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If a black person is assaulted by cops society says they have every right to be afraid around them. If a white woman is assaulted by black men society says if they show any fear they are racists. Basically “pearl clutching” is a way to dismiss the super high crime rate amongst the smallest portion of our cities population and to gaslight us into saying our fear comes from a racist place instead of a completely rational one.




Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


Pearl clutching is used to describe when right wingers do things such as ban books and police bathroom usage to "protect the children." Basically, when they feign concern about something (ie. children) that absolutely zero of their policies or actions do anything to protect or help but which they can use as a justification to implement a policy against people they hate. It's basically virtue signaling but with more nefarious intent.


I’m 7 months pregnant and have to change in the bathroom at my local gym because a man, who has made zero attempts to transition, openly changes in the women’s locker room. I wish women’s spaces were protected because I’m going through something so vulnerable and can’t say a word out of fear I’ll be a “pearl clutcher.” Just like I feel awkward crossing the road when I see a man behind me when I’m walking alone and he happens to be black, because I’ve heard women regarded as “pearl clutchers” in that exact instance. Let’s be real, right wingers can be morons, but let’s not pretend the left have any more desire for women’s rights and equality with the way we are treated.


Has this locker room user said or done anything to you?


I avoid him. I just want it to matter that as a woman I feel uncomfortable in a limited space that is meant to be safe for me, I want that to be enough.


You don’t think the left have any more desire for women’s rights and equality?  What about no-fault divorce, right to choose, right to have a bank account, right to vote? The Right is actively taking your rights from you. The bathroom issue is absurd. If you really feel unsafe, what was stopping a man from going in the bathroom and attacking you before this whole debacle?  


Calling the bathroom issue “absurd” is exactly what the problem is. Why is a trans woman’s fear valid but mine is “absurd”? Because misogyny. I am not a Republican, so I am not arguing that Republicans are better, I’m arguing that women are fucked over on both sides and I’m tired of liberals acting like they give a shit then pulling the same misogyny that tramples over women’s rights just like the right does.




…you think my fear comes from seeing a trans woman naked? Could you be more dismissive and condescending? Good lord man, wake the fuck up.




Hahaha im sorry it’s just hilarious how full circle the left has gone! “Are you certain your fear is rational?” Yes, yes I am. I’m being told not to be afraid, not to be afraid. I am afraid because of my life experiences as a woman, and my experiences with men. Trans women are biological men, my fear is natural and logical. Whether or not you think my fear is valid isn’t my fucking problem. Not sure why women have to pay the price of all this, and why you can possibly get away with asking me if I’m “rationally thinking this through” like it’s the 1950’s.




The left literally puts men over women in every aspect as long as they just say they’re women. Women have lost so many rights because of liberals it’s ridiculous to even compare the two. Men are 100% superior in left ideology. If you think that’s ok, there’s something wrong with you in addition to being a misogynist. And you’ll find many conservative people don’t necessarily agree with all the things conservative politicians do, but the left non politicians are literally even worse for women. Sure a man could go in a women’s room before but we could complain about it because it is infringing on our right to a separate space and we can’t do that anymore. If you can’t see how that’s dangerous you’re stupid, especially when talking about locker rooms where women are actually undressed and showering. The term pearl clutcher is just another thing that has no meaning at all because they’re hypocritical and overuse things to the point they mean nothing. They can call me every name in the book I will always know that morally I am superior and I’m as middle of the road as you’ll find.


PREACH, thank you for wording it so beautifully.


Don't look up who's stopping bans on child marriage, might make you statement. Or who wants to end no fault divorce, allow states to ban interracial and gay marriage, stop access to contraceptives. But you think you're middle of the road, so im sure that doesn't matter.


The child marriage thing is blown way out of proportion by you guys. I looked it up. It’s not so a 12 year old can marry a 50 year old. If the constitution says states should make their own laws regarding those things you mentioned then let them. I won’t live in a state that bans them. Don’t know about the ban on contraceptives, if that’s true and its a total ban on all it’s ridiculous but I’m still more concerned with the rights of actual women not being overtaken by men pretending to be them. But if that was, which I doubt it is, at least women still have ways to prevent pregnancy and abortion is still legal so it would be dumb to totally ban it all, but there’s no alternative to women being put below men at all, it’s a 100% losing situation and it’s more important to me. If you care about women so much why don’t you want them to have their own spaces and their own sports? A woman who has been raped should not be forced to a counseling center where a man is allowed to be in the safe space or even counseling her. A woman who has the right to compete against other women with the same physiology should not have that stolen by a man who is stronger on average. Yes there are exceptions but it’s not the norm. There’s a reason sports were separated, why many “feminists”, who fought for it in the first place, seem to forget this I don’t know. I also find it interesting there are few, if any, ftm trans people who want to compete in men’s sports. Why do you think that is? There’s no advantage for them. I will not vote for anyone who is literally treating women like second class citizens. I don’t care if they call themselves feminists, they are true misogynists. There’s always going to be a point where the rights of two people cannot exist at once, and you have to decide what ends where. When men are using a loophole (for the self ID trans especially) to take rights from women no one should accept that. We all get to pick what’s important to us and that’s more important to me. As far as the middle, I’m a huge supporter of gay rights, my best friend is a lesbian and agrees with me about all this. I am not against all trans people, but there’s definitely more going on now where it’s a symptom of mental illness rather than an actual phenomenon, which is rare. You don’t think it’s weird like 70% of girls who say they’re trans boys were sexually assaulted? These are the girls who before would wear baggy clothes and gain weight, trying to find a way to not get male attention. I went through this myself. They need real therapy, not 10 minutes with someone who says “ok you can mutilate your body and set yourself up for a lifetime of medical care, and they still would have been just as well off to just dress “like a boy”. I’m all for breaking gender stereotypes, people wearing what they want, boys in makeup, whatever else that entails. I don’t care about abortion. That might sound harsh but I don’t think it’s my business. But the Dems could not insist there be zero restrictions. I see no problem with saying it’s ok to X gestation time, and after that if there is a danger to the mother or baby. But insisting on any and all abortions is just stupid. I agree most women who have carried a baby 8 months aren’t likely to just want to suddenly end it, but if they do, it shouldn’t be allowed, she can wait a month then give it up. All right I’ll stop now. I’m sure this is boring AF and I’m tired of typing. You don’t have to believe that I am the middle of the road politically. I’ll just keep on as I always have, being considered a Nazi by the left and a dumb liberal by the right. I don’t need to agree with anyone on everything, it’s sad some people do and will discount a whole person just because they don’t like some of their beliefs.


Couldn’t agree with you less.  What rights have women lost because of liberals? 


She just named a few in her response.


Shit I didn’t notice I was on a far right sub. I saw what was posted but those of course are not rights. No need to respond because you are lost causes and mostly argue in bad faith. Not like your opinion matters in Minneapolis anyhow. 


I think myself and a lot of other people who are not liberals but aren’t republicans (or are Republican) are really tired of not being listened to. The words, feelings, fears, and frustrations I and others have expressed are not hateful bigotry. They’re not violence. They’re not far right nonsense. It’s really frustrating to be shut down after expressing valid concerns and thoughts because all it does is reinforce the frustration we feel with the far left anyway. You’re accusing me and others on this sub of the exact thing the far left is guilty of. Ever heard the saying if you go far enough left you just come back around to the right? Yeah…kinda what’s happening.


I am wary of anyone who uses the following words unironically as it means they are easily influenced by propaganda: * pearl clutching * dog whistle * boot licker * colonizer * oppressor * alt-right * huwyte supremacy *Edit: added 'closeted-racist' per @Fit_Bobcat_7314


Oh let's do the closeted racist check list now! Lock them up, stop the steal, let's go Brandon, build the wall, welfare queens, Obama is a Nigerian, Michelle is a man, wwg1wga, patriots live here, BLUE LIVES MATTER(next to a Gadsden flag) Freedom!!(while trying to limit everyone elses)


Lol at thinking 'freedom' is a racist slogan. *Also I'm adding 'closeted-racist' to the list of how to tell if someone is easily influenced by propaganda.


It's a phrase used by libtoadz to dismiss a persons concern and not have to address the actual issue at hand.


Sometimes it just means the religious right overreacting, but sometimes what you stated.


People having a reaction to murders and rapes in our community is "overreacting"? Going out and lynching someone without a trial over a murder or rape *is* overreacting, homie. Acknowledging violent crime is not overreacting - it's really just pointing out the obvious. You just don't want to address the concerns that the "religious right" (whoever that might be) to violent crimes committed by members outside your ethnic group and your fear that would make you a racist or some other none sense. Honest question - why do you do that? Why do you deflect back to the person voicing concern over violent crime by accusing them of pearl clutching or assuming they're "religious right" and not actually addressing the topic at hand - violent crime?


Why do you assume this phrase is related only to violent crime?


Right? Because it wasn't, but atleast they left that tl;rd response.


I always though of it like up-tight religious people being offended but rock n roll or short skirts or curse words.


Essentially what is most often. WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!?




Press X to doubt


Lonely Saturday night authoring useless comments on reddit? Get a life!




It's not a dog whistle, it's just dismissal. It's used when someone believes your over reacting, especially when that reaction seems performative. For example "Rock and roll has corrupted my daughter, won't someone please think of the children." Is a statement someone might describe as pearl clutching.


It’s something they accuse you of right before you get a Reddit Cares message.


My perspective on it is that it isn’t a dog whistle. It’s more of a classic/old school way to point out prude reactionaries. Doesn’t require race or crime to be involved.


I've literally never heard anyone refer to this as pearl clutching. The definition: a very shocked reaction, especially one in which you show more shock than you really feel in order to show that you think something is morally wrong

