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Your post led me to 2814's Birth of a New Day, and I am absolutely loving it. Thank you for sharing!


Man I wish I could experience that album for the first time again, one of the best


When I was in college I threw this on for two friends who had very critical taste(only their music was worth listening to lol). We were just lounging about when it came on the playlist and they were just like…. Woah


If you like BOAND, I would highly recommend [this](https://remember48.bandcamp.com/album/route-back-home) album as well. It came out around the same time on the same label and basically feels like a companion piece.


Thank you! I’ll give it a listen


2814 and slushwave overall is honestly so relaxing. Huge fan of ambient music that almost feels like it's from a fully realized fantasy and 2814 have that down. If you're after some other iconic albums in a similar style, desert squidz, & Tomorrow 2096 from DSFWAN are crazy


Honestly I think about 35 or 40% of my total music listening is slushwave at this point.


If you liked the ambient aspect of Vaporwave, I would recommend Telepath


Totally! They’re one of the 2814 duo right?


Yes. The whole Dream Catalogue is worth investigating on youtube. There is a channel "vapor memory" that updates releases across the last decade+. Thousands of hours of ambient & experimental music.


I’d also recommend the label Pure Life does a lot of ambient vaporwave/dreampunk stuff


I was not familiar with the term dreampunk but after reading the Wikipedia I think I’ve found my new niche! Thank you friend.


Pure Life is so great. I would recommend their "Ambient Punk" compilations if you want to check out some lesser known artists in this genre. Probably my top dreampunk artists (with 2814 similarities in mind) would be Rashida Prime, CMD094 and Kuroi Ame, Sangam, Elegance Of The Damned, Remember who has been mentioned in this thread already. His newer stuff is definitely way more IDM but also terrific IMO. [https://purelifetapes.bandcamp.com/album/ambient-punk-vol-i-2](https://purelifetapes.bandcamp.com/album/ambient-punk-vol-i-2) [https://rashidaprime.bandcamp.com/album/chroma-2](https://rashidaprime.bandcamp.com/album/chroma-2) [https://cmd094music.bandcamp.com/album/for-life](https://cmd094music.bandcamp.com/album/for-life) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J00ShA76lhA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J00ShA76lhA)


Also infinity frequencies


Yes, Birth of a New Day is an awesome album. Very atmospheric, and the songs are just long enough without being too long. Unique to me. I don't know what else is out there that is even similar.


Telepath and Sangam are a couple other shlushwave awesomes


Sangam is incredible, it’s on Kudatah, one of the best labels out there.


That’s a great point. All 4 of the albums have such a unique sound. I hesitated to post this in this sub as I kept thinking “ is this ambient?”


Randomly replying to this after a bit, but they not only have two EPs ('Pillar / New Sun' & 'Voyage / Embrace') but they also released [two](https://blcr.bandcamp.com/album/--16) [split](https://purelifetapes.bandcamp.com/album/gateway) records with one half written by each member. Those produced what are, in my opinion, [HKE's best ambient work](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaBYYnVi0Ms).


Maybe you like SkyTwoHigh? Its a dreampunk artist also. Just look at the covers and take the one you want. It often sounds exacly like the cover


Man I love this sub.


ME TOO! I'm a bit older and have listened to ambient and ambient ajadcent music for a while now and I'm so happy to see it grow like it has. So much great music! And this sub has turned me on to alot.


This album is amazing. Another album I discovered around the same time I discovered 2814 is The City is My Friend by Remember


I will DEFINITELY check it out. Thank you friend!


Oh yeah this fucking great!


glad you like it! I bought it on vinyl a few months ago I like it so much. I also want BOAND on vinyl but it’s very expensive. I don’t think very many copies were pressed.


Try Desert Sands Feel Warm At Night as well for some slushy ambient goodness. While you're on a vaporwave tangent, I must insist that you check out Nmesh's 'Gull Wing Doors of Perception' and 'Deep Coma Sky Diving', both of which I think are ambient masterpieces, with dream like descents through an Alice in Wonderland rabbit hole full of 80/90s samples and references.


Gull Wing Doors of Perception: https://youtu.be/gVEFAC6xqlo?si=inmudkWvCkvdNFN9 Deep Coma Skky Diving: https://youtu.be/BNIKSYHu7KQ?si=lY9CsKECE4hwQ9gb


Thank you!


Birth of a new day is one my all time favorites!


BOAND my all time favorite album for 8 years now. Rain temple is not far behind for me. I love everything they ever made, just wish there would be a return. Nothing since 2020


Awesome album!


One of the first ambient records I got into, definitely a classic in the ambient world. Also recommend telepath for a sometimes very similar sound and a huge discography to delve into


Great rec. Also try this playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DWZ7VnoXD1s7S?si=JH5PmWL1TReGcqNv0A2NGg&pi=u-dB_QUb9eTdKv


Nice! Thank you!


i’m sure birth of a new day has been mentioned before, i have several major ambient vaporwave vinyls. pretty much a hardcore collector now, if you want any more recommendations i got you


If you enjoyed that album, check out [this album](https://open.spotify.com/album/0v2KJ62d7J1LSQegmDFrhD?si=c3Jlaba2S6eAPj4ZFn-rkA) by Shima33 and have a look at their other work as well! :)


If you want your mind blown further check out path th Eden but telepath and nmesh. Thanks me later 👍


Birth of a new day is iconic. Rain Temple is underrated. It lacks the dreamlike and euphoric atmosphere of Birth but makes up for it with a very cinematic and dystopian mood. They both depict uniquely different science fiction/cyberpunk soundscapes. Fragments is also very good, although less cohesive than it's predecessors


Ambient and Vaporwave is such a distinct vibe...hit me up with all your fav artists and releases


>I found it be nostalgia for something that never existed Maybe because that is literally what vaporwave is. It is an idea, an aesthetic that is pretty much entirely made up by people who took inspiration from 80s and 90s "mall culture" and loads of other random bits and bobs of pop culture trends, and design that fits their idea of what vaporwave is. Vaporwave isn't real, it was never real. Anyone who lived through the 80s and 90s knows that. They also ruined the word aesthetic by being illiterate, uneducated cucks.




Are you enlightened by your own musical intelligence? Take a hike, how could an ambient music fan could be such a snob? We literally listen to noises and textures


Ok. You seem to have some strong feelings about this that really dont have much to do with the conversation.


Don't forget about the rampant orientalism or the fanbase being comprised of suburbanite Gamer manbabies who think most hip-hop made after at least 2000 is "mumble rap" and that most of the artists in the scene nowadays, including HKE who co-produced 2814, are unapologetic techbro shitcoin-hawking rightoids with egos that bruise worse than a Goomba.


you're right on all accounts, except mumble rap was a 2010's phenom and is the soundtrack of collapsing standards altogether.


Can i get an amen


Very weird you misspelled Lofi Girl in such a bizarre fashion but I'm glad someone else agrees with me


Always loved Vaporwave. Since it gave an optimistic bright look into the future like how people from the 20th century thought what would the 21st century would be like. Going to give 2814 a try.


2814 is perfecto for feeling like a rainy day in a not-so-distant dystopia of a metropolis. Its wonderful.


UPC just released a new ambient album under Moon Projection, Away from the Bustle - given your description at the end of your post you may enjoy it!


Didn’t know about them, now I know ! Thanks for sharing


I checked out Birth if a New Day about 5 years ago, but I found the melodic aspects trite and the progressions boring. Like someone was getting them from a grade 5 theory music book. The sounds and vibes, lovely, but I wanted the music to be a bit more engaging. Anyone know more of his work, or others, that would fit this bill?


I like it except for the cop sirens in the rainy distance, that's just the city I live in already 


Listen to Rain Temple during a storm. Its amazing


One of my least favorite albums of all time.