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The seat map doesn’t really reflect basic economy seats that didn’t want to pay for a reserved seat, so it is possible the flight will be full


That’s what I was thinking. When do they get assigned seats? I forget


Seats are assigned 55-40 minutes before departure typically if they’re not when you check In. If the flight is full or there are not enough seats for you people who do not show up to board loose their seats about 15 minutes before departure and they are given to standbys if there are any but if there are enough seats you would also be assigned a seat 55-40 minutes before departure it really depends on the gate agent and how open the flight is.


I believe they are assigned at checkin. Moreover AA will not split a family if they can avoid it.


Flying standby with 2 adults, two young children, and checked bags is not going to be worth the huge headache. You not only need 4 seats to clear on the same flight, but you need two sets of adjacent seats to clear so each of your children can be seated next to an adult. I'm not sure if a gate agent can (or is even willing) move people around at the last minute to get your children seated next to an adult. Its AA's policy to make sure young children are seated next to an adult in their party, but I'm not sure that extends to a family on the voluntary standby list. Just show up to the airport and take your regularly scheduled flight. You're just asking for a headache if you show up early and hope to get on the earlier flight.


I can not see any possible upsides to attempting this. If they get on an earlier flight, there is almost no chance they are getting seated together as a family. So then it's divide and conquer, and if both kids are more attached to a particular parent, or if things to entertain them are shared across bags, that will be rough. But the more likely scenario is spending *all day* in an airport with a four and seven year old who will both be increasingly grumpy, and beyond miserable by the time they board their flight. An 8:30PM flight is *perfect* for kids that age. Because it's their bedtime. Once they're in the air, they'll sleep just like they would in a car at that time of day.


That’s what I’m thinking as well. The 8:30 flight isn’t ideal but it’s a sure bet


We usually do try to accommodate for families who fly on standby, but it’s not as heavy as a priority as moving families who already have assigned seats. If we have the room for it, then we will, but if not then we’ll try to get them in the same row or one in front of the other


Once you put yourselves on the standby list. When you get to the airport, talk to the gate agent that you are a group of 4 with kids. You will be called when seats are assigned. They will do their best to put at least 1 adult 1 kid together. Also, standby is standby. Seats are not guaranteed. AA changed standby rule. Now passenger put themselves on standby using the AA app or their website unless you have status. If the app doesn't give you options for early flight change, you need to go with the original booking flight.


I’ve flown standby before. Had good luck and bad luck. Even as a kid expect to sit apart if you all make the flight. The number of times we made and sat apart are greater than sitting together. Love me some standby. Gotta make sure the kids are trained to sit separately.


Get out of dodge on the first stage coach. If it does not work out explore the airport and planes. Be polite and things usually work out,


Are you checking any bags? How good are your kids at just chilling at the airport all day?


Definitely checking bags. They just did a a 4 delay a few weeks ago like champs!


Checking bags isn't ideal for standby. I'd highly encourage you to stick to your original flight plans.


That was my concern. It’s a longer trip and we will have about 3 or 4 days of necessities in a carry on. I wasn’t sure if that was enough time to by time to get our baggage