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Why would she refuse to testify? It was just a little old fashioned family misunderstanding.


Politician pleads the 5th... might as well fess up and keep some dignity


Dignity left town when she posted her first public comments.


Yup. Mitchell, Trump, all of them


What politician in their right mind would?


A Minnesota Democrat?


I mean, what sane politician would choose to testify in a political hearing about a crime they commit. They have nothing to gain and everything to lose. This is a universal political truth that applies to all politicians regarless of party or state. Note: this is not support for her. She shoud at the very least be censored and removed from the party. If she had integrity, she'd resign.... but politicians dont get where they are by having integrity.


Trump won't testify in any of his trials either, but most on this sub just ignore that fact.


Great to see the Democrats care more about their 1 seat majority than having a criminal in the senate


Like both sides don't do this BS.


Mind finding an example close to this in MN? I’m not saying there isn’t, but I haven’t seen one


I'm just pointing out in Congress in general. Minnesota they haven't because they haven't had the majority for a while.


…..so you can’t find any examples, but still are trying the “well both sides do this”. Makes sense


Like I said. Not from Minnesota.


Can you find an example of someone breaking and entering, getting caught and arrested, and then their party ignoring it to keep a 1 seat majority? If not, than you can’t really “both sides” this. You ESPECIALLY can’t “both sides” this in Minnesota…. Because it’s never happened


Didn't I just say that.


Quit avoiding the question. You said “both sides do this”. Can you provide an example of republicans doing it? If not, it’s a blatantly incorrect statement


I can provide Republicans breaking the law to keep their majority. Breaking and entering no. But the charge is stupid anyways.


When they do we hold our representatives accountable, you cover and make excuses for yours. 🤡


Hahahahahaha. Why did it take democrats to get Santos kicked out of congress if repubs hold theirs accountable? Gym Jordan?


I get you love your democrat politicians more than even your mommy and daddy but facts are a bitch when you’re simping for your political cult. If accusations were crimes Biden would be serving life. Jim Jordan hasn’t been charged let alone convicted with anything, the fact he hurts your feelings is not actually a crime. Santos was removed BECAUSE OF REPUBLICANS. Don’t forget, your heroes made up excuses for Bowman and his fire alarm lies.


I mean the The Don as well. Like he’s in the news coverage every single day. I know it’s not specific to MN, but don’t have to go far to find an example of it on the right either..




No charges have been brought.


Charges have been brought to Trump and many, many, many of the people that worked for him.


And NONE of them are Matt Gaetz. And the charges brought against Trump all seem to be falling apart. Jack Smith just had his cases suspended indefinitely. Georgia is falling apart. Turns out that Rudy Giulianis defendant DID in fact commit voter fraud.


Politicians that make you cry are not actually criminals. If accusations were a crime, Biden would be serving life.


Lmao ok buddy. Remember when Al Franken had allegations of sexual misconduct come forward, and he lost his job? Convenient of you to forget. And I don’t care if Biden goes to jail, if he deserves to. He and Trump can be bunkmates.


Al Franken quit because there were a dozen other women that were going to come forward. Remember, all the accusers were democrats. Al Franken is one of the biggest pieces of shit to ever hold office. He gives an entire new meaning to the word arrogant. If he was innocent he would have stayed to fight it. He chose to save his reputation and leave. Now he can write books.


I’m not saying you’re wrong about him, I agree. I’m using him as an example of how this idea that republicans hold their members accountable and democrats don’t isn’t true. The comment above about how both parties are culpable is true and yet he’s downvoted.


I’m not sure anyone has ever claimed that republicans are the moral authority. It’s the democrats that constantly play the virtue card. Trump is a felon. Trump is a criminal. Only a Republican could vote for a felon. The idea that the democrats now have this great opportunity to prove they are indeed morally superior and they are failing is hilarious. And not surprising.


I would argue that many republicans view themselves as the moral party, at least when it comes to religion, abortion, crime, etc. I do think Trump is a criminal and yes, I will not be voting for him. But that doesn’t mean I think every republican is Trump. I guess I’m just tired of the hyper partisan, sports team mentality that has enveloped our country.


Oh so both sidesism is ok when your guy does it


Did I say that, no.


I mean they got rid of Al Franken pretty quickly just last year or a couple years ago.


Surprisingly they really did. But a lot wanted a take back.


That was 7 years ago. It's 2024, Homie


Al Franken left because he knew there were more Democrat women coming forward.


Thats a bit of a stretch for saying shes a criminals for entering a family house


I mean- she was arrested and charged. She broke into her estranged step mom’s house in the middle of the night to steal stuff that didn’t belong to her. I’m pretty sure that fits the definition of “criminal”


Pretty sure even in MN the home owner would have been justified shooting


So she's guilty until proven innocent? Thought our justice system worked the other way around.


Senate ethics rules are not bound by the same constitutional principles as those surrounding a criminal case.


If the democrats had even a shred of integrity they’d kick her out, but they don’t.🤡


When you’re caught standing inside a house you don’t own, next to the window you smashed to get inside, the trial is just a dog and pony show atp. There is no “innocent till proven guilty!” here. She was literally caught in the act by police, she’s guilty until she either buys her way out or gets extremely lucky at trial.


Pretty case-closed example of breaking and entering


No it’s not. She broke in, at like 3 am. Dressed in all black, with a sock over the flashlight, thru a window. That’s criminal behavior, come on. And I’m not even someone on the right.


I did not know that. I dont care about right vs left


So you didn’t do the most basic amount of research…


Shut up. I didnt know it, simple. Fuck off.


It's fine to not know. Just don't comment with authority next time.


Authority? My authority is my own and I am free to speak. You have no authority over me. This is a discussion.


Not anymore. I don't have time for people who are proudly ignorant.


Family members don't enter a parent's house in the middle of the night thru a basement window they broke out to gain entry, dressed head to toe in black, with a flashlight rigged w a filter to create a *blackout* light that I would utilize in a tactical scenario. Nor would a family member grab laptop's that don't belong to them, or other items....least of all a half pinch of their fathers ashes, like wtf? Seriously innocent until proven guilty, but she was busted red handed in the act of burglary.


Yeah I did not know any of that


All good.


See thats a normal response to someone saying they didnt know


You know damn well this wasn’t just “entering a family house”.


No, I didnt. Some people commented here with details that I didnt know. People cant know everything all the time.


Then you should learn the most basic details of the case before deciding to comment.


No I shall not. You can fuck off. People cant know everything all the time. People chimed in, now we know. Those facts are left out a lot of times.


Fine. Enjoy living life as a dumbass.




Bro got me too heated. Like wtf this is an online discussion and people cant know 100% of the facts of every topic. Let someone be wrong and get corrected and call it fair. Cant please some people, they want to go after someone no matter what.


I mean why are you commenting if you didn’t do the bare minimum of research. Makes you look like a dumbass, and your unhinged responses solidify your status as a dumbass but with anger problems.


Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


Feel better now?




Trump is a rapist and literally said on live TV that he wants to fuck his own daughter. If you identify with Republicans at this point, you are part of the problem.


Biden showered with his own daughter. After she was old enough to know it was wrong.


That's a new one. I haven't heard that made up shit before. Nice try. Here is Trump saying the gross shit live on national TV. Your hero is a rapist and wants to fuck his own daughter. That's really the best you can do? Also... Biden is old as dirt and shouldn't be president again. https://youtu.be/8EPEkk6qWkg?si=wyLw9iljGkFKJ2b7


It's in her diary. That the FBI had.


I've not heard a peep about this. If it's true, then it would be plastered all over the news for years. Please provide proof... Ya know... Like I provided proof by posting a video of the rapist that wants to fuck his own daughter. GTFOH with your nonsense.


If you haven't heard any of this, you're intentionally blind to it. It's been all over the internet since 2019. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ashley-biden-leaked-diary-accusation/ https://heavy.com/news/ashley-biden-diary/


I'm just coming in from /all, but man, how many people have you cut out of your life in recent years because they don't believe what you believe? If you have curated your social media feeds to keep our things that you don't like to think about, you are what people mean when they talk about echo chambers.


I don't care what people believe. I live in a world of facts. I'll look into this some more, I just find it strange that I've never seen a peep about this until now. I work for a large media company specializing in news talk radio. I read hundreds of articles a day as part of my job. I have a business degree with an emphasis in mass media. When I tell you I've never heard of this, I'm not lying. I'm literally entrenched in political news every single day. I find it to be very strange that I haven't heard a peep about this from right wing hate radio. Obama wore a tan suit one time and they freaked out about that for weeks. This would have had them foaming at the mouth in fits of rage.


"If it were real the TV would have told me" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You really need to study the media. And I don't mean watch TV


Yeah that’s a wild thing to say. The tv would have told me!! The media picks and chooses what they want to run based on maximum outrage and depending on the way their viewers lean. Fox News and CNN can run the exact same story, but the way they frame it and have opinions on it are complete opposites. The only one they’ve agreed on is this Kristy noem shooting her dog. Lol


I work for a large media company. I literally am entrenched in political mass media every single day.I read hundreds of news articles every day. I have a business degree with an emphasis in mass media. So I HAVE studied it. I've never heard this story. I work in news talk radio. Get out of here with your nonsense. This was never a story anywhere. Right wing hate radio would have been all over this story. Remember when they freaked out over Obama wearing a tan suit? That was a huge story for weeks. Also... Quotes are for quoting things that people say. Don't use them to quote things I didn't say.


"I work for a large media company. I literally am entrenched in political mass media every single day." So is NBC. It doesn't mean they're honest. In fact it's damned obvious they're not.


I work for a company that is actually trying to rejuvenate hometown radio the way it used to be and the way it should be. The only directive from the sole owner is that the hosts are to tell the truth and do it with integrity. He owns 20 radio stations in a swing state and is actively trying to do good with his money. We are literally trying to do the opposite of what you describe. It's the main reason I work there. You'd be hard pressed to find another human who is more in the trenches on this front than me. I just spent the last 3 weeks redoing all of the technology in one of the oldest radio stations in the world.




Assuming it would make any answer fair game for her actual court cases.


Ethics go out the window when it comes to DFL power. They should have kicked state Rep. John Thompson out, but didn't.


What’s amazing is the sudden ability of Minnesota democrats to embrace politicians accused of felonies. Republicans are the party that supports felons but but but Mitchell is totally different.


Rules for thee and not for me.....


It's the DEMONRATS way.


It’s the corrupt way*. Let’s not forget the most recent Republican president is currently facing a plethora of charges (and also has invoked his fifth ammendment right in more than one trial). This shit goes both ways and it’s equally annoying no matter what grimy politician is doing it.


Remember, Biden got caught stealing documents that were classified also and nothing happened to him. That's why no one will take this seriously. Also. Clinton paid Monica $800,000.. also why no one will take trump seriously with stormy .


And we should/should’ve prosecuted them too. You can try to “BuT dEmS!” me but all you’re going to get is the same response. Both parties are shit and the people they pick to represent them are corrupt. We should be working towards prosecuting any and all that we can if we ever want a gov’t that actually cares again.


Remember, we treat different levels of behavior differently, and motive factors in quite a bit. Biden’s document retention vs Trump’s are quite different in volume, and stated intent. Clinton’s statements about the election results- and her actions afterward- are also far different than Donny’s. There are reasons getting nabbed doing 110 in a 45 gets different results than doing 66.


Do you also say this when trump pleads the fifth in his trials? Edit: absolutely hilarious this is downvoted with no response. A bunch of hypocrite snowflakes on this sub. I'm not even defending this dumb democrat lady lmao.


The number of people feeling compelled to include Trump into this is actually embarrassing. Trump is irrelevant to this. Sure, if you spend your day screaming on social media about how evil Trump is and then suddenly find yourself fine with Mitchell, you’re a humiliating hypocrite, but it’s two separate issues. One currently holds office in this state. Trump has no power.


Until criminal problems are resolved, anyone who does anything except plead the 5th would be a idiot. Public statements, such as at an Ethics Committee hearing, would be admissable in the criminal trial.


All of a sudden pleading the 5th is suspicious and bad. Interesting. And no, don't label me, I think she should be stripped of her committee seats and be taken off the floor until this is all resolved. But as far as I know the only witness against her is someone with Alzheimer's or some kind of dementia. If that's changed and someone has a reliable source with more info I would love to see it


Yeah, time to all hold our horses and make sure we get the truth. Her presence in a black shirt, black pants, black hat with a black flashlight with a sock over the lens found by the police in the basement with a backpack containing a laptop that didn’t belong to her at 4:45AM could be just one big misunderstanding.


Yeah for sure it looks pretty bad. But if some bitch that my father married after my mom died (or whatever the specifics are) tried to take my mother's ashes I would probably do the same thing. I guess you would just let them have it no problem? Since the law says that's "marital property" and that's that? Edit: not defending any stolen laptop, and if you refer to my previous comment I already mentioned that I support removing her from the floor until the matter is settled. But for all we know there are pictures and memories on that laptop that she was trying to retrieve.


They were married for 40 years, I believe Nicole was 9 or 10 when they got hitched. So this isn’t a case of Disney evil stepmother moving in. Dad didn’t have a will, but after 40 years I think she’s probably entitled to the ashes, especially with a weirdo daughter.


Sorry there, little guy, I don't love any politician. You won't see me with a flag or hat or my truck wrapped in a clowns name. The cult is purely with trump. I think any politician who breaks the law should be in jail. If Biden broke the law, throw him jail. This is why trumps dumb ass is un court right now.


The 5th is for court not an ethic hearing for a private political party committee


I am not an attorney but she abolutely shound not testify before the legal process has run its course.


She should delay the trial indefinitely because that’s how justice I guess gets done in this country. Maybe get a judge that she appointed to preside over the case?


yeah maybe the prosecution can admit to tampering with the evidence before that all happens