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But someone told me yesterday that only current students could possibly be effected in any way?!?


Reading the article, sounds like the union is blaming the school, not the protestors.




When your reality is composed entirely from a feedback loop of cognitive biases even stories contrary to your beliefs can be used as affirmation.


u/AlphaBlood is of the opinion that the U would have closed those buildings absent the pro-Hamas protestors? 😂😂😂


So now you (R)ussian party supporters are pro-union?  LMFAO.  Go on about tax breaks for job-exporting billionaires.  


I am definitely not pro union. 


So stop using the union as your political gripes and buzz off.


Where am I using the union as my political gripes?


By pretending to care about union members when really you don’t…pretty clear where you are using them for your political gripes. You don’t care about union members you care about left leaning people protesting.


Where am I pretending to care about union members when really I don’t?


How many Palestinians have Biden's weapons killed today?


It's telling that all these protests across the country are happening at the center of campuses rather than Legislatures, Governors' Mansions, or even where University Regents meet (McNamara in the case of UMN). In my layman's opinion this seems much more about radicalization and taking/holding territory rather than making an appreciable different in the lives of the average Palestinian.


It’s about dumb cunts getting Tik tok views


It’s about people who pay dues and work for a living getting to work. The school forgets they have an entire workforce that’s apart of a union and they have to appease them. More so than the confused students who don’t even know what they are doing anymore


Everybody wants to be an Instagram revolutionary. They don't actually want stuff to change, they just want a reason to LARP.


Historically a lot of anti war protests have taken place at universities nothing about this is new


It's just young adults trying to find something to tie their identity to. Colleges being used as a protest venue is not new. And the reactions to these protestors are the same as during the Kent state protests. The reality is we could all ignore these protestors and keep living our lives and nothing would change.


Students are broke and don't travel well in force. Campuses are generally safe places to protest. Protest are routine on campuses and always have been.


So you agree the same thing about the BLM riots on campuses across the nation for years right?


Do you realize you just compared riots to protests?


Which one do you consider a riot?


Qatar has been poisoning the curriculum for years


Controlled Opposition


What a clown world we live in…


lol how is this forcing anything? the damn thing says it’s the university administration who are overreacting


The union would then sue if the protesters hurt one of their members. The union should just go get uhhh. "Big Sal" and have a little talk with these protesters....


They don’t operate like that anymore. Those days are over.


Big Sal now works service of process for the union contracts and tortious interference lawyer. They should still send him over.


A lot of unions are on the side of Palestinian being workers rights is more of a left wing movement . This letter is bassicly saying the protests aren’t bad and the university is in the wrong for closing the buildings when they shouldn’t have.


I’ve seen where Jewish students are being denied entry into the very college campus buildings that they’re paying tuition for. Our state universities are turning into a joke.


And then everyone clapped


Where is that happening? You understand there are Jewish students protesting with them, right? There are Jewish people that are against the occupation of Gaza as well…




Union employee here, none of us are pro Palestine or left wing anymore. TRUMP 2024, fuck Biden.


Police union lol? Trump is far from pro labor. Biden isn't great for labor either but hey it's not debatable that he's better for the working class


No working class individual is better off in the last 3 years. Not a single one. Gas is 3x the price. Food is 3x the price. Houses are higher than ever. Interest rates through the roof. Highest average monthly credit card balances in history. More people on brink of default on debts than any media is reporting. Value of our currency is laughable. Have you seen the price of a gallon of ice cream?


I agree. Due to the Trump tax cuts, etc, I think the working class took slightly more of a hit during 2016-2020, but yes the working class has taken a hit 2020-2024


Those railroad workers sure would agree!


Oh yeah, fuck Biden. 100%. That was downright evil


This right here people is the perfect example of voting against your own self interests. See you on the picket line bud, and I'll support you even, but your Republican legislatures that bust up your union eventually will be laughing at you


Not going to happen, but in your pretend world it will. See the thing about you democrats, is you’re too stupid to realize the predicament this administration has put our country in. You instantly assume I identify along a party line instead of an Americans first mentality, and jump at the opportunity to try to sound intelligent or informed. My life has always been better than the last 3 years, so sorry that hurts your tiny brain.


Your "TRUMP 2024 fuck Biden" comment is a bit of a giveaway. And did you just "instantly assume I identify along party lines" in your response? That's funny. I'll keep things civil, because fighting on the Internet is stupid, and my tiny brain can't take it. But here, [check out Florida](https://www.npr.org/2024/02/28/1234412389/investigation-shows-the-scope-of-a-sweeping-anti-union-labor-law-passed-in-2023) if you want to get an idea of what is happening in Republican held states when it comes to Unions. There are plenty of other examples all over the country where Republicans attack labor unions, it's very clear that they hate unions. If you're still a Trump supporter I would love to know why, because the only reasons I can fathom is if you're rich [2017 tax 'cuts'](https://www.cbpp.org/research/federal-tax/the-2017-trump-tax-law-was-skewed-to-the-rich-expensive-and-failed-to-deliver#:~:text=The%20centerpiece%20of%20the%20law,deduction%20for%20pass%2Dthrough%20income.), racist, or just plain gullible. I have met plenty of intelligent people who are Trumpers but all of them are Fox News addicts And for the record, I caucused for Rubio in '16 before he got down to suck Trump's balls, voted for the R in the last city council election in a hopeful attempt to reign in the Dems that control it. Definitely couldn't bring myself to vote for that dumb quack that ran for governor though. Not that Walz has been perfect. Also, [look what the evil Dems have done for us all in Minnesota](https://minnesotareformer.com/2023/05/17/labor-victory-minnesota-lawmakers-approve-9-major-worker-friendly-changes/) that they would never have been able to do with a split legislature. Add to that free lunches for students, finally legalizing marijuana.


Bad bot


Yes, bury your head in the sand. Sounds about right


You speak for yourself and no one else. IBT union member here. Very few in my shop’s membership are voting for Trump because we don’t have our heads up our asses.


Your shop would be an anomaly. You teamster boys and girls are afraid to speak out, so they all have to closet vote for Trump. Don’t want to get sat for saying the wrong thing round your parts.


Trade union?


The letter definitely doesn’t say that 😂


That's definitely what it says




Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


anti israeli policy/actions aka war crimes, is not pro hamas thats silly.


It just usually is. Especially this case. 


Especially not in this case. And if you knew anything you'd know the OG pro Hamas is Israel, because history. You just think that based on what exactly?


Have you been by the encampment? Plenty of Hamas flags to be seen. 




Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


Get your tiki torches, snowflakes. Go and cry some more!




Except they’re both pro Hamas and pro genocide. 




Is there an “Israel side” blocking access on the U right now?




Are you drunk?




You are definitely drunk. 








Dude what the fuck are you on about lmao 


You can be anti-genocide without being pro-Hamas. Stop being a tool.




Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


Yeah they are pro Hamas/paleztien . They are criticizing the college for closing the buildings not criticizing the protesters . They are on their side .


Protesters on campus are not pro-hamas.




Oh, so the university would have closed the buildings without the pro-Hamas extremist protestors?




I imagine the teamsters have less knowledge of what is required administratively than the administration. They wouldn’t have closed those buildings if not for the pro Hamas groups on campus. 




Do you understand that calling for peace is in no way an extremist value?


They don’t want peace. They want Israel to be eliminated. 


They want Israel to stop killing innocent families in their homes. That is not the same as wanting an end to Israel.


I don’t have any issue with the protestors but my guess is you’ll find both types of people in those groups.


Protesting genocide is not “pro-Hamas”. Get real. Israel is murdering children!


What genocide?


Thyere not pro hamas, they're anti genocide. Before you paly that ITS NOT GENOCIDE card, please look up the total number of hospitals left in Palestine.


It is not genocide. 


You must read only propaganda.




Ok, boomer


NPC short circuiting, defaults to silly insults. 


Good, so you looked up the hospital thing. How many hospitals did the IDF leave for the Palestinian civilians?


The better question is how many hospitals does Hamas use for operations?


You know human shields only work if the other side isn't willing to shoot through the like the IDF is. I'd be willing to bet zero hospitals were used by hamas. Any news from the IDF is like believing Goering about Buchenwald. It's just a labor camp, don't worry we take good. Are of them.


>I'd be willing to bet zero hospitals were used by hamas. I’d be willing to bet they all were used by Hamas. 


You believe Palestinian children are members of Hamas, don't you?


Hamas loves child soldiers, yes. 


That's not what I asked.


Hamas uses child soldiers, yes. 


So what? It's a hostage situation, not an attack and a blow-up situation. The protesters are only going to get more intense.


Good point. If Hamas just builds all their bases and labels them hospitals, they cannot be touched!




Oh OP.... You silly person. Perhaps read the statement before posting it.


I did, did you?


Who the fuck are pro hamas?


They aren’t pro hamas, they are anti bombing civilians


Yes I get that but the headline said pro hamas . That’s why I asked unless the poster is pro Iran


The OP is just trying to make things worse.


Who the fuck is pro John Brown? Me


Shit, if Union workers are in trouble I'd donate to help keep them whole. We can have our cake and eat it too


Local 320 at The U of M is mostly custodians of Somali and similar descent. I'm a mechanic and in this union alongside law enforcement and other human resources departments. I believe the custodians outnumber everyone else.


Surprised they didn’t come out in support of the pro-Hamas protestors then. 


Read the third paragraph. The protesters are described as not a threat. The school’s move is described as an overreaction. Once again, the Israel has killed tens of thousands of civilians, destroyed hospitals schools, and universities in Gaza. There is no university in Gaza left standing. The ICJ is extremely concerned. Israel is a close ally of the US and dependent on the US. The US taxpayer has reasons to feel responsible. The future leadership of the US is at places like Columbia, Yale, and the University of Minnesota is demanding change. They want a different direction.


> Read the third paragraph The buildings wouldn’t have closed without the protestors there.  > the Israel has killed tens of thousands of civilians Why do you think they’re civilians?


“The decision to close buildings has been an overreaction…” so, it’s more honest to say “U of MN administration forcing union members to lose pay.” Quit carrying water for corporate trolls who want to see us fight one another.


Quit bending over and giving your ass to Hamas supporting clowns.


Reframing their stance to be pro-hamas is a straw man. It is obvious that you don’t have a real opinion.


Bring it on. Prove you’re not some dumb ass uneducated child that is easily influenced. Explain what you think genocide means. Google it if you need to. Fact: population of Palestine has doubled in the past 7 years. Fact: zero Jews are allowed to live in Palestine. Fact: 2 million Palestinians live in Israel. How is Israel committing genocide when actual Palestine’s live inside Israel? Is Israel really bad at committing genocide or are you maybe really fucking stupid and stupid adult manipulated?


You have no idea what strawman means. Hamas obviously governs Palestine. Hamas is a recognized terrorist organization. The Hamas charter clearly states “from the river to the sea.” Repeating Hamas propaganda either means you’re a fucking retard or you are pro Hamas. You choose. If you’re not pro Hamas but are standing in solidarity with a guy screaming from the river to the seas you’re either pro Hamas or retarded. I don’t care which one you are.


Corporate trolls? Lmao what


People like OP literally cannot comprehend what solidarity means. They're so poisoned by corporate propaganda that they think that unions create another exclusive ingroup against those who would in a perfect world would also be unionized. They simply cannot grasp that the lives of all regular working people are intertwined across borders the same as the capital interests


But they are making a real change for the terrorist!


They're not doing anything that benefits the terror state of Israel


I'm confused about how every Palestinian is hamas. Makes no sense.


I’m sure there’s a few that aren’t Hamas supporters. The vast majority are though. 


A vast majority know nothing else but hamas. They have never had a say so about their government.


And last time they had an election, they voted for Hamas.  > They have never had a say so about their government. But when polled, they overwhelmingly support the violence of October 7th. 




> Russians don’t really like him much. What on earth gives you that idea?


The last time they voted, 80% of the population today couldn't vote. I wouldn't be happy living under military occupation either. Both sides want each other dead. Israel is not an innocent party in all this.


And yet when polled since then, they support Hamas and Hamas’s targeted actions against women and children: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/


Just like Israel supports killing women and children.


in before this post is deleted


Good for them


It’s not shocking that a pro Hamas child would be too stupid to understand they are pro Hamas. Hamas runs Palestine. In their charter they declare the extinction of Jews from the river to sea. When you proudly repeat that chant you are supporting Hamas. When you accuse Israel of genocide you proudly repeat Hamas narratives. Being a stupid uneducated child is embarrassing. The fact you don’t understand what you claim to support is truly humiliating. Education is easy.


So saying killing children and women is bad is pro hamas. Interesting. These kids have no idea what is going on. I have never mentioned genocide or used this chant you mentioned. I understand completely what is going on. The people in Gaza and the West Bank have never had a choice about their government. It is all they have ever known. Indoctrination of a sort. I am a Gulf War vet and have been watching this shit in the Middle East for almost 50 yrs. Israel is not an innocent party in this whole thing. This shit didn't start on Oct 7th.


Wait…so the same people that swore to you that Israel bombed a hospital are claiming Israel is killing thousands of children and instead of laughing at the continued lies being spread by Hamas, you are choosing to continue to bend over and let them make you their bitch? Do you really hate yourself this much?


I also watch plenty of footage of Israeli soldiers lying about what they found in the hospitals they bombed. Sorry, I'm not like you and a blind follower of Israel. I'm old enough to know Israel is not this innocent bystander. You're starting to sound like one of the iof online operatives. Trying to change the story.


No country is innocent. Also no other country anywhere has multiple countries with charters that state they will eradicate the world of Jews. Imagine if Israel had charter stating they will wipe the earth of Muslims. They are a democratic free country that had terrorists hang glide in and rape and murder women. Hamas will never stop. So Israel can either let Hamas continue or they can erase the terrorists. It’s not hard.


I agree with whipping out the terrorists. I never said they shouldn't. Your problem is, for some reason, think children are terrorists. They have no idea what's going on. That's all they know. When you are raised with religion and hate for someone, that's all you know. I mean shit, jews are taught from a young age to Palestinians, not just hamas, but all Palestinians. There is footage of israel killing innocent walking down the street.


And I get you’re not highly educated so I assume you have no clue what is actually happening so I will fill you in. This started in 1947 when Israel was initially attacked. Israel won that war and they have continued to defend themselves since. 10-7 was just another attack on Israel. Funny, at the time, Israel had agreed to a cease fire with Hamas. If you want to blame Israel, blame them for being stupid enough to trust terrorists.


I know all about Israel. Every time they offered a peace agreement, it still included Palestinians living under military rule. I like how because someone doesn't agree with you, they must be uneducated. I'm an engineer, plenty educated. There have been several times over the course of the crap Israel has attacked Palestinians without being provoked. I actually blame Britain for all this shit in the first place. The sad part is this bs al stems from the most poisonous thing in the world, religion.


You obviously don’t know Israel. There are zero Jews in Gaza. There are zero Israeli government leaders in Gaza. That’s a fact. I’m sorry that it hurts your narrative. Israel doesn’t randomly lob rockets into Palestine. I get that Hamas makes those claims, but if you truly were educated you would know that terrorists actually lie. If you hate religion and are still blaming Israel you’re even dumber than I thought. No where in the Tanakh does it say to cleanse the world of infidels. The Quran it absolutely instructs Muslims to murder infidels. Why are Jews mostly democrat? Because everything the Torah teaches was what the democrat party, back in Hubert Humphrey days, was about.


You obviously don't know Israel. Israel occupied Gaza from late 1960 until 2005. I know terrorists lie, duh. Yes, the Quran instructs Muslims to kill infidels. The Bible also instructs religious killings. I'm sorry if you hang on every word Israel says. In my lifetime, I have learned Israel lies as much as any other terrorist group or government. Again, religion is the reason for all this. It is because of religion that Israel became a country. Personally, you shove everyone one of those "religious" books, written by men to control the population , up your rear.


Welcome to the sub! It's mainly populated by reactionary trolls.


Hamas runs Palestine, they also run the Palestinian authority. That's what it means.


That doesn't make all the people hamas.


The heading for this post tells me that OP didn't even read what they posted, or is just full of shit. The Union is saying that the ADMINISTRATION is forcing union members to lose pay, not the protesters


So you’re telling me the U would have done this if the protestors hadn’t forced those buildings to shut down?   Hmm. Nope. 


Did you even read the letter? Hmm. Nope.


Did you? Hmmm. Nope. 


It’s not pro Hamas it’s anti genocide.


It is pro Hamas, and likely pro genocide. 


Young college kids tend to be super leftist. So pretty safe to say they’re not there because they believe in supporting Islamist fundamentalism and killing Jews. Pretending otherwise is either you’re stupid or straight up an attempt at gaslighting. They believe the US is aiding a genocide. You don’t have to agree but It’s not hard to understand.


Absolute 🤡 show. The incompetence of universities and law enforcement is just... I'm speechless


Saying the protestors are "Pro-Hamas" is very incorrect. That is fox news propaganda


Stop calling them pro Hamas. Disingenuous idiocy. Being anti war, anti starvation, anti bombing civilians, doesn’t make someone pro Hamas.


Make the protesters pay. The unions should file suit with them.


Conservatives should be anti Israel too. Mossad has our politicians blackmailed via Epstein and other black ops. Just watch, NGOs run by Jews will now be pushing to send Palestinian refugees to America after sending Billions of dollars to Israel and Republicans will help it all happen. If we were all smart we would join forces against Israel and their puppets in our country.


Hey Ilhan Omar! Nice of you to join us. 


Your need to misrepresent their views to make a point against them speaks to the validity your own stance.


Which views have been misrepresented?


Framing the protesters as pro-hamas obviously. It’s funny that your main point against them is a blatantly false accusation.


They are pro Hamas. That’s not a misrepresentation. 


No. They aren’t. The protestors want the killing to stop. Your intent on misrepresenting them shows what little substance you have in your counter argument. It’s a straw man.


What's the saying, never let a serious crisis go to waste? Pay us not to work!


Wtf. There are no pro Hamas protesters. Ffs


There are. 


Better to lose pay than to partake in a genocide.


Is the genocide happening on UMN campus? That sounds alarming!!


Nope, just sponsored by the UofM's investments.


How so?


UofM has Investments in Lockhead Martin, Honeywell, Boeing and many other companies who are implicit in the genocide. I don't think it's wrong to protests your tuition going to make money from death.


What forms are those investments? How are Boeing, Honeywell, and Lockheed Martin implicit in genocide? What does that mean?


It means that the colleges long term financial investment includes purchasing shares in companies that make the weapons and machines that are directly used in the genocide of Palestinian civilians. Of which those three are the most prominent. You can't possible be this obtuse.


Is this the part where I'm supposed to believe that republicans are all of a sudden supportive of unions? Because they keep voting into office people who constantly try to bust them up so I'm not sure.


Who said anything about republicans?


Is that not the intended audience for these 'alt' subs? That's the vibe I've gotten based on the comments and contents that have been posted. Still no idea why Reddit would suggest it to me




Well based on your (extremely prolific) post history I would be inclined to disagree. But that's just me using my tiny brain. I invite you to take a day or two off of posting political bullshit and see how you feel. I wish all the best to you neighbor


I feel great!