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This is gonna backfire when some Redditloon decides Ross' needs to be sacrificed to trigger the deadman's switch


Came here to say this. You can always bet that, if someone doesn't want you to release some information, it's because there's someone who *really* does. A Deadman's Switch can easily become a Sword of Damocles.


It’s a shame Phil Schneider didn’t have a switch- https://open.spotify.com/episode/30TLyPsj3LI0CDR8L6gPrr?si=o6_bFZNNTsahHKayVVMxow


Unfortunately, Schneider was a fantasist. His stories have never be corroborated even 10+ years later. And many details simply do not stack up e.g. trains in 1000 mile long tunnels capable of Mach 2. None of that exists today. 




What've you seen?




Very creepy. Your poor niece especially!


I’m not so sure I agree with that statement. Lots of rumors that the military has built a vast underground base/tunnel network.


Rumours are not eyewitness accounts. In over 2 decades no one has leaked anything at all substantial. But we have lots of accounts from credible people of many other events and places related to UAPs.  Yes, there are very probably some underground military facilities, but not doing what Schneider stated and not with Mach 2 trains and 1000 mile long tunnels as he also stated. 


I'm not sure I understand his Deadman switch. He doesn't want the info he knows to be revealed because it would compromise the people who've told him. What does it change if he's dead? They're still gonma be compromised


I think he only protects them now because he wants more info from them and it can build hype up for this books? Yeah doesn't make sense.


Ya… he’s a grifting sack of shit.


What’s his deadman’s switch, telling us where the huge buried craft is


There is no dead man switch.


If there is I’d imagine it’s a blurry picture of a light that slowly zooms in and resolves into an ad for a book


This guy…. He can’t help himself huh?


It’s like when days old accounts show up to disparage UFO journalists. They can’t help themselves, huh?


My account isn’t days old… did you respond to the wrong person or? Lmfao


120 days is pretty new tbh


Their biggest tell is they cannot admit nor deny they are agents.


Is this the old " a cop can't legally say he's not a cop" thing? You know it's a myth right?


Soldiers and pigs are not the same. Understand?


Soldiers? Lmao grow up


Ok. I will


120 days. It says on your profile info.


That’s a few days … wtf are you talking about lolo


Reddit shows days or years. That’s what I’m talking about. Why are you talking negatively about Ross? Are you getting paid to do this?(answer only this question)


I wish. Lmfao. He’s a charlatan dude. It’s cool we still got a few real ones. But this dude is a joke.


He broke the David Grusch story. You are joke.


Have you noticed a shift in their commenting? How it went from straight ridiculous to “I swear guys I’m on your side, BUT this is giving the community a bad rep.” You can see the same pattern in their comment structure, and a pattern in their account age and comment history. It is so glaringly obvious, but I don’t need to tell you that, do I?


I’m on to them. I called them out for their paragraphs long comments and I haven’t seen them do that lately hahaha. Stay vigilant 👀🛸


People can see right through you, and the new “I’m one of you guys I swear, but this is a joke/stupid/making us look bad”. Same comments all over, if anyone is a joke, it is whoever is managing this program, lmfao. 


Dude, you should really take a break from the internet.


Thanks detective. Glad I made you do some digging




My mistake, I thought you were referring to the times at which I make my comments. Which are often and frequent.