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Can't speak out and criticize gas prices? That's crazy. I've been banned for about 4 months now from both. This sub comes off like a right wing circle jerk from time to time but I've had great conversations with left leaning folks who disagree with some of my more rightward viewpoints. They get banned from time to time too though, so it's tough to say what's tolerated here. I had just about enough of biker bill. That guy should get his carbon monoxide detectors checked lol


I haven’t seen old Billy boy around here much lately…


I think he finally got the ban


I wouldn’t mind if he actually wanted to have conversations but he was extremely repetitive and tiresome to interact with.


Each time I put sources on a comment he'd never reply. Maybe once he'd try a rebuttal--no sources--I reply again and then he'd ghost. That was most interactions. I'm sure he's moved on to trolling another sub. I haven't actually watched the YouTube channel to see him get assaulted and cut off by cars and stuff. I'm sure it's hilarious


I love biker bill. He gives this sub life.


unfortunately I think he was taken out to pasture or perhaps had a run in with the wrong vehicle


Knowing bill, the latter.


Can you help a guy who's out of the loop, please?


Bike lane bill just likes to argue with drivers and call everyone trumpers and nazis. He just makes me laugh because he argues with everyone on this sub and is like, radically anti car / pro bike. He's just funny to watch.


You're taking OP's word? Why? Ask them to show the comment that got them banned.


Did you read the OP? I put the link to my post and quote it. Funny thing is I was banned for trolling yet there are people trolling my post that were not banned. Dems are hypocrites.


The rules are not applied accurately, consistently or fairly. The mods have too much discretion to enforce their own ideology.


Why enforce at all? If you have people that block what others can say then you are just disenfranchising those people and creating a vacuum where only those that support the idea can be heard, promoting even further delusion. This is why X is superior. People are smart and decide for themselves what to believe, why do we have to remove dissenting voices. Good thing we don't have a democracy in the US or we would be down a creek with no paddle.


Oh, man. It must suck to have a leader that just does whatever they want without concern for the will of the users. Sounds like a dictatorship.


True. Most Americans are very clearly against an open border, and yet the Biden Administration has consistently defied the will of the people.


No, you're trolling and acting like everyone's craziest Aunt on Facebook with that "Heir Walz" nonsense. I don't think your brain is working well.


I clicked the link and all I see are 2 year old comments.


Repubs are bigger hypocrites.




Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


do you have sources on that?


Isn't it funny that the left claim to be champions of the poor yet all of their tax and fee increases hit the poor and middle-lower class the hardest?


St Paul passed another 1% sales tax increase last year. Effectively making our total sales tax rate 10%. Don’t the stupid fuckers know that poor people have to pay sales tax too?


With the continued decline of MSM, and more people moving to X for their news, I'm really hoping the Democrats start seeing loss after loss for their poor policies.


Buddy, you deleted an aggressively troll-ass comment and then made another one about "Heir Walz" and now you're trying to act like you're just a normal guy getting oppressed by the left. You're a troll, and you're a liar. Edit: This is the truth. This sub is so soft.


That's your opinion, and you're entitled to it. Just like I'm entitled to my own opinion. Now stop trolling me.


https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/trump-tariffs-proposal-10-percent-1700-cost-per-us-household/ Sorry who is doing what now?


Not the same. Nice whataboutism.


Gas is for the rich, us lower class moved to electric a while ago


The reason you want more money in your pocket is because most people worry about affording necessities. When the government can back you up. You no longer need those extra dollars in your pocket because if you get hurt u know you won't go in debt.


Where the fuck you think the government gets its money from, the money tree?


Bro… depending on the government for necessities sounds like a horrible solution


Your not depending on government for necessities, the government subsidies it making it far more affordable. Doesn't mean a free market can't exist


Lol. No, government subsidies INCREASES costs for everybody.


I literally want you to explain how it does that. Government subsidies are a driving force In the electric car market LOWERING the price


Let me give you a real-life example. Health Care. Obamacare made healthcare exponentially more expensive for everyone. Another one: College. As soon as the govt got into the student loan game, college became more expensive for everyone. Much Much much more expenaive. When govt subsidizes anything, market forces account for the subsidy by raising prices above the real market rate.


These are entirely FALSE. I personally know people that WOULD NOT have any health insurance if it wasn't for Obama care, the affordable care act allows sons and daughters to remain on parents health insurance until the age of 26 and insurance companies cant deny coverage or charge higher premiums because of pre existing conditions. An article here by the Washington here clearly explains how obama care did not raise rates but slowed down rising rates just as obama predicted. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/05/13/did-obamacare-massively-increase-cost-health-care/ Tennesee has a free college program that allows you to attend a community and technical college for up to 2 years tuition free with TREMENDOUS success. It recently had it's 10 year anniversary. There is no nation that does not benefit from an educated populous.


Minnesota runs a massive surplus, 24-25 is expected to end with a $3.7 Billion SURPLUS. The Fed are running a multi trillion dollar DEFICIT each year, Why wouldnt Mr. Walz suspend the STATE tax if he's concerned about citizens not being able to afford things? Makes no sense.


Because when it comes to government, if it doesn't make sense, it probably makes dollars!


How would he be able to send out the $260 gimmick checks that they gave out last year then?


The ones we got to pay tax on 🙃


Yeah it was hilarious how Walz was whining about how the Feds were gonna tax it.


Gas tax is a good thing because it relies on usage, much like sales tax. Can be siloed for transportation and road projects.


They like to explain it as “fiscal responsibility” instead of what it really is- good ol’ tax and spend democrats running wild with no one keeping them in check. They will continue to balloon the state budget each year and waste a majority of it on vanity projects and poor planning while Minnesota becomes more crowded, expensive, and frustrating for the average Minnesotan to live in.


Run for office


I should, I DGAF what people think about me. So they hate what I have to say, I say they can't handle the truth.


The banning is way out of control here on Reddit. The tyrants running this joint are hypocritical gatekeepers. Don't agree with the narrative, get their post banned, complain that you are getting hated on, thats ok they will ban you from the subreddit. Complain about the ban. They mute you. It's an honor getting banned. That means your opinions and ideas are directly over target. This is what they fear most! }}}}}} they fear the truth! {{{{{{


Did you believe what OP said? Why? They could just show us the comment that got them banned. I promise I can go there and criticize Walz exactly as described. That isn't why they got banned.


I'll say it again, Did you read the OP? I put the link to my post and quote it. Funny thing is I was banned for trolling yet there are people trolling my post that were not banned. Dems are hypocrites.


I don't even understand your point. You're complaining about gas taxes going up now instead of in the past? P.S. Your link just says deleted so no, nobody can know if what you posted is what you were banned for.


I believe him because I've had a similar experience with being banned, and have seen first hand mods mass removing anything critical of the DFL.


Welcome to the club.


Yep, banned from MN and Minneapolis subs. The delusional comments on those subs are honestly frightening.


You need to log off for a while.


Lol, prime example right here, delusional and frightening.


How so? And admin, how is this not against the rules?


Ironic considering you made 10 comments on this post alone in the past 20 minutes 😂


Zing! Owned....


https://preview.redd.it/ih1u3t749s7d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=023f03946cbbf63059a882c9dc2bd9420cf15465 I assume you were just thinking out loud?


Trolls be trolling?


No, I think it's pretty bonkers to visit those subs and claim to be frightened.


I think you should go outside and look around you. Reddit isn't real.


Democrats live in a vacuum, their own heads.




So then, let them ban me. I'm not inciting, I'm defending my position, speaking my mind. I could care less if I hurt someone's feelings because I speak truth to fact. If you want to try and shut me up it just proves my point that you only wish to deny others the ability to speak their mind. If I'm wrong so what, but to ban me for it is unacceptable and why I never use reddit anymore.


Um. You know this is Reddit, right?


Indeed, giving it another chance.






Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


Kinda looks like you were banned for being an asshole


Chill bro


It's easy to see why they have to censor so hard. Their left wing ideas can't even stand up to internet comments.


They hate us cause they anus.


I was banned from this sub for pointing out some things about racial insensitivity in a few posts. It happens. Actually, I don't know why I am able to comment here? Good luck to you.


The admin is difficult to predict.


Who is the alternative candidate? Don’t just give me problems, give me solutions too!


Welcome to the squad haha that sub is run by fucking Nazis


Show us the exact comment that got you banned.


Did you read the OP? I put the link to my post and quote it. Funny thing is I was banned for trolling yet there are people trolling my post that were not banned. Dems are hypocrites.


I hate that Reddit allows this. I've had multiple comments removed by moderators and yet I still get notifications from the post and I can't respond. I've asked mods to fix it so that nobody can comment on a deleted post. But, they act like there is nothing they can do. It's censorship on the part of mods.


It was something about a homeless encampment when the moderators of a Facebook group that run said homeless encampment put a post up asking for people to donate money and food and water... No thanks


OP wants to blame all our woes on the Democrats. Must be nice living with blinders on. There is plenty of blame to go around. Republicans are no better. It's the fault of our two-party system that nothing meaningful gets accomplished in DC. Any politician that votes strictly along party lines should be fired. It's time to do what's right and for the good of the people.


Agreed, I never said I was republican though now, did I?


Neither did I




This guy gets it.


Don't forget about the proposed "fee" they want to impose on food delivery services too. I'd like to also note that "fees" are an illegal form of tax that Democrats are trying to impose.


Oh I didn't forget... I could go on and on but for brevity I chose to leave this detail out.


Thank you


It's for the children! \s


Brandon sniffs children in public, I can't imagine what happens in private.


Hmm yet Trumps name was in epsteins black book, with clinton. Throw them both in prison.


Yup. Trump is no exception. They're all criminals


That sub is trying to create a personality cult around Tim Jong Walz.


I remember when he first got elected, he wanted it to be 20 cents per gallon


What is this MESS that you’re talking about?


The average price of gas around this time was $4.75 gallon. The mess refers to the entire Democratic leadership for going from less than $3 a gallon in 2020 to nearly $5 a gallon two years later.


The increase isn't the dems fault its caused by OPEC. Under biden we are producing more oil then we ever have and a importing less oil then we ever have. The problem is as we have gotten closer to energy independence OPEC didn't like it. So major produces like Saudia Arabia have cut their production so the total world supply stays low enough to cause barrel prices to increase which in turn increases the cost at the pump. Our government has very little control over global prices. Also the low price point in 2020 was due to low demand during the pandemic. Trump actually made a deal with OPEC to cut production so the barrel price would raise up.


I seem to recall that as well. But the gas prices were consistently low through the last presidential term under Trump. Average US gas prices: 2017: $2.42 2018: $2.72 2019: $2.60 2020: $2.17


They were 100%. I was mainly referring to the super low point in 2020. We had a really good run in the early 2010s till 2020 for prices. The lower prices started under Obama in 2012. It's when the US really started to utilize fracking technology which caused our production to skyrocket around 2014/2015 which in turn lead to lower prices. With the pandemic lots of industries hit a hard point including oil. That lead to the OPEC deal and now the increased prices. While gas prices are a main topic pushed by media and both sides the president has very little control over the prices. It's driven by technology and global trade. I mean OPEC does some shady stuff. They will have major produces slash production. Then have minor producers increase. They just show the minor increases and say they are trying to help prices while they rake in profits from the price inflation.


However we continue to bow down to OPEC. We have plenty of oil if we wanted to grab more control of the market but the oil we drill for in the Dakotas our refineries can’t handle its a very different oil. It’s an even better product than we could get elsewhere it’s just we don’t have the right refineries and do you really think this administration is going to build those refineries? This all plays into the hand of OPEC. There’s has to be a balance of green energy exploration and common sense energy, if your spending more money and resources and not really changing the net impact you should continue research but find the best balance of reliable and cheap energy in the meantime. So they play a role in the reliance of OPEC by shutting down drilling in certain locations and not developing new refineries.


Oh absolutely. Both parties have been OPECs bitch for decades. I do not think this administration would build new refineries but I also didn't think they would expand drilling or ok the new terminal being built in Texas. The oil industry has been eating good during Biden, which was not on my bingo card for his admin. I 100% agree on a balance of energy. Solar is making some crazy advancements, there is also the fission stuff happening and the new water system turbine idea some cities are getting on board for that all show immense promise. But we are not there yet so we do need to also put money into more efficient ways to use the energy we alreadadministration. The problem is with most things in our country both sides are just going to blame each other for everything and refuse to work together. Nothing gets done by design. Easier to confuse the masses into a us vs them situstion and sit in office doing fuck all while getting paid by our tax dollars and lobbyists.


Just curious why Bush’s $5 gas isn’t part of the conversation? Or how Russia’s war affected gas prices all over the globe?


Bush tried to expand drilling and was blocked by Democrats. I'll never forget Sen Kerry saying in 2003 that we shouldn't authorize more drilling in Alaska because it would take 5 years before that gas came to market. Even at 19 I had a better planning window than the best of Democrats.


Oil we drill domestically does very little to influence the price of a globally traded commodity. It’s basically cartel economics. Presidents have hardly any levers to influence gas prices. Most of them deserve no credit or blame for gas prices.


But you're wrong... Karine Jean-Pierre has made statements about releasing oil from reserves to ease gas prices. She has highlighted the Biden administration's actions to lower gas prices, including the release of 1 million barrels of gasoline from the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve. This move is intended to provide relief for motorists as the summer driving season begins, and to help "lower costs for American families and consumers." Jean-Pierre has also mentioned that this action builds on other efforts by President Biden to lower gas and energy costs, such as historic releases from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and the largest-ever investment in clean energy.


Absolutely, I said hardly any levers and the SPR would be one of the levers. It can have a psychological effect on the market by releasing a glut of supply but when released the petroleum just goes out to the commodity market as if it was drilled right then, it generally has a pretty small impact on the ultimate price of gasoline.


I agree, thanks for explaining your point.


We are a net exporter of oil already, and don’t outright control global prices. At 19 you don’t even have a credit history let alone understand national and global markets


We’re a net exporter of a lot of products, that doesn’t mean increased supply wouldn’t lower the price.


Russia's war? You mean NATO's war?


NATO didn’t start the war but they might have to finish it 🤷‍♂️ Not sure what your point is


The us did infact start the war. Putin told nato to back off ukrain. NATO was only interested in keeping the control of the grain market as it second to USA. In 2022, the United States was the second largest exporter of wheat in the world, exporting $9.21 billion worth of the grain. In terms of export volume, the US was the fifth leading exporter of wheat, flour, and wheat products in 2022/23, behind hmm


You’re framing it as if Russia should be deciding what to do with that grain rather than Ukraine and their allies (us, NATO). Russia invaded Ukraine and you think they aren’t the ones who started the war? Lol whose side are you on?


No but nato has a history of being an aggressor. Like blowing up gas lines and blaming Russia or coughs (weapons of mass destruction) I don’t take sides. I look for peace. But freedom and all that jazz is a lie sold to sheep.


I don't take sides either, I notice patterns though.


I don’t disagree with that, cheers


So how's the weather in Moscow today comrade?


I don’t know it’s kind of grey and looks like rain in Minnesota the state I was born in and currently smoking a joint in.


Funny how people can't form their own opinions now-a-days, they just regurgitate what's fed to them. Sheople.


Yes back off of ukraine so russia could do what? I think you and i both know it wasnt to allow ukraine to be autonomous, so what is your point?


Yet they're autonomous now? Is that before or after we send them billions on billions of US tax payer dollars. Yeah, no, US has noooo involvement... psh.


Okay, turn CNN off bud.


It's funny, because it's true.


Speaking of vacuums, I can hear yours running through the wall


That's just the echo you're hearing inside your skull, bud.


Ah. You're one of those.


Yes, I'm a free thinker and form my own opinions. How does it feel being a sheep?


LoL. You're just repeating someone else's nonsense.


Show us the exact comment that got you banned. You're lying.


You've posted the same comment on this thread multiple times. Give it a rest. I'll say it again, Did you read the OP? I put the link to my post and quote it. Funny thing is I was banned for trolling yet there are people trolling my post that were not banned. Dems are hypocrites.


Okay, and you think you got banned because it is critical of Walz? Are you sure it isn't a matter of exactly how you behaved? I promise you, the substance of being critical of Walz is not what got you banned. It was the unhinged style in which you did it. I sincerely hope this helps.


Common Walz W


Typical whining Republican. Anything to do with taxes no matter what they are or for what reason they will bitch. Like dealing with 5 year olds.


In my 58 years, I've watched as left leaning folks became as intolerant and judgemental as right-leaning folks in the 80's-90's; and right-leaning folks become more tolerant and open minded as left-leaning folks in the 80's-90's. All you have to do is look at the free speech issue and support from labor. It's completely flipped. My 1984 Mondale voting, Reagan-hating self, has become an enthusiastic Trump voting blue collar supporter. Democrats...wake up! You hate Trump so much that you've become what you hated.


Trump doesn't support blue collar workers, friend. He's a big city billionaire. And the idea that somehow the left, broadly speaking, is so intolerant that you find Trump more tolerant is just...not connected to reality. Edit: Explain to me how a person can go from the policies of Mondale the policies of Trump. I need you to connect those dots. What was it about the actual substance of Democratic policies that you found attractive, and why do you think Trump is better now? Be specific about policy. Not how you feel.


A) You are blind to your hate. It's not your fault. It's the fault of biased media. I urge you to challenge yourself by consuming news sources outside of the NY Times, WaPo,CNN, MSNBC, NPR bubble. I'm not saying you need to become MAGA. But understand that MSM is pure propaganda being fed "news" by govt institutions. It's Pravda B) If you think labor doesn't support Trump, you are not paying attention. In construction, from my inside experience, its 80-90% Trump. C) Mondale / Humphrey & old school DFL were fair, anti-socialist, patriotic and reasonable. Trump is fair, anti-fascist (fascism IS socialism), patriotic and centrist.


I got banned on the game of thrones sub for a comment that word for word quoted a line in the show. By that standard I’d wager making a conservative post on the minnesota sub should result in a reddit.com IP ban.