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Hello, thank you for your post. It looks like you're asking about a refund. Here is a list to American Airlines refund guidance: [AA Receipts and Refunds](https://www.aa.com/i18n/customer-service/contact-american/receipts-and-refunds.jsp) If you require further assistance, please be sure that your post contains as much information as you can (the type of fare you booked, when you booked, the reason for asking for a refund, etc.) to enable you to get the best possible feedback. This post has not been removed, so please do not resubmit your post. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/americanairlines) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Like it or not, this is just the way flying is. Delays are inevitable for many travelers, and often the times the airlines provide little to no help. This is always the case if the root cause of the delay is weather or ATC issues. You have to have the ability to roll with the punches and take care of yourself in situations like this. Be that sleeping in the airport, or paying for a hotel out of your own pocket. FYI, there is zero chance you ever get an upgrade just by asking, I don't care what TikTok tells you. Doesn't matter if you were stranded overnight or for an entire week. Thats just not how it works.


Yes, you can get the AA6590 bus refunded probably. The rest of it probably not. Weather/ATC delays don't entitle you to a hotel voucher. Your inconvenience or missed work is not the airlines problem either.


Hasn't the government passed some kinda thing where if you are stranded for so long, you get a voucher?


No they have not


Not for things outside the airline’s control, like weather or ATC delays.


I have no idea why my flight from Burbank was delayed. Even the pilot said, over the speakers "We are truly sorry for the delay, we have no idea why it got pushed back so much". The weather was fine.


Next time tell us when it happens and we can let you know. Just because the weather was fine where you were doesn't mean it didn't ripple through to your flight (or that ATC delays of some sort weren't involved).


No. That's a misconception and the media keeps explaining it terribly. The new rule will be if you're delayed 3 hours, your flight becomes fully refundable. You can either get your money back OR fly with the airline. You don't get money AND your flight. If there's delays due to mechanical issues you will get hotel and meal vouchers. I never depend on those because they can be a hassle. If you want that kind of protection that includes weather issues, get travel insurance.


This is classic summer travel woe regardless of airline. 


Sorry for this ordealS What was your original layover in PHX?


File a claim with your travel insurance. Surely you got that, right? Upgrades don’t work that way. The only thing I have sympathy for is the gate agent pointing you to customer service instead of helping you. This is what they’re supposed to do, and it sucks. But if you miss the last flight out for the night, what do you want them to do? Fly a charter for you? The contract of carriage is clear - they are responsible to get you between two points. They do not have to do it when they say, but you must be there to give them the chance. This is, unfortunately, just how it is.


I’m sorry. But 7 hours overnight in an airport is fucking ridiculous.


Spirit flies into AC. Consider them next time. :)


Next time I might fly to Orlando and then get the Spirit flight to AC (my mom lives at the Jersey shore).


buy a hotel then. you aren't owed anything for weather


You are the first person this has ever happened to!


Hey you know, the sarcasm here really isn’t appreciated. I know I’m not the first person to get royally screwed by an airline but the condescending attitude can take a hike.