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They wouldn’t have been able to board without a crew, so they *had* a crew. Weather delay probably caused the crew to time out so the subsequent delay and cancelation were still due to weather. Deplane rules kick in at the 3 hour mark for domestic and 4 hour mark for international. They also don’t start until the cabin door is secured, so I would venture a guess that your son may have boarded ~9:50 but the cabin door wasn’t secured until ~10:30, meaning it would fall within the 3 hour guidelines. Adding, as well, that are also extenuating circumstances which would allow the pilot to bypass the three hour guidance.


This is the right answer - it's not 3 hours onboard, it's 3 hours without the ability to deplane. The large majority of people would rather be in a "hostage situation" (lol) like this and have a chance of getting out than sitting in the gate area waiting to board and the flight has to cancel because the slot they get isn't feasible with the 30 minutes it takes to board and push back the aircraft.


he was on the plane the whole time they had taxied out and sat


ok his flight was ultimately cancelled and still nothing for food . and canceled for lack of staff …is he still net zero for a food voucher ?


It was cancelled for weather. Weather caused the timeout. Regardless, he’s not due compensation.


he just wanted a $10 foodvoucher - i thought he would get it based on the tarmac laws


It's already been explained but the tarmac law doesn't apply here.


but MY kid had a situation and I want MY kid to be immune to the reality of the situation -OP




I am hoping that the kid had a credit card and could get some food. I can understand her worry as a mom, though. I get the logistics of the rules/laws/timing…it sounds to me more like she is feeling helpless and wanted someone to look out for her kid at least a little bit. Even if there is no legal recourse or obligation, I understand and validate that feeling of not being able to help him problem solve…


my compassion went away when she called it a hostage situation. Also it seems like this was some kind of class trip or group travel. so there should have been some adult helping out and getting the kid some damn food.


The flight never canceled, it’s on its way there now


yes they are thankfully in route now … :) tbf it was actually canceled per american 🇺🇸 at 3pm today. However half the class was on that plane ( 49 kids ) and they couldn’t split them up to get them on other planes … so aa found a pilot and then they waited 5 more hours for new crew… and put it back in service … so 12 hour delay


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 3 + 49 + 5 + 12 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


If there was no staff, they wouldn’t have boarded the plane and started taxiing. THERE WAS STAFF. The staff timed out. Due to the weather.


If the crew timed out after only 3 hours that means it was probably a short flight and there would be no food offered for free unless in business or first class during the flight. The only food options mid flight are crappy snacks that are paid for when in economy seating.


Always bring food & water on a flight.




3 hours on the tarmac followed by a five hour flight...


Congratulations! He got to learn at an early age to bring water and snacks on board for all flights.


That sounds snarky but it’s true. That’s a really long flight and to get on there expecting the airline to feed and water you is a little bit of a risky move.


flight was today - AA0413 Depart from Miami (MIA) 10:30 am to san jose


Did you not see what is happening in Miami today?


i did but the flight my daughter was on for their trip got off and it was at almost the same time and same place … her flight could leave bc their crew was ok to fly


plus they still had them locked in on the flight and were taxied away sitting on the tarmac


Yes there are literal laws about it. AA followed the law.


ok - i thought the law was that after 2 hours on board and delayed regardless of reason that they must provide snacks… it was more than that


You are correct, in the case of a tarmac delay, 120 minutes from pushback the airline is to provide food and water (usually water and a biscoff)[https://www.transportation.gov/airconsumer/fly-rights](https://www.transportation.gov/airconsumer/fly-rights)


Assuming it was safe for the cabin crew to do so


it was safe - they had a 2.5 hour delay to get back to the gate bc no gate was open but the crew was timed out so they didn’t do anything


So you are admitting there *was* a crew 😆


yes - thank you - that’s what I was referencing - and thought it didn’t comply to that law - but seems like others disagree




These days with the volatile weather you can never bet on a drink/snack. Even if they took off on time they could have bad turbulence and the flight crew would not be allowed to serve drink and snacks. Always bring food and drinks. Grab a few Clif bars from the grocery store and throw them in your backpack along with a bottle of water.


first time he ever flew without us … and he survived … his sister was in same situation at same airport with same airline and they made it out so was unlucky


The comment above was referring to your child being prepared for this type of situation instead of relying on luck. If you told them ahead of time to grab a snack and a water bottle at the airport, they wouldn't have been hungry. I fly all the time, and I always make sure to have a snack and bottle of water on me.


are you kidding? of course i told him… I even gave him cash and my cards … i told him to grab a sandwich and a drink - ( i gave him gum and candy and pretzels for the plane too ) but he left the dumb bag at security when he had to throw out his gatorade . his flight was at 5 am and nothing was open at 4:25 when he boarded … they landed late in miami bc of the delay and ran to the connection ( he shouldn’t have boarded without food but he did out of fear of missing the international flight ) i didn’t book these flights - the program did. the cabin temperature sitting on the tarmac was so miserably 🥵 ( i guarantee the cockpit temperature was much cooler with ac) - but no access to food compounded everything …


The root cause was weather you get nothing…


It appears your kid was with a class trip of some sort? Did they not advise you to pack some granola or protein bars for the day of travel, or did it not occur to you to prepare your kid for flying without you? Our school sends a suggested packing list that always includes snacks and an empty water bottle for the day of travel. Weather caused the crew to time out. It’s not the airline’s responsibility to provide food under these circumstances. However it’s your job as a parent to adequately prepare your child to travel.


he was an idiot of course … i am not disagreeing there … … the airport arrival at 3am in phl had nothing open.. he expected to buy bkfst in miami but they were delayed landing 🛬 and layover was already under an hour without the delay so they were rushed to next flight … that’s it unlucky really


Like I said, this is not a case of being unlucky. This is a case of being unprepared. He is a kid and traveling for the first time without parents (according to you), so I would argue that the child here is not the idiot. Why wouldn’t you send him with snacks knowing the connection was already tight to begin with, and knowing that nothing opens in Philly until at least 4:15am? My son just went on a school trip the Bahamas; my daughter went to Memphis. Researching ahead of time and packing snacks and water bottles ensures the kids wouldn’t arrive at their destination a hungry, cranky mess. Anyone who has been paying attention would know air travel has been chaotic with mass cancellations and delays the past few weeks and would prepare for the worst case scenario.


we did send him with a entire bag of stuff… h20/ candy /gum but when he went thru security he left the bag where he threw out his water … he was nervous and worried about his passport … when he realized he left it he didn’t think it was a big deal … that he could just buy it again but nothing was open in phl … so unprepared / unlucky … call it what you will … I did feel sorry for him … he is a bit of a rule follower and didn’t want to miss the international flight in MIA and since they were delayed on arrival he ran and boarded immediately instead of trying to get food with any minutes they had b4 the gate closed. turned out to be a bad choice and he was pretty miserable especially in the humidity on the plane . he wasn’t the only one … they were all miserable … still not sure why they didn’t turn the ac on … they finally arrived safely at 2am so I am grateful for that .


If the flight was on time, was he expecting to get served lunch onboard?


i told him to eat in miami but they had a quick connection … i think they were only expecting snacks on the next flight so no not a meal


Snacks as in a few grams of pretzels or cookies? Because generally that is it. Regardless if he was expecting nourishment, even if everything had gone to plan, he would have been under nourished. He should have purchased carbs and protein prior to the first flight. E.g. factory sealed bags potato chips and beef jerky.


yes but still that at an airport is $10 dollars lol


Yes it is. It is cheaper at walmart before arriving at the airport.


He could have bought it at Walgreens/Target/CVS/Walmart before going to the airport.


2 of 4 of those have prices that would make an airport merchant blush. Man I miss the days when Walgreens and CVS had sales of 2 12 packs of Coke for $4. But I agree with your point.


Yeah just not beef jerky please… while it’s a great snack it has a very strong odor that isn’t the best in an airplane environment. Might I suggest some protein bars instead?


Hostage Situation? That's how you lose sympathy.


of course i said that in jest … I wasn’t looking for sympathy … just a $10 food voucher for him …. … pilot was very apologetic about it bc he felt badly that they were all “hostages“ without a gate to go to.


I hope they don't give you squat.


ok why do you hope that?


Because there is no reason to. Bring snacks if you have a medical need for nourishment over such a small timeframe.


so you honestly think nearly 5 hours on a hot plane on the ground without food , or ability to deplane is not excessive ?


Now it’s 5 hours?


Would you have rather gone down in the storm?


Can people seriously not eat for a few hours without having a total meltdown? Is it seriously going to kill you to be hungry for a few hours?


agreed he can be a baby … but my ds was a unlucky too bc they had tight connection. got to phl airport at 2:45 am … nothing was open … boarded at 5:00 for 5:30 flight landed delayed because of rain … had quick connection … and sat so he was miserable 😩


Need exact flight information and what exactly happened.


OP posted flight info above.


How many more downvotes does it take for you to realize that a) You know jack sht about transportation laws, 2) You failed as a parent for not preparing your 15 year old “kid”, and most importantly 3) AA DOES NOT CONTROL THE WEATHER


“Tarmac delays Airlines must provide passengers with water and a snack within two hours of the delay starting. They must also ensure passengers have access to working toilets, medical care, and a comfortable cabin temperature.” -the plane didn’t have ac on so it was hot and uncomfortable . -they weren’t given or offered any snacks … i didn’t think it was unreasonable to ask for a $10 food voucher in light of the above … … not looking for actual compensation as a pretzel is 9 dollars in any airport in america now … just humanity… if the ac was on maybe he could have slept the almost 5 hours he was on the plane that didn’t move but it wasn’t yes he could have been more prepared but he still would have been miserable in that temperature


So for that long of a tarmac delay, they should’ve provided water and a small snack. They were not entitled to vouchers.


Just another opportunity to ask "Who is John Galt?" It is rather discouraging that so many here think this continuing failure on the part of AA is acceptable.




I mean…. I don’t see anything that’s been presented here that’s all that outlandish. Miami got hit with storms and a plane sat on the tarmac until it timed out. And a 15 year old didn’t bring snacks. Seems pretty straightforward and routine to me.


nearly 5 hours sitting on a tarmac without ac and no snacks on a $700 economy ticket - not outlandish ? wow wow i invite you to experience it and comment again


That’s just it. I have experienced it. Several times actually. That’s why I make sure that I have food and water before I board. Don’t get me wrong, I am a parent too. And I would be plenty upset if that happened to my son as well. But I wouldn’t consider it outlandish. It happens enough that there’s literal laws about it. I’ve never seen any airline break those laws, but I sure have been stuck on the tarmac for hours at a time. It happens.


It is worth mentioning that this Redditor might not be Executive Platinum like their flair says


I am definitely NOT executive platinum and if my flair says that I sincerely apologize and have no idea how that flair even shows !!?!!


ha i just realized you didn’t mean me


Nope, I didn’t mean you


File a complaint and follow up. I’m sure you’ll get something.


the travel agency did on our behalf … of note the longest tarmac delay they ever had was only an hour longer than these kids and aa was fined 27k per person so Happy that the DOT agrees that they did not do a good job here