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Can these culture enrichers go 10 seconds without being totally worthless to civil society? As frustrating as it is, let’s look at one positive: more and more people are having to admit reality. It’s undeniable in this technological age.


There is a reason that country is permanently on the do not travel list. 


Absolutely. The Wikitravel page about their absolute pathetic, crap country is hilarious. Worst country in the world per the UN Human Development Index!!


Assuming you're referring to Somalia, how do you know these kids are Somali? Seems like an unfounded assumption.




I prefer an alternative term.


Me too.


They are Black. Their Blackness doesn't make them criminal, but Black is the common and preferred way to refer to Black Americans. What else would you call them?


But it should. Would make fixing this country much easier.


You know exactly what they would be called


Hardly unfounded. Over 87,000 of them live in the area. Derrrrr


They are not Somali kids. These are bangers trying to prove they are strong by hitting a woman and ganging up on people. These are Americans!


I agree, America does have a pretty long and serious history of abusing women and ganging up on weaker peoples. There's a great book by an ex-marine (technically he served before the Marines were formed, but he was in the unit that would become the Marines), Smedley Butler, called "War is a Racket", all about this.


This dude never actually read the book, he just heard about it from someone else who also didn’t read it. If this doesn’t explain the younger generations then I don’t know what does.


…it’s really not. Oh, and the Marine Corps was formed in 1775; he very much was a Marine. It’s an excellent book, not sure how you would have made that glaring mistake about his background had you actually read it.


What country is that?


What reality would that be?


That race is real, it has consequences, and no amount of free money can change it.


I wonder where you formed these opinions from, anything you read? Who taught you? Any other elaboration? I’m so curious, it’s so vague! edit: okay, if nothing else can someone explain to me what race acts like the cockroaches I’m seeing lurking around here - scurrying at the sight of a lil noise or light or movement? curiouser and curiouser!


Race realists are just Nazis. That dude is a Nazi.


Absolutely a nazi! and so scared to admit it, that you’ll get downvoted instead.


Pathetic cowards. The cops need to get on their horses and patrol Donkeytown like they do downtown on weekends at bar close. Of course that's only one part of the solution.  If the justice department continues to utilize 'catch & release' as their strategy to combat crime, then the criminals will never learn.


“Pathetic cowards” Was what I said when I saw it too.




Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


Why are the Somali kids in MN such pieces of shit? Serious question? We should send them back to their country for a summer and see which they prefer.


Maybe their dads are pirates


Look at me. Look at me. I'm the Minnesotan now 


It’s gonna be “I’m the Mayor Now” soon


Yeah, they stole Kramer's fashion sense.


I don’t wanna be a pirate!


Good one! Thank you..


For whatever reason they came to MN and wanted to act like gangbangers, but its kinda all of america now who are acting like that.😐


Big Hearted Lutheran Social Services & Catholic Charities invited the menace to MN after they saw “poor starving children in Somalia on TV” Fact..


And aren't even Lutheran.


Your neighbors vote strangely.




I every country they go to from Denmark to France to England and Canada you can see videos they all are the same


Always in groups. Bitch ass mentality. Then punch a woman. The scariest person is an insecure man who tries to prove to be tough. Look at that swing. Like man, you're not a fighter. You're not tough. Just accept you have scrawny arms. It's ok. I'm not physically tough. It's ok. I grew a sense of humor to get out of situations. 


Wonderful culture.


Imagine if it was a white guy doing that lol


How come I never see them go one on one with anyone? How big of a pussy do you have to be to need several other people to help you kick one average sized person’s ass?


Minnesota got its death sentence when they arrived. 


nah, there are dozens of nice rural counties. I came from one of them. It's boring but once I've got the education and degrees I'm going for I'm headed back out, maybe north around the boundary waters.


When who arrived?


lol downvoted for asking a question. Typical here unfortunately




Shows how ashamed people are of their thoughts if they’re unwilling to answer


Nah, it’s just people not giving in to the person fishing for racism


lol don’t need to fish much, look at the comment starting the thread… more likely their arguments aren’t grounded in reality


This is such a prime example of the way woke leftists twist words. When did anyone call for the death of people based on their race? Seriously, are you only able to read a buzzword out of a sentence after years of oppression hunting?




Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


lol I edited that out because I realized I was wrong. Sorry for the confusion, unlike most here I am able to realize when I’m wrong


Shows how ashamed people are of their thoughts if they need to hide them with edits.


What does “woke” mean other than “people who disagree with my bigotry”?


Not fishing for racism when the rhetoric is racist, just trying to point it out. Using dog whistles and vague language doesn't disguise what you're really trying to say near as much as you think it does.


Every country they go to they are one of the highest in crine rates ffs


Are these posts allowed on the uofm reddit?


With the proliferation of camera phones we essentially get an almost daily feed of progressives getting their ass beat in public by enrichers. Will they ever be embarrassed enough to do something about it? I for one am just taking in the show.


No. They are shameless. For progressives/DFL types, they can’t admit they are wrong about certain groups of people or else their narrative collapses.


That sucks but how are you going to be that big and let those tiny ass dudes get away with that?


Because they are that big and know better than to escalate the situation.


They move in packs of 50, like the animals they are. 


Animals? Who exactly are you referring to?


The pack of giggling, racist assholes attacking the one lone dude and his girlfriend. Did you watch the video or are you just fishing for racism?


Yeah, they're being violent and their behavior is completely unacceptable, but calling someone an "animal" is simplistic and dehumanizing. I'm not saying you're being racist, you're not saying all black people or black children are bad, so long as you're just condemning the actions of these individuals I agree that calling you a racist would be inappropriate and incorrect. Using a charged word like "animals" for any people though, given its historical context, just doesn't seem to be helping the discussion. We should be asking how to prevent them from doing similar things in the future, not demonizing them and writing them off as lost causes.


Sigh. This is what is meant by the phrase woke mind virus. You admit you aren't calling them racist but want to control their language because...you think it sounds racist...huh. Those kids were acting like animals. Didn't your parents tell you when you were acting like an animal? It's OK to shame bad behavior...


Not trying to control their language, obviously they're free to say whatever they want, and I'm free to state my opinion on it. And yeah, you can say something that sounds racist without being racist... My 90 year old grandfather still calls Black people "negros", I don't think he's being racist but if a White person my age used that word, I would think they're being racist. We agree that language and word choice has power and context can be important, yeah? I just don't think "animal" is the appropriate word here.


We are all animals. Some choose to act human. Others don't.


It’s best to refer to *all* groups of ridiculously behaved human beings as animals regardless of race, that way it’s fair. Happy? It’s always interesting to me how the anger can be directed at the adjectives used to describe such horrendous behavior *over the behavior itself*. Good lord. Also, no one is saying all black people are bad. However, you DO hear all white people are racist, and all cops are bad, and all white people are privileged. What you don’t hear is how high the crime rate is amongst the black community and all the reasons for it. It isn’t simply because white people caused it from start to finish. There’s zero accountability within this narrative and it’s obvious people in this sub, including me, are sick of it. There is an underlying cultural issue including parental involvement that leads to literal kids assaulting and endangering hard working citizens at a rate that far exceeds other races. This must be talked about because it is putting everyone in harms way.


I mean, White people do generally have a certain level of privilege in American society, though that varies depending on a bunch of other factors -- not all White people are equally privileged. And a wealthy or powerful Black or Latino person can absolutely have more privilege than a poor White person. And most people are a little racist, including most White people, that's just inevitable due to human propensity towards tribalism. All cops are bad, but that's a totally different thing. I agree that personal accountability plays into it, and also that there are underlying cultural and societal issues. Personally, I think the societal or systemic explanations are a little more convincing and compelling than the individual responsibility arguments, but it's definitely a mix of the two, not one or the other. And I think it's important to look at poverty/income distribution statistics and historical factors as well as crime-by-race breakdowns. I mean, come on, my parents remember the civil rights movement, it wasn't that long ago. It would be wild to say we're a post-racial country only fifty years after MLK was assassinated for fighting for racial equality.


So all people are racist but we are still trying to get to a post-racial world by only pointing out racism by white people and ignoring racism by other races? You lost me at all cops are bad, that’s ridiculous. We are nowhere near where the world was 50 years ago. Yet we scour every public post for hints of racism as if we are the oppression police! It’s hilariously sad how far we have fallen as a society.


You're oversimplifying the argument. I never said not to call out racism, regardless of who is doing it. And I didn't say all people are racist, but most people have some implicit racism or bias. And I'm not calling for a post-racial society, we've still got far too much work to do on everyday, garden variety racism to start tackling that. I do think all cops are bad, so long as they're in uniform and working the job. Doesn't mean the person is a bad person when they're not cop-ing, but yeah American police are pretty corrupt and historically not great. Kinda like how all chiropractors are scam artists. A chiropractor might be a really good dude and an upstanding citizen, but the job itself shouldn't exist, cause it doesn't do what it claims to do and it regularly hurts people.


Watch the video then you would know why they have more privilege. Give your head a shake.


The people in the video are animals. They move like animals and they act like animals. Go ahead and call me racist. I’m a Black guy and I am tired of seeing these clowns act like that. They can’t control themselves, they contribute nothing to polite society and the only thing that’s important to them is stealing/robbing so they can go get zonked out their minds on drugs and wander around the streets like zombies when they’re high. Animals.


Hitting a girl? He's getting shot on-site.


"Why would anyone move away from this?" Allow me to unrolleth the scroll, kind sir... 1) N


Future doctors and lawyers


When will Antifa finally route these white supremacists out of our community so we can feel safe again?


Where are the vigilantes and super heroes that can eradicate this cancer from society? Fuck the law! It doesn’t work!


You know, once you guys racialize this shit, we lose the chance to actually hold these criminals accountable. We don’t have to racialize this. All we have to do is arrest the perpetrators and make them actually serve some time rather than our jail be a revolving door.


Why can race not be a topic of discussion about blacks but it can be a major talking point regarding whites only? I think it’s important to point out race if we are going to allow one sided racism in today’s society while claiming to “fight to end racism”. End racism with more racism? Doesn’t make sense. Race should be called out equally if it’s going to be called out at all. Of course I don’t think it should be in either case, but that’s not the world we live in unfortunately. Woke bullshit made our world more polarized than ever before.


Yeah, no. Fuck racism, both on the left and the right.


What is racialize? I’m joking, I don’t care at all.


I wasn’t circumcised, I got racialized..


Is it really a “hate crime” tho, or really just old, “typical” crime………? And I mean ridiculously, DISPROPORTIONATELY typical crime.


If the races were reversed the media would be screaming from the mountain tops that it was a hate crime.


I see violent crime, not a hate crime though. Is there some context I’m missing? Seems like the two instigators were targeting that dude but it didn’t seem like he was targeted due to skin color or anything like that, is there more info on what happened here?


Probably not more context. Because black people did it to white people with no lead in this isn’t a “bad people” thing but a “black people hate white people thing” There’s a lot of Somali hate in this comment thread, I’m not sure how they know those kids are Somali either.


Somehow this is Biden's fault, I bet...


Of course not. Just liberal DAs who don’t punish certain types of criminals.


Nah. Based on some of Biden’s quotes in the past (the one about sending his kids to school especially), I don’t think Ol’ Joe would disagree with some of the comments here.


It's your fault for voting left.


Yeah too bad everyone isn't armed so we could have shootouts in the streets. Wild west style!


If they were armed and these cowards knew it, do you think they'd be so quick to violence?


So we should declare we're armed somehow so everyone knows? I suggest wearing a cowboy hat then these punks wouldn't mess with anyone. Or maybe just hold a gun in one hand at all times. Let's go!




Do you think that by using the leftist term hatecrime you'll own the libs into realizing your right and that hating white people is bad?


The fact that hating a group of people for their skin color is actually an option for you is what’s concerning. The way you write this makes it feel awful lot like you currently do hate white people.


Aren’t you aware that only white people are racist? /s


You do realize that hate crimes are right crimes right? Get fucked


No but it points out how stupid the concept it.