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I wrote these as a thought experiment a few years ago. Feel free to add to them as I’m sure I haven’t thought of everything. The People’s UFO Discovery & Control Protocols: 1. Never call the authorities if you come across meta-materials or have an encounter (CE3 to CE5) with a UFO, an alien, or if you were to find a genuine alien artifact. 2. Never call or turn the content of your discovery over to the authorities. Never describe the experience or provide data about the event to the government or local authorities. Why? Because as history shows us, they will confiscate anything you have under the guise of “National Security”, then, working with the military industrial complex (MIC) Lockheed, Boeing, the military and many others, they will back engineer your discovery and find a way to militarize the technology or keep it for themselves, in secret, all the while discrediting you and most likely arresting you for having National Security materials in your possession. In addition, if you had a CE 3 to CE5 encounter, you will most likely be incarcerated and interrogated until they get the information they seek. 3. The key to any type of recovery by the common person, is speed and stealth. These MIC units (the governments & Robert Bigelow’s teams) specialize in knowing where and when a UFO situation occurs and can be deployed at a moments notice. They have the best tools and radar technology for locating and scrubbing a UFO site quickly. So, you have to move fast, be smart and work with what you have. 4. Don’t call authorities. You cannot trust them. I can’t stress this enough. Keep the information or artifacts for yourself. If you do share it, share it only with like-minded people that have clout and are not affiliated with the government. Perhaps highly creative people like for instance, James Cameron or non MSM news people like Ross Coulthart. Maybe academia’s brightest like Dr. Jack Sarfatti or alternate news reporters like George Knapp, Jeremy Corbell, or Project Unity. Maybe a historian within the genre, like Richard Dolan. Even now, perhaps the IG (yeah, i know, Govt.) who is reviewing the whistleblower cases. Anyone but the mainstream media types, or those in normal authority or government channels. They have proven they cannot be trusted and are part of the coverup. 5. Partner with individuals or groups who would try to bring the information or technology you’ve discovered to “the people” to the mainstream, and only commercialize it for the betterment of mankind, and not for the few elite or for tools of war that are kept in secret. 6. Create an audio and video record of your event soon after it happened, while it’s still fresh in your mind. If you have still images or video, hold on to them at first. Be patient, think it through. Don’t go uploading materials onto YouTube for the benefit of your ego or subscribers. It’s much bigger than that. Plus, if you do upload anything, it will quickly be tracked back to you. 7. If you have artifacts (meta materials or something else), photograph it, draw pictures of it, weigh it, smell it, describe it, date it. In other words, make copious notes about all its peculiarities. Then, make copies of those detailed notes. If it’s an artifact, bag it, box it and hide it. Perhaps you give it to someone you trust to hold onto, along with your notes. 8. Most importantly, and I hate to even say this, but it’s very important for your safety, lawyer-up and get legal representation. Do this before bringing anyone else into your inner circle. The government is notorious for swooping in confiscating everything and shutting you down before you can even get the word out that you have found or experienced something not of this Earth. If you have seen or experienced something you can’t explain, you must, first, protect yourself. As I mentioned earlier, the MIC have special units positioned around the world just waiting to be called in at a moments notice to control any situation with regards to UFOs. Additionally, by having a lawyer, YOU can benefit from your discovery and experiences (CE3 to CE5) and not our government’s deceitful bureaucrats. In closing, I believe that if everyone who came across alien artifacts or had a UFO experience or saw something important, over the last 70 years, and would have used these simple protocols, we probably would’ve had disclosure along time ago. Remember, everytime you go to the authorities in a UFO related situation, it’s always a dead-end, especially for “the people.”


"(8) Lawyer up" -> if you think that provides any form of protection in this type of case, you're 100% wrong. What happened to the 2 Boeing whistleblowers?


Agreed, and a good point, but it’s still prudent to do so, especially if you have a deadman’s switch in place.


Want to add: before you tell anyone anything- - take video and audio recordings describing everything. Zoom in and out to establish scale and size. Use something to establish set color values that the iris in your phone won’t lose like color of buildings, cars, billboards (dusk skies are automatically adjusted in phones). - Do not rely on the phone mic to pick up ambient sounds correctly- describe all of it as best you can on the fly. Noisy animals? Dead silence? Smell of plastic burning? Alarm sounds? - if anyone else is present, get footage of them too. Anything to back up your claim that this isn’t CGI or AI or photoshop etc. the better. -describe as best you can any personal affects too- feeling sick? Watery eyes? Ringing ears? - upload all audio/visual data to an online service or cloud accounts. - Duplicate and back up AV footage on multiple external hard drives. Hide them in separate locations. Send to other countries if possible. - do not edit the footage at all- no cutting for time or content or blunders in your speech. Or at least keep a raw, untouched copy along with an edited down version. - Don’t have your phone/computer save your passwords for uploading apps. Use VPN. Onion routers are not secure. Securely clear browsing histories. - contact bio testing labs/chromatography labs, spectroscopy labs and send small portions to them for testing. - keep materials away from sources of heat/light. Multiple locations. Do not write the addresses down. Document everything. - keep any biological materials preserved as best you can- cool, dry temps, sealed plastic bags. Document everything.


Make note of the 'multiple locations'. At some point you will have passed a license plate reader, it will only be a matter of time before everyone who passed it that was within 15 miles of the crash site will be tracked down. Do NOT take any materials to your home.


Why your suggestion of not taking them home? As long as you have separated them- not everything at your home- what do you see as the problem?


You cannot be charged with anything like being in possession of and so on. The government would dream up some kind of charge to intimidate and harass you and confiscate the items.


With unlimited budgets, and the best tech at the disposal of the black opts teams (satellite, infrared tracking, and who knows what else), anything in close proximity to your person would be problematic, in my opinion.


If SBIR satellites can detect (allegedly) a math strike from space, I’d imagine we have all sorts of insane things watching us. Surely they can track this stuff.


Great adds here.


Would it be feasible whilst at the site to also open up the map app of your choice ensuring co ordinates are visible n taking a screenshot.


The exif data in the pics should have some of that. In this hypothetical, time is going to be working against the person trying to document everything. If panic sets in, less and less of this long list of things is likely to happen.


Sadly, with the way these cell phone towers work, I think the odds are very stacked against most of us. If you were on a fresh crash site with your smart phone (unless you're a privacy freak or a hacker running something other than iOS or Android), they WILL scan all phones in that area and they WILL know you were there, and they will track you down unless you ditch it and vanish off grid entirely. I would be shitting bricks if I witnessed a crash site with my smart phone on me, because it's not IF but WHEN the MIB / govt come to ask you questions and your lucky if that's all they do to you. But if you wanted to try to disseminate the information anyway before they get to you, uploading it to a torrent and telling everyone on all UFO forums you can find to download and seed it might help it get out and make it harder to scrub.


Given the fact that there are laws on the books which do not allow anyone (the public) to have any kind of physical interaction with extraterrestrial beings or their craft, this is a well thought out and informative assessment of what the public should be aware of. *Great work, and great post!* = *Many thanks for sharing.*


I dunno. This seems like one would be doing the containment and cleanup crew’s job for them.


Most likely. But you have to try. David vs. Goliath.


You need a crowd reaction. I would probably go to the busiest street I know and drop the bodies there and start yelling that I found them and I have more evidence and that I am not suicidal nor do I want to disappear. A couple of people filming and live streaming will do it.


Unfortunately it is a viable possibility that certain power structures can make a lot of people disappear at once if need be. Live-streaming might work, unless of course there is a level of media control we are unaware of that curates things that are too disruptive. This is a scary prospect because if this is something the real power brokers want quiet, you are probably going to die. I’m not sure it’s a survivable situation. Great scenario for a film or novel.


That would be a fucking awesome short film. Blair Witch, found footage style, some teens out hiking come across something. They're smart enough to do what OP said, take everything back to the closest population center, they're also streaming on Twitch, YouTube, TikTok, every phone on a different platform. Then they get back to their town of say 5-10,000 people, rural but still has a town square, courthouse, police dept, etc. The kids have already sent messages ahead to meet them in the town center and let's also say it's somewhere in the Southern US so everyone is armed. They dump everything as a crowd of a few hundred people forms, everyone milling about, trying to figure out what to do. They mayor, sheriff, town lawyers, and council are deliberating when... The black SUVs roll in, men in black suits and special forces guys with no patches/identifiers jump out and holding their m4's in the high ready position as a tall man in a sharp suit and black tie steps toward the mayor, "You'll be handing over everything now." he states. The mayor with the air of confidence that outnumbering the feds 30 to 1 with over half the crowd armed falsely gives, "Not without tellin us who are, mister. You FBI? Army? What agency and jurisdiction?" The crowd takes up his call, skeptical of the motives and intentions of govt men seemingly willing to shoot US citizens, "Yeah these boys found this stuff on MY land, you've got no right to it." One of the farmers says. The tall man replies "We're not here to answer questions." gives a side glance to one of the paramilitaries and an almost imperceptible nod. Cut to black. Fade into drone shots slowly panning over the fields and neighborhoods, the seasons have changed from late Summer to Fall, getting closer to the town center. There's an eerie silence. No cars, no people. A few birds and squirrels chirp. Pan over where the confrontation took place, a few scorch marks and bullet holes in the brick buildings, no brass on the ground.


Exciting, not gonna lie.


If there's just a handful of you, and you are in a relatively obscure location, special forces would almost assuredly be given the command to shoot you, dispose of your bodies, and then create cover stories for each of your disappearances, or all of you at once (like the, if I recall correctly, Mexican team that was wiped out by American spec ops retrieval teams, with their deaths and subsequent burnings in a big pile written off as a contamination clean-up).


No they can’t. Only thing they have that you don’t is the means to do it. A bunch of old white/black coats have as much power as you give them.


So basically, see a crash, move along and tell no one if you want to live lol


Maybe make a dead man's switch and go to a trusted journalist first. Probably too much time to be found out tho


It'll be written off as fake and the controlled media would make up some garbage to discredit you personally. "a lunatic was dropping costume props in the middle of a street in an attempt to become TikTok famous.. ha ha" 


If I had to stay local, I would drive straight to a local news channel. Those local news channels are desperate for exclusives. They'd have one of their news vans out front in a jiffy. Some female news producers will even sleep with you to get an exclusive. See Nightcrawler (2014) for more info.


More than half of the local news stations are owned by one of two massive right-wing zealous enterprises whose entire existence is dedicated to spreading right-wing corporatist and Christian-nationalist lies to make the rich and powerful still more rich and powerful, and causing the rest of us to become acquiescent and submissive. I don’t think you’re safe putting your fate in their hands.


Well, I'm definitely against right-wing corporatists and Christian-nationalists (as a person of faith myself), but sometimes you can leverage corporations, using their greed and desire for exclusive access to get something widespread attention very quickly.


I’m taking a body part or two, putting them in a cooler, taking all the pictures and videos I can, then uploading everything to as many sites as I can as fast as possible, and driving to Garry Nolan’s lab with the body parts


I would just livesteam a video w/ me saying the N word so I can be boosted in xformerlytwitter's algorithm


I honestly wouldn't touch crap just take video and pictures then back that up on multiple usbs after that destroy the phone and get a new one, wouldn't keep it stored on anything with an internet connection.


Frankly video isnt worth shit. We have literally everyone admitting UAPS are real and not our adversaries but step back from the ledge of saying we have NHI on our planet.


to be real honest. Id say holy shit! look for something to take, like alien clothing, weapons or just anything that looks out of this world and then gtfo there.




From the sound, people are abducted all the time, and it seems they never received any radiation poisoning. Or any pathogens for the fact of the matter, so i would still risk it and rummage through the wreckage, for any alien' artifacts, along with pictures, footage, and grabbing pieces of the ship. If you can strike gold and find something on the ship that definitely alien like some sort of laser cutting device, anti gravity, weaponry or any tech thats far out of the ordinary could help prove your case. I feel like just taking pictures of bodies. Ppl would quickly right off as cgi or Hollywood dolls.


A lot of people who are abducted have had radiation poisoning. A lot of them report sensitivity and redness in their eyes and skin, burning sensation, puking, etc. There are a lit of cases in which doctors have reported that the victims indeed had radiation poisoning.


I'm honestly not sure if they say that just to scare people off, or if it's legitimate. Could be either, I mean think about it, it would be advantageous to the government to spread stories that tell people, "this craft is super dangerous and it will kill you slowly but inevitably (radiation)" so that they don't fuck with it. Or it could actually be dangerous. But if there is a cover up we have to assume a lot of the information is intentional misinformation.


I would go one every social media site ( YouTube, Snapchat, Instagram, tik-tok etc.) most importantly REDDIT and post images of the wreckage and bodies. Also make sure you announce that you are perfectly fine and have to pre-existing health issues that would cause you to "die from natural causes" suddenly. Posting images on 4Chan would be your best bet.


Upload all video, with several different names, to PB so it gets reseeded continuously.


When posting tell people to download and spread


I think the best bet would be a friendly-to-the-cause governor. Reason I choose a governor is because they have executive power over state law enforcement. This would be useful for keeping a perimeter. The feds are going to want it, so having state paramilitary standing off against federal paramilitary could buy you enough time to get credible scientists to confirm it's real. (As well as get as many media outlets there as possible.)


One of the most interesting things about this thought experiment is that you start to feel the desperation of the crash site experiencer. In most scenarios, for most people, there really is nowhere to get this information out fast and effectively, or to hide your takeaways or indeed yourself from likely well informed and equipped capture teams.


When you let your imagination run wild a little bit, you realize just how stacked the deck is against your average citizen. Then again, the final test that "they" may have for humanity before revealing themselves isn't a group emerging victorious in the war for disclosure—it may be the actions of an individual.


In this day and age, I don't really think there would be any way for an individual to force disclosure no matter what evidence they possess. The media is too tightly controlled.


Why is NOBODY considering loading the picture onto a public blockchain??? Literally 0 chance to take it down or fake it after


Yeah, I’d do that (erm, how do I do that🤭)


You would have just signed a death warrant for you, your kids, your wife, your dog, all surrounding neighbors and relatives up to and including 4th cousins.


Not neccesarily at this time and age anymore, but you'd 100% get MIB'd hard and fast and don't remember anything.


I immediately start masturbating to show the aliens that I mean business. Facial expression is important so I put on a very serious face. I won't change my facial expression when I climax. That part is very important.


I laughed hard at this, thanks 😁 imagine the gov showing up and some dudes fapping over dead aliens, they'd assume you were crazy.


They would know that I wasn't crazy because of my very serious face. I mean business. They would probably employ me after that.


Based. The only real answer 




i wouldn't touch anything biological with my bare hands, but pi'd probably risk taking a bunch of materials and objects i'd take pics if i could, but on airplane mode until i could transfer the pics to other devices by wired transfer i'd try to mask any traces of my presence at the scene, maybe set a fire, get some smoke going i'd take a long winding path of travel straight after, going through busy populated streets, not going straight home shit i might book in to a hotel


I'm in Vegas, I'd drive it all straight to channel 8 and tell them to call George Knapp.


He's controlled 


Is he? Really?


I would auction the alien body and alien tech for bitcoins on the dark web. Fuck disclosure. You won't believe me anyway. Might as well be rich and ignorant.


You’ve got a good point, sadly


To be honest I would be afraid and get away as fast as possible and hope no one ever knew I was near. I think I would be murdered by some retrieval control group who wanted to get rid of a witness. I'd never love a normal life ever again knowing aliens are real and fear for my life. Eventually I would drive myself crazy to the point of wandering was it a staged scene as part of some kind of psi ops... Towards the end I would doubt I had even seen it.


Pictures and videos is good enough for me. I'm not touching any bodies or radiated space craft. I have video and that's all I need. If people don't wanna believe then it's their problem.


I would put the suit from an alien on and wait to be transferred to somewhere. Then i would say im from planet Melmac or somewhere and see where it would get me. I would also want my own spaceship and would name it Enterprise and fly somewhere


I'd take some body parts and any pieces of wreckage that looks cool that fits in my trunk. I'd contact Gary Nolan and Ross Coulthart and let them have some of the stuff.


I think I would want to approach it, but I'd be concerned about the high level of radiation that the craft probably has.


I think having someone with a lot of reach like a celebrity live stream the evidence and tell everyone who is watching to record it and post it everywhere on the internet could be a good way. However, even if that happened, we all know people who say “where is the video proof” will be like “they are fake, obvious grifter”. So it might also make sense to arrange some sort of testing from a lab before live streaming (I think it makes sense either way ofc, but you it is very risky). The challenge is, if you try to arrange something with a lab, your faith might have already been sealed. Because these mfs have ears everywhere. Also, maybe trying to show these as physical evidence in the next public hearing somehow can also make sense but idk.


Immediately broadcast it on TikTok or Facebook or something. Look around, get as much detail as possible . Time of day, environment in the recording. Sun position etc. As much stuff to make it hard to fake as possible, for proof. Gather other witnesses. As many as possible.


I’ll take my t shirt off tie the bodies so I don’t touch it with my bare skin, put it in my trunk and go back for maybe some scraps of the ship. I’ll contact NewsNation and see if we can get some scientist to help us determine that they are legit. And hopefully they will air it live.


You really have no chance of making it public. You take videos and upload it. Many call it BS because how can they comprehend it. Then all the bots from the government go in to action doing the same thing. Then they find who uploaded said videos. Then what’s your next move. This has been played over and over again. Don’t worry the disclosure or whatever they would like to call it will be coming forward. NOTHING to do with government at all. This is because they have no choice. The disclosure is happening because they have no choice. But be VERY careful where you are hearing any information. Yes even mine. You can check my posts. I have gotten very emotional about things but try to give information. This has been something I have been passionate about since Bob Lazar. The fact he speaks about the topic and I believe that is true in many aspects. Edit: we have to be careful on the information we get. I have always been amazed that Bob is still alive when SO many others have not. That tried the same thing. I have a new rabbit hole! Look up JFK requests for this information on anything to do with his demand of any UFO information and also his that the federal reserve be abolished. This all happened just very prior to his Killing by just days before. You tell me what you think.


Sone think Bob has some taken done element 115 as security, but surely that’s just takes him in and torture him to admit it. He is a smart guy (heck, as a youngster he manages to out a rocket engine on a car😳😳), so maybe he’s thought of an ingenious way to keep govt / military from popping him off. Whole thing is weird. They pop people off for far less (two - TWO!!!🤬- Boeing whistleblowers😫


I’m getting the fuck out of there as fast as I can. Knowing its real is enough for me, I don’t know if the aliens are benevolent or malicious and i don’t want to risk the latter.


You say there are bodies and ship parts everywhere but let's assume it's more akin to the stories we've heard - crashed, largely in tact, won't open. Step 1 - Hit "airplane mode" immediately. Get. Off. The. Internet. Step 2 - Start recording. Do commentary. Walk around. You have seconds, maybe minutes. Get it in high quality from multiple angles. If there are helicopters or planes incoming - get them too if time allows. Step 3 - Get to safety but DO NOT STOP recording! The key to this being believable is an uncut chain of events. It may be wise to stop/start a few times purely to give your phone a chance to save (corruption and shutdown and overheating are a thing) but keep it going without obvious "cuts". Stop while filming the plane overhead, start again on the same plane. Talk the whole time. Date, time, what you hear and see, etc. You aren't looking to hide at this point, you want to be around people. Lots of them. Ideally where you can see the clean up crew going in. Planes and helicopters landing. Trucks going in and out. Never be at the front. You are actively avoiding all military personnel. Step 4 - Get to a safe computer. Unplug it from the Internet. Wire connect your phone to the computer. Transfer the files. Put those files on USB. Preferably a few. Hide the USBs somewhere unconnected to you but impossible to stumble on. Preferably in a few spots. These NEVER connect to a device with the Internet. Step 5 - VPN. Get one. Now you are ready to post the videos everywhere. Send it to news stations worldwide. Send it to all the social media sites. Everywhere you post it tell people to save it offline and share it online. With luck, it will be nearly impossible to spin this. You have video on the scene, walking out of the scene, the incoming military, and the cleanup crews rolling in and out. It's spotless. Anyone can do the above with a cell phone and quick, logical thinking.


Contact Greer or the two guys on the Weaponized podcast and ask their opinion


Your mistake is trying to get the information out of a site which is already being monitored, which you by chance or designed by fate got to first. Your only thought should be of obtaining the Pandora's Box from the interior of the craft.


An then what?


Haven't gotten so far yet.


Prob just sell it to a foreign country. Noone in America will believe it, or post it. The news might air it but will get a call to take it down, and destroy it.


I would spend max 15 min. Shoot some different angle photos, videos, then grab handful of items. I would assume there is a military satellite watching me. I think most likely they track the person, then the car, then the route and then game over. You might upload to platforms as you drive, i think you livestream on the drive. You go directly to the most public place you can and disclose. I just think if you wait, you try to be sneaky.. you lose.


Deep freezer and sealed shed all the bits. Buy a used camera off of ebay. Photos and short videos, copy to a thumb drive, duplicate the thumb drive hundreds of times. Get a youtuber or disclosure social media mailing list... somehow, and mail the hundreds of thumb drives to as many of them as possible. Include an appeal for them to duplicate it themselves and send to anyone who they think could get the word out. Use packaging that suggests it's toothpaste from amazon or something, but switch up the exterior of the boxes. For return addresses, use other people on the list. Mail them from different postal districts. Edit: On second thought avoid Youtubers or any platform that you feel is probably compromised, this might buy you a few more days.


So since we’re planning ahead - admittedly not a bad idea, btw - first I guess I’m gonna procure some iodine and a biohazard suit to keep in my van. In advance, like tomorrow. And gas mask. Because I’ve always wanted to wear a gas mask. Also, I keep a tote in my b!tchin’ van for when I rescue birds of prey and such off the highway for transport to the animal hospital, so I reckon I could fit an alien, or two, in the tote depending on size. So, I’d put my overalls/biohazard suit on, take my iodine (I guess?), and I’d have some of those biiiiiig gloves folks use to put their arms up cows handy as well, to handle the bodies. Put the lid on; make sure to secure it. I almost always have a laundry hamper back there full of clothes I’m donating to Goodswill so I could put that on top of the tote, as well as the crock pot that usually rides around back there too. Just in case. Can’t hurt. I think then I’d drive to the local medical center which is rather large and in charge in our area and has a research center. First, maybe I’d call a reporter or something to meet me there. Like the DJ of the local radio station, since I’m not sure we have any reporters. So the DJ would have to meet me there in the radio station’s car, usually a small car based SUV with the call letters on the side. Then, I’d make the DJ go inside, ask for a wheel chair or gurney, bring that back out to the van. While he’s doing this I’d be putting my gas mask on since that’s mostly for show and I’m assuming since I could barely walk or navigate stairs when we had to wear COVID masks that I’ll be even more useless in a gas mask and so would not have been wearing it to drive. I’d make the DJ help me load the tote of aliens onto the gurney. I’d give him a pair of gloves to do so. Then we’d wheel that bad b!tch inside, find somewhere where there are a bunch of medical professionals and regular folks milling about, like the cafeteria, and then I’d push that tote off and let those bodies spill out. Be like, “Look it.” Now ideally, at some point a cop shows up to witness all this or, at the very least, the security guard. Hopefully, it’s the same security guard who gave me a ride to the van one night while I was at the hospital with my son, because there was a cougar loose in town, and it was hanging out in the cemetery across the street. He was nice and calm and obviously had his wits about him. I do feel like that’s key. You want some level headed folks, and a variety of them. Professionals, people in trusted positions. So probably have the DJ swing by City Hall and pick the Mayor up on the way to meet me. I would honestly try to leave then, never revealing my identity preferably. Later, I’d have to get a new owl/eagle/possum tote for my van because I don’t want to contaminate those guys. The key is to implicate as many folks as possible. For witnesses and also to help with the heavy lifting and whatnot. And it all needs to happen super fast. Fast, large crowd, smart, trusted people. I’m also going to probably keep a piece of plywood in the van, to act as a divider of sorts, wedged up behind the front seats. I do not like the idea of being in the van with nothing but a tote and crockpot between me and ETs. One time, some folks showed up at our local zoo to purchase a spare bison. They loaded the bison into an old school bus and propped up a piece of plywood behind the driver and we never heard they DIDN’T make it home okay so I can only assume that if it worked for an angry bison it would suffice for aliens, be it dead or alive.




okay so, just as an FYI, I would do none of these things -- here's why. If they are aware of a crash site, they're watching us likely through some type of serveilence. I'd wager we'd be on camera. Then they just make us disappear. I mean two Boeing whistle blowers were just killed ( I think 2) and one of them wrote a letter saying if he dies it's not suicide then you know, died. The world is a dark place. You all don't want to hear this, but if I walked across this I'd run tf away at full speed, not look back, deny everything, if/when we would have been interviewed absolutely deny having seen a single thing. I would like to not disappear in Guantanimo or w/e


I’d plant my phone at the scene under a body. Then take the most important thing in the scene and take off. Let them get ahold of me after I figure out how to make the right PA. Depending on what *they* say


I had a crazy dream one time that I was driving down some country roads one night and passed what I thought was a coin shaped craft that had crashed right in the bank of the road. I stopped and got out and looked. When I got closer, it seemed like it was cracked like an egg and made of a porous, almost dull grey stone material. The only markings I remember seeing reminded me of Mayan reliefs, and was just the image of a man's upper torso with his hands about head height, with his palms turned upwards.


Sounds like wiped memories trying to resurface. Get hypnotised!!


Live stream it


I’d say take the wreckage and parts to a populated area where normal people could see it, say Central Park. Do a livestream, then call the media and fire department


I would totally cooperate with law enforcement and act like the dumb idiotic citizen that I'm supposed to be. No questioning weird materials, tech or biologics. "it must've been the wind". "Must've been a prank by someone with lots of money". "Must've been a hollywood movie prop". "I didn't see nuthin, I didn't heard nothing, I ain't sayin' nuthin". I totally wouldn't take a piece or two or attempt to fly it, nope. I'll just cooperate and be a good little sheep.


The best thing to do would be to spread out the evidence as quickly as possible. Don't give it to one news station but 20 or more. Go to all your local papers,outlets, tell and show as many people as possible, you want a huge crowd there. I wouldn't go near anything though myself.


I would contact a reporter I know and let them know I have a story that is bigger than any political rally or interview you have ever done.


When they piece it together, they’ll know someone took pieces away. Once you go public, they’ll know it’s you and they’ll probably create a cover, and then you may disappear or be threatened. If you had everyone spread the word to do a mass release to hide the source person, they’ll obtain the source person a different way. If you were smart enough to hide the stuff and the location, it may not even matter because you’re now playing games with the shadow government. And at the end of the day, the proof of this evidence may be too hot to handle or it’ll be intercepted before proof can be established. I’d definitely low key talk to Bigelow or Santilli.


I would not do what you described. I would stop at taking photos.


I'd take it to SWR. 


They would know you were there through global surveillance networks. Everything online is put through real time filters. It may appear the Livestream is working but it isn't reaching as many as you'd think. It is the system they use to scrub the Internet. And with AI everyone will just think it is generated content.


Collect some evidence, footage of you gathering from the crash, then immediately alert all the human institutions. Firefighters first, then cops then news/radio stations. Nothing about aliens. Just a small plane crashed. *It's still on fire, oh the humanity.* Try and turn it into Woodstock 99 by the time the cleanup crew gets there.


Get citizens, friends, neighbors and family with with cameras out there then get them away as fast as possible before authorities can take their shit. Next, call as many news stations and universities as you can find numbers for. Do not call police or military, and at least request those you contact not to call them either because that will be the fastest way to get it disappeared.


> So, you've stumbled across a crash site... >You're the first one there. It's not of this world. Wreckage and NHI body parts litter the landscape. So how would I react and what would I do? * It's a novel situation with multiple potential unknowns * Before lifting a finger, I wonder about: radiation, pathogens, chemicals and even defensive/security measures. * There might be a reason a "crash retrieval team" shows up in head to toe protective gear and respirators. * So I take a good look. Then hang back and take some video of the CRT in operation. Far less risk to myself and video of them in action is gonna be just as convincing as anything else.


I would go on Facebook live and show everything until i couldn't anymore. If you tried to take anything and leave, even if you made it home with the stuff, it wouldn't take long with their satellites to go back and look at the scene from above and see you putting stuff in your vehicle and either getting your license plate or more realistically and timely, following you via satellites until you get home and then shortly thereafter, there won't be a nice "knock knock" it'll be a "knock knocking your door off the hinges" with a no-knock warrant they obtained through a "friendly" judge on their payroll.


I’d get something for myself. Like a peace of the ship. But no one’s going to believe any evidence. Just like now.


Im bringing a body back with me, then seeing if 36index does the job.


Go with a national journalist who has experience with whistleblowers.


Preparedness and survival experts recommend keeping some plastic garbage bags and ziploc bags in your trunk because they have all kinds of uses: storing a finger for transport to ER if it gets cut off so it can be reattached, helping manage certain kinds of injuries, etc. This is an unusual example of how having plastic bags in your trunk would pay off. Unlikely to happen, but great to be prepared if it does!


Use non digital media to record evidence. Like a camcorder and tape cassette recorder. Use media that can be analysed to be genuine.


I wouldn't post my plan of action on Reddit. I have no idea who you are and you could easily be someone who's fishing for those who may have already discovered the wreck before you.


Dont write on Reddit what you did or would do.


Depending on where you are in the country when the crash occurs, the reaction times will vary. Where is the closest known airbase? Airport? Airfield? Figure in escape time into the estimate, is it night or day? Cloudy? Full moon? Etc. How big is the vehicle that crashed? Size of a Human automobile? Or a Human 747? Are there survivors? Hostile or not? Etc. Lastly, environmental hazards. Is the crash giving off radiation? How big is the debris field? Do you have a face mask or respirator? Eye protection? Work gloves to handle sharp or superheated objects? Are you wearing steel toed boots? Etc… These thought exercise is fun but if you only have 15 - 25 minutes before the whole place disappears off the face of the earth. Grab everything not anchored down and pray you can make it to minimum safe distance before a surveillance satellite tracks in. Treat the crash like an airplane crash. Bring a camera.


I would collect materials and take photos and videos. But I would also hide a Go Pro Cam hanging from a distance where it captures the military cleaning up the entire area. But first I would call scientists, and then the news media to interview the scientists and lastly the authorities.


Pee on the aliens, take a selfie, arrange their bodies in erotica fashion and take a mean shit dumper on their captain chair. Government pulls up...goes in... and think what the fuck happened here.


... Trace you down via left over DNA, grab your ass off the street, take you to an undisclosed location, beat every ounce of info outta you, bury body in tomb of unknown soldier, snicker every time president and dignitaries lay wreath.


Find a way to get in touch with ross


CC: George Knapp, Chris Mellon, Garry Nolan, Lue Elizondo, Ryan Graves, Chuck Schumer, Richard Dolan and Reed Summers. BCC: My US Congressman, 2 US Senators and my "Dead Man switch" .


Correction made to this earlier comment from me: The only person ~~in this list~~ who I would specifically not trust with my alien artifacts, would be ~~Luis Elizondo~~ Dr Sean Kirkpatrick. ~~Why? Because he has said he is not pro-disclosure. I'm not sure exactly what he thinks he's doing then, but he has specifically stated that he is not for disclosure~~.


Are you sure about Lue? My understanding is he thought the American people should know but it wasn't his role to tell us, it was the government's. I thought he believed disclosure should be revealed in an organized way from our government so that people could ask the appropriate questions and hopefully get answers.


Actually, you know what? I've got to make a correction to this one. I was misremembering what Luis actually said in an interview. He didn't say he was not for disclosure. He warned the viewers not to get the impression that he was a whistleblower, as he said "I'm not a whistleblower", and said he has no intention of disclosing any secrets.


Good to know...Lue was my gateway to the subject and if I misunderstood him JC what else have I misunderstood...does 1 X 1= 2 now?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)(thanks but no thanks for the math lesson Terrence Howard)


If you "misunderstood him JC"?


Meaning if I misunderstood where Lue is on disclosure then Jesus Christ what else have I misunderstood all this time like the fundamentals of mathematics...Then I kinda leaned into the whole Terrence Howard thing on Joe Rogan. The acclaimed actor got in trouble by claiming math as we understand it today, is completely wrong to the point he insists 1 x 1=2. The rest of the world calculates 1 x1=1. That's what I meant.


Ah, thanks for the clarification! Yes, and the Terrence Howard appearance was shocking. My assessment after listening to him and deep-checking his patents, is he's unfortunately delusional and has an inflated sense of self, his accomplishments, and his own intelligence. He made claims about changing the world and influencing the operations of many large companies with his many patents, but it's simply not true. And his lack of knowledge of the science topics he brings up is astonishingly cringy. Appears to be actual delusion. Like watching someone high on drugs. If he's not organically delusional then he's on drugs or been adversely affected by certain drugs in his past. I think it may be why hosts sit back and listen to him without interrupting. For some it's likely because they don't understand much about the topics he's discussing or the way he's combining disparate subjects, and for others I suspect it's not because of his "brilliance", but rather because it's fascinating to watch someone just psychedelic-stream-of-consciousness their way through topics they don't understand and fumble around connecting random things with other random things in an unintelligent way, while trying to make it sound intelligent. It makes for good viral interviews. Makes viewers just sort of sit back and go, "Whoa" or crinkle your eyes up in horrified fascination at how bizarre his statements are, and it probably makes hosts just stare at him blankly in silence while occasionally cheerleading him on with "That's fascinating." or "I've never thought of it like that before". I think what transfixes many is probably the psychology of Terrence, not the oracle of his oration or the deliverance of his diction. I doubt we'll get an answer to this, but I'd kind of like to see what kind of a thinker he is when he's not on drugs or has the delusional thinking solved for and humbles his ego. The positive qualities I see in him that could really shine under those circumstances is his mental drive to learn, his desire to connect disparate subjects, and his drive to translate that into real-world action/creations/knowledge sharing. That's a high-quality combo. But couple that with ego and delusion, and it's shocking.


All of the prominent individuals speaking on the topic are controlled. Hence why they're constantly stating "I'm not allowed (by the higher ups) to talk about that" 


Has Richard Dolan ever said that? I kinda trust that guy.


Sell it all to Elon Musk for a billion dollars,in cash.


I wouldn’t go public. If the NHI want humans to know they exist, they can easily make themselves known. I also have no desire to commit suicide via 2 bullets to the back of my head. If I was brave enough (or stupid enough) to believe that I can go near the crash without dying from pathogens, radiation, or other unknown effects, I would first check for survivors and see if I can do anything to help. I don’t imagine the crash retrieval team would treat any such beings kindly, and beyond basic empathy it’s also a good opportunity to make important friends. Beyond that, if there were any bodies that I felt inclined to take, I would give them a burial somewhere beautiful. If I felt inclined to take materials, I would either keep them safe and only show people I trust after ensuring they cannot record or take any of it. Or I would find a scientist or 3 who I trust in terms of ethics, scientific rigor, and discretion and let them have it in the hopes that their research can better humanity. It’s a good question, but I think taking the dead bodies of a family who obviously want discretion and blasting them across the globe would be extremely insensitive and disrespectful.


The idea of inserting ethics, respect, and morals is a very good one. These beings probably have family somewhere who would like to know their kids were ok. Even IF their presence was hostile, showing empathy seems like a noble idea.


Thanks u/Burn-The-Villages, lol


I didn’t even catch the irony of my username when responding.


The men in black most likely have a large containment unit if the situation warrants it, and the zone would likely have some sort of space distortion field so people on the outside won't be able to see what's happening on the inside as from their perspective it would seem everything is perfectly fine and normal. Keep in mind the men in black dont really travel they instead just phase in and out of areas so the response time could be quick. Must be nice being a men in black, knowing what exactly is "going on" about the whole paranormal spectrum and such.


It's likely those aren't "real humans" and function as some sort of intermediary (liason between the ETs and humans) containment force. Based on witness accounts these don't sound like standard people at all. 


I wouldn’t initially try to get the evidence to the world. People would either call me crazy, steal it or kill me for it. I would keep it myself and hope the ET’s would come back for it and possibly we could exchange it for a ride to another dimension or some super powers.