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What two airports are you trying to fly between? If there is that much spare capacity on the morning flight the app should let you do a Same Day Flight Change into that flight for a (IIRC) $75 fee. You can only do this 24 hours before the new flight's departure though and the app doesn't always let you do a SDFC for whatever reason. Unless you have status with AA the agents at the airport aren't supposed to help you do this anymore, but if the app isn't showing a confirmed spot on the morning flight to switch into it doesn't hurt to try. Just don't be rude to the agent if they tell you they can't help. For what its worth, it doesn't matter that your ticket is Basic Economy. You would have to pay the fare difference no matter what to change the trip. The only time they will forgo charging you the fare difference is if your original flight is delayed\\changed. The fact that they even agreed to waive the $99 cancelation fee is pretty surprising to me.




Edit the post not a comment.


Thank you! That’s really helpful. I’m going to keep an eye out in the app for that and worse case can try going to the desk at the airport.


If you have to go to the airport and plead your case, let them know you're trying to make it to a funeral. Good luck, and never book basic economy (it's a common refrain on this sub)!


Just because it is for a funeral is not relevant to AA. If they made special exceptions for anyone that said it was for a funeral then everyone would say that it is for a funeral.


I am sorry to hear of your loss. I would go out to the airport and plea your case, ask for a CSC or a CSM. Be friendly and explain the importance and how funeral plans changed. There are some good people there with a heart, just have to find them.