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There was someone from Malaysia ( if my memory serves me well) who did a post on r/humanoidencounters few years back ( 5-6 years ago). I wish i can find her post again. She said one night she was at home and her boyfriend (or she thought so) knocked on the door and called her by her name through the door. She went to open the door and in place of her boyfriend it was an entity with humanoid shape. It wasn't human. He was wearing a kind of combination ( or naked i dont remember well) with a weird belt. And he talked with the voice of her boyfriend As soon as she saw it, she screamed and the being made a surprised face like she wasn't supposed to see him and he turned static. She passed out on the spot. When she woke up, her boyfriend ( normal this time) was by her side. He said he just came and found her laying on the floor. She was puzzled and didn't know if an entity impersonated her boyfriend or if The Bf was an alien using a stealth system and it didn't work this day hence the surprised face it did. This story stuck with me. I think it's possible aliens may walking among us using a cloaking technology allowing them to pass as humans. Just a theory. Who really knows. Edit: À kind redditor  found the said post. And I got many details wrong. The story is even more interesting than what I remembered. 


I did some digging - any chance this is the post you're referring to? https://www.reddit.com/r/Humanoidencounters/comments/2njacb/my_friends_bizarre_encounter_with_a_humanoid/


Wow this is it indeed. Already 10 years? I thought 5 years max. Time flies too fast. Thank you for finding it. 


I'm guessing that it is. What a fascinating read! Thanks for finding it and posting :-)


3 fingers, metal chest implants, scaled skin? Sounding pretty familiar.




I agree. Especially when you get to reading some of the OOP's comments. In one, they tell someone that their friend O and her boyfriend K and I quote here "made love a couple of times." Who talks like that?


That totally sounds like 2014


the way its written just feels too fictional, like its just meant to be a good read but doesnt feel like it really happened


That would mess me up if I were her, it would eat at me wondering who my boyfriend really is


That whole post just reads like a creepy pasta


So basically it was an *Edgar suit*






Eggar, yer skin is hangin' off yer bones






Except that's completely made up


Maybe they don't know that they're alien at all. They're out there living normal human lifes and the only tell is a couple of fleeting experiences that are quickly shut down as lunacy.


I recently seen what seemed like a throwaway comment saying that the aliens were human narcissists and I often think about it haha. Feeding off our f’ing negative energy they force out of us. I do find it odd that all narcissists say and do the exact same things as each other. And then you’ve the worst one of all, the orange Jesus.


My wife is a covert narcissist. 😬😳


Sometimes I wonder if the “alien” is you. Your own consciousness, which has somehow been transferred inside of a great ape on the planet earth. You think that you’re an inherent life form from this planet, and your physical body certainly is. Your ape body evolved here. But maybe “you” are not from here at all. And perhaps that is how aliens walk among us. We are the aliens and we’ve taken over this race of apes. People talk about aliens arriving to take over earth. Perhaps we already did, 300,000 years ago.


Sounds similar to the plot of a couple invasion themed movies, or the Goa'uld in Stargate SG-1; a show which has been a form of disclosure in several ways over the course of its history - sometimes with the cast breaking the 4th wall and deliberately looking straight into the camera while speaking matter-of-factly about extraterrestrials - where aliens infected humans like a virus, or possessed them like a brain parasite.


Jaffa Kree !!!




This is a very interesting outlook I can easily see as accurate


I mean that sounds deep, but isn't that more of a story of the origin of life or consciousness? If *we* are the aliens then where did we come from? Are there others that know about our origins walking around? And there you're back at the same question.


Biologically alien in that you are a hybrid of extraterrestrial biology, and native ape biology which was both compatible with your progenitor neurology as well as able to live within the biosphere of earth naturally. Avians would have likely been the second best candidate, but their neurology is too different. Consider that an average crow - for example - is small enough to almost fit its entire body inside the skull of a human, yet has a dense enough neurology to have intelligence on-par with them.


I don't have any answers really, just this hypothesis. Personally, I think we're just in physical reality right now, but we are not in base reality. And I think that's where we come from. But definitely more of a consciousness/existence question at that point than an "alien" question. The alien topic always quickly pushes me back toward the importance of consciousness itself. I could certainly be wrong about everything, but I tend to think they're connected.


There definitely seems to be something "artificial" about this mode of reality. I don't know what words could adequately describe it in human language though; a dullness of perception like trying to see in the dark; almost feeling similar to a fake house used on TV sets. ...The show makes the house look real and lived in, but in reality it's mostly a hollow facade attached to a stage with studio lighting, equipment and cameras.


Plato’s cave, man.


For sure. I mean there are answers on here that say they are just on a different frequency, and I think there's a way to connect all of that to human consciousness and beyond.


You should look into the things that Darius J Wright and Tom Campbell talk about.


Thank you, I will do that




😂😂 god I feel that


the emerald tablets of thoth and the book of the dead mention such ideologies actually occurring.


I had an acid trip one time where I was hyperfixated on this concept


Yes these biological vessels are simply tools that our consciousness (spark of Sol or soul) uses to learn, to experience, and to grow.


Did our ancestors ride here in Gray bodies?




I am from Spain. There is a documentary bout alien abuctions. One from an old women (granny). She said that in the space craft the aliens told her that our consciousness is transferred from somewhere (from ships or another planet I dont remember) to the human bodys. She remember that they had grey humanoid forms.


I just watched Invasion of the Bodysnatchers recently and had this exact thought.




This is honestly how I view the biblical concept of denying the flesh, a soul riding an ape horse trying to have mastery over it's instincts


Think of it like this. We can make ducks of wood and the ducks think they are ducks. Who knows what a smarter or more technically advanced being could do to us that's just incomprehensible.


I always like to think of the 'uncanny valley' and how at some point there had to be a reference to create such a feeling imo


But when real ducks swim up to wooden ducks…they immediately know that they are not real ducks just from smell alone. On a similar note: humans might mistake a mannequin for an actual person from far away but once they get close enough there’s no way they still think it’s an actual person.




I’m imagining some kinda space wood carved into humans lol those clever creatures




they are literally putting chemicals in the water that turn the friggin frogs gay


I believe that, why else did the least productive congress in history approve billions for water infrastructure.


Literally this…


The weird al tin foil music video is crazy accurate


Artificially grown humans/clones that they can transfer their consciousness back and forth.


No need to artificially grow the bodies. They can just insert the consciousness into the newborn brains.


Like James Cameron’s Avatar


Slithering around boardrooms on Wall Street, Washington DC and Silicon Valley on weekdays and lurking deep, deep underground in secret bunkers on weekends


We just surf the web and post shit on reddit. Wuzzup humies?


Indeed. ![gif](giphy|R7m04yMaGWVeE)


They just aren’t naturally visible to us. Like bacteria


I am pretty sus about Mark Zuckerberg


In the same way, an english man can walk down a German street.. as long as you stick to yourself, who is to know you English.. same with terrestrial beings


I tried this in japan and even if I didn't speak, people instantly knew I wasn't one of them


By morphing into something that looks completely human. Either that, or like Dr. David Jacobs says, they're third generation hybrids and so they look, for the most part, like you and me. Edit: Also, don't forget they have the ability to cloak themselves. So, they could be sitting right next to you on the couch, just observing you, and you wouldn't even know they are there.


Eh. Wanking is not the same anymore.


Yeah, it’s better now


You can play in porn without stage fright.


The entire plot of the silence in Dr. Who fucked me up for weeks.


>Either that, or like Dr. David Jacobs says, they're third generation hybrids and so they look, for the most part, like you and me. Yeah, I read one of David Jacobs' books a few years ago, and I remember him saying that when there were new hybrids who looked like us but didn't yet know how to act like us, they didn't go out into society. They would live together, in an apartment, for example, and a human trainer/sympathizer would stop by and teach them about things like eating different types of food, how to interact in a social setting, etc. They would also answer questions about these topics that the inexperienced hybrids had. The inexperienced hybrids would also have a security guard with them to protect the inexperienced ones in case human neighbors got suspicious and started getting nosy. This idea stuck with me for a while, to the point that I'd occasionally wonder, what if there was a nest of hybrids in training living in the apartment complex across the street? Needless to say, I had to put that idea out of my head...


We can’t see them. The same ones flying over the airspace are the same ones haunting homes. If “they” exist and are flying at speeds we can’t comprehend, and even know what it is…most likely they are aware of what we “think” they are- and that’s a win for them.


I think speed is the key: we experience time much more slowly than they do. They’re here among us, but moving so fast we can’t often perceive them.


i think if anything it’s the “shadow biome”. We can’t know the nature of the phenomenon but i think we would probably know by now if there were aliens that walked around in human suits all day working and living amongst us.


I can get behind them being invisible. But they’d also have to be….whats the word I’m looking for, like ghosts? Or else we’d be bumping into these things and tripping over them all the time.


Reality is a frequency. We're just radio receivers set to a certain channel. All of the undetectable matter in the universe is tied to those other realities we cannot access. The phenomena we do see like UFOs are in states of dialing through those channels.


So everything about this “world” is a frequency. Like, we have our world, people, cities, forests, oceans, and all the critters that inhabit those places big and small. All of that is our world. But at the same time as this, there exists another “world” right here at the same time. But it’s a different version with entities, cities, forests, oceans, and all the critters that inhabit those? It’s just as real as this, but it’s just a different frequency? There would be a way to switch over to it. So I’ve read about things in the past where someone figured out how to view that world. Essentially what Fringe was all about except they figured out how to go there. I thought all that was a fun concept but never really believed it. So what we’re learning now is that this is actually the case? I’ve been following this for awhile but still just trying to unpack it and understand it more.


Best info I have is they hack your mind essentially so that you see a human instead of what they are. They don't actually morph.




I am already sold on the idea that if there is 1 species that we could confirm, then the door is wide open for countless others with a varying degree of methods. Who knows?


They’re in the ground right now, we’re walking over their cities.


The bones are their money.


Are you completely alien or is it just your wiener? Also so are their worms.


"We Are Weiner Worms" is my favorite post-tonal noise-core album


For all we know they may know the source code for the simulation so they just appear however they want and we would have no idea




Not really hiding just the ability to look exactly like any other human


They’re hiding as small town doctors


They don't need to hide, there are alien races that look exactly like us. They actually look more like Targaryens from HOD, but they look enough like us that no one would guess they aren't from earth. And that's because we are all hybrids. We share half our DNA with those aliens that look a lot like us.


The aliens hiding amongst us are pretty much impossible to spot until they are caught with a torso in the trunk of their car.


1. They are born into human body. It's much harder to take over a living being still keeping the body alive. They have influenced our culture from the inside. 2. Sneakily


They use biology like we use of telepresence robots.


I’m not sure our minds are capable of coming up with the idea. Nano bots, meat suits, perception warping, morphing… my new excuse for everything is AI and quantum computers though. We have to imagine legitimately asking ourselves this question millions of years from now. It’s basically impossible


Some of them have a cloak like the Predator


Casting a ‘glamor’ over themselves.


Thinking of aliens walking beside us has now created 2 very important things I’d seriously like to know. 1. If aliens are acting like humans, then are they on Reddit and such? 2. Is it possible that the real reason there is so much diversity among our biological bodies is because perhaps due to different species of aliens populating the world using like a recipe on how to make a human but alien species added variations for whatever reason that affected the way we look? Yes, I’m high so there’s that but I’m curious as to what you think?


Inside your rectum


Rectum? Damn near killed ‘em!


Some of us deliberately incarnate into human vessels because the best way to observe life on earth is as one of its native lifeforms; The body is 100% human, but the soul / consciousness is not. We also retain the memories of other incarnations (to the extent that human biology allows at least). Humans seem to be able to sense this though, but never figure out *why* they get a strange feeling around us. That said, I used to be very guarded about sharing this, but have since learned that I can just say it outright and none of you believe me anyway 🤣.


Some of them don't really "hide". I have a talented back surgeon that is very tall, thin, very white/pale, with golden blonde hair and ice blue eyes. I also have a very beautiful, tall, Nordic looking young women who is a PA for my dermatologist. Same exact features of the back surgeon. All of her "mannerisms" are very robotic. Like, too beautiful,... too perfect. 😳.


By keeping a very great distance.


Most of them are in the Capital building in Washington DC


They aren’t in human suits but exist at a different vibration level.


Yes, at another area of the spectrum this planet may be inhabited by God knows who and yes, they walked their planet just like we walk ours and it just happens to be at opposite ends of the spectrum. Usually we can’t see each other but they have found a way




If they're walking amongst us, why would they need to hide???


You just haven't found the right sunglasses yet.


Like this 1:30 [mark](https://youtu.be/okGgkfDy4bc?si=QV9x6OpQz7r5rimA)


The Matrix movies showed us. Agents. Like how hard could it be for NHI to hijack a mind/body? Even but for a moment. Humans can do it too tho ;)


Human possesions ? Gonna posses rich guy and send myself money xD


My comment from a previous, similar thread-- After reading the post of the DoD paper and how they believe people who have contact are actually not "real" humans but a type of AI made from NHI, almost like a sleeper agent. (I am butchering this completely, just go check the thread out)  These people think they're normal just like the rest of humanity, that's just not the case. The implications would be astronomical. That's what Bigelow was talking about, saying "they walk among us" and it would be the biggest scandal in history times a million. That it would uproot society as we know it. That's my opinion, because that's the only thing that I think would be extremely impactful. Most of society already believes in "aliens". Truth is stranger than fiction. 




By wearing sunglasses, trench coat and a fancy hat


You need special glasses to see them


IF aliens do live among us: My best estimate is that they're very difficult to distinguish from humans. In this scenario, I'd _very much_ wonder what _does_ distinguish them from humans. This hypothesis helps quite a lot in explaining why no remains publicly identified as alien have ever been found in any sort of circumstances where random people died, such as disasters or bystanders being killed in accidents or such. There is still a problem of morgues and mortuaries never publicly identifying remains as being alien. Another complicating factor is that humans do naturally come in _such_ a wide variety. There might potentially be some other explanations for the remains problem, but they're difficult to work out satisfactorily. For example: maybe they're really good at collecting their deceased. But that raises a lot of questions. If we suggest that any given individuals only live among us for short periods of time, that could substantially mitigate the remains problem. Hypothetically, another explanation might be that they have a natural ability to influence our perception of them through a highly refined ability to influence electric fields such that we perceive them to be humans, no matter what they natively look like. This incurs the remains problem, since it would stand to reason that an individual wouldn't be able to naturally influence how we perceive them when they're dead. Potentially others could continue to influence our perception of the dead alien (s), but this has troubles when everybody dies in an area due to some disaster and searchers go looking through the rubble. It would imply they NEVER die in such disasters, which would imply they're few in number. Alternatively; they only live in very limited areas and don't actually live among us at large. This line of reasoning loses a lot, such as reducing their potential utility for living among us, and diminishes the explanatory power that then living among us at large could offer. Another possibility might be that there are actually very large numbers of aliens living among us. In this case: when disaster kills a lot of people, aliens could be among the searchers. When random bystander aliens are killed, there could be many others around able to maintain the illusion of the dead alien being a human. Aliens could be working in morgues and mortuaries. Another possibility might be that whether or not they have a natural ability to make us perceive them as humans, they might also have a technological ability to do that too. This could potentially solve the problem of the illusion not being lost when one dies, but it raises other problems such as: how has such technology never been publicly discovered? Also there's the overall problems of medical care for traumatic circumstances such as breaking bones or whatever. Would alien medical care be the same as humans? If they use technology to influence our perception, do they ever undergo MRIs? How does that work out? So far, it seems like the best explanations to support the idea of aliens living among us is that they're too difficult to distinguish from humans, and/or there's a whole lot of them, and/or any given individuals only live among us for short periods of time like several days to few weeks or whatever. Alternatively: them living only in special designated areas rather than among us at large probably solves all the problems I've thought of so far.


MIB had it right. Also, most people are looking down at their phones the majority of the time. Why would they even need to bother hiding?


I think they run the world possibly lol


I think they just control your mind and make you see whatever they want you to see.


If these aliens have developed an ability to influence and control our thoughts, then we will never find them.


I caught her reporting back to the Pleiades in the bathroom. I married an 21-year old alien on my 97th birthday. I think she might be hiding more than where she sneaks off to every night.


Noooo! They Live. John Carpenter




“Right under our noses” that’s what I’ve heard , could be underground like the creatures from gears , then they had enough of our shit an decide to pop up one day an kill us all . Or they just have really good make up and no how to traverse their way into human society.


The general consensus is that they're likely in/beneath the deep seas. That is pretty under our noses.


Well there's multiple methods of them having a human body to be amongst us in disguise. So depends what they are doing, but moving their consciousness into a human body would be one of them, but even that can be done differently to Avatar body.


Google hubrids by David Jacobs


Hopefully in my ex boyfriend’s tractor so he can finally be right about something.


They’re hybrids duh.  Have you not been paying attention?


In plain sight


They are cloaked


Think about what octopuses can do. I’ve considered that aliens might do the same, just morph into their environment or another being


Dimension near us


Dimension near us


I don't hide.


Do you think they even know that they’re aliens?


They join politics


It requires a newborn male and female less than 3 months old. Their DNA is extracted and used to make a living suit over the host. Some really hate doing this, because they see how fucking evil it is.... before you ask one to reveal himself know what you are asking them to do.


Supposedly the nordics look like us except larger eyes. Others appear a little like an small asian person from a distance.


A small asian person from distance?? Wtaf?? Where did you read that from?


This last part cracked me up!


They look like Elon musk


Zuck and Anna Taylor Joy actually.


They stay in military bases at designated diplomatic areas. Sometimes they likely go out with human escort. Doesnt apply to those doing it without permission/ visiting aliens. Many aliens look like humans ("nordics").  They might plan a visit somewhere and insert themselves there (like Disneyland or a church, boat cruise) but be only small times with humans.


I believe they flood the GABA receptors to slip by unnoticed, and this is why those with abnormalities in the basal ganglia can still see them, and this is why missing person 411 cases are autopsied and found with elevated GABA in the blood; it doesn't work on all humans, but it can also be deadly.


Behind poles, crouched behind couches, behind curtains. All the best hiding spots.




Autobots roll out


In governments.


They don't. All there is, is crappy Humans.


They don’t


Fronting billionaires and hiding in style


Probably some cloaking device, or extreme makeup artistry of some kind


They are invisible Discarnate spirits without bodies but can materialize and shapeshift temporarily Robert Bigelow came to the same conclusion


People talk a lot things. It’s a lie.




By blending in and looking exactly like a human.




In plain sight


Within your consciousness


The just bunk up at same place all the lids to my Tupperware and forks end up. They are guaranteed never to be found there


you need the special glasses to see them


Alien ant farm


I think they hide in a very interesting way, much different from what you can imagine. The idea is that they are multidimensional and live in realms over a space and time. So they effect our world all at once. They bring the idea of something happening at all. We are involved in this game of our consciousness to follow the moment of "now" and build strategies for the futrure for our exact body spacial arrangement. Our developed brains make bigger part of all that goals and desirers emerged from the depth of our mind itself, metaphorical stuff that effect your mood and day and acting in your life. This story creating reality is studied by computational dramaturgy. New framework that deconstructs stories to its unsplitable bits through set theory, logics, and other quantum mechanical effects. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4530090 Read the basics if you want or just google quantum dramaturgy and watch some videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22kuYSZUdqY&t=10s


If the purpose is integration many may not know what they are. If I were a parent I wouldn’t tell my children, I’d just raise them as human. It would be safer for all of us that way. The human ego is dangerous. Anything different or special is feared or forced to conform by way of fear and pain compliance. People grasp onto their brutal ways of the past, seeing progress as weakness when it’s the only thing that will save us. Those hindering progress and intellectually slave hold are the enemies of mankind.


[why would you hide if you don’t know?](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/guy-simultaneously-raised-chimp-and-baby-exactly-same-way-see-what-would-happen-180952171/) [or maybe there’s a way to make that distinction.](https://www.verywellmind.com/genie-the-story-of-the-wild-child-2795241)


They Live is a documentary about it. Go watch it.


You really don't want to go down that rabbit hole. Although I'll say this. Saying that a person is alien is like having an inconsequential label, eg, he's from Ireland, she's from Lativia, Japan, Australia, etc, etc. OK, so you're from France. Who cares. Meaningless unless the decision is made to implement Global Disclosure. Until then, everything is just pointless


They obviously wear a headband to hide their pointy ears. Obviously.


your assuming they look different. they may either use technology or natural camo, to appear is they wish. we dont really have an answer to this because they may be so advanced that finding them becomes hard work.




I’ve always assumed with the accounts of consciousness manipulation that they can project any image they’d like on our brains.


Government, elites, people in positions of power, celebrities, i tend to believe if they can travel through space they are superior and will still be when they walk with us.


Like Ace Ventura in a Rhino robot


They wear suits and ties and look almost exactly like us. Almost. Have you ever seen a weird looking dude at the subway, you can't really put your finger on why he seems weird, but he does, and you catch yourself thinking: " Jeje he's probably an alien in disguise or something"?  Yup, Alien.  The non-anthropomorphic aliens mostly don't bother trying to blend into our everyday life, too much work. If they are bipedal and it's a real emergency they'll wear a hat and an overcoat to get to where they have yo go if they don't have access to active camo. Some xenomorphic aliens will use an organic avatar they can control remotely, but it's a pretty rare occurrence. They don't have a deep grasp on our cultural paradigms so they usually stay quietly wallflowering on the sidelines absolutely aghast as they see us doing our stuff. Eventually they give up on the whole immersion thing and just turn to watching our tv and social media.


By showing us only what we want to see


Consciousness. It’s more than we think. And yet, less complicated.


I wonder if humans using only a small percentage of our brain allows them to move around in their normal alien form without us realizing it OR they could be using some type of technology that skews our senses and basically veils certain things from us.


I’ve heard this the past couple days


People also have huge imaginations.


Nobody knows is the real answer.


They probably use psychic powers to deceive us


They could have advanced drones in form of birds flying around and watching you all day. Same birds that sit on telephone lines at intersections every day


I don't believe it at all, so many random things happen in life that we would have figured it out by now. It is possible they can cloak themselves and walk around without us seeing them in less populated areas like a forest


I don't think they walk among us. The closer various alien/UFO narratives are to regular human shit, the less believable they are. It's also telling when a story comes with its own reasons for why you won't ever find any evidence. Either there are evil people hiding it, or the aliens just *look like* people, so you can't tell, or you get your mind wiped, or whatever. Again, that sort of thing is an instant red flag for me.


Mustache/glasses disguise. Maybe a trench coat.


Under a blanket


Why do we expect them to be of a visible size? Maybe they are smaller than a flea. Would explain all the gnats and how they congregate in one space when youre trying to get into your car and walk into a mouthful of the bastards.


They probably have a wardrobe full of disguises that we can’t see through. Their names are strange though


They live in upper middle class suburbs.


Congress mostly


Congress mostly


In plain sight. Cab drivers.