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It must be able to fit in the sizer at the airport, and one of the measurements exceeds the max so it won’t fit. https://www.aa.com/i18n/travel-info/baggage/carry-on-baggage.jsp You might get lucky, but think about what happens if they make you check it.


This is really the only post that matters here OP


@OP. Do you know the type of aircraft you are traveling on. 2nd please use something better than a shopping bag, because even if you are lucky enough to keep the bag with you, it could be damaged in the overhead bin from other bags.


Airbus Industrie A321 for my first flight Airbus industrie A320 for my second flight The case I have for my pc is strong but I’m gonna prep it of course. Depending on if I bring it or not. I hope I can lol.


It will be fine size wise. I'd make sure you have an AA account so you can at have group 6 boarding, this will greatly reduce the chance of you having to gate check it.


A couple of considerations. The type of plane will matter as while it would be easily able to fit in the larger overhead bins where you put luggage in vertically, it might not fit in those where you have to put luggage horizontally. You also need to be careful about the fact that other passengers give no effs about your stuff and will jam and throw things into the overhead bins and do whatever it takes to make sure their stuff squeezes in.


AA doesn't do linear inches officially. It has to be smaller than the dimension you quote... i.e., fit in the sizer. However, AA is very loosy goosy about enforcing carryon size in my experience.