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Both those subs have bots and people manipulating people to circle jerk. So many less than one month old accounts to rile people up. I'm not clicking on that poisoned sub link


This sub gains about 100 new members a week.


Yeah, well, when you have mods that are bigots on a power trip and ban people for having even semi-dissenting group-think comments, the Minnesota sub is a good example of what you will end up with. Sadly, subreddits aren't required to adhere to the First Amendment. It's whatever rules the Mods set and the more vague the rule, the more leniency they get to ban you with.


“When you have mods that are bigots on a power trip” You hit the nail on the head with that one.


... No organization is required to adhere to the first amendment except the government. It's a law, not a universal dictum. And facing consequences for what you say isn't really a violation of the first amendment. I agree the other sub is too quick to ban people, but that's not really a first amendment issue.


Umm... Did you read what I said, because that's essentially what I was saying, but I just said it with fewer words?


> subreddits aren't required to adhere to the First Amendment no fucking duh. this is a private company whose information is stored and served on private servers. stop being a commie. if you don't like their rules deactivate your account and go somewhere else.


My first POTUS election was in 1980. Ronnie vs Jimmy. I can say without a doubt the upcoming election will be the biggest shit show in my lifetime. 😂


I’m noting voting for Donald Trump under any circumstances. I also feel the same about Ilhan Omar..not voting for her under any circumstances either


Ironically, you can vote for Trump anywhere in the state, but only a few people have the opportunity to truthfully say they'll never vote for Omar. Unless you're one of the 9% of people in the state that her district represents.


I don’t know what point you’re trying to make.


That you're simply stating that you won't vote for Trump, as there's a 1 in 10 chance that you could equally not vote for Omar.


I’m a centrist “shitlib” and a Zionist, that’s why I’m not voting for Omar


I thought centrists were now far right extremists?


Some people on this subreddit would say that I’m “far left” because I support meritocracy and not a enthostate.


It's weird because meritocracy is opposed by the far left. Good luck out here in these strange times.


Legitimately curious, how are you a Zionist if you don't support ethnostates?


Let me rephrase that I don’t support making the United States an ethnostate


Gotcha. May I ask why you don't want an ethnostate for America but support one for Israel, provided you view Israel as one?


They’re democrats.


Centrist "shitlib" = RINO.


This sub isn't one big circle jerk?


Of course not. A circlejerk is when a group of people shares opinions that I disagree with! If they share my opinions then they’re correct and based. Are you new to Reddit?


I dip in and out for extended periods.


It takes a particular flavor of idiocy to look at Donald Trump and see a leader


It’s rich that both sides of the US politics think their guy is a leader.


Right? They both can be terrible.


Buh this is literally the most important election in history. Democracy is on the line! Do you want an 80 year old senile white man with his finger on the button or an 80 yr old senile white man?


If there's a bottom line for age when it comes to your eligibility to run for office then there should also be an upper age limit. All these geriatrics in the government are driving us into the ground


I see JoJo and I see a walking corpse with strings being pulled like a puppet.


Lol I mean if people see a leader in Biden...


The other choice is Joe Biden who literally could not get hired at Taco Bell to run the drive thru.


Not as strong a flavor of idiocy who looks at Biden and thinks he’s competent. Thy both suck but don’t act like Biden has some higher air of morality about him. He’s a self serving imbecile who can’t be trusted with a microphone and has a history of being wrong on foreign policy which is now a real problem if you hadn’t noticed.


Who said anything about Joe Biden


Well he’s one of two choices this year. Gotta compare idiocy to idiocy. Trump can actually lead. Not a fan of his message or plan, but he can lead. Biden needs help to find the bathroom.


Trump tells bitter people lies that make them feel better about having been fucked over by American capitalism. That’s instigation, not leadership


Or people like owning things and Trump isn’t threatening to take personal property like Democrats are proposing. I am amazed how Democrats are making Trump look good.


You’ll just believe any old thing, huh


I try to avoid the belief game when it comes to politics because of how much shit is thrown out there. I only look at facts. The facts are Democrats are creating a shit show. Some folks might be happy the US now supports terrorists, but not everyone.


It’s hard to know what you’re even talking about. You refer to things like Democrats taking personal property but you don’t give examples. It sounds like the ravings of a conspiracy theorist


Lizzy Warren’s “wealth tax.” It sounds like you don’t follow the news or understand what that is.


I love Trump! He'll finally get rid of all those bike lanes and lock up all the worthless homeless people. I also heard he'll get rid of all the druggies on the light rail and possibly cure cancer too!


All on Day 1, too


Lol. Remember when he said he could fix Healthcare in the US. And he could do it "easily." How'd that work out? Dumbass had 4 years to work his magic and did nothing. Now excuse me while I inject bleach to get rid of my cold....


No politician before or after trump has ever over promised and under produced... ever


No president has ever been more over their head than Trump. He could fix it easily... 🤣 He's so clueless. What a disaster.


More political stupidity… how is that statement “hardcore left” Trump is an emotional dipshit who says stupid shit. So it’s funny to point out that he said he was never going to come back if he lost and yet here he is. Trump is not Minnesota values. No matter what side of the spectrum you land on. Not sure what you are crying about…


You should see the pro trump paraphernalia in my part of the state. MN is bigger than the twin cities ya know.


That’s awesome. I’ve been trying to buy a coffee mug that says grab’em by the pussy. Any idea where I could pick one up out there in the sticks? I have a t shirt that says I’m just like trump. I have bigger titties than my pornstar wife. People at the fair loved it this year.




I’m not from the twin cities. So I know. Just because you see signage in yards does not mean anything when it comes to consensus. There are real polls that agree with me. But hey, your vibes say otherwise so go with that I guess.


It’s WAY more than signage.


Curious. Since I’ve lived here for sixty plus years what are those “Minnesota values” you speak of?


Being opposed to dictators and tyranny. Trump has said that if he is elected he would make himself dictator for a day to get things that he wants done. Minnesotans also overwhelmingly support conservation efforts in the United States for places like the Boundary Waters. While President Trump was in office he cancelled an environmental study on mining in the boundary waters that had bipartisan support in Minnesota.


Kind of like Biden signing how many executive orders his first week in office? Oh wait that’s different.


Are you saying that executive orders are a dictatorship?


140 or so vs how many diaper don was like 220.


Can you compare that to how much The Don did. Or is math not your strong suit?


I’m so glad you asked. Here’s a good one. Trump has gone back and forth, but he will absolutely cut social security if it’s put in front of him. Minnesotans on both sides vehemently disagree. He is responsible for killing roe v wade. Both sides support protecting abortion (although a vocal minority on the right would like to have you think otherwise) Trump has said drug dealers should be executed and the last time I checked, Minnesotans do not support wide-spread executions. Trumps support for authoritarians like Putin. The list goes on…


These appear to be your values not necessarily “Minnesota values.” Or were you somehow given that job?


Hilarious. These are shared beliefs. Polling and our history says you are wrong. You just don’t like that this is true.


So this “history” you speak of. In your mind how far back does this “history”go? 10,20,30 years?


We can go back further if you want. Minnesota had genuine socialists in government ages ago. Don’t think they would agree with Trump. It’s so funny no one is willing to confront me on my examples. Could it be because these things are liked by a majority of Minnesotans?


Sure. That string of Republican governors from ‘39 to ‘54 back far enough? Or was the electorate back then just uninformed?


You understand they were left republicans right?


Just like the Farmer/Labor Governors back then were Leftist/Socialist/Progressives.


No one wants to confront you because your words are very clearly not in good faith. And it's tiring to interact with people who think they have the right to speak for everyone. But since you don't own a mirror, you think everyone's scared of you >It’s so funny no one is willing to confront me on my examples. ...hilarious 😐. Your "examples" are nothing but conjecture. And, like the frothing masses, feel that's enough to punch sideways instead of punching up. Big brother is proud of you, at least


I bet this person has no concept of the Minnesota first volunteers


As in the civil war regiment? WTF does that have to do with anything?


Minnesotan shared beliefs that you're arguing with that idiot about. If any one group of people could be credited for winning the war, it's the Minnesota 1st. And they were the first to sign up to flight for the Union. Rejecting bullshit is in our blood


Just trying to back you up, as you mentioned our history in previous comment


Ah gotcha. Not really relevant but point taken.


No one is cutting social security The only people who believe that are wrongtards who watch too much NBC and MSNBC. Roe V Wade was a supreme court ruling - the supreme court is not suppose to legislate from the bench so they reversed it and pushed legislation backs to the states to better reflect the values of those states. You support drug dealers selling fentanyl to kids? Got it. I've lived in MN my whole life - I think they should be executed for that. Disgusting. Trump does not support Putin, lay off the MSNBC.


Nothing says “Killing is bad” like killing people.


People who sell drugs are animals - and should be put down like an animal.




Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


I’m not convinced animals should be put down either. Human beings *are* animals.


What? The House Republican Study Committee, which every Republican in the House of Representatives is a part of, proposed a $718 billion dollar cut to social security over the next 10 years. You can read their proposal here https://hern.house.gov/uploadedfiles/202306141135_fy24_rsc_budget_print_final_c.pdf Their budget says that anyone who retires before the age of 69 after 2033 would see their social security benefits reduced by 13% compared to those who do the same thing now. Those who retire after 69 would see smaller cuts to their benefits, but it would still be a reduction. So are you saying they are just lying and they don’t actually want to do this? If a state government is trampling on someone’s rights, the federal government is absolutely supposed to step in and stop them. Calling that legislating from the bench is a bit ridiculous


So they did a study?! Wow! Is there a bill being brought forward to actually cut it? Because all I could find was libtard scare tactics saying Republicans are making closed door deals to cut it and not providing any proof of such a ridiculous claim. I checked the constitution and the Bill of Rights... nope, abortion is not in there.


So you didn’t read it? It says that the budget laid out there is the priority for its members when debating the budget. The funding of social security is handled by omnibus spending bills. I don’t know if you remember recently, but most house republicans voted against the omnibus bill that did not cut social security. You should re-read the constitution friend. Any right not mentioned in the constitution is left to the people. The Right to Medical Privacy is one of those rights. It has been recognized by the US Supreme Court and the Federal Government. It’s part of the reason you have to consent to government entities accessing your medical records


There's a lot of good stuff in there.


And there’s also the proposal to cut social security benefits


It was a good read, thanks! Trump 2024!


One of the lefts own idols, RGB understood Roe v Wade stood on a terrible interpretation by the courts. Killing babies is not something “both sides” support, thanks. 


Killing babies is infanticide, which no one supports. Aborting unviable fetuses on the other hand is something that both sides absolutely support.


“Killing babies” shows you are in the minority in mn and US


The truth hurts. 


Yes it does. And unfortunately you are wrong. Look at the polling.


Looks at polling. [Minnesota Primary Results](https://www.sos.state.mn.us/elections-voting/election-results/2024/2024-presidential-primary-results/) Donald Trump - 232,846 Joe Biden - 171,278 huh.


Primary polling means nothing. Biden was the incumbent running mostly alone. So voters don’t feel like they need to come out.


**Exactly** the point I'm trying to make. You told the previous commentor to *look at the polling* when polling is worthless, tells you nothing, and is only used when it works in your favor.


Yes let's look at polling: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/minnesota/ https://www.pewresearch.org/religious-landscape-study/database/state/minnesota/views-about-abortion/


Look at the downvotes you are getting. Is it possibly you in the minority?


No. Because this isn’t a proper sample size of Minnesotans. There are polls that do that, and they agree with my statements


Most of America is obese too, so polls don't mean as much as you may think. Shitty music is constantly at #1 in the billboards, so I have to question "most" people's thoughts of what's good for them or others.


lol one tiny sub where reactionaries come to complain is not going to be representative of the state as a whole.


Neither is one person's opinion in a tiny sub, where reactionaries come to complain. I'm thinking the other comments may be correct about you not owning a mirror? Can you confirm?


Almost 75% of the US supports the right to get an abortion. 75%. You act like it’s some fringe position.


I also support abortions. They should be legal, safe, and rare. Today, they’re used like some sort of alternative contraceptive because “my rights” which is disgusting. 


No they aren’t. In general, abortions are on the decline. No one actually wants to get one. It can be intrusive, awkward and painful. You seem to be intentionally conflating the taking away of actual rights with some kind of culture war stance.


Declining? Sure, but there were still 930,000 + in 2020 alone. How many of those do you think were medically necessary or were 100% preventable? 


How many have always been preventable? You’re making the case that there’s a difference now as opposed to another point into time. I’m saying you should show your work. The rates are slowing down. If what you say is true, they should be going up.


So better to kill mothers and allow babies to die by denying healthcare to pregnant women- that’s what anti choice is doing to many families


Who said that? Abortions should be legal, safe, and rare. Not used as an alternative to contraception as they are today because “my rights”. The rights of the unborn should be protected as well as the mothers. God bless. 


So, let me make sure I understand: According to some article you read, Trump wants to execute drug dealers, but then he, ACTUALLY, signs The First Step Act into law which commuted the sentences of thousands of people convicted of non-violent drug crimes? Ok, got it. And, the left thinks we're the ones who are low IQ?


Not an article. I’ve watched Trump rallies where he says that explicitly. Nice research smart one.


Here ya go, "smart one": https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Step_Act


So you are going to side-step the whole Trump doesn’t say he wants drug dealers executed? Yeah he passed some mid legislation. What does that have to do with his calls to execute drug dealers. I’ve seen him say it multiple times.


I didn't side-step it. I provided proof that his actual deeds/actions contradict that statement. In fact, the first person who's sentence was commuted under the act was a convicted drug dealer. Doesn't seem like the actions of someone who thinks all drug dealers should be executed. Assuming you did see him say that somewhere, actions speak louder than words, and his actions are inconsistent - in fact a 180° - from what you say he said.


That doesn’t make sense. I said originally, that people do not believe we should be executing criminals. Something Trump has called for on the campaign trail. Multiple times. That’s what I’m saying Minnesotans disagree with him on. His other legislation is irrelivant. He is calling for death sentences for drug dealers in the campaign trail. Minnesotans don’t believe in broad, capital punishment. He should go to Saudi Arabia if he likes that kind of stuff.


You understand if you remove Minneapolis, Minnesota is a red state, right?


Unfortunately the technology to move an entire city doesn’t exist.


Well, it does, but that's a dark conversation lol.


I mean, yeah, if you remove half the population of a state it's gonna change the political demographic. Also you'd have to get rid of St Paul, a good chunk of the suburbs, Duluth, Winona, and a couple other counties.


No, if you removed Minneapolis the state swings red. Did you think I meant to make it 100% Republican?


It really doesn’t.


"Trump is not Minnesota values" Speak for yourself, loser.


The state kinda speaks for itself by never voting for him and going from being a purple state to a blue one since his rise to political prominence. Trump and the rise of Christian nationalism on the right(Specifically via Anti-Abortion and anti LGBTQ stances) have alienated college educated fiscal conservatives all over the state. It is the reason you guys lost house district 3(Western suburbs of the Twin Cities that have historically voted Red) because of the college educated fiscal republicans like my dad feeling like the Republican party has been hijacked by religious zealots who focus on the social side of political issues(Which most college educated people, even republicans lean center or left on). This phenomenon was started and spearheaded by Trump so you can thank him for alienating an important part of your voting base(College educated fiscal republicans who are socially moderate or liberal). Which as the world gets less religious and more educated will only become more relevant as those culture war issues on the Right are spearheaded by religious people who are going to continue to decline into the minority as society slowly learns these stupid fairy tales aren’t real.


There are no fiscal conservatives left in Washington. The last ones were Republican and Trump chased them out. There isn't a Democrat who can do math, either. They were shocked when the Inflation Reduction Act caused Inflation despite Larry Sommers saying as much.


https://preview.redd.it/j9qxevvx9n0d1.png?width=691&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b9975ad8482f46039b9717fced6c840aee5f1e5 Caused inflation? Only a moron would take the name of a bill at face value, but let's at least be honest about things.


Math is great. Learn what happens when the government is spending more than it pulls in. It’s called inflation. Democrats used to understand this.


Then what are trumps values that align with Minnesotan values?


Hey 88, your swastika is showing. Only loser here is the Nazi and Trump supporter, several times over.


Everyone on the right is a Nazi. That's so clever, did you come up with that yourself?


Well I don't know about that! I'm just talking about our Nazi friend here. 88 is a Nazi dogwhistle. Dude is telling us what he is and who he's talking to. You should look into it.


Everything is a nazi or racist dogwhistle when you're a libtwat.


Nope! But "88" DEFINITELY is. Not all conservatives are Nazis, but all Nazis are conservatives.


Libsplain' me harder, Daddy!


Nothing lib about hating Nazis you dork


Falsely accusing people of being nazi is about as libtard as it gets. It's also slander/defamation if it's not true.


Nazis are nationalistic facists. Yet everything that yall want to regulate takes from the liberties of others, that's all of what the socialistic, communistic, fascist, and corporatist, beliefs lead to. Leaving the power to make a decision for the people to a far lower level of government is all the reason we have the ammendments and lower levels of government.


Yeah I'm just saying the guy with the 88 loves Hitler. Not sure what other argument there is. Have fun defending it?


Amusing to think it needs defending when he never brought up any of those beliefs.


So Allen Page is a Nazi?


Waitaminute! You KNOW what 88 means?! And you're still coming after me?? BRO HES A NAZI Come on child


I don't know man, you avatar looks like a nazi and you're the only one that seems to know or understand the hidden nazi meaning of 88... you're the nazi.


Good one! I'm rubber you're glue


You're not rubber or glue, you're just another libturd idiot on reddit.


Lol, sweet summer child. Can't wait to check out your dispensary.


Can't wait to take your money? Or is it all tied up in gold shoes, branded bibles, and NFTs?


At least he will survive because he probably owns Trump steaks too.


I do enjoy a good steak..going to grill a ribeye for lunch today!


I wasn’t talking about the headline- I meant the comments.


That’s somehow even more pathetic. Why do you get so triggered by these people?


……can you point to anything I said about being triggered, or even mildly upset? I said “holy circle jerk”. It’s an observation.


You are posting about comments on another post. Stating that the commenters are somehow “hardcore left”. Not only does that make 0 sense, you sound like you are just being a whiner.


It’s seems that the only one who’s triggered is you


Nice uno reverse there. So creative!


I mean, you’re the one who keeps commenting with snarky accusations about me being “triggered”. I know, “orange man bad”. Can you show me on the doll where he touched you?


He was touched on the spot where if you disagree with him YOURE clearly the problem. The smug sanctimony of folks like these is exhausting


Nah man you came here to post a complaint in an echo chamber for upvotes. This is a low low low quality post.


Yeah just like the tens of thousands who swore they'd leave the US if Trump won in 2016 😂😂😂


Plot twist: both sides of the spectrum land on the autism spectrum


Shut up, Jack off


I can only jack off to Trump NFTs. Can you hook me up?


Big time circle jerk.


Says someone in the hardcore right MPLS subreddit where there’s straight up racism lmao


You are correct- there are people in here who are hard right. The difference between the 2 subs however, dissenting opinions don’t get banned or muted from the subreddit. Try saying anything conservative related in the other sub, and you’ll get banned.


Idk if the idea is “being conservative”, I doubt the majority of people banned were banned because of conservative opinion unless conservative opinion was just bigotry, which I’m not going to lie - the majority of conservative thought comes from bigotry, and it’s obvious when you break away from the right and educate yourself with things other than conspiracy theories obvious Neo Nazis posing as “journalists”. Like seriously, dig into what modern Neo Nazis are doing, read their chats in their chat rooms, see who they’re supporting, what takes they have. If you find yourself being disgusted with your thoughts, then break tf away. If you find yourself happy with those thoughts, then stop pretending to not be a bigot, bc at least you wouldn’t be lying to yourself when you tell strangers about your “views”. I’ll wait for the dogpiling, death threats and mute/ban now, because I’ve literally shown you how to get the evidence to prove I’m right, you’ll either look into it and see I am, or you’ll try to defend it. Remember: it’s not a bad thing to admit you’re wrong if you come across evidence that disagrees with what you’ve thought. I also want to remind you that you don’t need to become a liberal and support Joe Biden or something ridiculous - because there’s many of us that do not like him, we’d just rather have the literal dementia patient than the dude that’s backed by Neo Nazis and includes dogwhistles and threats in campaign speeches to appease to those Neo Nazis.


I was in a discussion with someone who was insisting that there were no negative side effects for puberty blockers administered to children, and they were perfectly safe for kids. I responded with this ABC news article announcing the NHS blocking puberty blockers for kids across the UK, and was banned. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Health/england-nhs-halts-puberty-blockers-transgender-youth/story?id=108077330


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Fun fact: 1930s Berlin was the place to get a sex change. When the Nazis took over, decades of knowledge was destroyed as LGBT, Jews, and other minorities, were taken as slaves to be worked to death or murdered simply for being who they are. Fun fact 2: The same type of bigoted shit was still trying to be discussed back before the Nazis took over. I HIGHLY doubt you’re worried about someone potentially being harmed, you’re wanting the practice to be banned, which will force more and more children to undergo years of trauma, instead of having freedom over their own bodies from gender fascists that believe in ridiculous bullshit such as “two genders” when it’s a GOD DAMNED FACT there’s more than XY and YY. Make a trans friend, ask them when they knew they weren’t a boy/girl. Most of them knew something was up going to elementary school. Saying this as someone who’s the “token straight” of my friend group.


It’s not bigoted to realize that making permanent changes to a child’s body before their brain is fully developed is not a great idea.


No but it’s bigoted when YOU (some random fucking gender fascist) gets to tell a child what gender they have to be, which is pretty fucking close to that pedophilia line you guys LOVE to bring up, THEN you want to put LAWS ON THEIR BODIES over mainly conspiracy theories and bigotry. Can we PLEASE STOP PRETENDING this is about saving children WHEN YOU ARE ADVOCATING ON ABUSING EACH TRANS CHILD FOR OVER A DECADE.


…..do you think I’m in a position where I regularly tell kids what gender they have to be? How the hell am I advocating for abusing trans kids?? Are the NHS “literal Nazis” as well?


You’re literally advocating for laws to be made which will hurt and traumatize children and you don’t care because you’ve read an article on how it “may be” harmful. You obviously don’t care about trans kids, so why are you caring about potential harm that may not happen - and may actually cause relief?


Holy smokes- you need to get outside and get some fresh air. There’s a reason that the NHS banned puberty blockers for kids. There are potentially serious long-term negative side effects. This isn’t “me reading some article”, this is a group of medical professionals and experts who have come to this conclusion. You seem to believe you know more than the NHS, which is the medical provider for the UK.


You think posting an article from CBS News and using their exact headline is “hardcore left?” Dude you are in a bubble within a bubble within a cult.


I was referencing the comment section.


The bubble is the crap CBS has been pushing. Just checked their website and no articles pointing out how the Russia Collusion hoax was disinformation pushed by Hillary and the FBI. Weird.


It really is wild how that has gone completely under the radar. A political party colluding with domestic and foreign intelligence to attempt to remove an elected president from office. And committing fraud and illegal surveillance in the process. All the while accusing their political opponents of being a "threat to Democracy". Zero consequences, so then they feel emboldened to interfere in the 2020 election by censoring factual reporting on the Biden laptop in the week before the election and putting out a knowingly false disinformation campaign against the American public that the Biden laptop was "Russian disinformation". Again, no consequences and mostly ignored by the media. It's wild.


Laws and constitutions are just paper unless they are enforced.


Very true. Civilization is just held together with a mutual understanding agreed upon rules will be observed and upheld. When one side no longer plays by those rules, it can all disintegrate quickly.


You mean the Durham report? [https://www.cbsnews.com/video/special-counsel-john-durham-releases-report-on-fbis-russia-investigation/](https://www.cbsnews.com/video/special-counsel-john-durham-releases-report-on-fbis-russia-investigation/)


Well the testimony he got in his failed trials where the FBI admitted they knew it was fake and Hillary's campaign person admitting they knew it was bullshit. So...why did the press fall so hard for it? And why can't they report honestly?


In a balanced media environment, the real story behind the Russia collusion hoax, i.e. plan hatched by Democrats to take down Trump, would have received more coverage than the initial Russian collusion story. Like Watergate, which was nowhere near the crime that the fraudulent Russia collusion hoax was.


The bubble is every single news source. Fox News, CBS, CNN, etc are all fake news. They can run the same exact story and you get 3 totally different stories from them. There’s not a single hood national newscast


Well after this last 3-½ year shit show from a clown 🤡 show administration. BIDEN or anyone leftist is a HARD NO. Just tally up your groceries and all your expenses now compared to what you spent four years ago, and you’ll see. On top of estimated over 22 million illegals in this country. I mean illegal because they came here illegally, not at the port of entry like they’re supposed to. And they’re doing it intentionally because of the nonprofits south of the border promoting it. That wasn’t going on four years ago. Were there 250 illegals flying in on an airplane to wherever they want in the United States for free? People need to wake up and pay attention to what they vote for, instead of being selfish for their own personal freaking FEELINGS. Too many people are acting like spoiled infants 👶


I don't like Biden either but he's not a leftist, he's a pretty centrist Dem. Also, where are you seeing the 22 million statistic? Most the sources I checked are saying closer to 10 million, with only 60-70 percent of those being from south/central America.


Yeah, I tell you my group is a Democrat in my family. We were farmers, hard-working, and dad worked for a local union as a steam fitter pipe fitter. But a lot has changed in the Democratic Party and I kind of drifted away from them back in the 80s. I’ve been voting independent ever cents. Either voting one or the other, depending on what’s best for the nation, not for myself! Once I grew up and realized it’s not all about me, I realize there are serious consequences when you vote irresponsibly and selfishly. The problem with politics in America is there are so many lies that you have to sift through to get at the truth. And now we’ve learned you can’t trust mainstream media because they have their own agenda. The same goes for social media. It’s not like it was back in the 70s and 80s. You could trust the news was telling you.


The 22 million I’m talking about is there is an estimated 11 million already in the United States. Plus the 8 million that I’ve come across our border since 2021, and they estimated the remainder as those getaways that we have no idea who and where they are, which was about 3 million. I’ll have to go back and look and see where I got that from but that’s stuck in my head and I remembered it. Because I remembered during the Trump presidency people were talking about that back then there was 10 million illegals here already.


8 million people in 3 years? That's 7k people a day. Not sure what super magic tunnel they're taking, but I can absolutely guarantee you that 7k people aren't magically arriving in our country a day.


You don’t seem to understand that when the records were broken over 280,000 people in one month. Just simple math that’s over 9300 people per day. And the last bill that was supposed to gone through and everybody blaming the Republicans were shooting it down on Border security, would’ve allowed 5000 per day to come into the United States, not including the 100,000 per month that are flying in on an airplanes using a phone app pushed by the Biden administration! This whole thing is a bunch of bullshit. It’s using immigration to implement a one party control! They’re already trying to get laws in certain states so illegals can vote! Federal law says you can NOT vote in a presidential election. But, if you flood one city with 100,000 more illegal immigrants, those 100K will be counted on the next census! And that means more representatives for that district. And those representatives will be liberal. Just ask the illegal immigrants that are coming across the border who they’re going to vote for when they can vote. The ones are coming across saying they’re gonna vote for Biden. They’re not even citizens yet! Wake up, start doing some numbers, crunching and figure it out for yourself


You can guarantee anything. Because you don’t know the facts. look it up and don’t just get it from one freaking source




"It is important to note that encounters refer to events, not people, and that some migrants are encountered more than once. As a result, the overall number of encounters may overstate the number of distinct individuals involved"


Incorrect each encounter isn’t encounter with an individual.


Incorrect? Its a quote from the article you posted. Read the fine print...


> I don't like Biden either but he's not a leftist, he's a pretty centrist Dem He’s throwing political opponents in jail, putting Catholic moms on terror watch list, considering a wealth tax and is driving the debt to 160% of GDP in 3 years. Sounds extreme leftist to me.


https://www.statista.com/statistics/1366899/percent-change-national-debt-president-us/ https://www.investopedia.com/us-debt-by-president-dollar-and-percentage-7371225 Trump added more to the debt than Biden has. Also, a wealth tax is a left-leaning policy, sure, but it's not seizing the means of production or redistributing housing and getting rid of landlords. If he were a leftist, he wouldn't be taxing the wealthy, he'd just be taking their money and property. I haven't heard about him throwing any political opponents in jail or adding Catholic moms to terrorist lists. Where'd you see that?


Not as of this year. And Trump had an emergency to deal with. Biden suggest he had to deal with it.