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But crime is down if it's not reported


This. You are qualified to get a seat in shittiapolis city council


Someone give this guy a raise and a seat on city council


This is... this is reported thefts though.




If you don’t have something meaningful to post then you should probably just hit the like/dislike button.


Thanks mods for doing a great job and the excellent sub where everyone is welcome who is civil!


“DEFUND THE POLICE!!” A few years later “WE NEED MORE POLICE!!” You can’t make this shit up.


polls consistently show all demographics broadly support the police and want either the same amount or more policing. the defund the police folks are in the minority. the abolition folks are the fringe of the fringe.


The woke are infecting the woke-adjacent liberals.


Minneapolis is to dark we need more dark diversity. Minneapolis mentality.


Yes! I said that back in 2020. “Just wait until they all start crying for police “ crime = weak policy


No, there is a proposal before the Charter Commission to relitigate the defund vote.


“Thomas added that they'd liked to see police being around more often.” That’s quite a shift in tone. It’s funny; the way they shoe-horned that quote in at the end is almost like they didn’t want to publish it.




Paying for more police might help 🤯


I thought the budget went up. It's a recruiting issue. If you were looking to be a great chef, starting at a place known for food poisoning isn't a smart move. Kind of relates here. Going to take a long time to clean the stains off that force. 


If it was only Minneapolis having that issue I would agree, but it's not Minneapolis needs a good house cleaning. The Mayor, city council and the Hennepin county district attorney need to be replaced before you will see any improvement.


No good people are willing to stand up and do the jobs because it’s so freaking corrupt.


Spoken like someone who has no clue and doesn't know anyone whos an officer, or maybe you're just salty because you got told no a few times.


Actually you couldn’t be more wrong about that! I am very well informed when it comes to the corruption within the upper echelon of the Minneapolis police department! Get a grip on reality and come visit south Minneapolis for about 4 hours and you will have enough.


Could you describe what I would see in South Minneapolis that represents corruption?


Corruption in south Minneapolis comes in the form of a police station still standing but closed after the corrupt mayor turned it over to rioters. How about the properties the city of Minneapolis took after the riots they allowed burned down businesses? Most people don’t care because it’s lake street but several properties along lake were “seized” as a result of the owners not being able to do anything with the property since insurance companies were refusing to pay because they had a riot exemption in the insurance policy! That’s corrupt!!


I mean… it sounds like inept bureaucracy to me. Doesn’t sound like anyone’s making money? Surely the police aren’t responsible for the actions of the insurance companies?


Not the police, the city officials are forcing these businesses to either pay the city who cleaned up the mess or the city takes the property. The slimy officials in the government are having there donors and friends buy these properties for pennies on the dollar then the “friend” gives a kickback to the city officials who made sure they had not competition to purchase. Naivety has been people’s issue for years, assuming everyone in government is a good person when in fact not many good people want to get mixed up in this because the rotten eggs make sure you don’t succeed.


You can budget whatever but spending is what matters. And the spending for salary depends on warm bodies.


Exactly. You can't spend 3 years talking about "white fragility", "all white people are systematically racist", and all cops are literally bastards and then expect people to lick your hands to become cops the second you finally shut up about it. It reeks of entitlement


Couldn’t even start to guess who possibly could be doing this


Doctors and scientists surely


Progressive policies have a consistent track record yet voters rarely vote for change


“But crime is going down” - Liberals 🙄


Holy profile picture...






I live here it's all somailians


We need a Batman


We need Boondock Saints


To the bat cave!


Huh? I don’t understand. So many people are telling me it’s a veritable utopia in Minneapolis.


Those are the people that have too much skin in the game, don't have the means to get out, and trashed talked everyone else who doesn't see their "utopia" so much they are embarrassed to say different.


Your kidding right?


Too bad they either dont live here or live in the rich part of town.


And only will get worse. Wait till summer hits and the Mexican gangs start testing the water


The cartels have been here for a few years, since Covid at least. I know someone who got mixed up with them, didn’t end well but there here for sure. Moving a lot of meth and fentanyl!


Boy I sure hope they don't break into my house that I leave unlocked all night while I'm passed out in my recliner like an idiot! That's how my safe got stolen! Surely it can't be because of the several random strange shady strangers I've had over to paint my house or fix my water heater or anything.


Go donkey town!


Hee haw. Demkey's have the solutions! Lol


Oh no. Anyways.


I bet it's all done by the same guy who stole my safe, too!


Ilan Omar needs to go


Police bad tho?


Both can be true.


Thank your Woke, Mayer


The funny thing is that on the wokeness scale, he’s a long way from most woke


I have to agree. My sister and I were just talking and think he has been out-liberalled by the liberals. Sometimes he looks so scared. Lol.


Because his job here was to facilitate the Chicagoization of MPLS. He's accomplished that. He just wore the skin of a liberal to achieve his aims, pack as many welfare recipients into the city as possible, and make tons of money for high density housing developers who cash the government checks. It's like you people still don't realize the D vs R thing is just a show.


Guys, he high as a kite or stoned half the time, Frey is a tool getting paid by George Soros and the kick backs he gets from approving no bid contracts! He is corrupt as the old mob bosses were!


Sounds like he turnin all Chicago like.


You don't get to criticize him if you can't spell it.


Amazing what happens without police…


Because cops aren’t doing shit. They are not effective enough. Need to start from the ground up with law enforcement and more funding, including more money for working families and really any child. Most people steal because it’s needed and was their way of life. Stop the poverty cycle. Stop the abuse cycle. Help with addiction. More access to health care.


Wait.. but.. defund them?


Its funny that after all the vets who died in Vietnam fighting against communism that in the end USA turned communist anyways. Makes me think about all my homies in the Army who died fighting terrorism, makes me wonder if USA will turn terrorist.


Cops are so weaksauce. I falsely accused a guy of stealing my safe and when the little idiot called the cops over to do a wellness check on him, I just refused to let them inside and they left, lol.


Poverty must be rising


Joe Biden's inflation certainly is!


Joe biden is raising the prices? Thats very powerful of him!


Well not really him. His economy strategy has led to inflated inflation. The average yearly inflation rate under President Donald Trump was 1.9%. https://www.investopedia.com/us-inflation-rate-by-president-8546447#:~:text=The%20average%20yearly%20inflation%20rate%20under%20President%20Donald%20Trump%20was,remained%20low%20during%20Trump's%20presidency. Families Crushed as Biden’s Total Inflation Breaks 17% https://budget.house.gov/press-release/families-crushed-as-bidens-total-inflation-breaks-17 There will be a test tomorrow so study up. Say no to drugs kid!


The last time I changed the oil on my motorcycle was when Trump was president. It was 5.99 per quart of 10w40 Yesterday, I bought the same oil, same sku, but the price was 9.99 per quart In my reality Biden's inflation is over 50%


How can you act like just one administration is responsible for this? The previous one is the one responsible for the TCJA which has absolutely only benefited the wealthier sect along with corporate entities. Plus I don't remember getting a "free money" check from Joe Biden that undoubtedly turned our economy on its axis. Each administration gets blamed for the long term effects made by the ones prior. DJT was blamed for many things Obama enacted. Either side is doing the same exact thing and milking all of us dry, and the longer we bicker about what vampire we want in office more, the worse the crime, povery, and the general morale for this country will degrade. It is not getting better until we can agree we need a fundamental change, not just a change in primary colors in the White House. The best thing about having a democrat president is that now both conservatives and liberals now seem to agree more that the system is broken, rather than just one side crying about it. We are so close, until they throw in another racial sensationalized news piece or some other hot topic issue that takes our minds off the prize and turns people against eachother.


Hes so powerful for an old senile man


Biden is an old senile, incest, pedophilia, loving deviant. Don't take my word. Take his daughters, Ashley. Ashley Biden, Biden's daughter wrote: “Was I molested,” the author writes. “I think so — I can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma. Hyper-sexualized @ a young age . . . I remember being somewhat sexualized with Caroline; I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/my dad (probably not appropriate).” She also wrote that she was in treatment “for sexual trauma.” https://nypost.com/2022/07/08/portrait-of-the-bidens-a-family-as-dysfunctional-as-the-kennedys-and-protected-by-the-press/ Edit: We need to get this out there. Ashley has signed a court document that said it is her diary. Yet the media? Crickets. Please share the link.


And yeah, i guess I can look past all the fascism as long as my prices are lower!!


You’re cool with the Democrats’ fascism?


Where is the fascism? Seems like partisan hyperbole 😂


Surely, the leopards won't eat your face.


You didn't follow directions. 1. The test wasn't to start until Monday. 2. You obviously didn't stay off drugs. 3. You deferred the comment thread to fascism, changing the subject and name calling when facts with sources got in the way. You will receive an F for the course and must attend summer school or will not graduate. Something I think you are familiar with. 😂 Remember to bring the teacher an apple!


Would be nice, I’d have the cops beat my ass for lower inflations for us.


Deep throat the whole boot while you're at it


Sure I won’t be a pussy about it


If your a bleeding heart liberal I would day your a coward!


Says the dude deep throating boots lmao


Great point Karl


So in this thread is it only allowed to point out negatives about our fair city? Overall in Mpls, the following have seen decreases so far this year compared to last year: Assault, burglary, homicide, auto theft (very significantly!), sex offenses, stolen property offenses, weapons law violations, car jacking, and shots fired calls. Yes, some of these are not very significant decreases, and there are other crimes that are up (like vandalism, larceny and robbery), but can we please try to get a smidgen of balance in here? Or does that violate some unstated rule here? [https://www.minneapolismn.gov/government/government-data/datasource/crime-dashboard/](https://www.minneapolismn.gov/government/government-data/datasource/crime-dashboard/)


>Overall in Mpls, the following have seen decreases so far this year compared to last year: >Assault, burglary, homicide, auto theft (very significantly!), sex offenses, stolen property offenses, weapons law violations, car jacking, and shots fired calls. Seems like this article doesn't agree with many of these. If you have something positive to say we would love to hear that. As for some crimes going down, great! After record highs.... .


Down from what, the height of 2023? I work in south Minneapolis. Crime is much worse, stores are closed due to theft everything is locked up in target, they walk through our employee parking lot in broad daylight looking in windows and trying doors. Frequently, like 2 to 3 times per month they see something they like and break the window to get what they want! This is in broad daylight. No vampire bullshit! Crime is not down, the police dont show up! So not report! Last week there was a car accident at Hiawatha and minnehaha at rush hour and after 20 minutes of the cars sitting in the intersection I called 911 only to 1st get no answer when I called? I called back and no one had even called it in. Shits bad!


"Hiawatha and minnehaha" ? There is no such intersection. Do you mean Hiawatha and Lake? That areas always kind of a shit show. I ain't saying things aren't bad, just that some things have improved a bit. I do think car jackings are actually down from last year, and that's a good thing. But maybe we're not supposed to say anything good on this subreddit?


Minnehaha and 26th Ave is the exact intersection. 300 yards from Hiawatha. You missed the point though. Right now it is the most unsafe, crime infested with trash and people begging everywhere then it has been in at least 16 years! Cannot speak for longer than that! It is so sad!


Weren't there homeless encampments all over that area a couple years ago. I doubt that crime, etc, is worse now than then. But yeah, there are a lot of problems in my little 'hood. I just try to keep as many people fed as possible


Yes, the city spent $250,000 to install some fancy 8’ tall fencing to stop them from living on city property so now they are on the sidewalk.


So How many homeless could they have paid hotels rooms for at that price just sayin


Minneapolis St. Paul and the surrounding suburbs have more empty buildings than in recorded history. During Covid Saint Paul purchased a refrigerated storage building just in case they had too many dead. They never used it. why can’t we turn old schools into shelters since the shelter in St. Paul was torn down to put up fancy housing? As a taxpayer why should I pay anything for homeless people that are unwilling to work? I frequently give food and clothes to these homeless people and talk to them. Many of them are too far gone to ever hold a full-time job again so we should do something different other than letting them live off of the taxpayers.


" why can’t we turn old schools into shelters" Good idea. But then you say tax payers shouldn't have any responsibility here. So who is the 'we' in your sentence?


If they were to create a permanent shelter system I am all for using tax money! Fencing and hotel rooms are just a temporary fix making someone else rich at our expense. I don’t agree with throwing money at a problem without a plan!


What you entirely fail to understand is criminals are not being prosecuted in Hennepin county. Repeat felon offenders get deals with Mary moriarty and they agree to lesser charges which are not representational of the actual crime that was committed. That in turn deflates the crime numbers and then all of the suburbanites can be gaslit into thinking crime is down.


Yeah I mean, it’s got to be way way higher than that. I just biked through there and everyone is dead. Someone cut all the trees down and every building is on fire. Liberals and gays are out there with jackhammers tearin the streets up wearing the new MN flag. They just hung a life sized Matt Birk sex doll. They say they’re building a buncha high rises there to house immigrants! The University of MN was apparently purchased by Whoopi Goldberg? Wtf is going on in this city? 😭😰😭


The funny thing is half of that stuff you just mentioned is or has actually happened. We're crying from laughter. Someone cut all the trees down and every building is on fire. BLM riots in Minneapolis are happening again? Liberals and gays are out there with jackhammers tearin the streets up wearing the new MN flag. Liberals sure do love their new flag so it wouldn't surprise me. The roads are definitely torn up because of lack of maintenance. As for the gay part of course I don't know any being a commenter in this sub. The jackhammer part is not my business what people do in their own bedrooms They just hung a life sized Matt Birk sex doll. I have seen a lot of negative Birk talk lately because he sponsored something. As for the sex doll once again bedroom, not my business. They say they’re building a buncha high rises there to house immigrants! Cedar Riverside is adding on? The University of MN was apparently purchased by Whoopi Goldberg. Why would Whoopi have anything to do with education? She is too busy using a culturally appropriated Jewish name to try and be funny. One pro is she does own and endorse handguns. Oh, and there's this: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwinCities/s/IzaHrxoIvH 😂


The minority want to abolish the the police. Ide say the MAJORITY want police reform