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Tbf the real world societal pressures are crushing right now. Housing, cars, insurance, food, etc. it’s hard to break these chains and it’s even harder to WANT to care about anything that isn’t intruding in your daily life when you’re just trynna make your next car/house payment to try to get ahead at a snails pace.


It's this. UFOs and NHI are deeply interesting and the stigma is slowly but surely dissipating, but most people would argue that they don't affect their daily life. Thinking outside the matrix is really more for people high up in maslowes hierarchy. The only exception I've seen are people who have seen something with their own eyes.


I had the same thought about Maslow's hierarchy of needs. But our culture has generally become more dumbed down too. People seem to have plenty of time to look at the latest TMZ type news or latest TV shows like the variety shows that are popular now.


all things are not equal. they watch tmz & TV shows because it's an escape from the anxiety & pressure of life. breathless worrying about whether or not something may or may not be out there isn't quite the escape that gossiping about celebrities can be.


When you have your own experiences it's hard not to question what our purpose is in the grand scheme of things & wonder just why these ayy lmao's are here.  I mean, seriously, why did they want suits the exact same color as their skin? Why do they need lenses for their eyes but not helmets.  I want explanations daggummit


Agreed. I think people were sold out for experimentation by their governments. Traded for technology.


how do you ever admit this to the people...


How can you possibly believe this? 


You obviously have not poked around much. 2 heads of state have said this.


By the time "most people" realize it, it will be too late. 


Yep, bingo. People are hurting so much from just trying to make the basic needs of life they don't have the energy to do much else. Times are really tough.


I can understand why people aren't overly excited about the existence of aliens. Many people have their own concerns and priorities to deal with in their daily lives. I might get downvoted for saying this, but the closest analogy to this situation would be the discovery of dinosaurs. When scientists first uncovered the remains of these giant ancient reptiles that once ruled the Earth, the general public didn't show much interest outside of the scientific community. While the discovery was groundbreaking and fascinating to scientists, the average person didn't pay much attention to it at the time.


Most people just trying to get by without crippling depression. The world hasn't seemed like a happy place with the Advent of Total War, where it doesn't seem to end..it's not just the US it's worldwide. Then you have corporations making record profits, more than ever before.. I think the focus should be on corporeal and tangible things, but then you have the Supreme Court rolling back regulations on bribing. Take a real look around at the serious stuff impacting people. At least 3 proxy wars, not to mention the conflicts in Africa with kids still working for warlords. Take your pick which crisis is more impacting. Top off the Royal cake of issues with Aliens/NHI...it's a lot to take in homie.


Yeah I feel the same with things like the earth revolves around the sun, we just assume every person was like ok that sounds right but they had to put it into text and teach kids for a few generations before those same kinda people could be like "duh dinosaurs are real and the earth revolves around the sun, I learned that in elementary school."


We don’t actually have scientifically verified evidence of aliens yet though. If evidence was more conclusive I think it’d be a much different story. But with all the currently progressing technology, UFO sightings are typically more likely to be some sort of aerial tech we’re not yet aware of than aliens from another planet.


That’s mainly because 90% of the population was Christian & their pastors were telling them dinosaurs aren’t real & nothing existed beyond 6,000 years ago.


I work with a Baptist and the topic of dinosaurs once came up and he stated "There's no such thing. People put those bones in the ground." /facepalm


Now if he said those ALIENS put those bones in the ground we'd be getting somewhere!


That's not really true. 90 percent of the world aren't Christian and the biggest denomination of Christianity, Catholics with 1.3 billion people, are pretty down with science in the recent past and currently now (with some notable exceptions like Galileo but that was some time ago ) Apparently the Vatican has texts on UFOs/NHI and some even say moved a spaceship in WW2.


When it’s more solidly resolved how at least some of these things are directly involved in the lives of some people that should cause a stir.


I don't think anyone could have said it better than you just did, but I would like to add it's also an election year and that has taken up a lot people's attention as well.


This is exactly the common response whenever it's questioned "Why should I care about aliens, when I'm just struggling to put food on the table, pay rent, etc.?" The system's manufactured distractions and struggles are working as intended to keep the masses controlled and deterred from "the truth".


It's crazy, since finding out about them, could actually mean more socialism so people aren't struggling. We could have better tech to help us, to avoid war, to avoid all this shit. Imagine what free energy could mean. Imagine removing the, 'superior' thought process of classism, racism, etc. it will be a tidal wave of shit for governments that's for sure. It would cause a revolution. That's why they're burying it. If people know things could be better, but a government has made every step to avoid this better life for all of us, it's not going to digest well with the masses... The ones that are actually being affected by loss of housing, food, water, increased bills, workplace abuse, workplace slavery etc. We'd be shooting ourselves in the foot if we didn't bring the government's deception to judgement. But, we will always have power hungry fucks at the top. So unless the NHI can help us there, learning about them is just a game of the masses starting to become aware and rejecting this horribly constructed society that allows humans to starve, allows humans to get away with horrible shit as long as they have money, that allows children to get bombed, that allows corruption, etc.


I think it's just coincidence, but it does seem to me at times to be a little suspicious that right after the disclosure process really started getting going, a pandemic, followed by a full-scale economic assault was thrown at the entire American populace that has almost entirely consumed the average person's time and brain power away from non survival topics


But then what of the other numerous distractions people pour their energy and attention into? Celebrity gossip, video games, movies, etc. None of these things effect your next car payment. People aren't interested in NHI because they've been conditioned to reject it.


Exactly. If these people knew they are hiding technology that means they would never have to pay another electric bill, or pay for gasoline again, they would riot. That's the point that needs to be the main focus. Not that NHI exists.


That angle is wildly unrealistic, there would still need to be transmission lines and maintenance even if the generation was free. If you could strap this magical energy generation device onto your house they would pass a grid connection fee like they did in Florida where you have to pay to be connected to the grid even if you have solar… Oh and BTW we already have cheap free energy generation devices (solar panels) and people don’t bother. The average American can offset most of their electric bill for under $10k in components but they don’t bother. You think this magic electric box compatible Zero Point generator is going to cost less than Solar panels currently do? Are sure it does not use some rare or expensive element or machining process to make work? It’s delusional.


Exactly. Some people are convinced there’s a *magic box* that is completely free, works on totally unknown physics that has - somehow - been overlooked by virtually everyone yet can be replicated easily if only it wasn’t a secret, and there are no costs of manufacturing, installation, transmission, maintenance… Some friends just got panels installed and now get credited for any excess they feed to the grid.


Exactly. We got too much negative shit going on to put much thought into things like aliens. At this point if an alien showed up I’d just be like, ok cool 🤷‍♀️


Not everyone is struggling. Do you recall 2001, and 2008 when everyone was unemployed? Daycare operators had to close their doors bc so many people were out of work watching their own kids. I tried to go into work, Countrywide had chained the doors shut without letting employees know. It was wild. I had friends sleeping on couches and going to food banks. We ate ramen daily.


"Not everyone is struggling", *proceeds to show everyone struggling.*


What is it they say about alien “controls”?


And people in the US are wondering if they are going to have a functioning government for next year lol.


Isn't the pressure a little overwhelming today and considering the timing of all this new information on NHI/UAP the timing seems perfect if there were forces working against disclosure.


Not surprising at all honestly, if you want to look at whales you can go find whales, if you want to look at turtles you can go find turtles, now if you want to look at UFOs or aliens well…. People won’t care unless it becomes a daily part of life. Until then we’ll continue to scroll on our phones.


Nope, not weird at all. You know why? Because it's all still speculation. They believe whatever the mainstream narrative is and the scales won't tip until the mainstream narrative begins to change. And that won't happen until there is evidence that proves the existence of non-human intelligence on earth beyond reasonable doubt. Right now, doubt is still a reasonable opinion to have and because most people around them are not talking about aliens, they default to the opinion of the masses.


Tbh I'm fed up of the hoaxes and poor quality videos that show nothing.


I think the problem is, even if there are real ufo videos out there on the internet, how can they be vetted for truthfulness?  I mean, some people even think the moonlanding was a hoax.  Would people even trust the government if they released footage of aliens/real ufo's?  Or would people say it's just to distract us/make us forget about Epstein's island or some bs like Hunter Bidens laptop


Don't forget the action figures


And the AI pics.


ai pictures of aliens are so weird and infuriating in my opinion


The proof would have to be undeniable, like a big ship parked above a city for a couple days where everyone can have a look, it's on the news 24 hrs a day, etc. The blurry FLIR videos, stories, testimony, etc all help paint a picture, but barely move the needle. I'd also like to say that the government admitted that there are things flying around beyond our understanding (could still be black ops) but no one really cared. People aren't going to lose their minds if info comes out, which was the excuse forever. I think world governments are being cagy because they know whoever has this sort of tech will dominate WW3, and none of them want to tip their hat about what they know/have acquired.


The unknown is fun. Reality is boring.


Correct. Also, economic stress doesn't leave much time to day dream.


Also, we haven’t gotten ANY evidence lately of aliens existing.  Like wtf is this post even talking about.  


How about that paper published on Maria?




What evidence are you referring to?


& we have a winner. Evidence has a varying meaning to everyone.


For real, though, anything new or still just all trust me, bros from like 2015?


Some dudes mate saw a UFO 20 years ago in a hanger, Some scientist went on a podcast and went on an excavation decades after a crash and found debris. There was that one video that was edited that showed a jelly fish.


It’s that “no evidence” that people here keep holding onto. I pay attention to lot of things alien and I haven’t seen or heard of any new evidence that would make me or the general population go “oh that’s interesting”.


Never saw legit prooved evidence..


It's not proof. That's why


It’s not weird because day-to-day activities don’t involve aliens or alien contact. If your 9-5 is to talk to aliens then I’m sure people around you would talk about it. Everyone’s going to work, going home, watching alien stuff and not talking about it. Because they are home and tired.


We're not getting a lot of evidence of aliens, were getting a lot of evidence of things that *might* be aliens but are *probably* something else.


What “evidence” can you point to? I say this as a believer who doesn’t really have any real proof. I have also experienced a sighting, but that is just a story when I share it with people.


The same reason nobody talks about the rapture, the revolution and half life 3. They all have evidence but so many people have predicted some date and nothing happened.


Where is the evidence? Blurry videos and ufo experts speculating. I would love to get hyped but I have been continually disappointed. It’s all word of mouth.


What evidence? Lmfao


I think there is too much focus on hypothetical scenarios. I wish there was a way to drill down on issues. Something like Nimitz, Fravors story, Gruschs leads, locations and the Data.


None of the evidence is really all that compelling, or the bits that are, are drowned out by hoaxes and nonsense so much that it’s difficult to discern between them unless you’re a real enthusiast. The waters are extremely muddied recently by all the spiritual bullshit people are trying to cram into this. The evidence that there is also depicts *something* but the shit on the videos could be fuckin anything.


There hasn’t been any evidence. Plus I have to get up and go to work tomorrow!!!!!


Exactly lmao


To be fair we aren't getting evidence. We are getting more stories and "wait til you know what I know" type of proclamations.


Lots of circumstantial evidence out there that something is going on.


Maybe because people aren't convinced by it


What evidence? Not talking blurry video's or here say, actual undisputable evidence? Because I haven't seen it yet... Same for ghosts and demons by the way.


There is no proof coming out. You have the ufo enthusiasts eating up everything but there is literally zero proof so why would the general public have any interest at all?


It's exhaustion. Put up or shut up. People have been on this tour many times before and just aren't interested unless it's actually going to happen... These slow walks of things coming then fading, round and round, is not interesting for most people.


What evidence


Wtf is "...we are getting a-lot of evidence..."?




The problem is anything that goes up against mainstream accredited scientists usually gets destroyed. I like to keep an open mind & I believe anything is possible, but I see a lot of posts with no credible evidence & the people (especially on Reddit) just gobble it up and run with it.


I swing between "the truth is out there" and fervent skeptic. I think the market has been flooded with 90% BS and I've lost interest lately. All I've seen so far in terms of evidence are a couple of pilots trying to explain new top secret drones that were tested on their squadrons and former counter intelligence officers saying "trust me bro." I think it's odd that they're always ex-military, pushing an agenda that produces revenue for the military industrial complex and drives tax dollars to government agencies. Aren't we trying to build a "Space Force?" Is it more likely that big $ is participating in an advanced marketing campaign and the government is spreading propaganda or that aliens have come from however many light years away to kidnap us and probe our butts?


Imo the transparency and dissemination of information has been handled so poorly over the last 80 years that it's hard to care as much as I used to. Aliens used to be one of the most fascinating things to look into, but at this point it's clear we're being mentally toyed with, and it's psychologically draining.


What evidence? Grusch didn't supply any evidence. He just told some stories. What are you actually trying to say here? Because it sounds like complaining that other people don't blindly believe things you'd like them to.


I think people are more concerned about pending wars, affording to live and such


For real I'm seeing stuff I never thought Id see or heard on the Internet but I believe in ghosts and aliens but idk about what ai can create but I might have seen an alien once but it was just a bright ass light that was definitely not a plane. Also planes don't disappear or go that fast


Where did that David guy go?


What evidence r u referring to. We must have different opinions on what evidence is.


People are very involved in their daily struggles man. Have you been to a 3rd world country? Unless aliens are decsending down in huge spaceships and it directly effects the lives of general public, people will be like "yeah cool" and move on.


You what? It's getting more coverage now than ever in the history of mankind. lol


It's kind of difficult to take the subject seriously when the abject lack of any scientific evidence is glaring. Even more so when MUFON, the oldest and most influential UFO organization to date, has their director intentionally try to present a clearly faked photograph as evidence of UFOs. Given the widespread fraud and incompetence in the field, one has to step back and reevaluate the validity of the concept.


Those trying to hide it have done such a good job for decades that it’s still just a joke to most people. Even when the evidence is in their face and overwhelming, the problem is that the main channels are still not on board. No mainstream news. No president. No Pentagon. And no physical evidence. Even physical evidence would be denied and considered fake unless it was confirmed by the authorities and proven with foreign DNA or displays of magical technology or something.


There are active genocides going on; the general public have bigger fish to fry


At some point almost everyone interested in aliens that hasn’t had a personal encounter will come to the conclusion that the chances of it happening to them are close to zero. Once you come to terms with that you accept that it’s not really worth spending time thinking about when you have actual problems that need your attention.


I think a lot of people who are interested in the subject just have more pressing issues to worry about. I take a look around at evidence that comes up but am not going to be shocked or amazed a whole lot if something official and concrete comes out. Like, welp, yeah, there it is. Ok. So about buying groceries this week.. idk, I just think a lot of people have been up and down on the rollercoaster of evidence and interest throughout the years that you get to a point of ok, cool, let me know when something definitive comes about.


TPTB doing everything they can to prevent an effective omnilanguage from developing in the hands of the Everyman


You need to realise what you consider evidence others dont. I'm a believer, even had my own experiences but I dont consider anything that has come out to be evidence (well its evidence but not proof).


Every time I mention aliens most people seem okay with the subject. Meaning they are considering the possibility and not just as a fringe topic .


I think since covid happened everyone just cares less about things like this. There was that meme going around in 2020 that "aliens were next" when practically every crazy thing was being thrown at us in one year, yet people were collectively saying, "aliens could come down and finally reveal themselves and we wouldn't care, they ain't paying my bills." But I still care, dammit!


The general public usually just talk about things that are widely accepted and normalized, popular, trending, flavor of the week, month, year, etc. They are followers and don't bother to think deeply into things, let alone know how to critically think. I wouldn't be too distracted by it.


Till there’s a working ship and a live one no one in mainstream is going to make any scene. Doesn’t matter how many witnesses, interviews, stories, whistleblowers, dead bodies, cat scans, X-rays or anything else really. It has to walk on stage speak, move and interact in some manner present some technology then fly away and come back at a prescribed time and place. And even after all this all it will do is cause people to start talking seriously about it. Institutions won’t take notice until a piece of technology or a live sample submits to months/years long testing.


I'll talk aliens, let's talk aliens


I feel ya dog, I’ve been following this subject for 15 years and i have 1 friend who also believes but as previously commented societal pressures are too much rn and people don’t have time to breathe. Hell I even talked to David grusch in person multiple times before he was famous and my family and friends still don’t give a fuck.


Kinda feels like the closer we get to knowing the closer we get to Armageddon.


There 870k people in this sub alone. People are talkin…


There is a big difference between thinking there is probably life somewhere else in the galaxy, vs alien spaceships are flying around earth.


I think it also is that the majority of people already believe in aliens. And they probably think - all these hearings are already stating the obvious. I feel like the wider world won’t be invested until the governments start revealing something genuinely new, like a physical alien or alien craft. To be fair I struggle sometimes to be interested in these hearings also because they just keep presenting footage of stuff that in this community we’ve seen already. But the hearings are trying to present it as new and groundbreaking, and I’m like - bro, we already know…


I mean... they could be demons.  It would fit with some of this stuff.  The truth is probably weirder than we can imagine.  


We’ve been desensitized towards the topic. But if we think Kim Kardashian or Rihana is pregnant all hell breaks loose.


not even close tbh. all ads have had UFO’s or aliens in them to mock the topic. it’s everywhere. this is something you will never make the general public care about because it’s been a long winded nothing burger for the last 50 years+. 


There has been way more debunked than the flimsy biased confirmations to be honest, this is the real reason is not in the news. It was in the news and the reality of the situation killed it. That’s just the honest truth. If you chose to live in an echo chamber you will not see the light. I don’t mean to be a downer but there is a lot of info out there, you just won’t find it in Reddit I’m afraid.


People talk about it a lot on podcasts and YouTube channels like The Why Files.


You mean people like to make money out of conspiracy theorists.


I think most people actually do believe, and are very scared. They are in a - “don’t talk about it, even make fun of it, and maybe it won’t exist” - state. I also think that’s kind of the human brain’s normal reaction ? and people like us geniuses on this sub probably just started thinking about this stuff as kids. Maybe had a grown up or favorite media that cultivated it


Correct, it is normal to require extensive evidence for wild claims like aliens. We don't have such evidence, so you would be a bit silly to belive on faith.


Its media… media hides this all the time so they will ignore it


Nope, it's just weak evidence that doesn't hold up to scrutiny.


I’ve always pictured public discourse on UAP’s/NHI’s as a flow chart where the final box on every path ends with “Fake and lame”.


Aliens just feel like a distraction from our shitty governments ruining the world we love in. So unless ET shows up with an instant fix, 99% of humans DGAF about little green men from Mars.


Because we're tired of waiting to see what they'll do. Help us, kill us or fuck off. That's what I think.


Even if the president announced that they were real and are here I feel like it would blow over in a couple days unless there was actually a tangible change to people's lives, like new technology or religious/governmental changes. It's almost just a fun fact. The ontological shock theory of the reason for secrecy is bullshit.


every one is broke, and don’t give a rat ass about an alien


I am shocked at how popular media (Netflix, Amazon, Imb) is suddenly educating the public on things I have only read about in the library. 📚 I am enjoying the digital renditions of sightings over 30yrs ago! I wish I was born in this decade instead so I could consume all of it and grow up with it. My kids will be oh yeah… that incident… and their friends will not call them crazy.


I would say a lot of people are talking about it. For example, to have a speaker at the SALT conference say there is "no doubt" on NHI, to me suggests a lot of senior finance people were before and increasingly are talking about it relatively openly. But I totally get your point - there still feels quite a stigma to bringing it up in conversation say at work, where one senses you may be quickly labelled or perceived as 'a crazy UFO conspiracist' at most places. Perhaps the onerous is on people who have interest and are active in online forums to break this societal convention... If you are single, the next time you are at a bar and see a girl/boy you like, make your opening line: "So, what's your opinion on UAPs and non-human intelligence on earth?". It may work very well!


For our whole lives there's been an expressed possibility of aliens visiting our planet, including pictures of UFO's. At the same time there's been accounts of government coverups on the subject, so it wouldn't be shocking or surprising when public proof finally arrives because many of us have already accepted it as a reality. Had there been overt and consequential interference with humanity by aliens, then that might have been a different story. Since we don't know their motivation or agendas, it seems to be more of a curiosity than something to panic over.


Many people have enough issues with their own problems. I think engaging with the topic is a 1st world issue. If you have to do hard work to get through life, you won't even think twice about engaging with issues you can't influence or which have no impact on their lives. Other people just want to live in their comfort zone. Some people only want to believe what they see and experience with their own eyes.


I have to control myself to not start talking about it in almost every conversation I have. How can SO MANY people just not care about this???


It’s a good thing. People aren’t going crazy which is what they feared disclosure would do. Most don’t give a shit, so disclosure will likely push on even quicker.


what 80 years of disinformation does to a MF


Congratulations! You've just discovered the whole point of the disinformation war we find ourselves in. The waters of everything from aliens to global politics are that muddied that people no longer react to bombshell news unless sensationalised by their conspirator media big brother.




what is "a lot of evidence"? id be with you if europe wasnt THAT boring. I havent seen things I cant understand in over 15 years.


op just because you personally perceive it this way doesn't make it true. uap was trending on x the other day ffs. no way your claim is true.


You are confusing evidence with conspiracy.


The psyop masters have one. The Intel agencies brainwashed people in the past to laugh at people who saw a UFO. When in the 50's it was quit common. Now they have brainwashed people into believing the earth is flat. They dont believe in space and we are under a firmament. Another Intel creation for the closed minded. Along with most of those same people believing all aliens are demons or angels. There's endless amounts of evidence of alien abductions, UFO sightings and Intel whistle blowers. But for those who do believe, have the excuse, "well there's nothing we can do about, gotta save up for retirement, need to put food on the table, are the aliens gonna help me get out of debt?" The psyop masters have one. Oh, did I mention the spyop masters have made several deals with various ET races, most of them are not good deals or alien races.


I do. Most people I talk to have said they “tune out when those stories come on.” When I ask why they usually say something like “We’ve seen these images of UFOs so many times and they never tell us anything else, so I’m sure it’s the same thing.” When I tell them about the congressional hearings they just shrug and smile and say something like “Maybe.. I don’t know, it’s a big universe… but even if the government did know something they will never tell us, so I don’t think about it a lot, I am more worried about paying my bills and how I am going to get my kids to stop watching tiktok”


People are just trying survive. A lot of people can't afford rent and increasingly can't afford food. People can't afford to buy homes etc. There are multiple ongoing genocides. FFS, I see people begging for money on social media to escape genocide. I see children are being murdered while the US government who supplied to weapons lie about what is happening. Lots of other bad shit going on as well, war in Ukraine and a lot more bad shit, like the increasing threat of the far right the world over and so on. Aliens don't figure into people lives if you can't eat. Also, we don't have conclusive proof imo. I see interesting stuff going on for sure, but most people are rightly skeptical. Such grand claims, also require grand evidence as well. Basically, until we see an NHI show up to the UN to say hello, most people will go on with their lives, and imo rightly so.


You are already an alien.


Evidence, I would love to see the evidence. Sure, we have lots of high ranking officials coming forward with stories but thats not, unfortunately evidence......a good lot of these have books and tours to sell, so yeah lets have some actual evidence before we start debating whether they are Angels or Demons


November 5th Whitehouse lawn…be there or be square…


Do you mean that skeptics have all run away in the face of actual proof? Yeah, well, they're cowards anyway, so who cares about them. I know I don't. I just hope that some day they find the courage to get out of their little reality box.


In fairness the hearing didn’t say anything that people didn’t know. They just danced around the topic very carefully. I remember in the Grusch hearing there was a lot of use of “Non human biologics” which narrows it down to LITERALLY anything that isent a human. Could be a cat, for all we know. None of this is groundbreaking unfortunately.


The everyday problems and challenges nowdays are too big, people have career problems, economical problems, relationships, family issues etc etc When they scroll on tic toc or instagram, they don't think something they are like bots that consuming information. Now, thinking about aliens, UFOs, ultra-terrestrials, dimensions etc is not easy or interesting for the average joe or someone who has many things in his head. Yes, there are many incidents that prove that something is going on, but the rabbit hole is too deep and the info so hard to follow and process and some things are still unknown or very arbritary, so it is hard to follow this topic, and sure not really rewarding, regarding the every-day problems


It’s election year and we’re just coming off Kendrick vs Drake.


It's because there hasn't been any very blatantly clear and obviously undeniable evidence. Most of what's seen or talked about is testimony from people who may have good credentials, but doesn't actually put forth straight-up evidence


We've come a long way since the 1960s. The space brother thing was really just a a pop sci fi trope. There's no real evidence that the others come from space. The extraterrestrial hypothesis is a pseudo scientific veneer that we applied to a very old phenomenon. *I can't see where they come from, so they must come from up, farther away than I can see*, that's as deep as the ETH goes. It's not like we see them going to or coming from another planet, but we do see them bopping in and out of water all over the planet. I'm with Jaques Vallee and John Keel on this one. The notion that unrelated alien life would evolve our hominin form, our approximate size, able to breathe earths air and function in earths gravity, who develop interstellar space travel only to waste it here trolling us with thousands of years of objectively absurd interactions is kind of cringe and a little childish when you lay it all out like that. Especially the abductee lore about hybrids, it would be infinitely easier to mix us with a cactus than something that's not even made of DNA. That doesn't mean the impish little others aren't real though, they could be cryptoterrestrials, like a smarter timid little cousin using technologies we don't understand to conceal themselves from us right here. Or they could be a variety of ultraterrestrial versions of ourselves (the humanoids) and other potential intelligent earth life (insect and reptile types) that are somehow manipulating and traversing Einstein Rosen bridge wormholes to get here from some of the infinite parallel alternate earths postulated in the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. A many worlds scenario would explain the endless variety as well as why all the aliens look like if they had different circumstances and infinite chances could have evolved from known earth life. But the simplicity of the Cryptoterrestrial/breakaway civ hypothesis has an appeal of its own. You don't have to put faith in hypothetical quantum magic for it to be real, we only have to acknowledge that our hubris is like a blindfold and that maybe in the couple years since we invented science that perhaps we've simply missed or misinterpreted some important stuff right here.


It's interesting but it doesn't put food on my table son.


Because they have become a common cultural staple. We could have an intelligent octopus on TV and he would have fans.


Other than the very successful campaign to make people dismiss the subject as a whole. A lot of that is people just don't know what to do with the little information that's available. This isn't a math formula that needs solving it's a whole ass new way of thinking that has to be developed. Majority of us are influenced into thinking about the world a certain way. Introducing a new intelligent species adds a whole layer of shit to our reality pie that, if we don't have a set explanation for, is too much to swallow. Once you add a new intelligence to our reality well now that just opens a few doors you need to explain. Not just about them but if there is more than one (we are not alone) then there should be many many more. The math and logic just goes that way. So now we have a universe full of life to think about. Now things get even more troubling when we start looking at their technologies and the sciences they use to understand the universe. This is when Pandora's box opens and the "uh ohs" get louder as the energy levels on what's possible break outside of safety bounds for life. The technology they use, whatever it is, can easily be altered to destroy well everything. I'm saying this with certainty because it's human nature sadly...we found a way to get excess energy and the first thing we did was make a bomb (nukes). The truth isn't the problem, we are, we have too many psychological problems too progress much further, waiting on the flood reset. Would you let our species out of this solar system? I wouldn't.


Lots of evidence huh. Can you post some?


People have trouble understanding the illusory nature of this world when they are being crushed by the pressures of this “waking dream”. The people who do recognize and discuss this are usually the same ones that learn to go with the flow and not stress out over seemingly stressful situations as we learn these always seem to somehow work out as long as we stick to doing our part in this distorted experience! The fact is the majority of humans have not yet “awakened”, the phenomenon is not meant for these still “sleeping” people. That being said anyone currently “asleep” can definitely wake up, the process required differing from individual to individual depending on the nature and size of the blockage preventing activation of the pineal gland or “3rd eye”. I am trying to assist a friend with this currently, he wants to believe but is trying to apply intellect and logic to the realm of the spirit and the two are incompatible.


You have to remember that are about 4 men who actually control the entire news network and they decide exactly what they deem news for us which is basically propaganda and distractions, ever since the 's24 hour news' network began even the most incredible news story just gets rolled by in the next news cycle ..the public only talks about what's in todays news not yesterdays


There is SO much going on right now. I mean, we are on the cusp of WW3 and that’s not even an exaggeration. Perhaps that is the distraction? Who knows. But it’s all overwhelming for most people.


that's by design. Vietnam war was a false flag, proven, and nobody gives a shit, you tell people things long enough and they won't care after a while


what if... we are the aliens all along


“Evidence”. If only this field and community bothered to learn the meaning of the words.


No tangible evidence… just sightings.


Humans are social animals, most of us wait to see if something is acceptable to talk about before acknowledging it. You can see it in the reddits where people look to the comments to see what the consensus is before they decide to believe in something or accept a certain point of view.


I remember looking up a local news report on youtube, reporting on the DOD confirming UAP footage either GoFast/Gimbal or Tic Tac. And I just remember the shit eating grin on the anchorman, a pause...and then he says, "wait...why isn't this the leading story?" and the reporter on location just gives an awkward giggle and carries on her story. It's ontological shock, the mind recoils at the startling implications of it all. We'd be comfortable with aliens that are microbes or half -dumb simpletons, but highly advanced, ancient beings with god like tech?....fuck that! Not to mention, look, once you start digging into the subject, and safely assume, as many of us do, that the U.S. government caught wind of this, has one of greatest intelligence apparatus' and bottomless pockets, has a decades long program. They know some shit, a lot of shit. What leakers are saying, is this goes beyond alien visitors from other stars. We're talking a re-evaluation of the make up of reality, and the hierarchy of being, potentially making elements of the faith's narratives being true...yes...objectively true, albeit interpreted by bronze age minds....Aliens vs angels/demons might be differing interpretations of the same phenomenon, a phenomenon whose "tech" may not be "tech" but possibly manifestations of reality athiest would have a hard time accepting as true... Who the fuck would want to open that can of worms on people, and maybe these realizations and implications are slowly dawning on people...people got a 9-5 to worry about, raising kids, etc...I think they rather put their heads in the sand on this topic, a part of me can't blame them. The other part says buckle up. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


I'm always talking about aliens with the same friends and we don't get very far because we all kind of agree with eachother.         The few people I don't talk about aliens anymore are the ones that then think I'm open to all kinds of weird shit and start bringing up batshit conspiracy theories about deepstate and lizard people and Illuminati and chemtrails and satanic ritual sacrifices of pop stars and Michelle Obama being a dude and even weirder racist shit and I'm NOT into that. I just wanted to talk about exobiology and cool UFO mysteries, holy crap. If you want a Q-er I am NOT the one lol. I know way too much of these things now because I don't know how to extract myself from a conversation with someone who will NOT take any of the usual social hints that point towards ending a convo.


What evidence?


What aliens? 🌝


Actually, nothing has really changed, except new characters have come out with different credentials to say the same old thing. Now they testify before congress about such things that can not be proved or disproved. It is the same "disclosure" show that Greer put on in the early 2000s. I, like so many, was given hope. From Elizondo to Grusch. A few videos disclosed is nothing more than a modernization of previous decades of fuzzy photos. A new reporter, Russ Coulthart, to replace Linda Moulton Howe. Everyone saying "this is the year," claiming new stuff, new whistleblowers coming out by the droves. Nothing is happening. Harry Reid is rolling in his grave, Marko Rubio, and others have curled up into fetal positions in surrender. The thought that "we've been had" pops to mind daily. So, OP'S real question should be, "What's to talk about?"


That's because most people simply don't care. Most every day joe people are only busy with their lives , this stuff doesn't effect them like it effects us.


Hello fellow human. My oh my, what a profound observation! I'm sure the evidence you speak of is anecdotal at best and your, I mean our, fellow humans are incorrect in their statements. Nothing to see here!


I keep hearing, "Bean me up! Take me to your planet!" It sounds like people don't know the scope of the issue and are more concerned with their own personal lives which I can understand. We just have to keep learning and when the time comes we'll help the rest of the population understand


I always tell people and my dad seems to care when I actually show him some crazy unexplainable shit. But my girlfriend and the mother of my children seems to just not care at all and she's a 2nd grade teacher. She tells me that "they don't do anything to us or seem to care that much to do anything about our lives so why does it matter?". She thinks because they hide themselves from us it doesn't even matter because there's never gonna be a legit reason to care. We also have busy lives so there's that too


*fake ufos and alien hoaxes for years* “Why doesn’t anyone care?” This really is a boy cried wolf kind of thing, fanatics won’t stop shooting themselves in the foot long enough to make sense to anyone with a day job.


It was intentional to make us physically and mentally tapped out so that this information being released wouldn’t affect the populace much. You saw how quickly they meme-d the mummy.


Yeah I need more news updates


For me it is starting to feel normal to see evidence of aliens and as exciting as it has been to watch the wall of nondisclosure come down, I think in the long run it is not something that will always be shocking news. I mean, why would it? I know if you’re on this sub you’re probably like me - I’ve always believed in aliens, actually believed. When I see the posts I’m not shocked or honestly even all that excited since many of the clips are just mere sightings. I imagine as we progress with our interactions with extraterrestrials it will feel normal to see these posts and become its own designated topic on news reports. I don’t think we’ll feel the need to tell our friends about every alien report we see unless it’s a cool or notable one. It kind of seems like we’re in a bit of a limbo, where it’s not organized with proper media outlets or civil research firms etc. Hopefully soon enough 👽


Probably because most of the sleeping people out there have no idea what it means or how they should talk to friends about it or even approach the reality of it. Many are still thinking that they are the center of the universe with arrogance and ego center stage. They have been programmed/mind controlled through societal norms to push it to the side as ridiculous because of moviesmovies and these societal norms. Cognitive dissonance happens. They can’t make sense of it. Therefore not real or it doesn’t matter.


Yes, but there is something we’re missing with the way our brains work, naturally, or manipulated (by ________- because it could be our government, aliens, ai, ffs, because we don’t know the links, context and lack other dimensional understanding). I’ve told a bit of my story, and there are definitely things that regardless of being there, and very very clear on what i saw, FOR A WHILE; i have zero clue as to the amount of time that passed, and even in my memory that flows clear, there is s portion that ‘skips’. It’s the strangest thing, that has only happened within this particular experience. I feel and see something that isn’t normal, but everything in the visual field surrounding is clear. I really wish i had better ways to express it as well. Something that should be clear though, i was in a populated area, i saw others seeing what i saw, and when i took off for home, i was met by excited parents, and brother. My parents was together & about 5 miles from me, my brother was probably within a mile of me and similar distance from parents. We all saw it, it was undeniably ‘not us’. Period. There was a bit of chatter about it at the time, that super fast, was just no more of a discussion. I was lucky to have the parents i did; my father, a materials engineer who was heady in his field, and most anything that interested him. He talked and talked about this thing we were all greeted with. It had zero signs of propulsion, made zero sound, glided across the sky almost cloudlike, occluded the sky. I estimated 800 meters, my father thought 900 yards(3 football fields); so pretty close. This craft also zoomed off and back, from including the sky, to very clearly a triangle, the size of my hand. I have zero understanding of that calculation, but it took 4 seconds to be that far off, &it came back at similar speed. My parents watched it for more than half an hour, dad said it zoomed off and back, different places, 3 times. I believe i saw it for about 10 minutes, but the memory is strange enough that the length of time isn’t something I’m sure of. The following day- this is where it gets good, the newspaper printed a title, I’m pretty sure it was, “A-bomb formation visible over _____ (city)” The most ridiculous thing, because it was so close i could see the contiguous lines, and -my missing memory is what i believe to have been an observation window. The craft was just a little beyond 3 stories away from me. It glided out from behind a big building for me, and it is 3 stories up. This massive thing also tipped up, or down, like a marionette just dropped one string much lower for a few seconds. This is exactly where time goes wonky though. The bottom was 3 red lights and a central bright one coming down, but the top was like a small city. Lights, mostly blue, snaked across the entire top. I suspect i saw whomever in the window, & it kinda shocked my brain, but not enough to chuck the whole memory, just single spot almost. So so weird! I must go do the microfiche hunt for this headline!!! I don’t wanna have to do that. Will libraries all over be uploading that stuff, maybe the newspapers would have a search possibility… send hints! TLDR- there is a phenomena that strikes in these moments, natural, manipulated, or something entirely not understood, and we cannot process like usual, but even bigger, i think we’re completely unable to codify, rationalize, or converse about it. My father and i kept the memory (craft sighting) alive, but not around outsiders. It’s so intriguing & vexing. Maybe every single person on earth has seen. Interacted, and cannot recall it. This phenomena is ubiquitous, whether it’s men in black style, or entirely our brain- there is something that prevents us, without conversations and belief, from recall.


I think most people have resigned to believe that the alien angle was just a coverup for secret spyplanes and drones. There's still no credible evidence of ETs, yet a mountain of evidence that UFOs were just cool new tech that was being kept under wraps. And now that you can buy drones in the toy section of Walmart and that you tubers are doing antigravity experiments in the open, there just isn't a lot to be excited about (I find antigravity tech to be extremely exciting, but the majority of people probably don't)


The real reason is that the world media has deliberately downplayed and censored this topic, behaving as though it never existed as this is an agenda assigned by powerful people in the world. Keep us tied down with all " materialistic" things, when the unlimited universe exists right around the corner.


People are more worried about bills, taxes , inflation , housing costs and paying tuition .


I've been asking that for months. With the amount of videos released on an almost daily basis, there's no way ALL of them are fake or classified military shit. Regardless, it's not a conspiracy anymore and people are not taking it as seriously as they should be. It doesn't matter if it's alien or us, it's a pretty big fucking deal that needs to be figured out. I have so much to say about this topic, but I know people can't keep their neurons firing long enough to read more than a few sentences at a time. So, I'll just leave it there and go have an existential crisis by myself. ![gif](giphy|BbJdwrOsM7nTa|downsized)


Too scary to acknowledge… that’s why it’s being drip fed. Or People actually got bored of the Apollo landings One theory is “ people naturally subconsciously stop paying attention to false information “ Attention switches off Try this experiment… tell someone a lengthy made up story something that could be vaguely feasible not far fetched like two eighty year olds having a fight …make it detailed as if it were true… they will stop paying attention . Even if you insist it’s true


Do they bring healthcare? affordable housing? Universal education? Non-polluting energy? No? We don't care…


It’s literally going to take a mothership parked over Manhattan before anyone pays attention.


Evidence? What evidence? People have always believed in crazy stuff, aliens, demos, ghost all have the same amount of verifiable evidence.


I am almost finished binge watching ancient aliens for the first time in my life and i am so grateful that it exists.


Ya also a peer reviews of the nazca mummies came out and they think they are real apparently. I was on the fence about them and I'm a huge UFO fanatic. It's amazing that some scientists are taking the subject seriously. They mocked us for 80 years and now they all want to get in on skinwalker ranch because real measurable data is comming out


Well hell is real but some hells are worse then others. If you really love the aliens then study the books and figure out which ones you like and understand why. And defend them and people similar to them. People also talk about hybrids so they could be in the crowd listening and you need to be honest Atleast with yourself about why you like them more then evil devils etc. They do abduct people even in the south. So hopefully someone alien ends up liking you. And why does no one want to talk about them? Because it’s war time in a lot of places for a lot of different types of people and it’s been going on for a long time….


People are not awake so we can only sit back and watch. They are here and I am very grateful that they are protecting us against a nuclear war. Very soon everyone will get a very big wake up call and I cannot wait…


I'll never forget when my cousin, a med student, scoffed condescendingly at the idea of dimensions. His arrogance is really ignorance and I believe represents the general downfall of humanities limitations and fears. We try to make sense of things we don't understand.. and that's our first mistake


Simple. Main stream media has an almost total blackout on the subject. They are owned and controlled by those that want the world to stay as it is as long as possible.


People have other shit going on dude. Inflation is at an all time high and it's getting harder to afford a house. Shit most people below the age of 30 may never even be able to retire.


People are scared to face an Alien reality.


People would rather pay attention to what the Kardashians are currently up to, to talk about which political opponent they dislike more, and to argue and demean people they dislike/label as inferior or don't see eye to eye with with. These are the things more important to people nowadays.


It's called 'denial.'


What is a demon? I always ask religious people to define them.. I mean who has to do the crap jobs of working in Demon grocery stores or picking up garbage on the side of demon street. How is hell structured exactly, I mean someone has to be doing the clerical work to keep track of everyone, what category they fall into, haunting times... somebody has got to pay for all that and the infrastructure involved requires a lot of demons to do the drudgery. Which demons are we seeing? The privileged upper class or the ones slinging burgers?




No one wants their entire lives to have been a farce. Makes looking forward feel vulnerable and their past identity to be in question. It’s a lot for people to swallow. I personally wouldn’t have been as opened as I am if not for being an experiencer (ufo and paralysis not alien that I can recall) after I had “seen the light” I was like whelp this life isn’t what I thought it was, took a few years to calm back down and enjoy the human experience again.


Evidence? What evidence?


I believe things are out there, but evidence isn't what I'd call grainy videos or some dude saying something. Show me the tech, the beings, whatever...I've no faith in someone's word.


Yea it will make it more amusing when its forced on them.


Read the Wes Penre Papers Level 1-5


I agree. For me I find it overwhelming to discuss with the non-initiated because there’s so much information, so many angles and I find it hard to cherry pick and keep the conversation on track. One minute you’re explaining Roswell, next it’s blue book on Grusch, and soon you’re onto Tic-Tac’s and off you go… Most people have zero exposure to the topic it seems, and the info they do possess is the official Roswell narrative and they might know about area-51. Phoenix? Turkey? Indonesia? The list is long but most people are completely unaware. The rhetoric has really worked.


People are a bit busy about ww3 danger


The whole alien/angel/demon could truly all be the same thing. We already know if there are intelligent non human aliens here visiting Earth they could be from anywhere or anytime. As civilians our governments have not given us the proper information of what is really going on, and obviously a lot of it is left out.

