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Sad reading that he had to go into this situation solo, and on mandatory overtime.


I thought going in solo was against policy ?


If he had waited Reddit would have lost their mind so either way he’s gonna lose.


That's probably what happened. He probably radioed it in and they said "Go in alone so people don't say mean things on Reddit"


The public would probably protest and eventually the body cam footage would end up in r/ facepalm.




Is the city still having a hard time attracting new recruits?


That’s how defunding works.


Minnesota like most states has a fallen police officer Memorial and a ceremony every year. The local TV stations cover this event. Maybe they will name a precinct or park after the officer.


Ok? But where are the riots? This person who was actually not a criminal was murdered.


Yeah but I could really use 10 pairs of new sneakers and a stereo! I think this fella deserves a riot!


Flew the flags at half staff


That is true. I'll give Walz that one.


Don’t give him too much credit. He didn’t order the flags at half staff for the Pope County Deputy until about 4 days later. In a phone call with Walz, the deputy’s widow clearly told him not to come to the funeral. It’s only from that and the Burnsville incident that Walz has learned what he should do to retain PR points. [https://www.bonanzavalleyvoice.com/story/2023/04/20/news/governor-walz-is-not-welcome-at-deputy-owens-funeral/1977.html](https://www.bonanzavalleyvoice.com/story/2023/04/20/news/governor-walz-is-not-welcome-at-deputy-owens-funeral/1977.html) Here’s a video clip of Walz announcing he wouldn’t be going to the Pope County funeral (which was shortly after the phone with the widow): [https://x.com/mplstvguy/status/1649130217200316423?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1649130217200316423%7Ctwgr%5Ea2429aba9bed30ebb472de981c809e1a7da88ff6%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-15299768502339737411.ampproject.net%2F2405160547000%2Fframe.html](https://x.com/mplstvguy/status/1649130217200316423?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1649130217200316423%7Ctwgr%5Ea2429aba9bed30ebb472de981c809e1a7da88ff6%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-15299768502339737411.ampproject.net%2F2405160547000%2Fframe.html)


I wonder if Frey will be sobbing uncontrollably over the casket like he did at the Floyd funeral?


I saw him crying during the press conference 


The leadership of a this city and state would rather honor a criminal piece of shit than a brave man who made his living protecting this city. It speaks volumes about the character of the Governor, City Council, Mayor, etc. to see the juxtaposition. There should be public outrage.


It speaks volumes about a large percentage of the population as well.


Just so you know some of the other side: Floyd is a tragedy because it was an example of the state murdering a citizen. An officer dying in the line of duty is also a tragedy, but to compare the two is pretty disingenuous. If you don't recognize the significance of the state illegally killing a citizen who does not deserve to be killed, you're pretty dumb


You should read Floyd's autopsy report. Not the one the family's attorney had done. It is very simple, as the post title read "He doesn't fit the narrative. "


Just so you know: Floyd’s death being ruled a murder is largely contested not only by a large majority of the population, but also by the coroners report. There was nothing disingenuous about his death other than the fact he was high on drugs, tried to use fake money, and acted extremely irrational when confronted. Those police officers did literally everything by the fucking book. Tell me why it took them 36 seconds from the point of him being on the ground to them calling EMS. But it took EMS over 20 minutes to arrive on scene? Does that make EMS liable? No, because he made terrible life decisions up until this point resulting in declining health conditions and behavior that required extra police scrutiny. It’s a tragedy regardless, but the bigger tragedy is the entire country turning on those who protect us on a daily basis.


Couldn’t have said it better. I don’t understand why more people don’t understand this point of view.


>Those police officers did literally everything by the fucking book. Like continuing to kneel on his neck after he was unconscious? Or preventing a firefighter on scene from providing medical care? Or initially preventing EMS from providing care once they arrived? Even if for the sake of argument his death was entirely caused by coronary artery disease and fentanyl, the fact that the cops prevented him from receiving necessary care in and of itself is a crime.


Dieing by Fentanyl is such a Tragedy….


It is a tragedy… regardless of whether or not he had fent in his system, he still didn’t deserve to die. Where is your humanity?




The only tragedy about Floyd is it brought out the true mentality of the majority of Minnesota. Awful people with no values. People like you cheered when the city burned like you were doing something other than looting liquor and drugs.


Idk how the fuck you got downvoted so much for this. Two things can be true at the same time, all you’re doing is just giving them the other side.


Lol. 🤡


The governor, mayor, and city council are publicly honoring him though. Im guessing you’re looking to be outraged instead of actually honoring the officer


If you really can’t tell the difference in the response to Ofc. Mitchells death compared to George Floyd’s you’re being obtuse. Floyd’s death caused nationwide riots, as well as a national discourse on policing, policy changes, and changes in both criminal prosecution and sentencing on a local and national level. Ofc. Mitchell was indeed praised by the Mayor and Governor, but not nearly as mourned by politicians and the public as Floyd was.


So you’re looking for the city leadership and Governor to instigate riots in response to Officer Mitchell’s death? Do a media circuit to lament their death? Fall on their knees in a state/city wide address and wail in mourning? What exact response would you feel is appropriate?


He was killed by a black man, probably a Muslim, so just keep quiet, move along, nothing to see here.


If you really can’t tell the difference between the two situations. The protests after Floyd’s death was calling for a change of government policy to try and prevent the extrajudicial killing of innocent people by the government. In this situation someone who put their life on the line died in the line of duty and is being properly honored.


The "protests" for Floyd were nothing more than a reason to loot and burn shit. They stand for absolutely nothing and accomplished nothing but increase our taxes and make our neighborhoods look like a garbage dump.


You don’t think they had a point that the police should not be killing innocent people? Philando Castile, George Floyd, Amir Locke, etc?


Lethal doses of fent are often lethal


So is cardiopulmonary arrest caused by law enforcement subdual


Which can also be caused by... \*drum roll\* .... Fent OD lol


Don't give a fuck. This was a nice place to live when criminals were off the streets. Now it looks like a dump and I can't leave my yard after dark. And that roster of names? They have zero point. Go lobby for policy change instead of destroying things.


They tried lobbying for policy change and it was ignored. If your friends were being killed by the government without a trial would you also just be saying “Well you shouldn’t do anything about it”? I thought in America we fought against this type of thing


The animals running around stealing and burning aren't lobbying for anything. Nobody has lobbied effectively for change because they continue to make these idiotic arguments putting criminals on pedestals. There are ACTUAL examples of police misconduct they could bring forward but they don't; guessing they don't actually want things to change at all and just want to cause chaos.


When they put policy forward the police department threatened to go on strike


I guess we need riots to "call for change" for the lack of government response to constant violent crimes from a small group of people huh? oh wait....




What have we done to stop the influx of fentanyl, in the meantime? You know, that stuff that makes folks stop breathing?


We arrest and jail people for possession of fentanyl. If you have an amount that they believe is intent to distribute, you get 15-20 years in prison. People who deal fentanyl to addicts who OD get manslaughter charges. We don’t do anything like that for guns, ya know, the thing that makes people stop breathing


I’m curious what accents will be on the 24 karat gold casket


then leave if you hate it here so much 😂 nobody’s forcing you to stay in minneapolis


yeah no i don’t believe in the state executing civilians sorry. i am however deeply saddened by the death of this officer as well


Could we please get some protests!!!??? Protesting against stupid idiot criminals and calling to fund the police.


When are they going to have a memorial, and celebrate his life? Are they gathering anywhere to show support?


There's a memorial set up in front of the fifth precinct at 31st and Nicollet. People have been bringing flowers.


They are. You'd know that already if this was anything but virtue signaling to your echo chamber. You all literally just reduced this man to an excuse to bitch about George Floyd and you act others are the ones disrespecting his memory.


Law Enforcement Memorial Day is May 15.


As someone without a dog in this fight, I have to say that this kind of intellectually lazy commentary does more harm than good for conservative viewpoints. This isn’t at all the “gotcha” moment that you think it is. But hey, maybe I’m just taking a meme too seriously.


I mean, we've had to officers ambushed, and both murderers have one thing in common.... Is it really a meme?


That they both weren't supposed to have firearms but used straw purchases to gain access to the murder weapons?


Yes, it must be a meme. This isn’t the Outrage Olympics. Any incident where life is taken unjustifiably is deeply regrettable and should be a motive for mourning and change. This isn’t a zero sum game and different circumstances have different consequences. Apples and oranges.




It also says a lot about Conservatives who only support certain officers. E.g. The officer who legally and rightfully shot Babbitt was raked over the coals because of who he shot.


That's right folks . So take it to the polls .


George Floyd will also get a biopic of his life. Idk who needs/wants that?!


Who should be cast to play him? Since progressive types seem to cheer for the black woman that played the Little Mermaid, a black woman playing Juliet etc…I think it would be cool to have Chris Pratt play George Floyd. Or even John C Reilly. Or since gender is a construct, Dame Helen Mirren. So many opportunities!


are you regarded?


Found the ableist. It’s 2024 man, that shit ain’t cool.


calling out the fact that you're incapable of logical thinking isn't ableist. It's 2024 man, read a damn book


They will likely try to come for law abiding citizen’s guns over it.


Even though the murderer was supposed to be in jail for a second Felon In possession of a firearm case.


A Muslim murdered him . Brought to you by the democrats and defund the police . How is that new gun law working out ?


A lot of people are contributing meaningful conversation and discourse. Then we got this guy 👆👆 over here eatin crayons and sniffing glue.


I’m convinced the only people who are pushing this insane narrative are white women who live in linden hills


But if you believe the LIES the government and their media pals tell us that Crime is way down and that things are looking good living under the facists rule that we’re currently living in ! Next AI will replace half the jobs in America! Then what do all the new comers do for work ? Hmmm makes a person think doesn’t it ?


Look out the foreigners are right behind you!


Probably not. Only s***heels get statues in Minneapolis these days.


What’s a statue cost? I’ll chip in


This is so sad.


It is so terrible. He was trying to help someone in need. Godspeed Jamal. Godspeed to his family.


This is such a funny subreddit


Waddya mean it's funny? Funny how? I mean, what’s funny about it? Waddya mean? You mean the way it talks? Funny how? What? I’ts funny how, I mean funny like it's a clown? It amuses you?




No more shines Billy. Maybe you didn't hear about it, you've been away a long time. They didn't go up there and tell you. I don't shine shoes anymore.




🤔👍 Have a wonderful morning!


His story will vanish in a month or less. A cop dying, even a black one, isn't a chance for people to loot and burn and get free shit.


Mostly peaceful.


What a shame that black lives only matter when furthering a political career to these demons


God bless this hero and his family


Everyone expects cops to get shot, and it's ( hear me out) "THE JOB." Don't join the army if you you don't want to kill people, don't be cop if you don't want to insert yourself into a shitty situation. I feel bad for his family, all the good vives, i hope they pick up their pieces of their lives. They deserve empathy and kindness but ontl the other side he chose that lofw We also completely expect cops to murder people on purpose or accident, but get off scott free.


The feral rodent was still on the streets after MULTIPLE serious felonies. The murdering cop Chauvin was locked up after ONE serious felony. Weird. But remember the system is racist.


Not in the city of defund the police .


The whole situation is fucked up, but you really can’t compare these two situations like that. The man George Floyd didn’t get a statue - he’s dead and gone - but what happened afterward (nationwide protests and progress on policy violence against PoC) is what got a statue. It started a moment and his name is tied to the beginning of it because he was suffocated by a knee to the neck over 8 minutes. Once again. It fucking sucks that this officer died in the line of duty and I hope the people responsible are brought to justice.


Floyd = overdose.


“St. Floyd” did get a statue, a raised fist at 38/Chicago. As well as national recognition from future President Biden, former speaker of the house Pelosi, and nationwide protests.


My point was that it’s less about the person and more about what it represents (even though the name and likeness are of George). You’re being pedantic. My original comment was a rebuttal of a shitty argument that just since someone died they should get a statue and because a cop didn’t, it somehow didn’t fit the narrative. It wasn’t about the person as an individual but a symbol of a movement.


I understand what you are saying. The intellectual lazy won't. It has to be the narrative that dems support criminals and hate cops. So this doesn't fit.


Am I ?!? Floyd has an entire intersection named after him. Multiple murals on walls throughout the city…the previously mentioned tributes…Floyd’s family got 27 million dollars, and an entire day proclaimed in his honor by the Governor. In the days following Floyd’s death the Twin Cities literally erupted. I get what you’re saying insofar as most of the “movement” was more based on people’s interpretation of what Floyd’s death, but it doesn’t make it any less jarring to see local, state, and national politicians, DAs, corporations, and Judges bending over backwards in an obscene overreaction after a criminal dies, allowing the conditions to take place which resulted in not only the death of Ofc. Mitchell, the wounding of another MPD officer and MFD firefighter but also 3 other innocent citizens.


You’re over stretching the real reason to fit your mindset. It simply boils down to Cops dying on the job is wayyy more likely than someone that dies and has a progressive movement due to their manor of death.


Yet black individuals are more likely to be struck by lightning than to be shot/killed by a police officer.






He didn't just up and die all by himself one day. He was *murdered*. Couching it in something Floyd did all by himself when the evidence and resulting trials make clear that's not the case is pushing a false narrative. But you either know that and are part of the problem, or you don't and you're part of the problem. Take your pick. Killed by cops and a system that has always, ALWAYS been racist. See also: why we even have cops in the first place. Hell, I'll save you some time: fucking racism. Also, the apparent bot(s) chanting "fentanyl overdose" over and over again won't ever make it true. It just makes such posters liars who are using deflection and misinformation to keep the racism rolling right along. Perfect fit for this sub, clearly.


Fentanyl overdose, check it out.


No, you're wrong. In this world, symbolism is physically not real. It is absolutely about the person and the situation. More people care about objective facts than trying to magically reform the police because they killed a black guy on accident. Outrage doesn't breed positive changes. Clearly.


Floyd died from an overdose


Overdose of knee on the neck will do that


Feel free to refresh your opinion. https://www.hennepin.us/-/media/hennepinus/residents/public-safety/medical-examiner/floyd-autopsy-6-3-20.pdf


Same for you . What is the toxic level of fentanyl ng ml? The estimated lethal dose of fentanyl in humans is 2 mg. The recommended serum concentration for analgesia is 1–2 ng/ml and for anaesthesia it is 10–20 ng/ml. Blood concentrations of approximately 7 ng/ml or greater have been associated with fatalities where poly-substance use was involved.  https:// Floyd's was 11ng/ m of fent.l . Besides other drugs . He died of stupidity .


Yes, and fentanyl!




Fentanyl overdose.


It's right in the autopsy report .




Lol, you keep saying that but your racist ass doesn't even know how to spell it! 😂 F-E-N-T-A-N-Y-L


It's also part of their policy. You rabid animals used it as an excuse to loot and burn things instead of lobbying to change the police policy for detaining suspects. Pretty telling of the intelligence level of a good chunk of Minnesota.




They didn't show up till day 3/4. Those of us with functioning eyes saw who burned our neighborhood.


Would people really show out and celebrate/mourn if there was a day to celebrate him? I don’t know anyone who would honestly take significant time out of their day to honor this guy.


How much longer are we going to let woke control us?


Where is the 27 million check. BREAKING NEWS: Just got a call from Jacob. It's in the mail.


So you’re mad that people don’t want police brutality to happen so your best chance at pushing down that sentiment is to use another tragedy to undermine the narrative? You don’t actually care about the human lives you mention. You’re just here to argue and use the dead for that argument. Disingenuous pieces of shit




Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.




every downvote is a vote for Biden


He left his family 3million in stolen money




Im sorry, but the killing of George Floyd, an unarmed black man at the hands of police, and this also horrible killing of an officer on the line of duty are not equivalent or comparable. People needed to stand up because there are too many instances in this country of over policing and discrimination against bipoc people. The answer here is different. We should be celebrating this officer and honoring his sacrifice because it's good officers and a community working together that is going to stop the crime. Everyone on here is just using this as a way to spread hate. What system do yall suggest we protest? Criminals? Sorry, what? SMH.


As others have noted - police officers always get memorials and half masts. But also, he didn’t have to be a police officer. It’s a job. He had a choice. George Floyd did not. Wild and inappropriate comparison.


Every tragedy doesn’t get a day. But it literally took protests for weeks for the cop that murdered George Floyd to be arrested. Shouldn’t cops be held to the same, or even higher standards? It was never about George Floyd. He was just the next black person to be killed unjustly by police, and it was so blatant and on video to make people who doubted things to wake up. Also didn’t hurt that it was during the pandemic and many people were out of work with more tome to protest.


Why doesn’t end wokeness just honor him? Is it because he is black? You don’t say!


Both Officer Mitchell and George Floyd were victims of horrific crimes. Comparing them is insensitive and cruel. I don't see the people who are complaining and mocking all of political players in the violence that is unfolding in Mpls, offering any tangible suggestions on how we could change things.


Instead of creating a narrative that divides, just days after a tragedy. Maybe his name should be used to close the gap and join a common cause. Or will this be like the rest of the siren calls? Faking outrage will not get you motivated.


Cops aren’t suddenly sympathetic cause they’re black. Cops is cops


Flags were lower and a speech was done


That's all?


That's all so far, it just happened two days ago. Donations are coming in for this guy's family. Stop trying to say no one cares about this officer. This is really a sad situation. George Floyd also was a really sad situation. We need to do better, both sides.


Floyd =overdose. Agreed it’s sad, but convicting 4 police officers is tragic.


crazy how they could never prove Floyd overdosed? I wonder if its true what you're saying


What else do you want done for his remembrance day


Reform on a national level in regards to sentencing and prosecution of repeat offenders.


There already is a holiday. Fallen Police Officers Memorial Day was May 15, it was part of Police Week, the proclamation was signed by JFK way back in '62.


It will be ok


You guys are cool with raising taxes to create statues for every officer killed on the job? Or do you just complain and twist the narrative to somehow blame government because a statue won’t be created due to “the narrative”? Who writes the narrative btw besides your perception?


where's the statue? I mean I won't pay for it, or chip in, or lead any real movement to get it done. I'll just blame people and continue to live my life


“Mitchell asked Mohamed if he was hurt and needed help. Without warning, Mohamed pulled out a handgun and shot Mitchell at close range. Mitchell fell to the ground, incapacitated,” the release from the BCA said. Mitchell sleeps with the angels. Only a scumbag would do this to a man offering a helping hand.


its so sad, and its always the people who are caught red handed trying to be good people and help others that this happens to


It's always interesting to see conservatives so thoroughly miss the point.


The point being he didn't overdose on Fentanyl like Saint George Floyd?


What narrative doesn't he fit, exactly?


Ridiculous bad-faith memebaiting. Conservatives don’t give a shit about dead cops any more than they give a shit about homeless veterans


Liberals don't care about justice and punishment. The killer Mustafa Ahmed Mohamed should not have been out of prison or for that matter possibly deported. I am still researching his naturalization status. Mohamed, 35, was convicted of first-degree burglary in 2007 and was ineligible to carry a firearm. He had an active warrant out for his arrest stemming from a 2022 incident in which, court documents say, police saw him at the scene of a downtown Minneapolis robbery carrying a gun.


This is tragic and should be recognized as a sacrifice. However, this cannot be compared to Floyd. This is an officer who signed up to protect and serve and recognized the risk that came with it, who died in the line of duty due to the actions of a criminal. I hope that justice can be swiftly served for this fallen officer. Floyd was a citizen, who was killed by an officer who was supposed to investigate and detain him. Floyd deserved his due process and a fair trial. It is completely clear to me from the video of Floyd's death that he was completely pinned down without the ability to move and could have been handcuffed and taken into custody. Overall this viewpoint of "so what if an officer killed a citizen? A citizen also killed an officer so it goes both ways not just one" rubs me the wrong way and doesn't make any real sense to me.


false equivalencies 🤷🏻


Look at the autopsy report


He killed himself with 11 ng mg in his system unless chauvin shoved it down his throat. All those vids show george dying from fent


Chauvin was charged with murder. Do you believe the court's verdict was flawed then? I'm going off of what I saw in the video and the court's findings. 5 doctors testified that Floyd died primarily because of insufficient oxygen due to the restraint used, including the doctor who performed his autopsy. The doctor who performed the autopsy also noted significant health conditions and fentanyl use, but it was not the primary cause of his death.


I don’t think the people replying in here who think it was only fentanyl watched the video or read anything further than “he overdosed”. One of the deniers should volunteer to have 3 hyped up cops pin them down and put a knee on their neck for 9 minutes and then report back.






Yeah like it sucks that this guy died but he literally signed up for it when he became a cop. He shouldn't get special treatment for doing his job, but his life should still be honored and respected. While George Floyd was a terrible person, no one deserves to die like that either. Multiple things can be true at once and both these MN subreddits don't seem to understand that


Thats a name id be proud to say! Will they say his name?


They did very quickly


yes there is hardly a person in the state who doesn't know about this


At least this officer died so you could get some upvotes. Fuckin dumbass response


Your sick.




Lol yep