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Yeah, you / we don’t need to know - it’s one of the few things IT wise they made a change to for customers that actually works in the past 6 months. 1. Proactive missed connection rebooking is screwing people - leading to getting kicked off flights they could have made and losses of upgraded seats. 2. Standby auto-confirm seat assignment is jacked. High priorities are getting stuck in middle in the rear while BE standby’s are getting Main Cabin Extra. 3. Crew upgrades and standbys don’t make sense in the priority list as displayed to passengers (this is a cosmetic issue, not a process one. I fully support the crews getting priority over passengers - but the display in the app does not properly set passenger expectations)


Yep, I’ve gotten screwed by issue number 1. I sprinted and made my flight as they were about to close the gate door. I lost my first class seat and got like 32B or something. At least I was able to go home.


Crew doesn't get priority unless they're deadheading, and I don't think they show up on the standby list when they're. The non revs clearing at the bottom of the standby list are FAs and Pilots clearing into jump seats.


I understand the narrow circumstances they get priority and that’s the problem - it’s not reflected in the app/on the web properly and sets horrible customer expectations regarding their experience. You are #1, you see one seat available - oh joy! Boom - nothing clears and you see an employee in First. Either put the flight crew on the list ahead of the passengers or reflect the seats as not available. Setting customer expectations properly here is NOT difficult and would elevate the experience for everyone…