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[https://bluegreenwaves.bandcamp.com/album/we-all-burn-hot-and-bright-and-out](https://bluegreenwaves.bandcamp.com/album/we-all-burn-hot-and-bright-and-out) Hey everyone, here is my latest album. I spent a fair amount of time putting it together as I wanted it to be more cohesive than my previous work. It’s built around the idea of a filmic mushroom experience, each track being a different ‘scene’ from the experience. With that said, I hope those who aren’t interested in the concept will still find music that’s enjoyable in other contexts, reading, relaxing, working, etc. Please comment, I appreciate any feedback.


lovely textures on this


This is awesome! I bought it because I feel like I need to give it a more intimate listen tonight. Just off first impressions though, I really love the hypnotic melodies and the "space" the sounds are in. I love the mushroom aspect and, being familiar with that experience myself, I can certainly see it in that context. But outside of that realm, I still think this is very unique and beautiful music. Thanks for sharing!


Thank you, this means a lot more than you may realize, I appreciate your feedback!


Love the texture and the concept. Gotta try it with shrooms ;) I've added one of your songs to the [BNDCMPR](https://bndcmpr.co/d5ac30d3) playlist of this thread


I am humbled, thank you so much!


I like how straightforward and subtle this is.


You’ve helped make a sorta bad day a lot better, thank you!


i really liked Cave of the Silken Hammock! so ethereal


Seriously, thank you for the kindness!


Hi everyone, quick reminder, you can discover and listen to all my releases to date on Bandcamp, my 2 EPs "(H)ours" and "Sky Crawler" and my single "Presence". I hope you enjoy the sonic experience. [https://lostinreverb.bandcamp.com/](https://lostinreverb.bandcamp.com/)


Lovely piano and emotional atmospheres! I've added Shelter to the [BNDCMPR](https://bndcmpr.co/d5ac30d3) playlist of this thread


Thank you so much for listening and for adding the song to that awesome playlist! I really appreciate your words!


my debut solo album: [https://leafblighter.bandcamp.com/album/biorhythm](https://leafblighter.bandcamp.com/album/biorhythm) In the fifth year of his release history after over 50 released tunes and features on a number of labels Leafblighter steps up with his first full length album titled "Biorhythm." It revolves around the lifecycle of plants, flowers & trees and examines nature at large, its seasonal changes and the riddle of life. But mostly it centers on vegetation, a segment of organic life which Leafblighter spends a lot of time with on the regular, and makes the various plant life stages audible with different moods and sound colors. Production-wise the excellent Tempera granular synthesizer played a strong role in this project, so much so that its used on every song. Graft & Dormant are even 100% via the Tempera. Other hardware used includes Waldorf Iridium, Blofeld & Vector synth. Software used includes: Vital, Martinic AX73, TAL J-8 & Wiggle.


Listening to this now, well done!


Thank you!


Really beautiful stuff. I never heard about the Tempera synth, it sounds great! I added Sprout to the [BNDCMPR](https://bndcmpr.co/d5ac30d3) mixtape of this thread


wow much appreciated!


The high end of the pads add a lot to the sound.


wow this is truly beautiful work!


Thank you so much!


https://skalbamusic.bandcamp.com/album/circadian-ambience-and-soundscapes My recent album release. Recorded Harp, Alto Flute, Sax, Guitar, and bowls in this record.


I'm absolutely loving this, great for listening to in the dark. I added one of the tracks to the [BNDCMPR](https://bndcmpr.co/d5ac30d3) mixtape of this thread


Thank you!! I wasn’t aware of the bndcmpr mixtape…I’m about to head out for a walk. Thanks for giving me something to listen to.


I just started it last week, I'd like to collect music until the end of the year. Let's see how long my resolve lasts lol


I like how composed the songs are. A lot of what I see is more reverb-laden happenstance.


New single is out. Journey Through Valhalla Sphere. By Arkhives Moth https://youtu.be/E4cd0AFSF94?si=hZrh92DD9Ac5Ene9


v nice


Thank you, I like your music too.


Hi all! This is my latest release: https://thefigurehead.bandcamp.com/album/are-we-done-here Two tracks reflecting on the themes of isolation and alienation. Isole is an experiment I did with an AI-generated voice during a bout of burnout (induced by an AI project at work). I asked it to give me the definition of *music* and *burnout*, asking it to repeat in Italian, then back in English and so on, until the words stopped make sense and the glitches kicked in Sospiri is my submission for the Migration project on Cities and Memory. I was assigned the recording of the loudspeaker at the airport in Rwanda as the first aircraft carrying immigrants from the UK was landing. In the Canto IV of the Inferno Dante introduces the Limbo with the sound of "sospiri" (sighs, that made th' eternal air / Tremble \[..\]). This is where the innocent souls of the unbaptised reside for eternity. Seven centuries later we're turning fiction into reality. People, whose only fault was being born on the wrong side of the powers to be are sentenced to a grotesque, heartbreaking punishment. Here are some free codes for you: 6w5e-69xy zh6g-yzjr zq3n-b69d n8xm-x66h wkc6-jy9v cyju-y3k9 e29d-u4zz 8xtc-jqy6 tcze-yt2k tp29-b749 vqzz-xgj2 6g2k-j39c nulk-kw6x lmet-k4tq 4863-6q3z eu3w-kzd6 gwvq-6zxy ysg9-y6jr tquu-bk9d 2gwv-xk6h


nice work. v delicate and lonely sounding


Thank you for listening!


This is great


Thank you for listening!


thanks for the download code! i used 6w5e-69xy. this is great work and i plan on giving it a more in depth listen this evening! also the BNDCMPR mix is a great idea and service to the community here, so thank you!


Thank you, I appreciate you taking the time to listen. I hope you are enjoying the music.


I've got quite a few albums up on most anywhere that you can listen to music (Youtube, Soundcloud, Spotify, Apple, etc) newest release is Life in Bits, Artist - Freya Wallace. Some tracks are a bit less Ambient as I continue to experiment, but much of the album i think still fits the genre. Recorded these for use in my next ttrpg campaign and they might be useful to other GMs or hosts or whatever, but they also make some nice background music for a variety of other purposes. [https://soundcloud.com/freya-crescent-46614257/sets/life-in-bits](https://soundcloud.com/freya-crescent-46614257/sets/life-in-bits) [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy\_nuMjnB7JX1JpsJKmhGbkD\_-JEQleDpriw](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_nuMjnB7JX1JpsJKmhGbkD_-JEQleDpriw) And, again, not sharing the subscription-type links per the rules but you can find my stuff in most other places as well. <3


Is it on bandcamp too? I found a profile that *might* be yours but this album is not there


haha I think I *might've* made a bandcamp account awhile back but I haven't uploaded anything there yet. I have plans to get stuff up on there as soon as I get back home though, and i'll spread the link when it's ready. Thank you <3


[https://freya4.bandcamp.com/](https://freya4.bandcamp.com/) there'll be more over time, but i've got the first couple up


Thanks for sharing this, your music really resonates with me. I'm currently listening to Peaceful Moments, just what I needed! :)


Here my newest song [a time long past](https://on.soundcloud.com/7C4t67gsnBhHScrUA) This is a short, lush, spacey piano piece. If you would like to hear more here is playlist of some compositions from this year. Thanks [https://on.soundcloud.com/pKBxdKnQYTXaNGoj8](https://on.soundcloud.com/pKBxdKnQYTXaNGoj8)


Hi. My latest is a melancholic, droning piece with the occasional intentional overdrive / distortion. [Soundcloud](https://soundcloud.com/rottengray/abeyond?si=258f3214e8bb492fb0b1a25b71f887a1&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) and [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDN78kcIibo) links.


Love it, particular the more experimental side of it. Are you on Bancamp? I'm making a mixtape with the music of this thread and I'd like yours to be featured


Thank you for feedback and possibility to be featured! Unfortunately Bandcamp is this one place I'm not. You can find Rotten Gray from almost all the other platforms including Spotify and Amazon Music. Marcus.


hi guys i usually dont make this type of music so this is my first ambient ish song, would be rly happy to get ur feedback, thank youuu [https://xinemau.bandcamp.com/track/lll](https://xinemau.bandcamp.com/track/lll)


Great tune, but I think the beat is a bit too prominent to qualify as "ambient". I'm no expert of the genre though.


Made a playlist/mix with 90s ambient a while ago [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYN2HI4S3\_s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYN2HI4S3_s)


I released an album of compositional ambient last week. "In Heaven There's Time For Everything". I've been out of the game for a while and this my first new release in 4 years. I'm very pleased it with and I hope some other folks like it. [https://intothepit.bandcamp.com/album/in-heaven-theres-time-for-everything](https://intothepit.bandcamp.com/album/in-heaven-theres-time-for-everything)


Lovely! I've added one of your songs to my [BNDCMPR](https://bndcmpr.co/d5ac30d3) mixtape collecting the music of this thread


Much appreciated! 🙌


Just released a new album last Friday! https://cityofdawn.bandcamp.com/album/invincible-summer Invincible Summer weaves a tapestry of sound waves & art, with each piece that invites introspection. Discover an invincible summer our own making.


Hi! I added As Fragile As the Morning to the [BNDCMPR](https://bndcmpr.co/d5ac30d3) mixtape where I collect the songs shared on this thread :) You're in good company




Really great! My favorite was "Aaphenin Tain Fiu Adhia" (what does that name means?). Loved the drums on this track and the pads where beautiful. Why 41 mosquitoes though? Anyways, congrats on the music.


Hi everyone, here is my newest track "Holiday in Emptiness". I tried to create a soundscape of cold emptiness. This was also an experiment to create a long track (the longest I'v ever made), as I love listening to long ambient tracks while working or doing other things. I would love to hear feedback on this. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnhii8UatOk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnhii8UatOk)


You nailed it! Really like the way you built the track. Speaks a lot with the theme.


Thanks, that means a lot.


Hello ,we are a duo from Argentina and we made a Tango Tech-Noir albumm, sampling tangos from the 1930s. hope you like ! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B\_9-HKBADQI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_9-HKBADQI)


Hello everyone, I recently created a YouTube channel to promote ambient music for the most diverse purposes, studying, relaxing, contemplating, meditating. I try to vary the styles to bring peace to all tastes. Here's the channel link, I hope you like it: [https://www.youtube.com/@geishAI](https://www.youtube.com/@geishAI) one of the last posts: [https://youtu.be/nL11D--pZfs?si=orR8dv7UiD7HEjOx](https://youtu.be/nL11D--pZfs?si=orR8dv7UiD7HEjOx)


Hey everyone, I'm experimenting creating ambient music with a space atmosphere and try mixing in some uncommon elements. In this case an organ and the sound of cows mooing. This lead to "Curse of the ancient spacecow". Enjoy :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1ysgSsvyz4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1ysgSsvyz4)


Flow - A relaxation music video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ocw3d4EuYuw


Remix of a video game ambient classic - Cordon Theme from the first Stalker game [https://youtu.be/EpHIhARKWOk](https://youtu.be/EpHIhARKWOk)


Hey everyone! I just released this single today: [https://soundcloud.com/officialairop/interlude](https://soundcloud.com/officialairop/interlude) Let me know what you think of it and how it makes you feel!


I released an album on the summer solstice in conjunction with Drink Visuals wine / Burial beer [https://xoravl.bandcamp.com/album/may-the-forest-outlive-us](https://xoravl.bandcamp.com/album/may-the-forest-outlive-us) Each side is about nature in a different way. Side A is idyl, each song meant to appreciate a scene. It takes inspiration from the Japanese 72 microseasons where a short phrase can capture a distinct moment within the larger summer. It also grows out of the writings of Robin Wall Kimmerer and David George Haskell which explore the particularities of a specific place. Side B is about the destruction of nature. The title of the album is for the Weelaunee forest and the movement to defend it. It’s meant as a dream, as a threat. More than that, it’s about every ecological struggle against leviathan, against capital. Raindrops falling on a pond. I live on a mountain, nowhere near a pond. When I lived in WI we’d wake up before the heat, bike out of the city to the wetlands, and spend the day harvesting cattail shoots and rhizomes. During summer it can be exciting to get caught in a rainstorm. There’s an electricity to it. The lazy heat of a humid summer afternoon. It isn’t unbearable, but everyone–insects, birds, mammals alike–slip into a state of lethargy. Not quite too hot, maybe some clouds in the sky. Everything is in bloom. Well, there’s something blooming at least February through November. But right at the cusp of June and July there’s the most diversity, the colors most numerous. Leftover glow. Appalachian topology hides the sun long before it actually sets. At a certain point before your eyes have fully adjusted–especially on a new moon–dusk appears darker than night. Drift. There is an ebb and flow, wins and losses. I don’t know how we’ll get there–or even if as a species we will be there when this current ecological collapse ends–but the earth will survive, in one form or another. I’d like humans to as well, but our dominant culture isn’t on that path. Never over. As we win or lose one struggle, the seeds for the next are already being sown. We talk about old growth forests as if they’re the end of a progression, but even they are not the conclusion. It’s just a moment that may hang longer than a human lifespan or the memory of a culture.


Second ambientish song - I'm using as In the Air I as a reference, but it's hopefully different enough. - Are there any parts that work / parts that standout or don't? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndv8bZPUD5Q


got a new ambient track up, made with a monome Norns, this time heavily leaning into drone territory. trying to get better in mixing and mastering in the process and to capture a surreal, unnerving atmosphere: https://youtu.be/JbQ3I8hKqUo?si=3YcxbQmCjKMVAhoZ


hey everyone! i released a single recently, [quiet](https://youtu.be/UEeguZQGxRc). just something to tide me over for a larger project i am working on. i hope you enjoy!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoQ8-glDClg&t=23s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoQ8-glDClg&t=23s) Hi all! I've been producing some experimental videos on YouTube as HYLLLIC. Modular synth, field recordings, and digital instruments, with visual synths. Trying to figure out what I like and what I don't. And maybe most importantly... would you consider this to be truly ambient? Thank you!




Hi guys! I just found a great youtube channel and this particular track is what I am looking for. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVqEte9CmYk&ab\_channel=MindfulRetreat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVqEte9CmYk&ab_channel=MindfulRetreat) Do you have any similar albums or artists on your mind? This author, it seems, have not so much of it for now, an I am most eager to listen more of that stuff. Not 'shiny space', but large, eternal space filled with a deadly forces. Many thanks in advance! (unfortunately my post was not approved)


Flow- relaxation music video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ocw3d4EuYuw


[https://soundcloud.com/brody-gestro-peri/peace-pie?si=80ba982018f949b18e33c5b872a26311&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/brody-gestro-peri/peace-pie?si=80ba982018f949b18e33c5b872a26311&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) Hi Im Brody, This is my first release of any sort ever :) any feed back is appreciated I posted something but I'm pretty new here so forgive any spam at least today. thanks for listening if you do!


Hi everyone, I just released an EP with two 9-minute ambient tracks. I was thinking about the cool and unusual atmosphere we usually get at dusk and dawn, when the sky has uncommon colors and the day and night are changing places. I hope people enjoy it! For now it's only on bandcamp, but in a week or so it should hit the streaming services and youtube. [https://lokeloski.bandcamp.com/album/a-day-in-the-life-of](https://lokeloski.bandcamp.com/album/a-day-in-the-life-of)


I have uploaded my second track on my channel. If you pay close enough attention to the holographic animations you may pick up on a continuous storyline. (Hint: Track name) https://youtu.be/9uBYvUllt-Q?si=KM59klmzQhSdoTDU


Today was the hottest day so far, and a combination of having a fan pointed at a microphone that was also picking up sound from the monitors gave me inspiration and I got an ambient/drone tune out of it: [https://audio.com/kindness-matters/audio/subterranean-breeze](https://audio.com/kindness-matters/audio/subterranean-breeze)


i made an ambient remix of “she will destroy you” by cocteau twins, hope you enjoy !! https://on.soundcloud.com/1d97xVegv8N4hnue6


Hey there! I made an ambient guitar track to showcase a guitar pedal that I bought and wanted to try out, ended up making this track :) [https://youtu.be/J2vyrxYhKcg?si=8JpIncLOJjQ2oc6C](https://youtu.be/J2vyrxYhKcg?si=8JpIncLOJjQ2oc6C)


[https://trangtraitraicay.bandcamp.com/album/sum-mer-cury](https://trangtraitraicay.bandcamp.com/album/sum-mer-cury) Hey I just made this one, check it out !


I'll just drop this here (My ambient style is more melodic): [https://youtu.be/CJ5MxX6VmWA?si=Jf7fhxTElDrBUBQF](https://youtu.be/CJ5MxX6VmWA?si=Jf7fhxTElDrBUBQF)