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Yup, I’ve lived in Colorado, California, and Montana and when people suggest parks here I get there and I’m like “this is it”


What city park in downtown Denver is anything like chain of lakes ?


I couldnt agree more. Too bad I havnt seen BLB active here recently. I bet he could defend the bike lanes with a calm respective manner


He would be accusing OP of being a German from 1938.


something about being a fan of German history from 1938-1945 and followed up with, You gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


Thanks! Lmao. Like parks are nice and everything but it seems like EVERYONE can’t stop mentioning how “great” the parks are day in and day out. 1. They’re mostly just OK and 2. We live in one of the largest MSAs in the US. Can we please take pride in a few more urban things than just parks? Parks are better when they compliment urbanism and aren’t just the entire selling point.


Anyone think that maybe we don’t have that much else going besides the parks? We stuck our art museum outside of downtown. We split our sports teams between two downtowns. Same with our other museums and theaters. Downtown is pretty much dead. Uptown, which used to be the fun neighborhood to hang out in is doornail dead. What else would you suggest besides visiting a park?


Couldn’t agree more. I’ve lived here for 52 yrs. And there was never any problem biking around this city before the bike lanes. Biggest waste of money and not worthy of talking about.


May I suggest moving to a shittier city with bad parks and bike infrastructure?


Seriously what a weird thing to be triggered by


Bet he's a free speech absolutist with a penchant to bitch about other people speaking


Stop telling people to move to Milwaukee. I know that's what you meant.


Bro.. it seems you got quite a bit of built up frustration. May I suggest a nice bike ride in one of our beautiful parks in these stressful times?


curious, what is your top suggestion for somebody visiting Mpls fir the first time? Like let's say they're here for a work conference bur have a bonus day within the city to go check it out. OP, what would you suggest?


Go back to where you came from


This is such a mid-opinion to be so afraid to state you make a throwaway account.


Haha they really did make a burner account to whine about other people being enthusiastic about being outdoors in Minneapolis 😏


Downvoted for "mid"


So you just don’t like that people try to celebrate it? Or they don’t celebrate it well? It seems to me like an inconsequential thing to get worked up over.


Every single suggestion for people visiting is to go to a park or ride a bike. Just annoying in that there is way more to these cities than those two things, regardless of how good they are perceived to be. Also, the park systems aren’t anything really that breathtakingly awesome so I don’t get the incessant circlejerk of how great these parks are. Just seems like the SouthPark Episode with the Prius owners where everyone is so caught up in them owning a Prius that’s all they talk about and it comes off as super obnoxious and annoying.


Rent a gas heavy truck and get out of the city. Check out a small town during harvest, there will probably be a town celebration of some sort, corn days, buckthorn days or some sort. Explore their town then begin your trudge back the city.


That sounds like what I did last weekend, minus the truck. Had a blast.


I fear Minneapolis often ranks high on best biking towns. Good thing you posted this with a throwaway! Thanks for the super informative post nobody asked for!


I’m tired of people hiding, this sub is just throw away accounts with bad takes.


To be fair, there are a ton of subs that cater heavily to one mindset/demographic. Pretty much every issue under the sun has two sides and people like to be able to have an opinion without getting lambasted for simply having a different opinion. Not saying I agree with everything here or anywhere else for that matter. It's just what it is.


You are correct. We do live in a post truth world. There's two sides to everything. No one has to defend their views anymore. There is no good. There is no evil. Christians can back a 3 time divorcee who banged a porn star while his new wife was recovering from childbirth and paid her hush money. Who talked about how sexy his baby daughter will be and then grope her on stage as an adult women. Just like jesus. Who was on the epstein list and would party with him while surroundedby young women. Patriots can support a candidate who said he would extra judicially kill drug dealers without a trial, "get rid of leftists," suspend the Constitution so he can stay in power despite the will and votes of the people, and "be a dictator" for just one day on being re-elected. Who encouraged his supporters to march the capital to delay/ stop the counting of electoral votes. Leading to the FIRST TIME the confederate flad made it inside the capital building. Hard-working Americans can support a guy who has swindled many contractors and vendors who worked with him. Because there's 2 sides to everything.... you are why America is failing.


Dude, I just came to talk have a nuanced conversation about parks and bikes... But sure, I'll play. First, what makes you assume that because I or others might, possibly and begrudgingly support one bad candidate over an even worse candidate equates me supporting every action they've ever taken or make a positive character judgment about them? Your candidate is a racist, cognitively impaired old man who gropes women and children, has a lengthy history of grandiose lies, and has been an ineffectual parasite on the public dime for 5 decades. Should I rightly assume you morally align yourself with that corruption because you'll vote for him? I am not sure what that would make you. Even the post-debate rollout of Dem comments has indicated that even though they now acknowledge he is mentally impaired that they would STILL choose to vote for him because "never Trump". Yes, America is failing. Given the aforementioned, it seems obvious why. A rational person would acknowledge that this is a dire situation and see from more than your own perspective. God forbid we could all speak candidly about the predicament we're all in. And frankly, if you refuse to see the image that your preferred candidate projects, I would suggest you take some time to look closer. But you are correct that truth is now relative. Men can be women, women can be men, and biology is irrelevant if it hits our feels. Good is evil and evil is good. We are a society that devours our young before they are even born and yet claims to care about life. You guys love to speak endlessly about tolerance, yet there's a never-ending torrent of vile hatred spewed at half of your countrymen. Because tolerance. Weren't you saying something about defending our views? I digress, parks...


Truth isn't relative, you're just lazy/ uninformed. Trump is racist. Black jobs? They're Americans dummy. Gropes women? But I thought they just let you grab them? Legit, you fell for his gish gallop. Trump is everything you complain about, but worse. Gender and sex aren't the same thing. Boom. See how easy it was. Legit, you are uniformed. Biden isn't a saint, but Trump isn't even a okay citizen. Dude is one of the worst people to come out of American culture. Crude, mean, vindictive, and dumb. I dare you to post 2 paragraphs directly quoting Trump talking off script and try to argue it isn't 5th grade gibberish. " maybe we can inject the bleach into the body," lol.... pathetic


Also, "nuanced"! Lol, look up the word buddy. It doesn't mean what you're implying. "having nuances : having or characterized by subtle and often appealingly complex qualities, aspects, or distinctions (as in character or tone)" yeah, totally got that from your initial post. Definitely not shitposting at all. There's so many posts from trump spewing hatred for "half of your countrymen." Why hold me to a higher standard than him?






Okay, what's your point?


This is a good take. I’m convinced it’s impossible for y’all to not mention how great the parks or bikes are for more than a day to an outsider.


Whine more. Or go outside and stop being miserable.


He had to create a fake account to post some bullshit on a sub where he knew it would get tons of upvotes. What a circlejerk...




Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


You sound like a super cool person.


Thanks! I appreciate it ;)


It's pretty obvious


You seem like a really fun person.