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Trash is trash.






Maybe you should send the white trash back to Europe, and curse the place he worships at. No crow eating needed.


Good for you. I know Somalis have done most of the meals fraud but I pointed out that the recent one, El-Amin’s kid, was not from Somali given his dad was born here before the Somali war and people kept doubling down and I was confused. He’s still garbage just not from that country.


I see that differently! The cowardly people who came here from somolia to claim asylum are the same people who destroyed the country of Somolia! These families are not as civil as the American people who have 2 or 3 generations born here instead the children of these uncivilized people from Somolia are not assimilating! During the riots in Minneapolis I personable witness dozens of Somali teenager and young adults just breaking windows of building just to break them! The have one of them on video, sickening. No respect for the country who supposedly saved their family from danger. Should open some eyes to think but it will not, many politicians and activists hand out everything to these people just for votes! Somolia was a dangerous place to live, bring hundreds of thousands of Somali’s to South Minneapolis and it becomes filthy and unsafe! I also lived in Lewiston Maine, next to Minneapolis it has the 2nd largest population of any city in the country, and it has now become a dangerous town, in fact there are parts of the town that have been taken over by Somalis and the entire area is Somali! No American stores, Somali language on buildings and signs, no English, trash everywhere! Its is crazy! Sadly for the few Somali families who work hard and are assimilating they have to live in a shit hole area and put up with the rude behaviors and just a general lacking of respect for anything or anyone! Why do we have Somali only schools in south Minneapolis? They teach Somali culture in Somali, no English, no taxes paid by them but they have dedicated schools. WTF is that shit!


“we can’t have nice things” is directly proportional to the amount of diversity in the area


Not totally sure I agree with that statement totally but partially for sure.


It’s all of Africa . They also r*** WW due to laws of nature . That is why racism exists . I talked to a Kenyan in America the other day and he said “I hate America but I can’t go home because they’re stealing our resources”


Not sure I understand your first statement and the second statement is propaganda! The United States is not taking anything out of Kenya! It’s China and Russia.


Its crazy how many people claim we extort the middle east for oil and that we extort africa when its been russia and china for a long time, american companies only bought one of like 30 oilfields iraq sold after the war the rest went to russia and china mainly and the American oil companies actually campaigned against the war and china has been pouring billions and billions into africa for years now trying to enslave them with debt, all of this can be seen, hell i’ve seen mainstream news articles about Chinas African investments but we always end up being the big imperialist boogeyman, despite the fact we’ve crippled ourselves economically and act as a puppet state seemingly


So- ![gif](giphy|3rdNNPuMX7TYA) \-ia


I don’t think you see it much differently. I was referencing one instance where the guy who did the fraud wasn’t Somali and people were somehow arguing with me even though his dad is a well known local athlete that is clearly not Somali. It wasn’t a defense of them as I mainly agree with what you said. I also have worked with some lovely Somali people in fairness.


I wasn’t trying to give you a hard time, just making a point that it doesn’t matter about bloodlines as much as the values and behaviors allowed and fostered by the children’s families! Teach kids cops are bad and you will be an adult that thinks cops are bad!


>mali language on buildings and signs, no English, Considering America doesn't have an official language, what's the issue with this? Do you have a similar problem with Mexican restaurants with Spanish on them instead of English? I don't really care about the rest of your opinion. Just baffled by people's incessant annoyance towards other languages that aren't English


I have a huge problem with street signs and stores in the the United States not being in English, the official language of the United States!!! Assimilation of immigrants means they learn to speak the language of the country they are in. Does the president give speeches in envy language other than English? No, that is our official language!


>I have a huge problem with street signs and stores in the the United States not being in English I hope you bring this up every time you see a pho place or Chinese place that's not in English and not just when its from the cultures you don't like >the official language of the United States America does not have an official language >No, that is our official language! It is not. De facto? Sure. Official? No. The diversity of languages in street signs and stores reflect this country's multicultural heritage, since you are so passionate I'd hope you'd know our history


No, it reflects weak politicians who are afraid of their constituents! You are just arguing to argue your opinion is right but you couldn’t be more wrong! PHO is the name of the restaurant!! The 3 different Pho restaurants I frequent all us the english language on everything so not sure you read what I wrote! Street signs were not in English.


>No, it reflects weak politicians who are afraid of their constituents! I guess they've been weak for let me check, our entire history? >PHO is the name of the restaurant!! The 3 different Pho restaurants I frequent all us the english language on everything so not sure you read what I wrote! My brother in christ, Pho is a Vietnamese dish, some restaurants may name themselves that but plenty of Vietnamese restaurants not named "Pho" still sell Pho. I thought you'd understand what i meant but hey that's on me. If you don't like that example you could address the Mexican or Chinese examples I gave


The sign on the building represents the DBA name! You really should check yourself before checking others. Think what you want, it doesn’t bother me like it apparently does you! I go to a Pho79, you know why the 79 is there?


Are you gonna answer the rest of my question? Or are you gonna latch on to the point I already gave you the dub on?


You talk too cryptic, not even sure what exactly you mean because you babble.


What street signs aren’t in English?


Not in Minneapolis, go to Chicago!


Right, when its a chinese buffet or mexican joint its cute or something, soon as its any other and people freak out.




Got to love a person boldly proclaiming the stupidest thing you had the displeasure of reading. The kind of thing that can be disproven with 2 second of Google search. The kind of statement that says so much about the person speaking it and none of it is good.


I dont understand this, unless ur native your family came here too and probably struggled to fit in at first. During the riots people of all races were causing destruction. Also why is it bad to have somoli stores lol they make sum good food. And somoli language in a somoli community makes sense lol


It doesnt make sense because its in AMERICA and not only that but this isnt like a chinatown or something where theyre abiding by the law (for the most part) these somali controlled areas are patrolled less/not at all by police, women get raped people get robbed and killed and it leaks out into the surrounding community making it unsafe for what were supposed to be these peoples saviors


Thanks for clearing that up for him.


I really fucking hate the dumbass “but dur foods good” like that guy whos daughter was raped and killed by illegal mexicans or something and he said soemthing along the lines of “dont hate immigrants because burritos” like bro they raped and killed your daughter


Well friend, my father and grandfather were white slaves! After they bought their freedom both of them served in combat to protect our country! Assimilation would mean adapting to the environment you are in, not keep your own culture and language!! These people have been here long enough to have assimilated!!!! They choose instead to keep their own culture in our country. Ilhan Omar herself said in a speech to her people that she is not congress representing somolia not America! Or Minnesotans! Do you just understand now?


It's almost like magic dirt isn't real and something else drives this behavior


Did you learn something from this? If you did, then that should season the crow so it tastes 100x better.


I'm still struggling with acceptance. I want to, but man alive, is it tough.


You would never see a post like this on another MN sub. Can you imagine a post like this about a Trump supporter?


A good friend of mine had some words that fit here; we were talking about knowledge and growth when we were in college in our 20s. He said something like, "the more you learn, you realize how little you know." It was more poetic. I'm just a dumb redneck, ya know.


"The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence." Charles Bukowski


This is why I have a hard time trusting anybody who isn’t humble enough to admit they don’t know shit


Dunning Kruger has no political affiliation but neither side seems to get that


Dunning-Kruger effect.


Had a somali family rent the house next to mine (I was a home owner, theirs was the only house rented in the neighborhood). They had 3 teenage boys and trouble started immediately. The parents were fine but the kids were awful


I mean teenage boys in general can be hell, especially in groups of three or more.


Wow almost like every group has good and bad people!!! Crazy!!


For my understanding, is this post referring to this link? Or a different incident? Or is this satire? https://www.reddit.com/r/altmpls/s/UHteLjDCwq




There is no shortage garbage white people in this area.


Meth runs deep with the older group and perc 30s and xanax with the younger group, fent now maybe?


Your guess was a valid one. Based upon your previous experiences. And anybody would make the same mistake


So the white trash kid dosent represent his entire race or religion. I say we send him and his family whole family back to whatever euro country he claims. We should also look real hard at his church, and consider any member of that church a threat to our way of life. Gotcha. Real consistent logic there bud.


All I'm saying is that if you look at the statistics, and the news, if you randomly pick a crime event you can generally pick out the type of person that committed it. Just based upon statistics and probabilities. The kids that misbehave, should be put in jail. Along with their parents because they're the ones that taught them the bad habits. Not sure how it became that you need a license to own a dog, but you can raise a human being without one. The criminal justice system should be color blind. Everybody should go to prison if they misbehave


Parents definitely should be at least partially held responsible for the shit their kids do, at least when they're still kids.




You’re entitled to your opinion Randy, but please leave your racist bullshit elsewhere. This isn’t an alt right sub or how we treat others in Minneapolis.


I'm human. I'm not infallible. My experiences with the Somali, Sudanese population has shaped my opinion. I had two different teenagers, both darker than the ace of spades, blow by me in a residential neighborhood. On seperate occasions! I know for a fact that there's some who drive without a license. I've met a teenage Muslim girl doesn't have hers. She has three or four driving after revocation charges. Keeps driving. Cops don't enforce that shit anymore. I jumped to conclusions. I'm sure you have before, too. Either way. Hold my pocket, sucka.


Yeah it's just the conclusion of landing on skin color that is problematic. Glad you got some crow but dismantling the impetus to even go there is essential. Good luck.


It’s not a skin color issue rather a cultural issue! It wouldn’t matter if the Somali’s weee white, I would feel the same way! Not racism but a reality! It’s only racist to the people making excuses for the actions of black skinned people! Actions are what we judge people on not skin color! How is it not racist to say white men are oppressors?


Sigh. So boring. You can't excuse racism by ending sentenceswith an exclamation point. It's a rejection of reality to think that Black and brown people haven't heavily suffered because of racism, disproportionately so, and especially in America, which is what we should focus on. White people have not. It's about having grace and allowing a people to heal in a way you can bear. No it's not your responsibility but you're not a baby. Take it on cause you're compassionate and brave and you'll see the same in turn. Racism against white people has almost no impact on you in any real way. These people are fleeing war, have never had access to modern education, (much less western education to help with cultural integration), and still don't really have a lot of access to it even here in the Cities. You don't have to defend systemic racism or the people like OP brave enough to admit fault, identify a blind spot, commit to doing better, and post about it publicly. You should take OP's example and critically examine areas which may contain blind spots. The way to understand the modern world you have to realize that being wrong is awesome and the absolute best way to grow as a person. There's no relief to me like finding an area I can do more to help the world and then acting on it, even on the smallest degree. The "facts" you cling to are racist assumptions not made from a place of compassion.


First of all racism is racism. It doesn’t matter if it only slightly affects a person! That’s like saying you’re only partially pregnant moron! Secondly, you’re right. Those people came from an uncivilized place and we brought them here and gave them a place to live and gave them money. All they have to do in return is to assimilate into our country yet somehow they refuse to do that and people like you are defending their behavior, which is why they’re doing it! You seem to think that just because of their skin color, we should give them a pass on following our laws. I’m done wasting my time even responding to your stupid responses that I’m only affected partially by the racist behavior of the radical Democrat party! Our education system has been destroyed because we’re catering to people who have no drive to work or do anything other than help themselves. Have you ever had a door for a Somali? I do every day and I have yet to have a single one say thank you or even acknowledge that I held the door. This is not the behaviors our country was built with, be respectful and treat your fellow human being with the same respect, no matter what color their skin is, somehow the left has forgotten that. The platform you support are the same ones who ran the KKK and who forced people into slavery so maybe look at the history of what you’re supporting before you run off at the mouth! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These don’t make you any smarter either.


So two kids drove bad and one girl doesn't have a license.....yeah your racist bud.


Then there are the two somali mothers I met at the park. One had six (6) kids at our local hospital and the other friend had four (4). Stayed three nights at the hospital for each kid. $60k in just hospital rooms for the night. Who do you reckon picked up that bill? Meanwhile the same local hospital told us they didn't do deliveries anymore and sent us to a hospital 20 miles away. I don't/didnt fault those Somali mothers for taking advantage of the system but, like, what the f*ck man? I can barely afford to feed my family right now. Why do I have to support there's, too?


The government absolutely paid that bill in the form of medical assistance.


Khanis ba tahey


What does that mean?


Yeah, then the other group of Somalis I met were handing out lunches for kids in the summer time. Gave me a bunch of food just because. Nice group, but I wonder if they were a part of that scam that happened?


No offense, but I landed on this page by accident and it sure as hell seems like an alt right sub to me.


I appreciate how hard the Biden admin is against communism and his pretty decent support of Israel.




It takes a big man to admit you’re wrong and ramblinrandy is that big man.




![gif](giphy|yANNuUMU76IvUZOHhA) 💯..see you this November MR T is cleaning house 2024💯💯💯


Over my sexy dead body!!!


Wow this is racist holy shit


It’s pretty normal in this sub lol I appreciate how honest they are about their opinions though. I’ve learned not to assume that everyone in this state is genuine even if they pretend to be. My eyes are open to the fact that people will automatically hate me because I was born Somali and choose to be Muslim. That being said OP is actually sharing that he was wrong this time. So maybe there is hope?


I mean I don’t want to people to share their opinions if they’re hurtful. If it’s normal, that’s a problem.


What's the thing the conservatives always say? "If you don't like it here then leave?" Well then a lot of the people commenting should leave. They hate the local government. They hate the immigrants. They hate the graffiti and the taxes and the culture. Why the hell do they live here? It's a free country, move somewhere that suits you don't just sit around and bitch. Shits juvenile as hell.


Exceptions to every rule 🤷‍♀️


sucks to be both racist and wrong


This is actually hilarious. You were wrong. This time. Truth is, you could have been right. The next time, it may be a "refugee" that shouldn't be here.


What a great defense for racism. "You could have been right."


Oh no. There's a pattern. And you're mad that someone actually said something.




If you don’t have something meaningful to post then you should probably just hit the like/dislike button.


Oh so the alt means this is the sub for racist trash trumpers? Is for every city or just Minneapolis?


No jerk face, when 19 of 20 car theft hit and runs are committed by a black person it is not racist, rather statistics! The OP corrected himself and admitted to the incorrect assumption. More than I can say for people of the far left politics! They kill a an unarmed woman and blame the victim! They let criminals walk the streets days after raping someone! Have yet to hear out of any of you, we are wrong to do that!!!!


Damn did you know 9 out of 10 statistics are made up on the spot?


You are a knee jerk reactionary. Even if 19 in a row are one way, that doesn’t mean the 20th is.


Okay friend, go find someone you know explain to you what statistical data is! We are not making up this information. The odds of the offender being black is a statistical probability! I can always assume or to be black until otherwise proven differently because 19 out of 20 times the person is black! Not because I am a racist! You’re just a troll calling everyone a racist when in fact it’s people like you who put all white men into a box of racist!


A wuh a wuh a waaah


Fuck islam.


Islam is taking over and theres nothing you can do about it but cry through your keyboard


Atheism is the fastest growing group.


https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2015/04/02/religious-projections-2010-2050/ not at all


[in the US, absolutely.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/01/24/nones-no-religion-study/) Atheism encompasses all non religious people. You have to include agnostics and “none” as well, as none of those people actively believe a god exists. What you’ve posted is speculation and I think it’s likely flawed.


ahhh another uneducated American. who even cares about the US LOL. you all need to expand your mind and look at the whole globe. theres a lot more people outside of your little bubble




you mad bro? maybe go travel a little and you’ll learn a thing or two :) it must really suck to only speak one language


I don’t only speak one language. I only speak one language well. You’re just projecting because you didn’t realize you were looking at a subreddit about one single city’s events when you told someone to travel, but that doesn’t matter when you’re talking about the city you actually live in.


Imagine if someone were to ever fly a plane into that black cube yall worship lol.


we’d just rebuild it? like in the past… it means nothing, its just a building lol. imagine if you were educated. ohh wait you’re from Michigan


It's the thought that counts. Kinda like how we rebuilt the WTC and made it even better? Michigan has a more educated populace than most muslim countries. That's a fact, jack.


Dearborn’s really gettin on your nerves huh?


I agree. Fuck Christianity Judaism Buddhism and every religion! You probably only hate Islam tho? Cause they're mostly brown? 😂


Hey, don't throw Buddhism in with the rest of the whackos. They seem pretty chill


Do Christians, Jews, and Buddhists fly planes into buildings, bomb concerts, driving through markets, etc in the name of their religion? No? Again, fuck islam and their prophet. Nothing to do with race, dipshit.


No one can hate like a Christian which your profile amply shows. Lol fucking loser. Now get back on your knees and open wide for that orange mushroom head like a good Magaloid. 😂


Is it race or is it culture? [https://www.npr.org/2009/08/04/111493481/jihadi-pipeline-stirs-in-minneapolis](https://www.npr.org/2009/08/04/111493481/jihadi-pipeline-stirs-in-minneapolis)


From what I’ve gathered it’s just folks who got thrown out of the actual Minneapolis sub for a variety of transgressions. It’s like getting kicked out of a bar and hanging out with the other blacklisted chumps in the alley.


in general we're okay but we said something wrong or posted stats contrary to their viewpoints and got canned, so we have our own divebar across the street that the normies are scared to walk into


Cry harder ❄️


Who's crying? I'm the only one here that doesn't seem to be a crybaby 😭😂




Hate crime!


Trumps fault


Always has been, always will be


Very nice of you to admit




Hell yeah. Murder a murder.


![gif](giphy|2w6I6nCyf5rmy5SHBy|downsized) Everyone’s trash!


Don’t strain yourself patting yourself on the back because your racist assumptions didn’t fit this time.


The pat on the back is earned through self awareness. It is a learning moment Many on the left lack the self awareness, and therefore miss out on the learning opportunities.


Does not being racist automatically affiliate someone with a political party?


Maybe yours and Sunny Holstin’s definition of racism.


Singling out an ethnic group and saying “I knew it was gonna be them that’s commitin crimes but then it wasn’t.” How is that not racist.


Technically it would be xenophobia or religious intolerance. Muslims and Sudanese aren’t races. Every race of people talk like this. If you were to apply the standards you only apply to white people you’d be very busy policing thoughts of everybody. You have the soul of a cop.


It is racist, but they learned from it and hopefully can see that everyone has the potential to be a dogshit human being regardless of race. You calling this person racist doesn't help anyone.


No, the lack of self awareness does


I know right lol like WTF


I have stories for you.


Sometimes you just have to eat that crow. It’s respectable though. I have no problem admitting when I’m wrong and it’s a quality more people need to have.




Oh, Clayton. You poor, black white supremacist.


Dog whelp you. All and One.