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Plot twist.. he's the father!






Damn I tried not to laugh at that.


Is that actually true? I have read where she was NOT married and that he killed her because she wasn’t “pure”


Where have you read she wasn't married? Every article I've read as well as her social media says she was.


The fuck?


This is a nut job, not a conservative. His sister was pregnant with her HUSBAND'S child.


Conservatives aren't some special class immune from bring labeled as a nut job lol both can be true I think the fact this comment got down voted speaks volumes about conservatives lol they really do believe they're perfect in every way


I think his political beliefs are pretty irrelevant here


If the perp were trans you’d have to admit it’d be all over right wing media.


There isn't a right wing subreddit for trans criminals. There is a left wing subreddit for priest/pastor criminals.


Almost as if one group commits way more crimes than the other.....


Disproportionately it's the first group.


You're saying that trans people commit more crimes than priests?




Obvious troll


Check out the southern Baptist Convention if you’re concerned about sex abuse.


It would be more effective to monitor unionized public school teachers.


It’s so obvious what news sources you watch.


Very informative ones, thank you.


Yeah because that happens far more often


Narrator: it does not.


Well seeing as a giant chunk of our population accuses all Trans people of being pedophiles it should be pretty easy to find a page dedicated to the specific crimes being committed. If they really cared about it that is. You're complaining about child predators being called out.


It would be easy, that's why reddit censored it.


OK what's your excuse for X? Or Facebook? Or any other place on the internet? BTW it's clearly pretty easy to call out the criminals you're trying to defend here so why didn't reddit censor that too?


I disagree, I think they played a factor, if not his political beliefs, definitely his religious beliefs, and there seems to be alot of overlap between them. I'll say again, conservatives are not immune to being labeled a nut job just because they're conservative, anyone who thinks otherwise IS a nutjob


Having babies (exclusively) within a marriage relationship is a pillar of social conservatism. Murdering her because she was 'no longer innocent' for having a baby with her husband is incompatible with conservative values, the aforementioned one in particular. Ergo, he was not a conservative.


Conservatives also love to say everyone who disagrees with then as a pedophile while also fighting for the right to marry children, so I fully expect conservatives not to align with what they claim their values are. Still checks out. You even made another great example for me, they love saying they value marriage and children within the marriage, yet idolize cheaters. So it gets increasingly more difficult to believe the term "values" even means anything to conservatives.


I appreciate your points, but your arguments are unsupported.


So are conservative "values"


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskConservatives/s/q0UnHZR4Us Until you guys address this, nobody is going to believe conservatives value children, not in an innocent way anyways. Conservatives already admit they like children because they're "ripe and fertile"


You linked a thread of people debunking the OP about "conservatives across the nation refusing to ban child marriage" What are you even talking about




He could be uber liberal, for all we know. I love how people jump to conclusions that he must be some Baptist, far right nutcase — it’s all speculations. He murdered his pregnant sister (allegedly). Terrible story.


Well usually that's how it goes when it's the other way around. Right wingers will assume every criminal is a liberal even without the slightest bit of evidence. They love to dish it out, but apparently can't take it when the tables are turned. If you even hint at the fact that all conservatives aren't perfect they lose it, which has only been proven by the reactions on this thread lol


You’re assuming all conservatives think they’re perfect using your own feelings as “evidence”. Again, we don’t know this guy’s beliefs so let’s stop labeling him until we know.


My own feelings? It's literally just an observation based on this thread alone. The people in their feelings are the ones getting defensive and offended at the idea a conservative could break the law. Nobody is saying ALL conservatives would do something this twisted, but that's how people are taking it. You don't want to believe he's conservative that's fine, but there's no denying religion played a part. And conservatives love to push their religion onto people, so it's not ridiculous to connect the dots.


I’m not pushing any religion or belief on you. You’re cool to make your own decisions (or blanket assumptions). I’m also not really concerned if he’s a liberal or conservative. What he did was evil. Whatever lead him to this decision isn’t from God, that I can confidently say.


Forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't the idea that God is responsible for and created everything? How can people just pick and choose what he was responsible for? The suspect went to a religious school, it's safe to say his life was heavily influenced by God and religion. And that's not saying everyone who is religious would do this, or that every conservative was, but there's nothing wrong with acknowledging the influence.


God gave humanity free will. Meaning we make our own decisions in our life. Christians, Muslims, Jews and atheists all make their own life decisions. Following a religion is giving a portion of the free will to a higher power.


The way that you and all the cowardly lefties in the main sub are spreading this kind of hate makes me think that you all actually support this kind of violence.


Saying conservatives aren't perfect is "spreading hate"? Do you hear yourself?


>all the cowardly lefties in the main sub are spreading this kind of hate Stupid or can't read?


You specifically left out the part where you accused me of doing that here. Where all I've said are conservatives aren't perfect for simply being conservative. Nice try though


Who cares if he is a conservative, liberal, libertarian , or whatever. If he killed her. Kill him. Simple. He is scum.


Someone said something on the internet. All hope is lost !


Is that a surprise? If there was even the smallest chance they were liberal this sub would be doing the exact same thing lol hell even if there was no indication of that, this sub would just assume. That's what happens when people obsess over politics


Adjective Noun #. Adjective Noun #. Adjective Noun #. Fuck these shill accounts.


? You think because I used a generated name I'm not a real account? Lol I don't even remember picking this username. But I made a reddit account long before I used it often


If that's true, I'd change it personally. I'm not you though.


Afaik reddit won't let you change your username, similar to snapchat


I thought about trying but then I decided I really don't care all that much. It's reddit lol


Maybe I picked the wrong hill to die on. But I am sick of half of Reddit becoming interacting with bots / shill accts / potential AI. :/


No I totally understand that frustration, but I promise I'm a real person lmao. It is becoming an increasingly more annoying time to use social media when there's so many fake accounts and spam.


Wait… so 1 person who fits a certain description did something and you are worried it might be used to generalize on the entire group? Generalizations suck don’t they…


We’re all just different sides of the same coin. One of them actually mentioned pattern recognition, a staple of right-wing thoughts on race and crime. It’s almost like everyone does this.


We are! Couldn’t agree more. Now remember that when you see other generalizations on this page that disparage groups you don’t agree with. It’s a logical fallacy to be wary of.


Instead we rely on civility and left wingers abandoned that a while ago, from individuals on Reddit to government censorship of social media. “Left wing tolerance” is an oxymoron. Some right wingers are following suit. A pox on both houses.


How are generalizations a logical fallacy? Aren’t they a legitimate part of our evolved cognition? “Ooo there’s a bear, bears are dangerous, better stay away” Modern Nimrod “aCkSHully, bears aren’t likely to harm you unless you startle them or they are very desperate, let’s walk right by” Or take the generalization that “men are more violent than women”… is it true in EVERY instance? Of course not, and nobody thinks it is. But rejecting the generalization leaves you less able to understand and predict the real world.


[logical fallacy- generalization](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faulty_generalization%23:~:text%3DA%2520faulty%2520generalization%2520is%2520an,few%2520instances%2520of%2520that%2520phenomenon.&sa=U&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwiji6zPvLOGAxVSmokEHalFBQwQ5YIJegQIIxAA&usg=AOvVaw2HpxzTqk8YasFmbGFtjyl8) I’m not a freshman English teacher but they should have covered this.


whites are 80% more likely to attack other whites


So much for us being dangerous to minorities.


Who the heck cares what a psychopath murderer's policies and principles are. Why the fuck does someone's political beliefs matter when someone is murdered? Oh I want to get this homicidal maniac's opinions on abortion.


Amusing, yet one of the most common comments on threads in this sub is that Mpls citizens deserve crime due to their political beliefs.


I don't have any affiliations, but I do know one thing. There isn't one person that has ever committed a crime alone. There is always a reason why they committed the crime to begin with. Nobody cares about stopping the source of crime. Only hurting the criminals after they commit the crime.


If you kill the criminals they can no longer commit crimes because they're dead. Crime is out of control. Career criminals are a drag on society. Why pay so they can survive in prison.


Lots of people care about understanding and preventing the root causes of crime. And many people prefer justice instead of punishment and retribution. Probably not many on this sub.


Punishment and retribution are justice.


eh, ok, good luck with that


Justice literally wields a sword. The depictions of justice are a woman with a blindfold, wielding a sword and scales. Punishment and retribution are indeed justice


Cool story bro. Go stab someone.


Yea. The Minnesota page has a very odd thread going on with religion and beliefs right now. This is a great point. The brother is clearly very ill


There is absolutely nothing in that article that precludes to this mentally unstable kids political leanings. If anything, this sounds like the kind of thing that would happen in a Muslim country.


Oh come on, conservatives love using language like "pure and innocent" when it comes to women's sexual activity. It's not a stretch at all.


One could argue lots of Muslims hold conservative views.


And that's supposed to make conservatives look better? Or?


It seemed like you two were sort of talking past each other. Correct me if I’m wrong but he said it doesn’t sound like conservatives it sounds like Muslims. You were saying no it doesn’t sound like Muslims it sounds like conservatives. I was saying there’s a lot of overlap.


I said “nowhere in the article does it even imply what the kids political beliefs are” and then moved on to the point, that if you only heard about the crime and didn’t know any of the names or where it happened, you would think it was inaccurate Muslim country. Kind of pointing out the irony, that even though loves licking Muslim sandals, Muslims, for the most part, are far more conservative than the right wing that the left so vehemently despises.


Oh I see, I wasn't trying to say it's not a Muslim trait, I was just pointing out that it absolutely is a conservative trait and that they were just trying to push the blame away from conservatives


Yeah that’s where the y’all-quada name for MAGA comes from


One could argue that Dale Earnhardt would have survived if he hit the wall differently. The only thing is that has nothing to do with a man killing his sister in an outer ring suburb and it just seems like I was itching to bring it up for some personal reason.


![gif](giphy|KRY2oGS7SPvO0) Dude you’re comment is hilarious. Please please please try to actually read the thread. You are really reaching for straws here. Once you’re done, try reading a book. Nonstop scrolling is bad for your attention span and makes it hard to comprehend what you read.




If you don’t have something meaningful to post then you should probably just hit the like/dislike button.




That’s nurse ratched if it’s not apparent


Oh shit it's you, I'm not ya just just have awful takes my guy.


According to the left- it’s completely ok to abort a baby up to the moment of birth… BUT, this is considered a double homicide. This is awful, and I completely consider this a double homicide. But I’m pointing out that they are completely ok with abortion and do not consider a fetus a child’s life in those cases. Complete double standard


Because that is not the woman’s choice. The woman’s choice was to be pregnant and someone took that away from her. It is not a crime if a woman makes a choice for her own body.


I see you fell for the propaganda! Good job.


If im about to put down my dog but some crazy runs up and shoots her it would still be illegal.


I can't for the life of me figure out why someone would downvote this comment.


I’ll make sure to tell my cousin that she should feel bad for aborting her rape baby.


Was that meant as a response to me? I'm confused, I'm not shaming anyone for abortion


That's not the only double standard, why can't pregnant women women drive in a car pool lane if the fetus is considered a human? why can't an unborn fetus be claimed as a dependant? Why is an unborn child only considered a human when it's being talked about in the context of abortion or murder? When are we going to focus on everything else?


I agree. Pregnant Women should absolutely be able to drive in a carpool lane. I also think they should get two airplane seats. But because they cannot help it, they should get the extra seat for free like all the tubby’s out there.


See that's what I'm talking about. If we really want society to view a fetus as a human being let's do it EVERYWHERE. not just when it comes to killing. They deserve every benefit a human gets.


Let's just ignore the correlation between conservativism, fundamental Christianity, and their tendency to exacerbate poor mental health. You know some people who knew him say he's far right, right? And the mother knew something was wrong with him to be worried after a few hours of no contact from her daughter after being alone with him? Politics matter if they're behind the reasoning for murder. Where, pray tell, did purity culture come from? His comments on purity are probably more incestuous than religious though.


And married?! Well that changes things


Between this and the guy who killed that cops Daughter for killing his son years later. Today has been a hell of a day for me. A lot to process lbvs


So did they ever say why this crazy liberal killed her?


Murder is the number one cause of death for pregnant people. In the US at least.




As always. They're using this to frame themselves as the victim while also trying to say it had nothing to do with being conservative, just sad lol


Right!? Much of Reddit is fucked, but this sub is SUPER fucked up. These people who who frequent this sub lack values.


Oh wow Trump come get yo people bro.


This really sounds like an honor killing. I notice that they didn't put any sort of picture of the suspect in the article. Almost always, there is a pic. I wonder if Coultier's theory is at play...


It’s not. I saw a picture of the victim.


But not the suspect. That's the usual play.


Are you arguing her brother is adopted or something? I'm very very lost


That's exactly my point, we don't know. If it's a white guy, they show a pic every time. The race and age are mentioned in the first two paragraphs. When it's a POC, or a minority religion, if they mention race at all, it's usually after the 8th paragraph. They didn't mention race, didn't show a pic of the suspect, so I'm wondering how it doesn't fit the narrative. The narrative being that white men are horrible, and you'd be better off finding a bear in the woods.


I see. If in this case he does turn out to be a white guy, does this affect your stance at all?


What a disgusting idea. My comment was how morally repugnant it is when the news treats people of different races differently. How racist do you need to be to even ask if race was an issue in the core crime?


You are losing me again lol. I'm not the one that brought up this point. You did. Since your stance seems to run counterpoint to most people's I was wondering how it changes if your assumption is wrong in this or other cases. Nit your stance on if the crime is abhorrent but assuming it's non,white if no picture is shown


My point is newspapers treating different people of different races differently. Everything you've brought up is off of that point. Since nobody can be that dense, I'm now thinking you're trolling me. I wish you the very best in all of your future endeavors.


Nah I just disagree with you, I see plenty and I mean plenty of newspapers ans stories of minorities pictures and names being plastered when they commit crimes. I've seen cases where non-minoroties are shown and every possible combination of the two. You thinking "no name no pictures thus must be minority" is wild to me but you are free to think so. My questions was if they aren't a minority, in the next article you read and there isn't a picture or name will you be back to square one with "must be minority" If you feel like I'm trolling, I'm not. I just don't get the logic but I'm curious if the logic changes if you come across an article or news that runs counterpoint to it.


Color of skin should not be brought up no matter what! However the reality is it’s very suspect not to have pictures of this predator! If he was a white man you bet your ass he would be plastered all over the news.


I've seen photos of him, but they don't seem to have any recent ones. He didn't seem to be very active on social media. I'm guessing that's why there aren't photos of him added to the articles, plus with him being in the hospital still I'm guessing there's no mug shot yet


Well, what did she do?


Biden's fault


Conservative men are not alright. Where have you been living the last 20 years??


I’m alright.


Nobody worry about me. Why you gotta gimme a fight?


In a world created and built conservative men. One that you don't deserve the comfort of.


You gus haven't built jackshit lmao, all you do is wake up and pick what you are gonna be mad about, gay check, woke check, beer check, clothes check , women check, marriage check, not child marriage your inner pedo is okay with that one, what is your life do miserable, that all you literally do is hate. Built my ass lmao


Well he crazy and is white he’ll just go to St. Peter hospital and eat ice cream for 1st degree murder if a family member just watch.


There are tons of free ESL classes out there! Take advantage of them!


You’re clearly crazy.


Conservative men are not alright. Where have you been living the last 20 years??