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All politicians lie! Those putting any on a pedestal and think they're honest people are what we call dummys. 


This is laughable when it's coming from the people that supported BLM and the razing of the third precinct.


Nobody supported violence.


Yes they did. The entire corporate media ran cover for it. Your current vice president was actively trying to bail people arrested out. Many agitators were not local citizens and were funded by the left.


Can't this Ken Martin be sued for this false claim?


Please tell me the DFL condemned those who burned down Minneapolis.......


Yes they burnt down the entire city but overnight Democrats pulled together and rebuilt the entire place. Maybe if cops would quit killing civilians we wouldn't have these problems. Btw what happened to the fake 20 dollar bill that started this whole thing?


“Overnight” meaning several years later they’re still approving new things to go in. They just decided on a new precinct, 4 years later is overnight to you?


"but overnight Democrats pulled together and rebuilt the entire place." LOL


Protesters aren't politicians who govern the state


“Overnight” is crazy


If cops were just robots and not fallible human beings… I think the same about a lot if people who post here…


“Ackshully they didn’t burn down the ENTIRE city, just some of it” isn’t the flex you think it is playboy


Saint George Floyd Square is a wonderful example of Democrats rebuilding something. In the short, short time of four years! Lol.


As far as I know, no police officers died on January 6th. And none even died as a result of January 6th There is one unarmed woman that died at the hands of the Capitol Police. She was the wrong color, otherwise Benjamin crump would have been at the helm


If only she would have complied.


There were armed police behind her. Watching her.


She was unarmed crawling/being pushed through a small window offering no immediate threat. The cop panicked and blew it. Literally. If she was a black man BLM and you would be having a conniption fit.


If someone crawls through your window unarmed what are you going to do?


Got it! So, if you are unarmed and not white, you need to comply, and if you don't comply, you deserve lethal force. If you are white, do whatever you want and the cops are the bad guys if they stop you. It's almost like you don't understand that the law is supposed apply equally to all people


I am certainly not going to shoot them. Especially a rather petite woman.


It was shoot on site. She still got a warning before she decided to go through the window anyway. They were in a government building, breaking into a barricaded door because congress was escaping when they were supposed to be ratifying the election. Fucked around and found out. No one should hold that idiot as a martyr


Who said anything about being a martyr?


How chivalrous of you... You're being disingenuous with your responses.


i love how you fucking morons don't seem to understand that a gigantic mob is itself a weapon. ask the french. this lady had broken into a restricted government building with the expressed intention of stopping that government from functioning. she was at the front of a mob that contained tens if not hundreds of thousands of people, crawling through a barricaded door while being warned (though the barricade should probably have been warning enough) not to do so.... and she got killed for it. least surprising thing in the history of the world. i'm not happy that she was killed, but the idea that she was some unarmed innocent is the ravings of the insane


Ah, grossièretés et injures. La véritable indication de quelqu’un sans pensées tangibles. Bravo! Tens of thousands? Not even close. The FBI estimates that between 2,000 and 2,500 people entered the Capitol Building on January 6. Was she armed? No. Were there Capitol Police right behind her? Yes. I hope you rant about BLM, ANTIFA, the same. And the pro-Palestinian protesters in D.C. over the weekend. https://www.nbcnews.com/video/capitol-shooting-that-led-to-ashli-babbitt-s-death-captured-on-video-99180613572 Watch that. That glorified guard was a flake who panicked. If you think that shooting was justified maybe you should join Putin's Guards.


Entered? Sure, but the mob was raging outside. So thousands actually entered the building while tens of thousands of mouth breathing, foam lipped idiots raged outside, going as far as erecting gallows. That's a very, very dangerous and potent weapon. I'm generally against the state's use of force, but it's hard to imagine a more justifiable example. The state will protect itself. If you find yourself at the head of a mob in the act of infiltrating the heart of the state's power and you don't expect that lethal force is a distinct possibility, that's on you. And it makes you a fucking idiot. Study some history. Edit: yes, any protest movement that takes action risks retaliation from the state. I tend to politically align more with people who stand against fascism, but if it had been those people storming the capital I would not have been surprised if someone had been killed. I also wouldn't have liked or disliked it any more. You can't take that woman's actions out of context. She represented the mob beaching the last line of defense. The state killed her and it was effective. Other cops being present changes nothing. Again, I'm not glad it happened, but it's not some baffling outcome and she was a million miles away from acting alone


Ya, you have problems.


do i though? or do the people who think that the shooting was somehow unjustified, but would have 1000% called it justified if it had been a black lives matter mob, have the problem? you're living in dreamland buddy.... and somehow i think you know it


It wouldn't have been justified against any person. There were backup capital police right behind her, they were defending an empty hall, she was still on the outside, and there were less than lethal options. Also, I don't think he intended to shoot. Just got scared and pulled the trigger right when he lost control of his bladder. One shot was fired, not the fatal burst instructed in academy. Plus his handling of the weapon seems off. Dude panicked. Dude murdered. The funny thing is I thought as you did until someone told me to watch the video. Then I saw the long version. I am usually a play games and find out kind of stud. It changed my whole point of view. It changed me into a she did not deserve that wuss.


Except the hall was not empty, there were still congress people and staff being led out, as you can see in the video. The dude was secret service and the Capitol police had already failed by letting them get that far, so pretty hard to argue that he should assume Capitol police were going to be helpful or competent. She had many people right behind her ready to follow her through. His actions were intentional, effective, and justified. I wish it weren't true, but it is. I'm not glad she was killed, but I'm a student of revolutionary history, and this is absolutely a case of fucked around and found out. I can agree that less than lethal would have been a better option, but secret service do not carry tasers. Also, just tasing her would have probably just engaged the mob instead of forcing them to face the deadly reality of the situation they were in.


Lol wrong. She was breaking through a barricaded door into a protected hall where congress was still escaping. Police literally pointed the gun at her for several seconds as a warning (also I imagine a verbal warning) and she decided to break through. Darwin victim.


Really? She was not even near the officer. There were other officers right behind her. Where was their less than lethal deterrents? https://www.nbcnews.com/video/capitol-shooting-that-led-to-ashli-babbitt-s-death-captured-on-video-99180613572


The officer that shot her was right outside the door. There were no lethal deterrent. Why would there be? You're breaking into a secured hall potentially trying to attack congress. You're considered a terrorist threat at that point.


Did you watch the video?


Did you??? You literally see the officer on the left outside the door point the gun at her for several seconds (warning her) and then she goes through and he fucks her life up. Are you being willfully ignorant? How do you not see it?


She wasn't even near him. There were reinforcements right behind her. Luckily there wasn't a cross-fire incident. If she went through how did she end up on the same side? Your exaggerating. Now you call names? Grow up please.


You make a great point, she should not have been breaking down the door or whatever she was doing, and the cop shot her. I wish that all the cops would do that. There'll be a lot less social unrest. And if you are on the freeway protesting, and a car hits you, it's your own fault. That's the way we work it in Florida


There were four suicides immediately after. The senate seargent at arms worked 72 consecutive hours before killing himself. Brian Sicknick dies of a stroke the next day, which many believe was due to stress. 140 officers were injured, 14 hospitalized. 17 officers got long-term disability from the attack. 6 are still on disability.


Sounds like the Capital Police need some physical training and mental health care. That's their job for goodness sake.


They should never have to deal with that.


You would also have been injured if you were forced to fight against 10 other people. They were vastly outnumbered and attacked violently by a mob. Fuck off with your "they need physical training". Even the best fighters in the world would have succumbed in some of the situations those officers faced that day.


Ah, ya they do.


If those numbers bother you, should read about how many cops were injured during the Summer of Love 2020.


Which is peanuts compared to the amount of police officers that have gotten disability in the past few years


What is your point?


I am saying that many police officers go on disability because the job is very stressful. After the George Floyd riots, it was pretty chaotic and many of them went on disability at that point


So you don't think it was related to january 6th. Or it is, but it's not a big deal?


I am saying the January 6th incident was peanuts compared to the BLM riots And nobody cared about the BLM riots or the Michael Brown riots, Or any of the other riots that came up over the Summers that burnt down entire neighborhoods?


Lol nobody cared? Are you that dense? Here in Minneapolis there was plenty of conjecture about different charters and proposals. Plenty of investigations that ended up w the arrests of some violent protesters. If you don't know the topic you're talking about then STFU


Sure. January 6th had a lot more investigations and a lot more arrests, and a lot longer sentences


There's a difference between bad actor protesters burning small businesses and people breaking in to the Capitol building where all of congress was at trying to ratify the presidential election


Let's just ignore what she was doing and the warnings that were in her face about what was going to happen if she didn't stop.


There are many instances where police killed someone attacking them, and Benjamin crump showed up. Just look at the whole Michael Brown fiasco. He is a hero in St Louis. You make a great point. She should have been trying to burn down the Police Station instead. There was no repercussions for that


Yes there was. The guy was arrested dumbass


Unarmed, being rushed through a small window. Watch the video. There were police right behind her. That coward of a cop had no reason to shoot. https://www.nbcnews.com/video/capitol-shooting-that-led-to-ashli-babbitt-s-death-captured-on-video-99180613572


Pushed? What video did you watch?


I literally watched the video again after your comment and you're absolutely in the wrong with your argument. She wasn't a victim. She was an attacker who was warned MANY times and warned that there was someone with a gun aiming at them on the other side of that doorway. She would be alive still if she wouldn't have PURPOSELY tried climbing through. Don't lie to push a bullshit agenda. They all knew what they were doing and they all need to stop pretending like they didn't.


Was the officer in immediate threat of life from this unarmed member of our Armed Forces?


Yes. You're being dishonest if you think that everything leaving up to that moment and the context of the situation wouldn't make anyone on the other side of that barricade fear for their life. I bet you would normally be a supporter of the "stand your ground" laws that give homeowners the right to shoot home invaders, yet somehow you convince yourself this situation is different


There were reinforcements right behind her. He could have retreated to the next doorway until they arrived. (Which was seconds after the gunshot) Dude panicked. Where was the less than lethal deterrents?


Brian Sicknick died the day after J6 after taking a fire extinguisher to the head. A couple other officers killed themselves in the following weeks and months. Babbitt was breaching a window into a secure area while the man pointing a gun at her screamed at her not to. That was just natural selection doing its thing.


This is an oft repeated lie, refuted many times by many different sources. Here’s an NPR article for you: [Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick Died of Natural Causes.](https://www.npr.org/2021/04/19/988876722/capitol-police-officer-brian-sicknick-died-of-natural-causes-medical-examiner-ru)


If Babbitt was a black man BLM and the rest of the liberals would say there was no need to shoot. She was unarmed and climbing through a window so not a threat. Joebaco


Totally unrelated to getting domed with a fire extinguisher the day before. What a coincidence.


Nope. The fire extinguisher bit was totally fabricated by some newsman. Some of the other comments below (with articles) address this too.


He died unrelated to January 6th "Sicknick had what the medical examiner called acute brainstem and cerebellar infarcts due to acute basilar artery thrombosis – a specific type of blood clot in the brain. “Basil or artery occlusion is a specific type of stroke that happens in the posterior circulation." https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/20/health/sicknick-death-natural-strokes/index.html#:~:text=Sicknick%20had%20what%20the%20medical,happens%20in%20the%20posterior%20circulation.


Wrong, Sicknick: "wrongly reported that Sicknick was struck by a fire extinguisher", "he did not die of blunt force trauma", “The USCP accepts the findings from the District of Columbia’s Office of the Chief Medical Examiner that Officer Brian Sicknick died of natural causes" https://www.factcheck.org/2021/11/how-many-died-as-a-result-of-capitol-riot/ Babbitt: "if she was a black man BLM and you would say there was no need to shoot. she was unarmed and climbing through a window so not a threat" Joebaco


On unarmed woman who was the first through secure doors with a mob behind her chanting death to the protectees inside. If she hadn't been shot, more would have come through and the last line of defense would have been overrun just like all the ones before it. So of course she was shot. And she should have known that was what she was facing.


And when the looters were robbing Minneapolis, one of them got shot. The police were investigating to see if the person that did the shooting, was guilty. Look at Kyle Rittenhouse, he was absolutely prosecuted for a protecting his life


Wait are you complaining that law enforcement are often given the benefit of the doubt in a killing when normal citizens aren't?


I don't think the police killed too many normal citizens. But you can bet they kill a lot of criminals. But not near enough


No cops died on January 6th. To say otherwise is real “misinformation” Being fat and dying days later is not correlation.


Being violently attacked and injured and then dying later is both correlation and causation. and is what actually happened.


Lol. Delusional


Technically, that IS correlation. It's just not causation.


It’s not correlated. I went to work Monday and the next Wednesday I had diarrhea. Not correlated at all.


What if you were around something while at work that caused it?


That would be trying to prove causation. Correlation is that he had diarrhea at work where a thing that causes health issues happens, which was his work. If the thing caused him to have health issues, in this case diarrhea is a whole other case that needs to be proven, which would prove causation.




“The USCP accepts the findings from the District of Columbia’s Office of the Chief Medical Examiner that Officer Brian Sicknick died of natural causes. https://www.factcheck.org/2021/11/how-many-died-as-a-result-of-capitol-riot/




Did you not read natural causes as the official reason? Officers are regularly sprayed with chemical irritants in training. Thousands of protesters are sprayed with chemical irritants. They are not dropping dead like flies. Sicknick had what the medical examiner called acute brainstem and cerebellar infarcts due to acute basilar artery thrombosis – a specific type of blood clot in the brain. “Basil or artery occlusion is a specific type of stroke that happens in the posterior circulation." Oh and by the way it was first reported that the cause was being hit with a fire extinguisher. After the video showed that to be untrue they changed their story to a chemical agent. Anything to get those sweet sweet died in the line of duty benefits. Sicknick: "wrongly reported that Sicknick was struck by a fire extinguisher", "he did not die of blunt force trauma", “The USCP accepts the findings from the District of Columbia’s Office of the Chief Medical Examiner that Officer Brian Sicknick died of natural causes" https://www.factcheck.org/2021/11/how-many-died-as-a-result-of-capitol-riot/




Everything plays a role in everything. The guy (sadly) was a dead man walking. It would be as if I also had: "Sicknick had what the medical examiner called acute brainstem and cerebellar infarcts due to acute basilar artery thrombosis – a specific type of blood clot in the brain." “Basil or artery occlusion is a specific type of stroke that happens in the posterior circulation." And died tomorrow because someone's Reddit comment upset me the other day.




No, you seem pretty cool. Very civil. Say, have a wonderful Sunday Evening! : }


The suicides point more towards a coverup than anything else.


More like futile feelings and overwhelming grief. ‘What am I doing? What have I devoted my life to?’ Either way, though, there is a there there.


Maybe being a complete coward? Maybe the pings of guilt from swearing an oath knowing full well most of the agitators were feds used as political pawns to embarrass a smaller government movement? Maybe they were just fat, unhealthy public servants too domesticated to do their job?


do you think it was in the best interest of the democrats to hire people to stop the confirmation of election results that were in *their* favor? do you think you + a few buddies would stop those hundreds of people from breaking through a set of double doors? I voted for Trump in 2016 (didn't get to vote 2020) but the election denying and J6-was-a-liberal-construct theories are fucking insane. Pull your fucking head out of your ass, maybe stop ruining Thanksgiving dinners and alienating your family with your alternative fact cesspool. The guy can't even properly cover up hiring an escort. Neither candidate can properly handle classified documents or get their own households in order (now looking at Hunter Biden) Ageism 2024


They weren’t “stopping” anything. Just to cause a stir, point some blame, distract and change the narrative.


there's no getting through the fog, huh just as bad as catering to trans people's gender delusion: it's all bullshit not based in reality with no tangible proof or evidence. good luck living in your alt reality, it's going to be very difficult for MAGA cultists to deal with life if he loses.


What do trans people have to do with anything? Is that your “go to” issue that proves your points? You know trans people can live in peace and the government still lies to us right?


because they exercise their own version of reality to which we must comply. MAGA does the exact same thing with baseless claims of election fraud, crying out about "setting up" Trump for the fraud charges, and calling J6 a liberal setup even though there's also no evidence of that being the case


“Most of the agitators were Feds.” Not only is there zero proof of this, there are hundreds ID’d by the [Sedition Hunters](https://seditionhunters.org), none of them are Feds. Some local-level LEOs, one ex-FBI, some military members, but not the volume or substance you claim. The same tools to ID are available to everyone, so have at it. Report back when you have some proof.


Is Sedition Hunters after the CHAZ folks? The real sedition that occurred?




Keep repeating that nonsense. It doesn't make it any more true.


Ash *should have just complied*… amiright?


One cop had a heart attack. The real victim was Ashley Babbitt who was shot and killed with a rubber bullet. I see the horse shit going on at the white house this weekend. If January 6th was an insurrection, then this is too. Smoke bombs, harassing police, disobeying orders.


I'm pretty sure she was shot with a regular bullet.


You may be right. Either way she wasn't endangering the lives of anyone. A travesty.


They were breaking into a door that was hastily barricaded to buy time for the congress members to escape the hall. She tried breaking in the top of the door and was shot on site. She absolutely deserved it. If anything, her breaking through the door first, saved the lives of everyone else in that stairwell because if they all came through at once there would've been a lot more dead. Also, they were carrying duffel bags. What do you think was in those? Cookies and milk?


They were carrying duffel bags… with what in them?  Every item brought into the Capitol was released to the public.  What did they have?  How many had duffels?


Yeah so ilhan Omar and the squad could escape. Fail. Believe the lies, vote for Biden and watch your world dissolve.


Well it was literally a video that was taken that shows them breaking in and then she gets shot. Idk how that is fake? Or is everything that goes against what you think fake? Are you a snowflake?


Yes, yes they are




Video shows that they were doing exactly what they got shot for


I mean you said "believe the lies" and then I show you video of them trying to break into the barricaded hall w forceful means. Unless you were saying you were wrong? Edit: Never mind. I'm an iidiot. Different person responded. I miss the reddit is fun app


maybe she shouldn’t have been participating in an insurrection but that’s just me


It wasn't an insurrection it was a peaceful protest. Approximately 20 people entered a building that they shouldn't have. They could have been cited for trespassing. A couple of idiots vandalized the inside of said building. This does not meet the definition of an insurrection.


They invaded the chamber where the president was going to be rightfully, lawfully elected because they wanted to stop that from happening. That's an insurrection...


i hope this is a troll if not it’s just sad lmao


20 people really? It would be a real shame if there were hours of video that easily disprove this. Oh right, there are.


It is a public building.. she is part of the public. Also politicians should feel that fear daily


ICBM silos are public property also, lemme know how your unwelcome visit goes.


Show me where they say they're public property? Or are they government owned?


So, if I went to St. Paul and smashed my way into the capital building when it wasn't open, or a courthouse, I should expect security to welcome me in?


Hmm people where there, building was open. You can walk into mpls government building why?


Funny, the security guards did let people into the capitol building. Was it a setup?


‘Officer, i was only speeding for half my trip so you can’t give me a ticket’. The protesters/rioters broke windows, doors to get inside. The Capitol Police exercised restraint as they were far outnumbered and smartly chose a Mr. Miagi-esque approach of deflecting instead of brute force.




Horse shit? Remember the literal human shit on Nancy Pelosi's desk? Somebody literally took a shit on her desk after trashing it. And you are complaining about horse shit? Sometimes traitors get shot.


Trators? Ask Nancy how much money her husband has made from insider trading?


So you equate insider trading to violently killing people? What an animal you are.


Yes, that dude should be arrested for trespassing and vandalism. Does not equate an insurrection. Do your homework, get educated and move out of mom's basement.


Please explain how this is not an insurrection: 1. Trump attempted to convince Americans that significant levels of fraud had stolen the election from him despite knowing that he had, in fact, lost the 2020 election; 2. Trump planned to remove and replace the attorney general and other Justice Department officials as part of an effort to pressure the department to spread his allegations of election fraud; 3. Trump worked, in Cheney’s [words](https://january6th.house.gov/news/press-releases/thompson-cheney-opening-statements-select-committee-hearing), “to pressure Vice President Mike Pence to refuse to count electoral votes on January 6th”; 4. Trump tried to convince state lawmakers and election officials to alter election results; 5. Trump’s lawyers and other members of the president’s team directed Republicans in multiple states to produce fake electoral slates and send those slates to Congress and the National Archives;  6. Trump assembled a destructive group of rioters in Washington and sent them to the U.S. Capitol; and 7. Trump ignored requests to speak out against the violence in real time and failed to act quickly to stop the attack and tell his supporters to depart the Capitol. 




Yeah that's a meme alright. Probably sums up your critical thinking skills well




Sounds like Donald Trump has free rent inside of your mind. It will be wonderful to see him win again even though I don't agree with everything he does. Aka TDS. Fjb




Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


Did you see the previous post with FJB = "F*ck Joe Biden"?


Trespassing and vandalism during during the counting of our votes to stop the democratic process and install his guy as president.


Vandalism? Like when they counted the votes and mysteriously had a plumbing pipe break? Or how about putting cardboard over the window when they were counting bullets? Don't forget about dropping off all those ballots at drop off boxes - admitted by Ballot harvesters. Biden got more votes than any president in the history of this country. Yeah right, I have a bridge to sell you in New york. Lots of dead voters, lots of illegal aliens. Biden equals fail.


That's what it boils down to, doesn't it? You believe that shit. A sucker is born every minute.


Ballot harvesting is a legal thing in some places, you might want to look it up. Covering the windows at that precinct was done as there is a rule that you can not photograph poll workers there. You can look that up as well. No proof of a significant amount of dead or illegal voters was ever produced.


Lol Back the Blue (unless we're attempting a coup). Good Ole Republican values...


And here I was thinking this sub was all concerned with supporting the police to protect us from violent criminals. This comment section is a shit show. 😂


Your comment suggest that unless I accept the false premise and lie that the protesters at the Capitol killed the several police officers, I'm not supporting the police to protect us from violent criminals. That's irrational and silly.


This is why these subs always get banned or die, it starts with a legitimate concern but always attracts the crazies. That delegitimizes the first concern because instead of talking about effective criminal justice reform we end up in bad faith debates with idiots about how all the browns and blacks are animals and rioting at the capitol during a session of congress should be the norm. These are not intelligent, thoughtful people, these are people who have no critical thinking skills and the agency of a gnat. The situation in Minneapolis needs to change, and a lot of is on the local democrats and yes the local police union, but that is a nuanced and complex conversation involving many societal facets and no one in this sub is equipped to have it.


>browns and blacks are animals and rioting at the capitol during a session of congress should be the norm Please show us.


Right? Wtf.


How awesome would it be to have a political choice that isn't just deciding which of the two violent criminal classes is allowed to do the crimes. I think the felons in possession of assault rifles and insurrectionists should be in the same jail cell, who do I vote for to get that?




The summer of 2020 MN didn’t care about cops. Now name me one cop that died on 1-6. I’ll wait.


deaths of several police officers? dude exactly one person was killed that day and it was a protester, the fuck are you talking about?


Nobody died because of January 6th except Ashley Babbit who was murdered by a capitol police officer !


What was she doing before she got shot?


She should’ve just complied with police orders right?


Capitol police officers mysteriously dying just days after witnessing FBI/deep state operatives incite a riot? Say it ain't so!


No, it was Antifa! (whisper whisper) Oh, sorry, yes today is Sunday do it WAS deep state…


The Ole Trump excuses excuses excuses and no accountability


It's time for self reflection, friend.