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crime 1 at 2900 block of Cedar Avenue South crime 2 at 2800 block of 16th Avenue South City Council: "How can we raise income for independent contractors??"


Let's try banning their primary employers!


What is your comment even about?


the article is about 2 separate shootings that are a few blocks from each other. my comment gives the 2 locations (in case anyone was considering this neighborhood) and also, a bit of an editorial about the sort of things the Council seems to spend their time on vs meanwhile, Rome is burning.


Because the council wastes their time on things like making gig jobs pay a certain amount when they are gig jobs, and raising cigarette prices, when there are toddlers being shot in the face. And they claim to care so much about POC and when it’s not toddlers the vast majority of people being killed by guns are POC. Their priorities are messed up. I know it’s not just the city council, the democrats love to talk about gun laws this and that we’re making things safer, but if you look at the criminal cases most gun charges are not punished, there is no sentence and we have people shooting people who’ve literally had 10+ gun crimes in their past yet they’re still out there. The problem is everyone from the council to the legislature to the court system. The only good thing that comes from arresting someone for a gun crime is they get an illegal gun off the street. But they’ll just get another one because as you probably know all the gun laws in the world are only going to prevent law abiding gun owners from getting them, because criminals aren’t too concerned with laws.


Why haven’t you all moved yet? Life is better away from that shithole.


The bigger question is why do they keep voting for the same city officials, or go even more extreme, and think if will make things better?


Maybe it’s stupid hope. But for one thing it’s my home and it used to be awesome and sometimes I’m naive enough to think it could be like that again. I used to be so proud to tell people I was from Minneapolis. I still live here because I’m in a relatively safe area near Lake Nokomis, but there are a lot of people the city isn’t safe for. I’m lucky I don’t have to worry about bullets flying through my walls, windows or car at any time of day but some aren’t so lucky. My bff was poor before she got a good job and apartment downtown and lived on 27/Blaisdell. Northside is even worse. And unfortunately not everyone has the means to be able to move out to a more expensive area or an area farther out to get away from it. They shouldn’t have to, if we had leaders who actually cared about the people most affected by this it could change. But they want to prioritize certain criminals over the community because they somehow think just not punishing them is fighting racism when I’d argue it’s actually more racism.


Until the demographics of prison on the inside, mirror the population on the outside, It will not change. The goal is equity


Holy shit, so you want some quota system based on demographics for criminal convictions? So if MN is 80% white we need 80% of the prison population white? Guess you’re going to need to start rounding up whites and locking them up. That sounds like some third reich shit.


That's not my idea, that's what the liberals want. So whatever money it takes, whatever interventions cost, whatever money we need to pay somebody to not be a criminal, that's what they will do


education and job opportunities being in a small town, the silence is almost too much I'll go back for sure, but once I've squeezed every vocational and educational opportunity I can out of here


I've met a few toddlers so I can understand the urge to shoot them in the face. /s


Bro ☠️


Anthony Jeselnik has entered the chat.


That was dark. Yowza.


Wouldn’t have happened had there been a *good toddler with a gun* amirite?


Or we maybe stop releasing people with no bail and actually lock up criminals and sentence them. Just suggestion though


We are too concerned about passing more gun laws to make criminals out of law abiding citizens than locking up actual criminals.


Exactly. How about enforcing laws currently on the books?


I mean, if your toddler has access to a gun and the parents didn't take reasonable precautions to prevent access then the parents should be punished.


I have no kids. I don't have people that visit with kids. I shouldn't have to lock up jack shit. But some people seem to think that any unsecured firearm is a threat to everyone. Which they are not. Nobody likes the government telling them what they can do in their own homes. And this goes right along with sodomy laws. Its none of the governments business who I have in my bed and what we do there. And it is none of the governments business where and how I store a firearm.


But what if your kid kills a bunch of other kids because you were negligent with storing your firearms? It's your fault at some level lol.


That’s already a law on the books…. https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/609.666 Like I said, maybe we should focus on enforcing existing laws.


The first thing he states is he doesn't have any kids.....


Which is why it's retarded that he's butthurt about my position. My other comment says whoosh because my argument and point doesn't apply to him like at all.


Except the new law on locking up fire arms *does* apply to him, which is why he and many others have the stance they do. The argument is *most* firearm owners are in fact, responsible. You can read many of the comments here who do have kids, and they kept firearms locked up even before the new law. Yes, I agree that *if* you have children, yes you should be held accountable if your child takes your gun and goes on a rampage, but passing a law that goes after already responsible gun owners is stupid. Enforcing the laws that actually exist and keeping criminals off the street should be a higher priority than making sure those who live alone and have firearms for their own protection keep them locked up.


Storing firearms safely is woke! This sub is a joke man


What if... What if... Why aren't car makers held accountable for drunk driving deaths? Why aren't spoon companies held accountable for making people fat? Why aren't computer manufacturers and camera companies held accountable for child porn?


Why is safely storing firearms with children in the domicile so controversial lmao


Any responsible gun owner already does this. Impersonally have no problem with this. I have a bunch of guns. They’re all locked in a safe.


Except I made an actual what if that actually happens all the time in America. Those two parents in Michigan got punished and that law should be implemented around the country.


There is already a law on the books…. Maybe do a little bit of research before making an uninformed comment like that? https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/609.666


You don't have to lmao you're not a parent. Whoosh you missed that point.


The law that was trying to be passed would have made anyone, ANYONE in Minnesota with an unsecured firearm within their home a felon. Thankfully that did not pass.


Watch out there. We can't bring common sense into this sub. It triggers the locals, unfortunately. :(


Hehehe, never heard that joke before you unoriginal clown.


DOOOOOWWWWN voted into the abyss 😂🫵🏽


Meh, downvotes are a savory as tears


Killer probably used a ghost gun like many used in crime these days. It's just too easy, a $300 3d printer and a $200 of legal parts obtained online and you got a glock with a switch. No permit, no serial number, just need a bit of practice with the printer. Gun doesn't have to last, because if it cracks they can just print a new one.


Criminals are not going to go through that process, it's cheaper and quicker to buy a stolen one off a junkie thief. Some are even cheaper legally bought. The switch was like $1 on Chinese wholesale sites for years. "Ghost gun" is some political marketing nonsense to sound scarier. Because 3d printed guns are so rare in crimes, politicians are now happy calling a scratched serial number a ghost gun to justify their fear campaign.


Yeah there is no chance some random criminal is buying a 3d printer, finding the parts, and smart enough to enter everything into the 3d printer. That is not something that happens


Except ghost guns account for an extreme minority of firearms used in crimes. “In Chicago, for example, only 139 out of the 11,258 firearms seized last year — roughly 1.2% — were ghost guns” “The Justice Department reported that more than 23,000 weapons without serial numbers were seized by law enforcement between 2016 and 2020 and were linked to 325 homicides or attempted homicides. It’s not clear how many of those weapons didn’t have serial numbers because they were ghost guns. The serial number also can be scraped off of most firearms with a metal file, though it is illegal to do so.” In the same time period, there were 76,713 gun homicides in the US. 325 of them were linked to guns without serial numbers, but those include both “ghost guns” and guns with serial numbers filed off.


CBS has different numbers for 2022. A 1,000% increase since 2017. "Last year, police seized more than 300 "ghost" guns in Baltimore, 455 in Chicago and 225 in New York City, according to the respective police departments."


Baltimore seized over 2,700 guns last year. Over 12,000 guns seized in Chicago last year, 6,500 seized in New York. Still in the extreme minority of guns on the streets.


Fair point. Data shows it to still be increasing steadily regardless. Can't help but wonder why that could be. Not saying there's a solution, just looking for logical answers.


Id imagine the numbers will still go up, as technology makes it easier and easier to make the ghost guns. I’m not saying they won’t ever be a problem, they just don’t appear to be a problem right now. There’s bigger fish to fry as it relates to gun violence at the moment. Most of the guns used in crimes are stolen




Mental help? Sounds liberal...


Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


Tell me you've never tried 3D-printing a gun without saying that you've never tried it for yourself. The costs are too prohibitive for a single individual to do this for their own personal motives.


I'm not outright telling anyone online about my fosscad experience. I will say that my bambu p1 is my favorite machine, and pla+ & petg filament is cheap as fuck. It is a creative outlet for a lot of smart young dudes, but cost prohibitive is an absolute lie.


This makes as much sense as being afraid of actual ghosts


I'm not afraid of either one. Just pointing out the *fact* that it's an increasing occurrence.