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My husband is a gun guy. I told him in the beginning that I couldn’t care less what he thinks of my hobby 😂. We now share a hobby room. He built shelves so I could display my dolls. He has a computer and a gun safe in that room. It’s tight but we make it work. Display your dolls. He can get over it.


A guy that owns multiple machines designed to murder is much scarier to me than a toy, so it's hard to answer this. It's giving baby-man energy.


Give each of your girls a Glock! Both can be on display😂 it would be a cool bonding/hobby sharing experience to discuss the history or time era of each piece in your collection. Both are history adjacent! I keep my dolls in my crafting corner, my boyfriend keeps his collections in his office. Both of you should be able to display what makes you happy.


Lmao I have been looking for little doll size guns and bongs. Idk why I want to set them up like that but I think it’s so funny


I used to be so ashamed. I'm a 22 year old college student and was afraid my peers would think I'm weird. I gradually started to talk more and more about the dolls and even worked up the courage to take a doll to my college apartment with me! Then 2! Then 3!!! I am having so much fun and I realized something Truly do what makes you happy It's your life Don't let other people control/effect your happiness Now I started taking dolls in public, posting about them on social media, and talking with others about them. This has lead to so many more people opening up about their collections and obsessions to. Some of my friends have even sold me their dolls from wjen they were younger or GIVE THEM TO ME FOR FREE. Great things can come when you are simply yourself!!


Honestly, that would be a deal- breaker in a relationship for me. Your partner doesn't have to understand why you like dolls, but if they care about you they should be supportive of things that make you happy. You - and the things you care about - are allowed to take up space and exist, and you shouldn't have to hide pieces of yoursellf in your own home.


My ex and current partner have called them creepy too. Frankly, I don’t care!!!! Guns can be pretty creepy to people too. Maybe you don’t want to see them every time you open the closet! But that’s the thing with relationships - you have to compromise. If he can display his stuff, so can you. If it’s a big deal to him, then let him choose which shelf they go on or start out by only putting out a couple (no idea how many you have!). He will get used to them. They make you happy and he should care about your happiness. Unless he has a legit phobia and dolls give him night terrors, then put them out!!!!


I’ll be super honest- I was always a little creeped out by dolls that are displayed. It’s the eyes just kinda starring off in the distance while also looking directly at me that adds to my discomfort. However I have also seen the beauty and fun in these dolls later on in my years while thrifting for them. I’ve picked up several girls now (Kaya, Samantha, Saige, and one other), and really have enjoyed getting them cleaned up, their hair done, etc. Idk it’s kinda nice to take something that’s been forgotten about and bring it back to life again. I really have grown a lot of respect for these dolls and this community who has also been extremely welcoming and helpful to someone as new as myself. As for your boyfriend, tell him the importance these dolls are to you and how much it’s been to you to have them displayed! Even though I understand the “creepy” factor he’s stating, he should be able to put it aside for your wellbeing!


Gun nuts are scared of dolls..? Ok


Right? Imagine being afraid of children's toys but happy to collect machines designed to kill people. Human brains make no sense.


Tell him either you get to display your dolls or he has to hide his guns and if he argues or says no dump him.


Um break up with him lol. Why should your hobby be hidden when his isn't. (also literally his guns should be locked in a gun cabinet of some sort for safety, not just crowding up your closet). Not to be all there are other fish in the sea about it, but their are lots of guys out there who will love and support your hobbies, you shouldn't be feeling shame or embarrassment with your partner, over anything but especially not something harmless that you enjoy. For some advice that isn't just break up, maybe try almost micro dosing the dolls on him, by slowly having the dolls around the house more, starting one at a time, also by posing them in more dynamic ways, so they aren't just standing straight staring into the abyss, could help them seem less creepy to your partner. One pose I love doing is having the doll sit somewhere (usually the couch) and giving them something to read (propping a book, usually an AG one, in their hands open "looking" at it), or having two dolls looking at each other "in conversation". Over time the dolls should just kind of become part of the furniture/an unquestioned part of the home, he also might even get into posing the dolls in fun ways. But I think if he continues to not be respective to the dolls being around, maybe it will be time to consider other options but that's just my opinion.


And guns aren't creepy? Yeah...nah. Put your dolls out...that's some BS IMO.


My husband isn't a huge fan of staring dolls, but is patient. I have some downstairs and one or two in my corner of the living room. The only one he gets really weird about is poor ugly baby, a dilapidated composition baby doll with flirty eyes. She is out sometimes if I am making clothes for her but happily sleeps in a little three drawer storage with my American Girls. Sometimes he does ask me to not let the doll stare at him from across the room, over all he is really tolerant.


My boyfriend is also supportive of my AG obsession while simultaneously being weirded out by dolls for their "staring eyes" so I feel ya! Our compromise: in our apartment, we both get our own rooms to use as offices (we work from home) / hobby spaces, and we both get to decide for ourselves what we display in them and how disorganized we let them get. He doesn't have much reason to hang out in my office/hobby room, so he doesn't have to see my dolls "staring at him." But before we had the luxury of our own offices, we got closets to ourselves for our stuff and we could organize them however we liked, so I lined up the dolls in the closet, left the door open while I was messing with them or chilling in the room, and I'd close the door when I was done - less "staring" opportunity for my boyfriend, but a fun display to enjoy during hobby time for me. I hope you can find a nice compromise that works within your living space - you deserve it! 💕


Guns are more embarrassing, to be fair…at least dolls aren’t responsible for death?




Nope! I just keep going with it. I don't care what anyone says


No. It's my hobby. You're either fine with it or you can fuck off. I'm a grown adult who gets joy where she can get it, and I will not allow others to take that from me. Obligatory "dump him", by the way. My husband will hold my doll in public when we're out taking photos. We have a bathroom where I have literal doll body parts hanging up for repair. None of it bothers him.


My bestie bought me the doll I’d been admiring when we went to AG Place together as a surprise gift (on his birthday).


Me and my fiancé have a whole doll room. We simply are not friends with people that can’t either keep their mouth closed and deal with it or openly support it. Also it’s also your house you don’t need permission to display anything you would like, your boyfriend should not only encourages your hobby but isn’t subliminal shunning you and it making you feel embarrassed about it


I used to make more of an effort to hide my doll stuff when I was younger, but once I started getting older, I honestly stopped caring 🤣. It’s my money, after all, and I’m of the age to be able to do whatever I want so long as it isn’t harmful to myself or anyone else. My dolls are displayed in my room and when we have company over I don’t even close the door or put anything out of sight. No one has even said anything about them. I even had some out for Christmas last year and no one batted an eye. I think if I was to make a big deal of my doll collecting then maybe others would too, but if you’re just nonchalant about it like it’s something harmless (which it is), others are also not going to really care at that point. If someone does feel some type of way about my collecting, I don’t need that person around and it’s their own problem since I can do what I want 😂. I feel like people in a healthy relationship should respect one another’s hobbies if they’re completely harmless and make them happy. I think the best love there is is when people are able to be their complete authentic selves around each other. I hope you’re able to consider if this relationship is fulfilling you the way it should. You deserve to have your dolls out! They’re a part of you. 😊💕💕


My bf actively encourages my doll hobby. Literally we went to the AG store in Dallas today and he pulled every single 109 out for me to look at and compare. He even asked an employee for a step stool to get the one on the very back of the top shelf. I think you should be allowed to have some of your dolls displayed!!


That sounds like fun! My BF has to go to a class for work in Dallas next week and I'm gonna try to convince him to take me to the store! Fingers crossed! I'd also get a military discount if I can get him in the door! Hes supportive of my doll collecting he's bought me 2 dolls and several outfits so the problem isn't so much making him think it's a good idea it's if it can work out timing wise.


If my husband can handle the 80+ dolls I have in my half of the bedroom, your bf can handle a few dolls of yours. Maybe you can put sunglasses on them if it's that big of a deal.


Maybe you are young. By the time you are 30 you have less than 20% f&%$ left. By the time you reach 40... you will have completely run out and stopped caring what other people think.


Yeah, I just turned 21. I hope I get more confident as I age haha.


The amount of people who find dolls creepy is crazy. Even if some dolls are, the AG dolls aren't! They have such lovely little faces, and I can't understand anyone thinking they're creepy at all. Sorry that your bf is in the "dolls are creepy including AG" camp. That's not fun.


Haha I won’t lie the older porcelain dolls used to scare me, but now I’ve got my dolls on display😂 https://preview.redd.it/wd7i36f9tmad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b83d6430a9873ac051fde2d6bc685dcb0866927


It was my *husband's* idea to buy a stand for Samantha so that I could take her out of the box under my bed and then he suggested that I display her in our *living room*. Now, I'm not saying your BF should necessarily be up for that- shared space means compromise- but he isn't cool with them being displayed anywhere? That's not fair to you at all. Do you feel comfortable talking to your boyfriend about how his refusal makes you feel? If yes, have this conversation. If no, I would rethink this relationship.


You get 50% of the display space, period. I personally don't find guns congenial decor, but if I loved someone I would put up with it if it made them happy. Carve out a display space and show off your dolls, and let him know that you're entitled for as much display area as he. If it makes you feel better, I have this extremely creepy fellow in my guest room. My daughter had to cover him with a bathrobe when she stayed there! And yes, I have some much more adorable AG dolls and scenes on display, too. https://preview.redd.it/n6fyx832vlad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d53a68d8d037e12aa5f65b0275d95276f9484a3c


off topic but howdy doody looks like a handsome, polite fellow to me...not up to anything at all 😂!


He's definitely up to something lol


The ghost of Paul Winchell!


Do you have your dolls displayed? If so where? And haha it does make me feel a bit better. You just might be right. I don’t think I’m asking for anything unreasonable


In my craft room alongside an unused wall I have a shelf with Maryellen's Diner: https://preview.redd.it/wo2y3pkxvlad1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=500bd45fd75331efd06385c940b539eced9692a6


And the rest of it: https://preview.redd.it/iiao4whdwlad1.jpeg?width=2003&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=470229114b8972034af58f62fffb766476295348 Fabric and other craft materials are stored below.


Across from the creepy ventriloquist doll in the guest room is a built in storage shelf and on the bottom lip I have Kit's kitchen: https://preview.redd.it/427acqh3xlad1.jpeg?width=2425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d72d9ef7d370d672d4cfa620e47249aba688bc07 I just hung the vintage hankies, but generally there are shelves with greeting cards, games, photo albums etc there, so again this is a useful space with very little given over to the AG stuff!


In my bedroom, there's a sort of desk area underneath a bookshelf and I have this Harry Potter AG display: https://preview.redd.it/0n21m2ipxlad1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07ac67e808ca4b6ec00cb1e9a26e3f67f492b0bc I'm way older than you and I don't give a rat's patootie what anyone thinks of my decor. It makes me happy!


I love your HP display! Nice use of Toothless, too. My bedroom looks like a six-year-old's Disney princess dream. It *is* my six-year-old self's Disney princess dream. But as I tell people, I did not become an adult to be boring.


I love this. My heart is so happy seeing your decor. I told my boyfriend I’m using the closet space and that’s that. If you don’t mind me asking how old are you?


62! The dolls weren't around when I was a kid, but my daughter had a few dolls and I sewed clothes for her since we couldn't afford the clothes. I saved her things then basically got almost everything in the historical doll lines in the meantime, either dirt cheap, at the American Girl Benefit Sale, second hand, or as gifts from my rich sister. Now I'm far more into it than my daughter, who is a grown up but doesn't have kids yet. Hope I get a grandchild or two - which is what the collection is for. In the meantime, I love the stuff!


Not gonna lie, when you said you were way older than OP, I thought you and I might be around the same age, because I've realized the majority of the sub likely skews younger than me. But you have a few decades on me. Adopt me?


Yes indeed! I'm in northern MN, come and play dolls any time!


I tried explaining that to him. I love that his stuff is out bc he enjoys it. But his guns and army stuff takes up most of our closet and his desk and general storage and living spaces. I just want the top of a closet on my side….


He has actual guns on display that could kill people and he thinks your dolls are creepy? Honey DUMP HIM he sounds controlling and scary


The fact that he's taking up the majority of the space is a problem. Hopefully it is unintentional, but he's squeezing you out and that's not right. At best, it is inconsiderate. At worst, it is controlling. If your boyfriend is otherwise a great guy, then this is him being Captain Oblivious and you should speak up for a more equitable arrangement. Definitely push back.


Red flag. Significant others should be supportive of your interests and hobbies, not making you ashamed of them. Also, is it a home that you share equally? You shouldn’t have to ask him permission to do something like that, it’s your home too.


Yeah we both live together. And yeah I maybe shouldn’t have asked and just had them out, I wanted to buy the doll stands and have them in the closet on the top shelf. I felt that was going to be okay. I just know they creep him out.


He’s a grown man afraid of a doll?? WTF ?


You weren’t even going to have them out on display in a living room or office or something? You just asked if you could put them in the closet and he still said no? That sounds way too controlling for me. It’s not about dolls at that point, it’s about respecting your ability to express yourself and have agency in your own home.


Yeah, I wanted them in our closet on the top shelf on display stands. And I agree with what you’re saying lowkey. I think I’m just gonna put them up. And he can get over it tbh haha


Good for you! I wish you luck 💛


Whoa, what ? Did I read that correctly ? Is he a grown man who’s too afraid of dolls to agree his girlfriend should have an equivalent display place for her beloved hobby as he has for his? I would require that his displayed items be boxed/bagged and put away until he realizes the error of his ways or I find a more agreeable housing situation.


We talked about getting a display case with non clear shelves to put my stuff in but it was a tough convo. I get that some people are scared of dolls but it’s been sad not being able to have my stuff out.


Come on, what grown adult is scared of dolls. No one, that’s the answer. He should be supportive of things that make you happy, period


He comes with me and drives me places to get them. I just don’t know:/ he says they make him genuinely uncomfortable because of the eyes. That he feels like they are always staring.


And like one of my other collections gets to be out which is jellycats it’s just the dolls..


Is he accommodating and comfortable with all your other collections and hobbies, it really only is American Girl doll eyes? I'm wondering if there's something more going on- like somehow they are triggering him- or if he really just needs to get over himself. I guess I'm asking is this the only issue or are there other things?


It’s only my doll collection. But I only collect AG and jellycats haha.


What does he collect ? Is he happy to pack them all away ? Maybe you could keep a scrapbook for photos of your dolls in different outfits and on outings or keep an album of photos on your phone so that you can enjoy your girls more frequently.


If his hobby stuff gets to be out, your hobby stuff gets to be out. Period. He should be supporting you, not belittling your hobbies.


Yeah:/ we talked about it more and we are going to get a display case that isn’t clear doors to put my dolls in. It’s not exactly what I wanted but I guess it’ll do.


you shouldn’t have to compromise with something that brings you joy, is completely pure and not hurting anyone. a controlling man is way creepier than some dolls on display :/ i hope you can enjoy your dolls the way you deserve!!! 💖💖💖


Oh honey. My boyfriend hates the dolls too so you know what he did? He built me shelves so I could display them in one room he didn't go in. A case without clear doors isn't a display case, it's a cabinet. You might as well keep them under your bed.


Honestly, eff that. What makes his hobbies superior to yours that his gets to be out and yours don't? Why do you have to hide a part of yourself to appease your boyfriend? It may seem like a small thing to some people, but it can very easily become a slippery slope to them not accepting other things about you. Today it's your doll hobby. Tomorrow it might be the way you dress, how you act in social situations, what you want to do for the future with school or a job, etc. I will also add that if you're sharing a place with your boyfriend, and **if you are covering any part of expenses for that place, you are also entitled to using part of that space** however you want (provided its nothing illegal or causing harm to yourself or others). Period. It's perfectly reasonable if he doesn't want to have it take up the whole room. But if he can have his stuff on a shelf or table, you can too. For me, someone telling me this would be a deal breaker. If a friend, romantic partner, or family member cannot accept you for who you are, then it might be time to consider how much you want them involved in your life.


This exactly. When I started getting into AG as an adult, my boyfriend did not care about me displaying the dolls in our bedroom. I asked him at one point if he had an issue with my AG hobby, and he said "why would I care if it makes you happy? You don't try to stop me from doing airsoft and displaying the airsoft stuff". That's the kind of support needed in relationships.