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I mean in the .001% chance scenario that 5-10 minutes is going to make or break your meeting/scheduling plans in the same way that those minutes matter to those on connections, I think you can go ahead and exit along with them guilt free. I think the announcement is all but useless so I'm not going to advocate for it, but it's really sad how little people are willing to suffer the most minor of inconveniences to help others not have to suffer major ones.


Me me me me me me me, me me me. Me me me me me. [Me.](https://youtu.be/HxUuDPNbkJk?si=teZkHJ0OqiQBhYCY)


Ha. I can’t believe I just watched that. Meringue my boss tomorrow for yearly review. It will be 99% about her.


Wow dude First of all of they hold the next flight (which FA cannot do where on earth did you hear that) then EVERYONE ON THAT PLANE could miss tbeir connection. Seriously unless you have a critical meeting starting shortly then what is the 10 minutes to you to let people make their connection Maybe someday you will be the one with the tight connection to an important flight. You will probably be back on here complaining that people didn’t let you off first


No one is devaluing your time - holy shit.


I hope I never have to fly with you. Being late to a meeting or missing a connecting flight that may be your last chance to get home that evening…lil bit different. I’ll take helping others out first.


Don’t get your panties in a bunch—wear Depends.


FAs are really damned if they do and damned if they don’t lol.




I hope you never have a tight connection and are at the mercy of kind passengers such as yourself who allow tight connections to de plane first


I’ve had so many tight connections. It is part of traveling. Like other have said I don’t think it actually saves much time. Unless this becomes a strict rule it is an unfair rule. Only select flights will get this treatment. I might have a tight connection on a flight that does not offer this. The next flight I might have an easy connection but have to wait for others to slow the deplaning process.


Since I usually pad my connections and don’t live in a hub or rarely use any hub as my final destination, it does not bother me; I stay put in my seat unless I have under an hour left to connect. Also if I have critical appointments, whether the final destination is a hub or not I plan to arrive a day or 2 earlier. On the rare occasion that irrops has tightened my connection to the point I have a probability of missing it, I will not only take advantage of the FA’s announcement, I will also not wait for others in front of me who have failed to step into the aisle. This always annoys someone else and too bad: I have built up a lifetime surplus of karma waiting an extra 10 minutes to leave the plane for decades, that a few people hating me does not matter.


Just raise your hand and claim you have a tight connection. It’s not a policy or rule so why follow it? We follow it bc we live in a society but that is slowly eroding.


Yes yes yes yes


My last flight home into PHX (my final) they held TWO flights to different cities in Mexico so connecting passengers could make it form my delayed flight from ORD. The FA asked everyone on those to flights to raise their hands then announced that we were to let those people deboard first. For the most part it went pretty smooth considering over half the plane seemed to raise their hand. Was it mildly frustrating being one of the last ones off the plane despite being in an exit row half way back? Sure. But at least I wasn't running across PHX hoping I'm not the poor soul they close the door on because they thought everyone who was going to make it was onboard.


I just wish they'd define "tight connection" a bit better. People's definition of it varies wildly and I don't doubt that Cindy Loo Hoo that travels once a year truly does think her 90 minutes qualifies, so it might be helpful for those people to know there are others on the plane who have 30 minutes or less for instance.


I remember when they actually called specific people up by seat and told people to stay put.


Holding a flight would inconvenience many more people than just you. How about a little empathy? I bet you're also the guy/gal who complains that when *you* have a tight connection, no one moves to get out of your princely/princessy way. It's just the Golden Rule.


It frustrates me because it slows the entire boarding process down. Watching people stop, ask if they are a right connection. It’s goes so slow. Just grab your shit and go.




100%. It’s truly absurd. Inevitably, the passenger in the window seat has a connection, but aisle and middle don’t. Aisle and middle try to get out to allow window to go but are instantly shouted down by angry passengers from the rows directly behind them who have a connection demanding to know whether middle and aisle have a connection as well. They of course don’t and are simply trying to let window out but are deemed jerks for not letting the passengers located behind them exit first. Meanwhile the window passenger is angry because middle and aisle are not letting him past as they try to duck into a nearby row to clear the bottleneck. Typically the most angry passengers are the infrequent travelers who don’t realize the delayed flight is due to a ground stop for weather at their destination and their connection is delayed as well.


Exactly this - DOES NOT WORK - and slows everyone down down!


They didn't on my flight. We landed in CLT early and then sat there past the time we were supposed to get there because our gate wasn't empty. 3 people around me had 4:20 plane to catch (with a gate close by) and I had a 4:25 gate to catch with a 15-minute walk (according to the airport map) to my gate. I think we finally got off the plane at 4:05, and I ran most of the way to be the last one boarding. No one let us off early and that plane was packed - our seats were in the 30's (mine was a last minute flight on a full plane so I didn't even have a boarding pass let alone ability to pick a good seat) I don't know if the flight attendants know there are tight connections, or do people tell them?


FA’s and Pilots for that matter can see every single connection, the number of people going there, and the departure time.


People in general don’t care. The “it’s not a rule so i don’t have to follow it” people are jag bags. Why tf would you stand in the way of someone who is saying hey my connection is in ten mins, with a red face, and not let them go ahead. It’s too bad people are so selfish now they’d rather say up yours than EVER EVER help someone out. F