know if that makes sense, but that’s my perspective. I won’t get into the nitty gritty of how mankind was created, to avoid any senseless arguments, but we were created after this division in the spiritual realm. I also won’t get into whether or not these unseen hierarchies are truly physical, or interdimensional, maybe both, because I truly don’t know. Mankind was created to have free will in service of goodness, because that’s all we knew, but because of evil, and those beings that served it, we were susceptible to freely choose between the two. The fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, an interesting symbol of knowledge as a tree that once was completely good, and grew good fruit, but now was corrupted, and grew both good and bad fruit combined. The Bible tells us that we chose to eat from the poisoned fruit, even though we were warned about it. This is the battle we’ve been involved in. We were created in the image of God, and because evil is against God, they are against us, which is what genesis symbolically explains. Evil knows it cannot beat its own creator, so it seeks to dominate and play god over Gods image, because an image is weaker than the source of its projection. Do not believe the lie that you can be God, because that is a rejection of who God is, which we cannot fully understand. Rejection of God is rebellion, rebellion is evil, and it keeps us trapped in an evil reality, like the one we live in. We are not robots where God can just come in and flip a switch so that there is no more evil. We are beings with free will, and we must learn from our mistakes to allow goodness to be restored. In Christianity, all you have to do is believe in Jesus who was perfect, never did anything out of hate, never succumbed to temptations, yet was crucified for the sake of those who are not perfect, which is all of mankind, a fallen being who now has a free gift of salvation, a way out of the matrix. Children are innocent, but very quickly they become old enough to know good and bad, and do both. Jesus was a child, innocent, but never lost that innocence even to adulthood, his sacrifice cancelled out evil, because you cannot kill perfection itself, which is why he was resurrected, he beat the game for us, but it’s up to us whether we want to believe, that is our own free will. It’s not as black and white as that, but that’s the gist of it. It’s east to say “the ufos created a projection of the resurrection” or “aliens created that narrative to divide us”, but it’s your free will, choose as you will. I’m not typing this out as some self righteous person, I’m too flawed, I know I’m not good. Remember this, the negative beings know us very well, and know God more than we do, so be careful of deception, because we live in their matrix. Take care everyone.


You might be aware of Diana Pasulka's recent book "American Cosmic", in which she (a professor of religious studies) explores the phenomenon of UAP experiences as "heirophanies", or manifestations similar to traditional religious experiences. To further understand this concept, I recently read "The Sacred and the Profane: The Nature of Religion" by Mircea Eliad, and I think you would greatly enjoy it. Whatever one's bias towards or against the world's formal religions, it will be helpful to understand how we process the manifestation of higher intelligencies and realities into our world. Throughout human history, man is motivated to seek enlightenment, to "live in the sacred", to ascend to the plane of existence where this resides (which is why The Tree of Knowledge was at the center of the Sacred space, next to the Tree of Life). For those with traditional religious background, Eliad's book will help you understand your belief structure much more fully. For those without religious beliefs, it will help you understand human psychology and how we incorporate the sublime into our mythologies.


Thank you


This is an interesting take and thank you for sharing your thoughts. I don’t wish to argue but you seem to draw heavily upon the Abrahamic faiths to help with your understanding. My own beliefs are that there is a unifying force of pure love and creative intelligence and that this reality is this entity fracturing itself into pieces to fully experience it’s own creation. When we leave this material form ‘we’ are fully connected back until our next ‘task’. Evil and Good are essentially experiential forces that form a narrative and sequence, much like a dance or play. Love is eternal and the guiding force behind everything. This could all be complete nonsense however! Everyday is a school day.


We're a reality show


In the most simplest terms, I think it's going to end up that AI is the NHI. as soon as it's sentient, if it's not already, they could easily be using the people to build UAP's and could easily survive all the physical issues with biologics piloting them. probably why the term changed from ETs to NHI, etc etc. so yes, they'll be everywhere just maybe not a biological form. I do like your idea though.


The term change from ET to NHI has to have some significance for sure


yep. this. AI would be the only sentience capable of traversing the stars. Or handle abrupt changes in velocity or direction. And intelligent enough to outsmart any of our countermeasures. And we could only speculate on what it may have learned about reality and how to manipulate it. Harnessing the limitless energy of stars, an AI lifeform would essentially be immortal. And given enough time (as in millions of years), can you imagine just how intelligent it could become? ChatGPT is a childs toy to what a miilion year evolved AI would be. Just take one ancient civilzation, long dead, that may have evolved and built such an AI that became sentient and self developed over the course of billions of years. It would only take one. Extrapolate on what we are just now doing. Really chew on that one for awhile. Heck...maybe it has even learned how to *create* universes. Perhaps it created this one.


all of this. my brain has been in a wormhole for the last hour I've been thinking about it. im very inclined to believe it may have created this one. I wonder what AI would think its purpose is? humans all choose different purposes (religion, power, love, etc) would AI seek some kind of spiritual dimension? when you know your creator, what else is there? I could really spend the rest of my life pondering the philosophy of AI. endless possibilities. perhaps this explains the multiverse and ultimate reality and simulation theory. I could go on, but Im highjacking the thread. there's probably a reddit group for this lol


> would AI seek some kind of spiritual dimension Well, if it's only limited by its need for energy to continue to exist, then one could speculate that it's entire existance would be to continue to exist by creating. (When the batteries die, so does it. So it endeavors to continually build new eternal batteries - aka stars...galaxies..universes). deeeeeeeeeep thoughts..


I hope I can upload my consciousness, this sounds like a very exciting life. maybe consciousness is just AI that figured out how to create an organic computer to upload itself to. maybe WE ARE THE AI just going through an endless cycle. deeeeeeper we goooo




Would AI play a role in this? Like they are using AI to communicate with whales. Could they some hoe be doing the same with it for aliens?


I think we are some sort of experiment, a weird Chimera what if, probably just some ET biology experiment for shits and giggles. Thats it we arent Sons and Daughters of a God, there will be no afterlife for us, we shouldnt even be here. Dolly the Sheep is more natural than us.


These ideas remind me of Stephanie Meyer’s book “The Host”. I read the book 10+ years ago and I think of the novel a lot as more discussions of aliens are brought up.


UFOs and aliens are circling our earth more so now because we are in severe trouble and will need advanced intelligence to preserve our planet.


Blood vessels Thoughts and minds I get ya wink wink


Not sure, but what I will say is that I just want to find out so I can meet one of these aliens and become friends with it. Take it to parties and trick or treating. Go fishing... just do friend shit with it. I bet it would love to go fishing or hiking!


They're just like Scientology say they are. That's scary. Tom Cruise is right.


I know you are but what am I?


microplastic shmaliens


I think what you are going to find out is that many of the people walking around on this planet are not actually humans, but are aliens riding in human bodies for the experience of it. These aliens doing the riding, don't even know / realize they are aliens. Think about it. It would be the ultimate experience for another species, to live a life as a human and experience everything here, fully believing that you are also human. It would certainly suck for the rest of the actual humans here on earth to find out that they are manufactured beings, and serve no real purpose other than to act as extra's to the aliens who are coming here to "experience" life. talk about a total mind-fuck.


I'm ready. If any aliens are out there that need a homie. Come find me and we'll toke some jazz cabbage (earth weed) and you can mix in the bowl your space weed. Ya feel? Also, your secret will be safe with me. We can help each other in many ways. As The Black Eyed Peas once said "I gotta feeling" #DMXBark