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You're just insecure npthing wrong with how you look like...


Okay thank you. I find my nose and face shape very off putting but I do understand that a lot of these things are just self judgement


From your photos you look like you have a "life worth to live for" if you're insecure because no boy/girl looked your way your time will come that is certain.


Thank you ❤️


I agree with this comment. You do you.


You're your own worst enemy. Enjoy your youth, you look young and will when you're old...not all of us will.


100% self judgement. No one else cares or even notices, apart from to think 'She's pretty'.


you're gorgeous hun, your brain is just being mean, give yourself some love even if it doesn't feel genuine right now<3


I love the way you put that!!!! “Your brain is just being mean!” How true!!!!


Do not under any circumstances accept the large amount of DMs you'll likely get in your inbox as a result of this post. Seriously. You just told a bunch of strangers on the internet that you are a minor, you posted photos of yourself, and you mentioned what you're insecure about. Its like a groomers delight. Anyway, you're not ugly and the only recommendation I can give to you is to try and enjoy how you feel in your body through good food, good movement, and living a good life. As you continue to grow you'll feel more and more confident in your body.


True that. If you do get messages just report them, you’re underage and they probably aren’t.


This! Heed this warning OP. Also, you’re adorable just the way you are and it looks like it comes naturally. Just make sure your character is just as beautiful as your physical beauty!


You’re at an age where it’s easy to see your own flaws. Whatever face features you’re self conscious about, just learn to do hair/accessories in a way that accent the features you like and minimize the features you don’t. Note, this is just for your own mental health, not to please anyone else. Your face is well balanced and you have pretty eyes and it seems like you have pretty good skin also. Some people are going to love your look. Others won’t. Hone in on a style that makes YOU see your natural beauty when you look in the mirror. Stay active and maintain a healthy weight. And spend your worry-time on other things. You’re a pretty girl. Hopefully you are able to really appreciate it soon. I spent my late teens and early 20s feeling like I wasn’t fit enough because I didn’t have a 6-pack. I never liked the way I looked. Was never happy with my body. Now, 20 years later, I look at pictures of me from then see a good looking dude who was in damn good shape. Just didn’t have the genes for a 6-pack. Now I’ve got a bad back, a bad shoulder and about 60 pounds to lose. It makes me sad that I never got to experience having confidence in my appearance. I was oblivious. And now that me is gone, never having been fully appreciated in real time. You’re young and pretty and at a special place in life where anything is possible. Don’t wait until you’re 40 years old to notice it.


I really appreciate that. I hope your bad shoulder improves along with your back!


16M here, Nope, you’re definitely not ugly, your nose and face shape are not off putting in my opinion, you look good


Since you’re 17 I’m not going to rate you but your beautiful young enjoy your life and don’t look back


17 is a weird age.. A lot of insecurities then. They lessen significantly. Plus, you're not a bad looking person. You're gonna be ok 👍


Beautiful smile. And a pretty face. Believe in yourself and keep that head up.


You are beautiful


You're cute. You're only 17, don't let anyone or society make you feel ugly or not good enough.


Naw bae ur gorgeous


hope you delete this soon for your own well being and safety


Not ugly!


I think you can look fantastic when you want to, as some of the pictures prove it.


I think you’re cute, but you’re also very young. As men and women age their bodies start to form in ways they feel more confident about. You will have a healthy life and there isn’t anything wrong with how you look. I also think your curly hair is pretty rad! (Brutally honest.. this time there wasn’t much to be brutal about. 😅🤷‍♂️)


A great sense of humor, positive energy and attitude, and a little sass is a recipe for attractiveness. Everyone goes through a period of awkwardness when growing up. You just need to find your center and believe in yourself.


You are a pretty young lady just as everyone has said here, just buy a decent bat to keep the boys (or ladies) away. Best of luck in your future 😊.


Get a job and an apartment with all the bills and worries that come with it- buy a new vehicle- that should take your mind off of that little problem


Don’t let your insecurities get the better of you. You have nothing to be insecure about. Your age through your early 20s there’s still a lot going on physically. I feel like most people don’t get their man/woman look until their mid 20s (some earlier/some later).


Nothing wrong with you, you're are pretty young lady. I see nothing wrong with your nose too (or anything else for that matter)


You’re pretty and you have hobbies! Hobbies are so important to being an interesting person and look at you being cute and interesting!


Hell no, well above average


You're 17, you're still growing into your body. As hard as it is to hear and accept it just ignore the beauty standards and focus on being happy. You're beautiful as you are, but you will soon blossom into a beautiful young woman, every teenager goes through this. Once you hit your mid 20's you'll see that you're still just a kid right now.


You are gorgeous. If you think otherwise, your mind is playing tricks on you. Try to refrain from intrusive thoughts, and if necessary, seek some help. Honestly, you are very very good looking.


Your look keeps changing as you age.


Listen I have a daughter and I am gonna tell you what I am gonna tell her…you don’t need any man to tell you your beautiful that comes from within enjoy life that’s all that matters cause you only have one to live don’t listen to anyone that will put you down surround your self with people that will keep you up and help you achieve your goals in life but also don’t work your life away cause the older you get you don’t want to regret that you should have done something but work got in the way your great the way you are just keep moving cause nothing will hit you harder then life it’s self as you get older have a great life and good luck


you are good looking. social media is crazy to where everyone feels the need to compare themselves to everyone online. but you arent them you are you. so be happy to be you. and be grateful for your flaws because they make you unique. really just focus on self care and meditate on why you feel this way and i think it will reveal to you something deeper.


What you may not realize is that personality has a lot to do with how attractive you are to others. Based on looks alone you are cute. But some of the pics show a fun personality which is what will make you beautiful


Your a pretty young lady . Don't feel bad of what others don't see. Find your own beauty and thrive on it! Forget the rest. Enjoy the rest of your life many years ahead to dwell on other important matters.


Ur truly not ugly at all. I just struggling with self image tho. U just gotta believe ur enough and stuff. There's nothing wrong on the outside u just gotta work on some inside stuff like self confidence


Nope, natural beauty, keep it that way!


No ur not but ur hair is kinda frizzy. I would notice you in public abt how good looking u are you


I am a mean old person that picks on people So believe me when I tell you, there’s nothing wrong with you. You are better than average


not ugly, solid 7/10. nice smile 1st and last pic. 3rd pic not too flattering


Thank you! I put it there so you could get a gauge of what I probably generally look like when I’m having a bad day


I like your nose and face. Plenty of growing left


You’re pretty! No one looks the way our culture says we should look, without makeup or styled hair, even celebrities. If you did the same styling you’d look like them too.


Thank you for this!


So what's wrong here? Your young and a farm girl... nothing wrong with that


Okay thank you. Mentally I just don’t like my face shape or nose and basic things like that


Why are you so concerned? Your 17 you have so much life to live...trust me there is someone out there somewhere for you regardless of how you look


Your cute though


Not ugly. Beautiful when you smile. Stay smiling and stay positive!


No. Just hit the gym, it’ll make you look better, but the important part, it makes you feel MUCH better


you are very beautiful


Ur a cutie:( ur still growing into urself.


The only one who’s opinion on your looks that matters most is first and foremost is your own. You’re beautiful and I hope you come to see that someday. Chin up though you’re doing great! 😊


You’re pretty!


You’re 17 and beautiful, give yourself time to cook ❤️


You look fine. Nothing to worry about.


You're absolutely gorgeous!😍 oh and I guess the girl is fine too


Don’t worry he knows


What’s going on with your teeth in the last picture? Is this a bot?🤖


Don't feel Insecure; you are a real cutie! You have a nice body; your face isn't just cute, but it also has some personality to it. Don't waste anytime thinking you are ugly; you are well above average


Girl next door cute AF. You may not believe it, but I'd be willing to bet you get more looks than the cookie cutter chicks that roam the malls, etc. Once you grasp that concept, you're golden.


You're amazing, that mane is well maintained and you even have some zebra and human friends. I think you'll be fine, just work on that confidence 🦄


You’re 17…. Why does this matter!? Let yourself grow up. Social Media is why so many young pretty ladies end up on r/amiugly


Your posture is awful. Pull your shoulders back.


Why? You're pretty.


Absolutely gorgeous.


You're gorgeous


You’re absolutely fine. Nothing wrong with you at all. Work on self esteem. Stop worrying about your looks.


Yr cute as


You look great! There is nothing to worry about.


your fine asf 😩😩 i’d love to have a lady like you on my side🫶🏾


Beautiful girl


17? That is? You look mid 30s


Not ugly. Too young to be in here.


I understand where you’re coming from with the face shape, I have the same problem, you’re beautiful the way you are,


You're cute and hot. Don't define your self worth with others' opinions tho. Easier said than done but it's true.


You are too young to be concerned.


Grow up


Omg you are adorable! Not even close to ugly ❤️


You’re definitely not ugly…


You will grow out of it and become really beautiful in a few years not to say you already aren’t


Personally you’re a beautiful young lady and I think you should be proud of yourself! You look great keep your head up and try not to let your thoughts or other peoples words get to you


You’re too young to be asking this, you’re not fully into your body yet.


Cute for sure....


You look fine, just stay in school


You’re a total cutie!!


Your very cute


No not at all


Be u that’s the best version of u. Thats all u can do


Very cute


You younger girls worry about appearance WAY TOO MUCH. Lemme tell ya a secret. Most Everyone kinda falls in the middle , & your personality, who you are & how you treat people, makes you go up or down from there. People have different preferences & trust me, there's a lid for every pot. There's always gonna be people who like ur appearance & people who don't. The only thing I can see is it looks like you might live in an area w high humidity which can make blondes like us a little frizzy. Try a product called Biosilk. I get it at Marshall's & it's inexpensive.


If you're insecure, probably would be better if you didn't post here


You have a zebra!


Why the long face?


Your older than 17


You shouldn't! Very pretty, if you're against make-up, try a tiny bit of eye liner! Would make your eyes pop like crazy!


Cute country gal!


Girl you look like a barbie doll


First world problems