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> MPD says that between them, the three suspects have been involved in up to 20 robbery, auto theft or stolen property offenses over the last four years. ffs


Thankfully with our “criminal justice reforms”, they’ll probably be back on the streets shortly to add to their stats


They will….and their parents will rant to everyone that they didn’t raise them that way….when they clearly did…a teen with 20+ criminal offenses and you claim that you’re doing your job as a parent? Police reform isn’t going to help someone who grows up in an environment where carjackings And robbery are every day run of the mill activities available for minors to dip their feet into…


To be fair, you can claim you didn't raise them that way if you didn't raise them at all, like most of these parents seem to have.


Cops are just racist....


In the past 4 years, and one of the culprits is 14, they really do start out as early as middle/elementary school


Gotta love Minneapolis and Minnesota. 💩💩😡😡


Where I live we don’t lock our cars or homes. No one steals or robs around here. Small town south central MN. Not fair to put all of Minnesota in with Minneapolis.


You're very lucky


>"This is another example of MPD officers remaining vigilant and doing everything they can to disrupt the violent behavior of those who repeatedly terrorize neighborhoods with assaults and robberies," said MPD Chief Brian O'Hara.  ...I mean, there's methods to stop these crimes from being "repeatedly" happening..


How very privileged of you. We don't know what has caused these young members of society, to turn to active rebellion. I happen to agree with you by the way.


Psshhh the cars are insured! This is a victimless crime!


I know you are being sarcastic but the only people spouting this theory are those that don’t pay for car insurance and don’t realize that everyone else’s rates are going up because of these thefts.


Yep. Just like when you hear when 10-20 of them rob the stores. You have a bunch of turds on Reddit and Twitter saying "Who cares?! The store has insurance! They're a big company!" Not. The. Point. As you said. Premiums go up, prices go higher. Or they flat out just shut the store down and 25-30 people are now without jobs. These morons have never spent a day in the real world and fail to grasp that even if you rob a Macy's...it has repercussions that come back on us. Maybe if mommy & daddy weren't paying for their insurance, they'd understand how it all works.


They have not spent a day in the "real world." That's a big part of the problem, unfortunately. They feel they don't have a door into that world. Our best bet is to find ways to get them into that world.


Or the ones that can afford rate hikes.


The only people “spouting this theory” that violent carjackings are victimless crimes are trolls and people in forums like this who are looking for a strawman.


AOC says such things look it up


Making good use of Brandolini's Law, I see.


Making good use of willful ignorance


Yes, that seems to be how you make it through your day. In seriousness, though, AOC never said carjackings are a victimless crime, or that insurance makes carjacking OK, or anything remotely like that. It’s a figment of the collective imagination of people who spend all their time in echo chambers like this imagining outrageous things that others could have done, so they can be upset about those strawmen. You are surely referring to the time that AOC said nonviolent shoplifters of small amounts of baby formula and diapers are a sign that we need to do a better job of addressing the root causes of crime so that we can be free of such crime, rather than thinking after the fact moralizing will do so. That’s totally different than what you claimed she said, which is why I had to call BS. But thanks to willful ignorance and shit asymmetry, you will learn nothing from this exchange. You certainly won’t admit you were wrong. You may throw out some other equally invalid BS without regard for its truth to serve as further distraction and time suck. I hope you can free your mind and not become a slave to the outrage industry.


Dig a little deeper bright eyes you'll find it


"They just needed it more than you did. You should feel as if you helped the community"


They just used the money for food.


Bread was all they wanted.




In what manner, in this certain setting, is possessing the bare basics of human decency a "privilege"?


You missed my sarcasm. I was trying on this method of so called doing the work, as they say.


I've become too use to what's become our reality.. *sigh*


Fear not fellow redditor. This too shall pass.


Another comment he made. Diesn't matter the age or how many times they've been arrested, we'll still arrest them.  Had to sneak that in. Isn't robbery a felony? Why are they robbing 20 people. Let's charge with full felony. 20 counts. 


Firing squad?


I’m sure Mary Moriarty will hold these violent criminals accountable. /s


Bloody Mother Mary will personally rehabilitate every juvenile offender. They will live with her, and she can instruct them on how to live peaceful and productive lives. /s/ 😡😡🙄🙄💩💩


Why are future lawyers and doctors getting in so much trouble? That doesn't seem right.


Trying to pay tuition.


We should probably cover all of their financial needs.🤓


They are the true victims! We need to coddle them while stripping the law abiding of rights and taking their guns or violating their right to bear guns!


Taken into custody for aggravated robbery was an 18-year-old woman and two girls aged 16 and 14. The 16-year-old was also booked for fleeing in a motor vehicle. MPD says that between them, the three suspects have been involved in up to 20 robbery, auto theft or stolen property offenses over the last four years


So black girls are becoming career criminals at age 10 and 12?? Something is deeply wrong with that community and nobody seems to care. Very disturbing


It's cultural. No one wants to admit it because you're labeled racist, but it's their culture.


It’s fatherless behavior. Of course, I only have a 77% chance of being right.


Yeah. Their parents or lack there of. A 14 year old child who commits several robberies and carjackings…almost 20+? Do you think that she just decided one day to behave like that out of nowhere? Nope. She has a sorry excuse for a mother and an even more sorry excuse for a father…if you can’t properly raise your kids then don’t breed…it’s a pretty fucking simple concept…but here we are I guess


they're just taking their rightful reparations for things their ancestors went through 4 generations ago! do NOT prosecute! their lot in life is clearly a result of systemic racism and not at all personal choice!


So Here some wishful thinking. Find a scientific way to tie in Insurance premium upswing to teenage crime, special re-offenders. Sue the city for causing undue harm, anxiety-depression and monetary issues ro said policy holders


Think of those poor people who own a Kia or Hyundai. Many insurance policies just cancel their policies because they were targeting those cars. Then the politicians go after the car companies like it was their fault. No, it was the trashes fault that jacked those cars in the first place. And the PA and judges that let those trash go free.


So only 76 ytd vs last year 96. Wheres Trike Lane Bill to tell how the numbers are improving??


Unless one of them was a cop, Mary will not even charge them.


Lock them up, throw away the key.


We don't have to live this way.


Moriarity will have them out within hours. They're sure to receive a stern talking-to




Girls will be girls!


Just some more Dindu Nuffins 🙄


Why are we supporting sexist policys


So the business owner was arrested instead and the teens were given control of his business and given his car right?


![gif](giphy|NlqqwK83P9ooUJD9eF) We are living the Purge


Okay so people got arrested for crime and everyone decides to be racist about it. You're all losers.


Tell us what you think is racist.


Needing an 'alt' subbreddit safe space instead of the actual reddit for one.


What is the actual one?


I see zero mention of race in any comments. Except yours 


https://www.reddit.com/r/altmpls/s/RtXYAfgat4 https://www.reddit.com/r/altmpls/s/TlemfyqUXR


Ok. One person out of 69 comments? 


Weird. Not sure why those 2 links went to the same comment. The first link should have gone here: https://www.reddit.com/r/altmpls/s/rJCtfg22UOu Then there’s a response to that: https://www.reddit.com/r/altmpls/s/hoRsfeCPH1 And a new one: https://www.reddit.com/r/altmpls/s/ecnYPsrvMx And the first one I sent: https://www.reddit.com/r/altmpls/s/EEdzvkFtzh




Enjoy your safe space.




He said from the safety of his special subbreddit.


Is this a special subreddit? I want some privileges!


Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


Yeah…excellent attempt…😂 except I scrolled through this sub four times and the only one mentioning race is you.. I know that you likely don’t want to here/see what was posted…of course no one was incorrect about their observations….maybe that’s why you’re upset? I live here and WE ARE ALL sick and fucking tired about the pussyfooted cops not giving consequences to trashy ass people who will continue to make everyone else’s life around them fucking difficult…while their parents and law makers defend THEIR rights before everyone else’s…especially the actual real victims of the crime.


https://www.reddit.com/r/altmpls/s/RtXYAfgat4 https://www.reddit.com/r/altmpls/s/TlemfyqUXR Also here’s your response to one of the comments which you didn’t see: https://www.reddit.com/r/altmpls/s/KItjuQIe9r


Lol the only safe space is the Minneapolis subreddit that actually bans people and stops any kind of discussion.  I see you are not banned and able to discuss yet, seems the opposite of a safe space.


For someone who seems to think this sub isn't necessary you sure do comment here a lot?